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“Who, exactly, is running the country?” wonders Miranda Devine, noting that Joe Biden “can’t remember where he is or what he’s meant to be doing at any given moment,” and the presence of Jill Biden at a recent cabinet meeting. “Whether it’s Jill or someone else running the country, the bottom line is that we don’t have a functional president. This is a constitutional crisis.”
In similar style, Victor Davis Hanson observes Joe Biden “closing up shop at noon for his nap and early bedtime,” and Kamala Harris, the “incompetent and hopeless wannabe California radical.” That prompts the historian to wonder, “So, again, who or what now governs America?” and could our “real rulers be the stealth cabal of Democratic grandees and billionaire donors who arranged the Biden presidency?” Recent years have rendered key clues, such as the “The Obama Factor,” David Samuels’ August 2, 2023 interview with David Garrow.
In 2017, the Pulitzer Prize winner revealed that Dreams from My Father was a novel, not an autobiography or a memoir. “He wants people to believe his story,” Garrow told Samuels, “for me to conclude that Dreams from My Father was historical fiction – oh God, did that infuriate him.”
The Dreams author, Garrow wrote, was a “composite character,” and for Samuels, “there was something about this “fictional character that he created actually becoming president that helped precipitate the disaster that we are living through now.” On Iran, for example, “Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is. He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House.” And as the liberal Tablet editor explained, the control was far more extensive:
“Brett McGurk. Dan Shapiro in Israel. Lisa Monaco in Justice. Susan Rice running domestic policy. It’s turtles all the way down. There are obviously large parts of White House policymaking that belong to Barack Obama because they’re staffed by his people, who worked for him and no doubt report back to him. Personnel is policy, as they say in Washington. Which to me is a very odd and kind of spooky arrangement. Spooky, because it is happening outside the constitutional framework of the U.S. government, and yet somehow it’s been placed off the list of permitted subjects to report on.”
The “Biden-Harris administration” is the composite character’s third term, with support from allies such as CIA boss John Brennan, author of the 2020 Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad. Note the order in the subtitle. The CIA deals with foreign adversaries but the author first deploys against enemies “at home.” Brennan was signatory to the letter of 51 “intelligence community” heavyweights, calling the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian disinformation,” which he knew was untrue.
Brennan qualifies as one of those who “arranged the Biden presidency,” and like the composite character who selected him, Brennan is also an Islamist. He contends that jihad is “a holy struggle in pursuit of a moral goal” and had nothing to do with “violence” against non-Muslims, a view contradicted by 1400 years of history. For this pair, Islam is peaceful and benign, and the true terrorists are the domestic political opposition, people who respect the Constitution, and want the nation to be great.
Brennan lets slip that he was an Obama contributor, and “wanted to explore other ways to help him get elected.” Brennan told Clinton intel briefer Anthony Lake “there is something I really admire about Obama and I am interested in helping if I can.” Lake responded, “He’s the real deal, John, and it would be great if you could help his campaign by sharing your intelligence and counterterrorism experience.”
Brennan touts CIA officers as the “best experts in the world on al-Qa’ida,” yet the agency failed to prevent the events of September 11, 2001, the worst attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor in 1941. On the other hand, the CIA and FBI were successful mounting covert operations against candidate and President Trump. Brennan bundled the Biden laptop with the Russia hoax and that played a role in arranging the Biden presidency.
According to former CIA analyst John Gentry, author of Neutering the CIA: Why U.S. Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences, many intelligence officers have been involved in “anti-Trump activities.” And as the author notes:
“The activism receded markedly after Joe Biden became president in 2021, making it even clearer that the politicization of intelligence was aimed at Trump. While it is in remission, the changes in the political culture of some IC agencies that triggered the attacks on Trump remain intact, available for reactivation in the event of another serious candidacy by Trump or the election of another Republican president.”
A serious candidacy by Trump is now going on, so Brennan and company might be gearing up an October surprise or two. Also on the active side is former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, author of The Art of Power. In 2020 Pelosi was in Joe Biden’s corner but in 2024 she orchestrated Biden’s exit from the ticket. As the people should know, Pelosi, Brennan and Obama all boast Stalinist connections.
The composite character’s beloved “Frank,” in Dreams from My Father, is the Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who joined the Communist Party during the Stalin Era and dedicated his life to the all-white dictatorship of the USSR. For his part, John Brennan wanted a Stalinist to be president of the United States.
In 1976, the Fordham University student voted for Communist Party candidate Gus Hall. That disqualified Brennan for any intelligence job, but the CIA hired him in 1980 and in 2013 the composite character president tapped him to run the place. In 2020, Brennan deployed against domestic “enemies” like President Trump.
As Joshua Muravchik noted, Nancy Pelosi’s “Favorite Stalinist,” was Harry Bridges, a member of the Communist Party’s central committee and like Davis a de-facto Soviet agent. That was fully known at the time of Bridges’ death in 1990, but in 2001 in the Congressional Record, Rep. Pelosi described the Stalinist as “arguably the most significant labor leader of the twentieth century,” who was “beloved by the workers of this Nation, and recognized as one of the most important labor leaders in the world.”
As Muravchik recalled, Pelosi “delivered a similar encomium to another prominent Bay Area Stalin fan, Vivian Hallinan, whose husband [Vincent Hallinan] was Bridges’ lawyer and the 1952 candidate for president of the Communist-front Progressive party.” According to coincidence theory, these attachments have nothing to do with an administration known for show trials, imprisonment without trial, press censorship, and deploying the organs of the state against the people in the best Stalinist style.
In recent months there have been two assassination attempts against former president and current candidate Donald Trump, one nearly succeeding. After the second attempt, Joe Biden appeared on “The View,” swatting the table after Whoopi Goldberg compared Trump to a bug. Also after the second assassination attempt, Biden’s commerce secretary Gina Raimondo appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and proclaimed “let’s extinguish him [Trump] for good.” Raimondo claimed she meant “vote him out,” but the language recalled the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan comparing Jews to “termites,” and everybody knew what he meant.
According to coincidence theory, the assassination attempts are pure happenstance, and can have no relation to a Stalinist junta sending out signals to the Lee Harvey Oswalds and Ramon Mercaders now on the prowl. Under this junta, more assassination attempts on Trump, and violence against the people, would come as no surprise.
This type of article is very important. The traitors/criminals in charge have committed so many illegal and traitorous acts that it is difficult for me to remember them all. We have a few days left to change the direction of the country or the future is lost. Please write another similar piece.
I couldn’t remember all of the sabotage, felonies, sedition and outright treason this illegitimate administration has perpetrated to save my life. And they lie more often than Satan on his worst day. Projection, transference and reverse reality lies are their favorite types and of course, those are the most blatant and obvious lies possible. It’s like they live on Bizarro World and are just on Earth to make it as bad a place as they possibly can. The Bizarro character is a well meaning dummy but these people are flat out evil.
Look at what they’re doing to the victims of hurricane Helene. They stole over a billion dollars from FEMA and spent it on illegal alien scum to live high on the hog. They claim there’s no money left in FEMA but there’s over a billion dollars. And there’s trillions set aside for infrastructure that hasn’t been spent and infrastructure hasn’t been repaired at all for the last 3 1/4 years. They won’t help the victims at all, not even to provide body bags for the decomposing corpses of people’s relatives lying in the open. They won’t allow the National Guard to help. They try to arrest any private rescue groups and individuals who use helicopters and even drone operators who help victims. Electricity, water, food, clothing and shelter are all in short supply and many victims are suffering from extreme and long term privation.
Obviously, this evil administration WANTS white MAGA supporters and Republicans to suffer and die. Many of the victims are committing suicide because they feel their dilemma is hopeless. And they’re using their Dirtbagocrat fake news media to cover up as much of their crimes as possible and to spread disinformation the way they always lie and claim people like us supposedly do.
They’re irrefutably evil and they’re even trying to capitalize on the two hurricanes politically, which is almost beyond belief, even for those depraved scumbags. Heels Up Harris tried to call Governor DeSantis and use hurricane Milton as a campaign stunt but he publicly rebuffed her and shamed her, ha HAW. And bitch Biden said Trump is un-american and to “get a life.” What a nasty and contemptible old man. I keep hoping Trump will body slam Broken-Down Biden Vince McMahon style but with the intent to break one of his brittle Alzheimer hips.
Oops! Infrastructure hasn’t been repaired in 3 and 3/4 years. The trillions “spent” went into the bank accounts of the moneyed interests the D-Bags collude with, of course.
I voted for a Communist candidate myself omce, a candidate for congress, not because I wanted him to win, but to get away from the feeling that I was voting for Tweedledum or Tweedledee.
Voting to get rid of a feeling is decidedly female. I remember being told by my mother that she voted for JFK “because he was handsome.” The female vote is largely destructive of functional societies – the ugly truth.
Don’t believe me? Go to your search engine of choice with “U.S. map men only voting” and you will be amazed. You will also find stats of female-only voting, minority-only voting, etc.
I voted for Nixon because I liked his 5 o’clock debate shadow.
Actual chick here…and I agree with your assessment. I have no idea why more women are not taught and guided to THINK, rather than emote, but my parents were having no part of the spoiled, coddled girl school of thought,( I was the only girl out of 6 kids) and I am profoundly grateful that they loved me enough to protect me by inculcating the ability to THINK and reason, not emote and shriek and gossip my way through life. If our founders encountered many women of the caliber of those on The View and its audience, it’s not hard to understand why they withheld the vote from women.
JFK handsome” He looked like a human Jack o’ lantern.
Well if you are talking about the last election, 2020, I say you are spot on about the communist that are occupying the White House. If that’s what you wanted, you got it! No thanks from me for putting Dumb and Dumber in the White House!
“the constitutional framework of the U.S. government” seems to have disappeared without a sigh.
And the public has bent over and said “thank you sir may I have another!” Our founding Fathers must be ashamed of what America and its citizens have degenerated into.
Jihadi terrorists, Marxists, racist blacks and fascist pajama boys riot at will with government approval but the masses refuse to exercise their constitutional right and defend the country from the many tyrants in government, particularly the illegitimate, felonious and treasonous presidential administration.
I was wrong to doubt the many people who told me Biden was being controlled by Obama. I believed Obama’s low intelligence and character would not permit him to mastermind much of anything.
I failed to consider what I now know – the ruling elites use puppets in elected office and surround these puppets with useful idiots as well as highly intelligent operatives to carry out the destructive agenda.
Biden’s présidency and continued occupation of the office against the will of the people was the defining point that changed my mind.
My prayer is that people will wake up about Harris! If she is somehow wormed in, this nation is a goner! That means Obama will be serving his 4th term!
Brokeback Hasbeen Obama couldn’t control a four year old throwing a temper tantrum. Sure, there are former Obama apparatchiks in the cabinet of this illegitimate presidential regime but they concocted policy in Obama’s reign, not him. And Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden’s handlers are so much more extreme than Caliph Obama was that he seems like a Founding father in comparison.
Not to mention Obama has always been unqualified, incompetent and extremely lazy. He reportedly sleeps until 10: am, for God’s sake. What would he order them to do that they aren’t already doing, and then some? As far as I could tell, his only commands when he was Prezzy were oppress whitey, strengthen Islam worldwide, tax, tax, tax and make the middle class dependent on the government along with the welfare class. His apparatchiks schemed how to try and do that, not him.
And he isn’t half black. He’s a fraud and empty suit in every aspect.
People want us to believe otherwise but I don’t.
This article underscores what is patently obvious to all but those misinformed by the blob (led by those mentioned) and its media outlets.
Barack Obama. It is his third term.
Yeah, Brokeback Hasbeen Obama is a Machiavellian, criminal mastermind. That gawky dork couldn’t mastermind a game of checkers with a mentally retarded 10 year old.. He probably doesn’t even know how to drive and he’s going to secretly run the country from his palatial mansions?
None of the “leaders” you mentioned have “agency” to make policies or anything else. They are lifetime actors borrowed from “As The World Turns”. We can get a glimpse of where the power lies when Obama had to go to London bankers and get his instructions recently. And when Putin wanted to know if the US was involved in a mass shooting in a Moscow Museum, he called Obama directly and did not bother with the Biden squad. Look, reportedly millions of migrants have been moved into the US at the whim of Oligarchs who want a cheap labor force. No assent was needed from the electorate. Silicon Valley insiders tell me there is a struggle between Silicon Valley Oligarchs and the Pay Pal Mafia as to which cabal is going to run the country. The Siliconites are rumored to be behind the attempted assassinations. We don’t live in a democracy where leaders are elected. They are selected by a cabal of bankers and oligarchs. So, we live in an Capitalist Oligarchy. You already know this.
YES INDEED! You’re right on the money, no pun intended! If you’re not in this elite class/rank you are a bottom feeder. Just as the Bible says, “Don’t harm the oil and wine”
I may be a bottom feeder here but my next home will be a skyscraper, Hooray!
And how exactly does anybody know who Putin calls by telephone? Who would that supposedly be?
I live in Santa Clara Valley and the fake tech Tycoons (social media, corrupt search engines and mail order Shopping websites are NOT high tech) have a lot of influence over dumb people and the fascist already believe any lie that re-enforces their warped worldview, but they have no power over the public. Hell, Jack Dorky was forced out of his former position as CEO of Twitter before Elon Musk even came along, and now Musk owns the company and has remade it as X And destroyed Dorky’s legacy of left-wing promotion of all things Dirtbagocrat and the censorship of MAGA conservatives and other normal people. Some oligarch. Mark Zoiberg of Farcebook suppresses tens of millions of normal Americans who love their country and other conservatives around the world while he promotes left-wing lies and makes a lot of money doing it but has no power over the public. Jennifer Bozos/Andy Jizzy of Amazon of Amazon are richer than King Midas but have no influence over the public other than depriving us of Mike Lindell’s pillows. Oligarchs? Not hardly.
I’d go with whomever has the password to the teleprompter…
That’s Hilarious! Good one! 😂 Loved it!
The founders gave the vote to property owners. Not to men. If a woman became a property
Owner, she had the right to vote. With married couples, the male property owner lead the family in those days and voted. New Jersey was the first of many states to deny women the right to vote.
Wrong. Property owners weren’t the only people allowed to vote even though they were the overwhelming majority.
Fake Dr Jill sure isn’t running this illegitimate administration. She and fake President Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden are doing everything they can, which isn’t much, to sabotage Heels Up KGB Kamala. Jill loves the prestige of being the fake First Lady and is obviously furious that her disabled husband has been pushed aside by his handlers, who doubtlessly have enough information on his decades of corruption and outright treason to ruin him at any time, not to mention intimate knowledge of his stage five Alzheimer’s disease. Stage six is progressive debilitation to the level of absolute mental and physical infirmity followed by death, by the way.
Bareback Hasbeen Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand in front of one of his donated mansions if one of this servants made the lemonade and set up the stand for him. Sure plenty of his apparatchiks are key members of this administration but they don’t take marching moron orders from him. They’re a thousand times more extreme in their destructive leftism than he ever was or could ever hope to be. They’re the ones who contrived policy in his administration, not him. All he had was a phone and a pen to approve their schemes. And his teleprompter, of course. Not that he wrote a single one of his vapid and boring speeches. He’s always beenAnd half Iranian Valerie Jarrett was obviously the main plotter of the largesse and official approval he he gave the mullahs in Iran.
Every member of this administration from the President and his handlers to every single cabinet and sub-cabinet member is a multiple felon and outright traitor. This is irrefutably a criminal administration that breaks countless laws with impunity.
Reportedly, only an estimated 20% of vote fraud, cheating and corrupt bureaucrats have been countered by MAGA conservatives. The RINOs are colluding with the Dirtbagocrat scumbags, of course.
You people better pray that Trump makes the election to big to rig, as he says.