Nobody wants Joe Biden to run again in 2024. Or almost no one.
Among registered voters, 18% definitely want him to run again, 16% probably do, and 43% definitely don’t.
Only 31% of those who voted for him (the jokes write themselves) are willing to say he should certainly run again. 31% of those who voted for Biden don’t want him running again.
But the good news for Biden is that he hung on to his base.
Among black Dem primary voters, 39% say that he should definitely run again. Only 7%, the lowest number of any group, oppose him running again.
Black Democrats got Biden through the Dem primaries in 2020. They got him to where he is now. And if Biden retains their loyalty, and decides to run again, they could very well get him the nomination.
Remember that the white and Latino Dem electorates were backing Bernie Sanders more than any other candidate. Black voters handed Biden his victories. That and the failure of the Warren and Bernie teams to get together.
That’s why Biden keeps talking about running again.
While most people hate him, he’s retained the loyalty of black voters which means that unless he’s opposed by either a united lefty front or a black candidate who can win over black voters, he could be the Dem nominee again.
You can see why the party is coming apart.
Buttigieg, who polls terribly with black voters, isn’t going to fix this by running. Their bet then has to be that a black candidate can run against Biden. That or just accept defeat in 2024. I suspect that they’re moving toward the latter position.
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