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Knock me over with a feather: it has come to light that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Mars), that impeccable and indefatigable patriot, through some incredible oversight or vetting failure employed an open and avowed Marxist as an aide. Now, if a sitting member of the House of Representatives had ever employed an actual member of the National Socialist (that’s what “Nazi” stands for, kids) Party, that representative would have resigned in disgrace and be looking for work today. But the news broke about AOC’s international socialist aide on Saturday, and the winsome AOC, a rising star in the Democrat Party, is almost certain not to suffer any political fallout from the revelation at all. After all, her friends in the House and the media are mostly Commies, too.
The New York Post reported Saturday that an ex-aide to AOC “is now working as a senior official in the New York State Communist Party.” Justine Medina, whom the Post features in a couple of photos looking every inch like a modern-day gender-bending hard-Left ideologue, “spent a year employed by ‘The Squad’ leader as a political organizer in 2020 and was paid more than $35,000 between February and November of that year, Federal Election Commission records show.”
Well, that isn’t much, but it’s the principle of the thing. AOC is a proud and unapologetic socialist, but so is Bernie Sanders, and when questioned about his socialism, Bernie insisted that what he had in mind for the poor old United States was the friendly, gulag-free socialism of Sweden, not the soul- and body-destroying totalitarian Marxism of the USSR or Democratic Kampuchea and the like. AOC would likely say the same thing, but the Post goes on to note that “almost immediately after the election, Medina began working as a full-blown Marxist. In July 2021, she was identified as ‘co-chair of the New York Young Communist League’ by the Communist Party newspaper People’s World. The same publication today identifies her as a member of the ‘Executive Committee of the New York State Communist Party.’” But maybe Medina got more radical after leaving AOC’s employ, right?
Wrong: “Social media records show Medina’s Marxist proclivities were in full bloom before and during her employment with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. ‘Well, I am a Communist, but work for AOC,’ she said proudly in a tweet from October 2020. ‘Communism is about equality, democracy, peace, the advancement of workers, the oppressed, and humanity in general,’ she added a month later.” Not quite. Communism is about lying to the people and claiming to be “about equality, democracy, peace, the advancement of workers, the oppressed, and humanity in general,” when it actually involves making all the citizens of a state into slaves of the government, having their wealth confiscated and all their productivity dedicated not to their own betterment, but to the benefit of the self-proclaimed vanguard of the working class.
Every Communist state that has ever existed has been a totalitarian hellhole where the authoritarian rulers terrorize the population into subservience while using the rhetoric of social justice and equality to hoodwink the naïve and unwary into thinking that their subservience is a necessary step on the way to the true socialist society in which all goods will be shared equally. Every Communist society has enforced its false claims about equality by means of a ruthless reign of terror that is designed to make the cost of dissent so obviously prohibitive that few will dare to step out of line. Medina even hinted that she had no problem with that when she wrote: “It is true the path there will be unkind to those who block progress, but Communism is good and should not scare you.” How unkind will it be, Ms. Medina? What form will this “unkindness” take? Do you dream of opening gulags and filling them with those hated “MAGA Republicans”?
The Post notes that “AOC follows Medina on Twitter and the two have posed for a smiling photo in the past.” Here again, the idea of any member of the House of Representatives posing for a smiling photo with an open National Socialist, much less hiring her on as a member of her staff, is inconceivable. But the Leftist political and media establishment doesn’t have even close to the same problem with international socialists. AOC, of course, would protest (if she were asked about Medina, which she won’t be) that National Socialism was a brutal, bloodthirsty, hateful totalitarian ideology that was responsible for the murders of millions of people. Yet international socialism is also a brutal, bloodthirsty, hateful totalitarian ideology that has been responsible for the murders of millions of people. AOC should resign in disgrace for hiring Justine Medina. The fact that no one will even call upon her to do so besides me is an indication of how far we’ve fallen.
Mo de Profit says
Sweden is not a socialist country, it is capitalist, and whilst it has some socialist policies it is a very expensive place to live, very expensive, with high taxation.
THX 1138 says
Sweden is a welfare state, mixed economy, it is socialism-lite, in other words the cancer of altruism-socialism contained and maintained as much as possible to its early and mid stages.
But observe the dynamics of that altruist cancer, by the 1990s the cancerous growth of the altruist welfare state had grown so ominous, the Swedish economy was on the brink of catastrophe and Sweden scaled back its altruist welfare programs to avoid the altruist self-destruction.
But a scaled back cancer is still cancerous, the Swedes did not reject altrusim-socialism and embrace rational selfishness-capitalism and so the cancer of suicidal altruism has grown back again to ominous proportions, this time with the suicidal altruism of its self-created Muslim invasion.
Kasandra says
Well, Bernie’s model isn’t Sweden, in any case. It’s the USSR. You know, the place where he chose to honeymoon during the Cold War. As I’m sure he knows, Lenin said “The goal of socialism is communism.”
Steven Brizel says
Birds of a:similar feather fly together
Enen a Vulture wouldn’t want to be close to her
Verneoz says
“Why AOC Should Resign From Congress in Disgrace, TODAY.” Radical Democrats and Marxists never resign regarless of their character flaws or moral falilures. The real danger is the useful idiots that keep reelecting them.
Angel Jacob says
AOC is the mouth piece of the evil squad.
THX 1138 says
So long as altruism and self-sacrifice are believed to be man’s highest moral ideal and duty and selfishness is believed to be evil you can not defeat communism or socialism.
Christianity prepared the ground for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind, the worship of the supernatural, the reliance on faith, and the reverence for altruism and self-sacrifice.
Wm. Layer says
Without Christian Europe there would not have been a modern world. Rodney Stark’s “Bearing False Witness” examines the discovery of capitalism in some detail as well as the very concept of individual liberty. You parrot the loathsome , tedious, and shallow Ayn Rand.
THX 1138 says
So my comments were not accepted? Why? There were no obscenities, no insults, no calls to violence, no quotes, and no links. The comments were philosophical and intellectual, they were serious and respectful.
So why were they not acceptable? Because the criticized religion? Because they point out the historical and philosophical connection between Christianity and modern totalitarianism?
FPM celebrates Elon Musk for opening up Twitter to free speech and rational discourse between different and opposing intellectual viewpoints as it shuts down that free speech on its comment board, what hypocrisy.
THX 1138 says
What is happening here? I post my protest and now my comments are visible once again, at least to me.
Site Administrator says
This is the umpteenth time we have explained this to you— as is stated *very clearly* at the top of our comments section:
In order to eliminate spam comments that have historically flooded our comments section, comments containing certain keywords will be held in a moderation queue. All comments by legitimate commenters will be manually approved by a member of our team. If your comment is “Awaiting Moderation,” please give us up to 24 hours to manually approve your comment. Please do not re-post the same comment.
The keywords that cause a comment to end up in the moderation queue are not inherently obscenities; they are simply words that are commonly used by the spam bots that flood our comments section.
For the final time: You are not being censored.
Site Administrator
Christopher Robert Riddle says
“Occasional Cortex”is IN OUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne-Marie says
Brain-damaged sociopaths hiring brain-damaged sociopaths… shouldn’t surprise anybody.
Andrew Blackadder says
Socialism is taking money away from those who have earned it and handing it over to people who haven’t.
Communism is against Human Nature.
TRex says
That’s why it only comes into power through the use of deadly force…or the votes of morons.