America’s enemies never stop scheming about the ways in which they can bring the United States down. China, our greatest external strategic enemy, already has a plan to gain control of America through the next pandemic and United Nations agency channels. The first stage of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accomplishing this was gaining controlling influence over the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO), which was achieved when the Chinese groomed Tedros Adhanom Ghbreyesus as a candidate and then got him elected as Director-General of the WHO in 2017.
The WHO’s misguided recommendations and harmful policy responses to the Covid-19 China virus included lockdowns and disruptions of holidays; school, church, synagogue, and business closures; social distancing and masking that retarded children’s social development—all of which led to economic contraction, bankruptcies, supply chain disruptions and inflation. That record doesn’t enhance the WHO’s trust factor, and its ability to deal with future health emergencies and pandemics. In fact, the CCP views the WHO’s COVID-19 policy results in terms of power politics rather than health care results. The COVID-19 responses are part of a test run analysis for the greater medical tyranny they may impose with the next health emergency or pandemic.
The second stage of the CCP’s gaining control of American health care policy is to forge an agreement between the WHO and its member states (including the U.S.) in which they all enter into a “legally binding” accord that would give the United Nations health agency the authority to dictate policies during a pandemic.
Admittedly, Biden may be compelled to turn over the sovereignty of U.S. health care policy to the China-controlled World Health Organization (WHO) because of the CCP’s preponderant controlling influence of the Biden administration. We know from the sworn testimony of Tony Bobulinksi, the former business partner of Hunter Biden, that the Biden family has been “compromised” by Chinese money. We know from the Hunter Biden laptop records that the monetary value of that compromise involving multiple Chinese deals was at least $31 million, which is significant bribe money.
This is all critically important because this week the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body is meeting to hammer out the final terms of a new “pandemic treaty,” the first draft of which was released February 1st. Biden supported a similar agreement at the World Health Assembly in May of 2022, but it failed. Now, Biden appears determined to sign the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the WHO that would give the United Nations health agency the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic—including approved treatments, government regulations such as lockdowns and vaccine mandates, global supply chains, and monitoring and surveillance of populations.
What is important to understand is that this two-track effort of the WHO with their pandemic accord and the World Health Assembly with their global pandemic regulations result in the laws of member states getting superseded. This means that enforcement would likely entail a worldwide medical police state under the control of WHO, and its Director-General Tedros. So, just who is Tedros?
Tedros has the profile of a tyrant, having been a member of the violent, powerful and corrupt communist Ethiopian political party known as the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). He rose through Ethiopia’s autocratic regime, first as health minister from 2005-2012, and then minister of foreign affairs from 2012 to 2016.
As Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tedros had extensive dealing with members of the CCP in overseeing huge Chinese investments in Ethiopia, including a $200 million office building project and eight industrial parks. During his tenure as foreign minister, Ethiopia reportedly borrowed more than $13 billion from China, which obligated Ethiopia to China and made the country a bridgehead of the Belt and Road Initiative to extend control and influence in Africa. The CCP employed methods of “elite capture” with Tedros, rewarding and grooming him for a successful election campaign for the office of Director General of the WHO in 2017.
What is troubling about this latest pandemic accord that the Biden administration helped plan is that it appears to have been crafted to circumvent the authority and role of the U.S. Senate—to provide advice and consent to treaties—by making the accord effective and legally binding immediately upon each nation’s signature, without being ratified by their respective legislatures.
Under the U.S. Constitution, health care does not fall under the authority of the federal government, but remains in the domain of the states under the 10th Amendment. When Biden signs this accord, that Constitutional protection may be lost.
This agreement calls for member states to implement “One Health” surveillance, which is so broad that it can include environmental, climate, or even agricultural emissions to be used in claims that CO2 or other emissions pose a health emergency. In addition, this accord opens the door to information and ideological corruption, which comes out of accord language providing for “design[ing] communications and messaging strategies for the public to counteract misinformation, disinformation and false news, thereby strengthening public trust.”
The specter of disaster for Americans seems obvious with a corrupt leader entering into an agreement with a corrupt institution. The majority of Americans are already at their limit with unaccountability from their own government. And remember Trump withdrew the U.S. from WHO, and Biden reversed that at the beginning of his administration.
The stakes are higher now, and citizens need to demand that this WHO pandemic accord be subject to the Constitutional constraints applied to all treaties. The tyrannical CCP and its highly controlled WHO must be denied any back door rule over the United States. And if America leads other nations will follow.
Scott Powell is a member of the Committee on the Present Danger China and senior fellow at Discovery Institute. His recent book, Rediscovering America, was #1 new release in history for eight straight weeks at Amazon. Reach him at
TruthLaser says
The Constitution is higher than a law of Congress, Treaties have been treated as laws. This Biden trick cannot be held above the Constitution.
Mo de Profit says
Only if they are not in power, getting any opposition through the courts system will take forever if they are in power and the “emergency” will take precedence.
M Waldier says
Yes, but “treaties” have sometimes been held by the Supreme Court to be above specific provisions of the Constitution. The plotters have been working on this for well over 20-30 years. We may not be as safe as you think. The Supreme Court has also made some decisions where Executive Agreements carry the force of a treaty. Not usually, but there is precedent. Again, the plotters have been working towards his for a long time while most of us have been asleep. They’re declare private ownership of weapons a “health crisis pandemic” and then “poof” to the 2nd Amendment, among other things.
Philip L horner says
Is McCarthy captured? Because impeachment is on the menu.
Mo de Profit says
The World pHarma Organisation is imposing this, China is the manufacturer of most vaccines and medical equipment and supplies.
The only way to defeat this is to reduce your obsession with medication, nature provides us with far more effective treatments than most of the medicines prescribed.
The most important medicine being clean water and fresh air followed by exercise.
Banastre Tarleton says
This is partly a result of the obsession with SAFETYISM by a feminised Nanny State
J.J. Sefton says
“Under the U.S. Constitution, health care does not fall under the authority of the federal government, but remains in the domain of the states under the 10th Amendment. When Biden signs this accord, that Constitutional protection may be lost.”
How? That’s kind of a semi-rhetorical question. And Marjorie Taylor Greene gets ripped for daring to suggest that national divorce is a crazy and dangerous idea.
Bette Solomon says
Excellent exposee. Keep up the good work!!
Andy says
This article keeps saying legally binding but the WHO has no authority over me, my country, my state, my county Sheriff or even my dog. They could try to withhold medical care but doing that is an act of war that would lead to succession. So by no means could one idiot sign away our sovereign liberty.
Paul says
Secession is the word you are trying to use, as I say come here and try that crap!
Anne says
The WHO has NO authority whatsoever. America is a sovereign nation. We have our own laws, and constitution. The rulers are trying to muscle us into the One World Government.
roberta says
Biden will without a doubt do China’s biding. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Consider it done. Love it or hate it, learn to live with it.
Steve Chavez says
HOW MANY COMMUNISTS, aka Democrats, aided and abetted the CCP since they always support our Enemy like the Vietcong/CCP/USSR, Sandinistas/KGB/CPUSA, Zapatistas/CPUSA, Castro’s/KGB/CPUSA, Iran/(D), Hamas/Hezbollah/CPUSA/(D)?
“CHINESE VIRUS” and they went ballistic, and it turns out The Orange Man was Right! The NBA bowed to their Masters. Big Tech bends over for their Masters.
Trace the history of these Democrats and you’ll find their Communist connection! THEY ARE THE ENEMY WITHIN!
Steve Chavez says
NOTICE that the Cities and States run by Democrats, towed the CCP line and shutdown businesses but left Made in China stores open!
Albuquerque, a Communist Mayor whose wife studied in Cuba and Nicaragua, and Communist Governor, La Pendeja, a (D)ictator that everyone is afraid of, and Santa Fe’s Mayor Alan Webber, a Communist dupe who allowed the removal of monuments and did nothing but a slap on the wrist when his Peaceful Protesters torn down a monument on the Plaza as police watched with stand down orders from the Mayor. AS THOUSANDS OF BUSINESSES ARE CLOSED FOREVER AND THOSE OPEN, HAVE NOT RECOVERED.
Over six-hundred restaurants, CLOSED. Others with shortened hours, close at 2pm, rooms closed, due to workers still on unemployment and encouraged to apply for Section 8 housing and EBT started by THE PARTY FOR SOCIALISM AND LIBERATION’S “CANCEL THE RENTS” which happened but is now just ending. Free rent for two years?
Steve Chavez says
HOTELS are barely having small conventions due to labor shortages. Our Communist Governor put a QUARANTINE order out that any visitors had to QUARANTINE FOR TWO WEEKS. Hotels just shut down and some are still closed with chain-link fences around them.
OUR DOWNTOWN was trashed after the Mayor gave a speech at the Peace and Justice Center and they marched downtown and broke store-front windows with the police given stand down orders. The Historic Kimo Theatre was about to be torched due to Swastikas on the top of the building with the Young and Naive DUPES not knowing that the symbols were Navajo and the Kimo built before the N-azis. The police stopped them and now the Kimo looks like a prison with metal grates on its windows. THREE PROTESTERS even tried to break into an ATM, the FBI, couldn’t find out who did it….. LIARS SUPPORT THEM!
Steve Chavez says
THE BIDEN’S ARE BEING BLACKMAILED and our corrupt Departments are letting them get away with it since their goal was to remove Trump and to hide their years long conspiracy against him!
The Truth is being told now? The Laptop? The Chinese Virus? Years of attacks on all of us and then this? No one cares now! “See… we told you.” THEY’RE LAUGHING!
Marlow says
I accept the rantings of no man who doesn’t believe in evolution. He probably thinks the ancient Chinese rode dinosaurs after surviving the Great Flood.
Intrepid says
Fine, don’t accept them. No one cares what you accept or don’t accept anyway. Your opinion just isn’t that important, although you want it to be with a pronouncement like this.
By the way it’s called the Theory of Evolution. Because no one has actually seen it in practice….except for you of course. But thanks for the little dig at religion. We all know you are way to “smart” to believe in such stuff. Why is it atheists always have let everyone know they are atheists?
I can’t exactly remember when a monkey turned into a man……do you? And please don’t say it happened over millions of years. Can you prove that. Did you empirically see it?
I think we can say empirically you are an example of de-evolution.
Marlow says
So, you believe that God created the world and all its animals six thousand years ago?
Intrepid says
Again the logical fallacy employed and as usual fails. What you have really said is that is what you think I believe.
I will tell you what I believe.
The universe was created at least 15 billion years ago.
Whether it was a big bang or something else has yet to be determined. Our galaxy sprung from that creation.
Our solar system is approximately 4-6 billion years old. In that period our planet was formed from the various dust and collisions that eventually became our solar system.
Our planet went from molten heat to an ice planet as it cooled. Eventually the ice melted as what eventually became continents drifted from one land mass to the continents. Oceans formed and life sprung from the elements that existed. They eventually moved to land and we had the various periods of life including the Cambrian, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and finally the age of mammals. The ages are known as the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Caenozoic. That’s a rough history.
People like you say it all happened by accident. So prove it, if you can. I have never seen a man evolve from a monkey. Have you?
People like me say it is God’s grand design. I take it on faith without disputing the science, which is always changing. Since the science is never settled, “proof” becomes malleable.
But atheists just can’t resist taking a swipe at religionists by using creation theory as a childish cudgel, especially when you don’t know anything at all.
Marlow says
It seems to me that you basically accept all the scientific evidence regarding the origins of the universe except evolution. I’m not sure I understand why. You weren’t there to see any of it or empirically observe it, so why believe it if that’s your excuse for not accepting evolution?
BTW, evolution doesn’t claims a monkey transformed into a man. It posits that monkeys and humans have a common ancestor.
Intrepid says
I accept all of the available scientific evidence re: universe origins which is based on the available facts, which are always subject to change.
The Theory of Evolution is just that….a theory, unsupported by any evidence because evolution really can’t be measured.
We used to base the end of the Dinosaurs on various theories until proof showed up of a monumental meteor impact off the Yucatan peninsula which created a crater 10 miles wide, the outline of which can still be seen on land. Scientists theorize that this was the extinction level event that doomed the Dinosaurs 66 million years ago. So I accept that until further proof shows up that it was something else.
So far there has been no comparable evidence that evolution is a fact. Since changes to species take place over millions of years it can’t possibly be correctly correlated. In other words there has been no “missing link” found. And most of the scientists pushing this fairy tale are the ones that hate God based theories anyway.
Since we now know how “reliable” scientists can be in the age of COVID regarding who gets canceled, and how far government scientists and those that rely on grant money from the government will go to keep the money train narrative intact, I’m expecting Margaret Sanger’s eugenics program to be back in vogue very soon.
Marlow says
The theory of evolution is a theory in the sense that the theory of gravity or the theory of relativity is a theory: It’s a proven fact. We can see evolution in action throughout the fossil record and can use DNA to trace back the origins of any species to their common ancestors, often with great success. Again, given that science has disproven the enture biblical creation story, I see no reason why you think evolution alone is some kind of terrible threat to your Godliness.
Intrepid says
There is no such thing as the “theory” of gravity or the “theory” of relativity. Both have been proven.
So far there has been no missing link found that proves that man sprang from monkeys. Until the scientists find one evolution remains a theory. Science….real science has not disproven the biblical creation story and the archeological record in the M.E. keeps becoming clearer all the time, much to the displeasure of the Godless.
Leftists like you and THX, and Marxists are the only people desperate to disprove the Biblical creation story because as long as religion stands it is the bulwark against the Godless Left. And that is what drives you crazy. And there is really nothing can say that will alter my thinking.
As for me I don’t really worry about a slew of hack, smug, atheist scientists running around living off of federal grant money, since they can’t go out and get a real job. I just think of how often they have been wrong on B.S. like climate change, vaccine immunity as opposed to acquired immunity, eugenics, Keynesian economics, etc.
But hold on to your leftist shibboleths. Maybe someday, when Communism actually becomes a viable economic system you will find that missing link. But don’t hold your breath.
Marlow says
There have been numerous “missing links” found–intermediate forms showing the branching off of what became homo sapiens from the branch that led to the higher primates. I’m sorry, but you just don’t know what you’re talking about here.
Science disproved the Biblical creation story the minute it proved the Earth was billions and not 6,000 years old. You don’t even seem to know the Bible very well.
And yes, there is a “theory” of relativity. It’s a theory and it’s been proven. The one does not negate the other, as you appear to think it does. Again, you’re obviously ignorant of basic scientific facts and indeed how science works in the first place.
I’m not an atheist, but you’ll continue think I am because you believe everyone who doesn’t worship God Emperor Orange Man is a godless communist.
Onzeur Trante says
I believe the Who agreement is what is called a fait accompli. There are no serious people in DC is why.
LogicalDad says
The problem with all rules, laws and regulations is enforcement. The system screwed itself with the pandemic, the people experienced the tyranny. What little credibility the US had is completely gone. Enforcing this WHO document will not go as planned, there aren’t enough enforcers to complete the job and the people will revolt. Besides Americans don’t like to be told what to do or how to do it. But, I guess they’ll find out soon enough.
Mo de Profit says
Idiots are STILL three years on, wearing face diapers, people have had the fear drilled into them, the World pHarma Organisation has done it once it will do it again happily. It will create another virus, release it and develop an even more deadly vaccine to be forcibly injected into all us evil white people.
The UN Agenda 2030 is openly calling for it and they own the World pHarma Organisation.
Spurwing Plover says
We have even more reasons to tonally pull out of the United Nations and moved the whole lot to Moscow without America to finance these tyrants and despots Stop the Globalists
Vic says
I’ve always thought that bldg is better suited for low income housing.
All for kicking these freeloading entitled monsters out of the USA.
Arm up America, we got some serious house cleaning to do.
Walter Sieruk says
The title of Front Page Magazine article which reads “WHO Pandemic Treaty : The Back Door To CCP control over America” alone is rather revealing.
For Joe Biden is only the useful idiot ,and stooge as well as tool of the Communist China’s President /tyrant Xi Jinping. .
Likewise WHO might deliberately use COVID-19 pandemic as a means of political gradualism, under the guise of “The pubic health.” in the United States that would shift from government mandates and further government controls that would quickly fit into schemed agenda to establish a CCP type tyranny in America.
Just maybe ?
Of course ,this sounds alarmist and even far-fetched idea , nevertheless, no evil insidious scheme is beyond the sinister limits of the Biden regime.
Marlow says
Biden regime do bad things, he as what bad man, useful idiot with stooge communist China president COVID-10 FrontPageMag reveals to me alarmist may be far-fetched Biden evil.
Biden is bad president, me no like, makes me mad cos evil insidious, sinister thing that makes me wet bed, all over again, please mommy help me.
I think rather revealed of sinister Just Maybe? Biden do thing not right, scheme for CCP take over of tranny America makes things worse than when regime was not there cos now regime is n’t there with making mean things I don’t like, waaaaaaaaaaaaah
Anne says
The WHO, CDC, The Government, and Globalists have a plan to control the World’s healthcare. They are all working together for the Global Cause to control everything.
Walter Sieruk says
Those absurd WHO /Biden mask mandates attempting to control, manipulate people into the unnatural behavior of being forced to wear as a type an a “test” to observe .just how easily people can be mined conditioned and therefore controlled to accepted government tyrannical rule over the personal lives of its citizens. This is political gradualism.
Walter Sieruk says
The Communist state of mainland China has infected all the different nations of the world with the plague of the coronavirus.
Three appropriate terms for the coronavirus would be the “CCP virus “ or “China virus” or the “Wuhan virus.”
Anne says
The Corona Virus was part of the Great Reset. Times and laws were changed, without going through voting in the political bodies, and also the ability to have honest elections. with voter integrity. The laws were changed in precincts to enable them to use these machines and algarhythms to affect numbers for every candidate.