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The 25th anniversary of the Columbine High School Massacre was an opportunity for Biden and the Dems to put out statements blaming the massacre and the rise of school shootings on the lack of “gun control.”
“Since Columbine, over 400 school shootings – from Newtown to Parkland to Uvalde – have exposed over 370,000 students to the horrors of gun violence. Students across the country now learn how to duck and cover before they learn how to read and write,” Biden claimed.
But why have there been over 400 school shootings since Columbine?
Why are there so many more school shootings now than there were generations ago when there were hardly any gun laws and certainly plenty of violent students?
That’s a question that you won’t catch Democrats or the media discussing. The answer is that we have school shootings because of Columbine.
The media’s irresponsible coverage of the Columbine High School Massacre turned the perps into celebrities. And it’s routine to look at the manifestos of school shooters and find that they model themselves on Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, who shouldn’t have become household names, but did.
That’s not on the Bill of Rights or on gun laws or gun manufacturers. That is on the media.
Even the most favorable pro-gun control position can’t ignore the cultural impact of the media here. And the honest ones don’t. It wasn’t the NRA, the AR-15 or the Second Amendment that convinced a whole lot of teen psychos that the way to get famous and take out their rage was by going on a shooting spree at school.
These are social contagions. Much like suicides after a celebrity offs themselves or the post office shootings that briefly made “going postal” into a now obscure reference from the same era.
The media is a delivery system for social contagions whether it’s school shootings or teenage girls getting themselves mutilated. And it’s no coincidence that both involve teens who are the most impressionable, the most unstable and the most self-destructive.
We don’t have 400 school shootings because of guns. We have 400 school shootings because the media saw a chance to use a horrifying attack to prop up a longtime political agenda. That agenda ultimately failed but a whole lot of kids keep dying because media apparatchiks turned two teen psychos into stars.
The blood of all those kids is on the hands of CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, the Washington Post, the New York Times and the whole rest of the media gang.
Thanks Daniel! The Media gets into immature minds.
I don’t know about all that. The media are people too. The media are Americans too. The media are the product of our decaying and collapsing American culture too. The media are the product of our high schools and universities too.
The growing vulgarity, crassness, decay, irrationality, infantilism, hysterical emotionalism, and violence in American culture go way back to the 1950s and even before the 1950s.
When did the decay of American culture become unmistakably noticeable? When Marlon Brando turned the brute and rapist Stanley Kowalski into the anti-hero-hero. When the movie “The Wild One” appeared. When James Dean became an American, counterculture icon as a hysterical, emotionalist, teenager in “Rebel Without A Cause”. When the infantilism of Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry, the Rock and Roll Generation, took over American music and American culture.
When the philosophers, intellectuals, professors, and psychologists, are saying that reason is “limited”, “let it all hang out”, “holding in your anger is harmful to you”, to young minds, the young minds turn to their emotions and emotionalism as their guides to life.
“An emotion as such tells you nothing about reality, beyond the fact that something makes you feel something. Without a ruthlessly honest commitment to introspection—to the conceptual identification of your inner states—you will not discover what you feel, what arouses the feeling, and whether your feeling is an appropriate response to the facts of reality, or a mistaken response, or a vicious illusion produced by years of self-deception . . . .
In the field of introspection, the two guiding questions are: “What do I feel?” and “Why do I feel it?” – Ayn Rand
Atheism. … Both teens were atheists infatuated with socialist – neo-Nazism.
Whether they intended to be or not, they were both Satanists. They lived for that feeling of god-like power. I’m not sure the phrase, the “banality of evil,” quite covers it. In their case, it was more like the childishness of evil. Oh, look at ME, me, me, MEEEE!
And they hated the normal and popular teens.
Some media outlets have understood this to the extent of avoiding using the name and other details of the perpetrator. That’s a start, anyway.
Sounds like the Media are not to be blamed for Columbine itself. Are the Media not a sign of our times, rather than the source of violence? As vehicles for the proliferation of bad ideas, ideas that fuel violence–that feed the young into a state of blind compulsion–the Media are themselves instruments of real culprits: the bad ideas that have taken over the world.
The media spend ALL their time influencing people, usually for the worse. Dirtbagocrats ube alles, anti-MAGA, anti-Trump, pro-Diaper Joe, tranny tyranny, child grooming, DEI, anti-white racism, black supremacism, and so forth. Even media aimed at children are pernicious now, usually to an extreme degree.
History programs tend to be presented with a left-wing taint, if not downright ahistorical.
Even nature programs ALL push the global climate warming scam, even if it’s one about dinosaurs!
I notice the only media sources which are a good influence on people are conservative, Christian, Judaic ones or X, which Elon Musk has cleaned up for the most part. Even X is still filled with seditionist left-wing scum, though.
And yes, leftism is pernicious and evil.
The M.S. Media bottom feeders use terms like Gunned Down and Assault Gun and they always prefer to blame Gun Owners the Gun Lobby(NRA)Gun Stores rather t hen those who do all the shooting its just typical of the leftists Media Gutter Dwellers of the M.S. Media
And they always ignore and conceal the left-wing and tranny identities of mass shooters.
Most teens ignore TV news. A more distinct problem is the lack of news coverage when the perpetrators are Muslim–they get the opposite treatment.
I personally don’t care about the stupid opinions of teens or how they misinform themselves with social media. I didn’t even care when I WAS a teen. I don’t care about them as people either, because they’re extremely annoying.
And yes, islamopithecines have become the most favored and protected demographic by the media, replacing blacks, who are now number two. Just think of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando FL for a prime example. An islamopithecine blows away about fifty people, mostly gay black latins, and he gets all the media sympathy.
The perp called the police DURING the crime and told them he was an ISIS member and acting on their behalf. BO’s FBI told everyone it had nothing to do with Islam or ISIS. They said he was a gay man who killed 50 people in a “homosexual panic.” The Orlando gay community believes it to this day.
Scumbags and idiots. Omar Mateen, piss be upon him, even shouted “alahu akbar” over his phone call to the cops when he was blasting away at people.
The msm knows what it’s doing, and so do the dem politicians. That’s why they stopped commemorating 9/11, and they still commemorate it. It’s no wonder mass shooters are still referencing Columbine, and it’s all on them.
The most blatant example of the msm encouraging psychos to go on shooting sprees I’ve seen was the AJC’s coverage of a day trader that went on a shooting spree in downtown Atlanta. They gave that guy his own section in the paper with a half-page above the fold photo of him on the front. Smh.
The AJC also gave me the most blatant example of media polotical bias during the 88 election, with two side by side articles on Dukakis and Bush rallies. The dukakis rally was energetic, spontanious, genuine, intellectual, and heartfelt. The Bush rally was scripted, dull, jingoistc, cheesy, cynical, and fake. When one took the writers’ impressions and opinions (which weren’t supposed to be in a straight news story in the first place) out, they read exactly the same. Unfortunately, I wrote a letter to the editor pointing that out, so they never did it again(while I read the paper), and of course they didn’t print the letter.
Sounds like you caught them and they played cover up. At least they stopped, though. Not out of rectitude but they did stop since the last time you checked, so you did good.
The bias in the news articles was still the same, Jeff, they just never put them side by side, where it was so obvious.
My Aunt insists that it’s overpopulation: “You crowd a bunch of rats into a cage and that’s what happens!”
She probably read Paul Ehrlich error filled book THE POPULATION BOMB
Ehrlich is still alive and unrepentant, last I knew. What a douche bag.
It’s an overpopulation of rats.
Yes. Making celebrities out of school shooters certainly encourages copy cat crimes.
That said … it is a spiritual disease induced by the demoralization and destabilization of the nation by the Left.
… We do not love God … we do not love our culture … we do not love our civilization … we do not love our nation … we do not love our family …
and we do not love ourselves.
The real question is … why has the crime rate increased slowly and been concentrated in vulnerable minority populations and not exploded over the whole nation and all demographic groups? …
The answer lies above. Not all of us hate God, nation, family, or civilization …
… and therefore most of still have some residual love for our neighbors …
But the veneer of civilization thins like ice in the spring …
Is it just me, or has America become a nation of arrogant cynics? Lenny Bruce somehow became our national idol at some point in the last 50 years. Go into public today, in offices, grocery stores, libraries, no matter where you go, you’ll be sure to be swimming in a river of spoken filth. MoFo’s this, mofos that. And it just gets worse every day.
I admit I cuss a lot. All my girls have been streetwise blacks for years now and they cuss a lot so I’ve picked up the same habit from them. I don’t do it in public, though, unless I’m angry at somebody.