Can’t GOP senators think of a better use for their time than demanding that Trump back Qatar against the Saudis and Iran in Yemen against the Saudis?
GOP livid with Trump over ignored Khashoggi report – Politico
Good thing they share the same priorities as their voters.
Senate Republicans are fuming at President Donald Trump for telling lawmakers he would disregard a law requiring a report to Congress determining who is responsible for the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Colonel Plum with a candlestick in the attic?
Also, Fact Check, Khashoggi was not a journalist. He was a former terror propagandist, and a pal of Osama bin Laden, who was working as a Qatari lobbyist by planting pro-Muslim Brotherhood stories in the Washington Post, assembled for him by Qatar.
It could prompt even more defections in favor of a Democrat-led resolution coming before the House and Senate this month to cut off U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s civil war.
Fact Check, that’s the Saudi-led coalition against an Iran-led coalition.
“It’s not a good way to start the new Congress in its relationship with the Foreign Relations Committee,” said Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican on that panel, in an interview. “It violates the law. And the law is clear about those timelines. I’m urging them and I expect them to comply with the law.”
Congress doesn’t actually have that authority.
Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, a vulnerable Republican who faces re-election in 2020, said “the administration needs to submit the report,” adding: “There’s no excuse. They must submit it.”
I’m sure Colorado voters will really be keeping an eye on who killed Osama’s bestie.
“They owe us a report,” Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said. “We can make a fuss about it.”
Gardner said the Foreign Relations Committee “should take action” to force the administration to comply with the law. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), another member of the panel, said lawmakers “want to get more information from the administration than we’ve received so far. The president has to comply with the Magnitsky Act. He has not done so in a timely manner yet.”
You would think Qatar is somehow the Senate foreign policy priority, as opposed to destroying ISIS or checking China.
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