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I’ve had a lot of jobs. No, seriously, A LOT of jobs. More than 80. I’ve done everything you can imagine, from roofing to being a busboy, from making sandwiches in a deli in an office building to being a press secretary in the United States Senate. I was even a “Merry Maid” for an hour – I filled out the paperwork, watched the training video, realized it was not for me, told the supervisor, and walked out. There isn’t much I haven’t done, and much I did for a very short time (I had an attitude when I was younger). I’ve quit, been fired, and stopped showing up. I skipped a week of work as a bartender at Red Lobster to visit my then-girlfriend at college, then went back, and no one said a word.
The one thing all my jobs had in common is that I actually had them. I can provide details about each of them – what the job entailed, where it was, co-workers, funny stories, etc. – because I actually did them. Kamala Harris hasn’t done anything of the sort with the “job” at McDonald’s, which makes me think she’s lying about it to cover for the fact that she grew up a wealthy, privileged child of two tenured professors.
Of course, we know Kamala grew up with money – both her parents came to the United States from the Third World to get their Phds., and poor families from the Third World can’t afford to send their kids around the world for an advanced degree, let alone get them the other degrees needed to get them in position to go for an advanced degree. The story is all part of the myth, and you only have to create a myth around yourself and your life if the truth does you no favors.
Growing up rich isn’t what Democrats want to hear, so you just lie. Kamala Harris “is from Oakland,” they say. But she isn’t; she’s from and grew up in wealthy Berkeley; she was “born in Oakland” because that’s where the hospital she was born in was. Most people born in Detroit in the ’70s and ’80s (and probably long before) grew up outside the city; it’s just that the city was where the hospitals were. Place of birth is geography; where you grew up helped mold who you are. Kamala wants people to believe something that isn’t true in an odd attempt to get credibility with middle-class voters she’s unable or unwilling to earn through truth-telling.
That’s where the McDonald’s job comes in.
A lot of people started their working lives at McDonald’s. Weirdly, it’s one of the few places I haven’t worked, but millions upon millions of Americans have. It’s an easy claim because it’s plausible – they’re everywhere and always hiring. And there is no more iconic job there than making the fries, which Harris claims she did.
But she has never offered a single shred of evidence to prove she did. This wouldn’t matter much if she didn’t make it the cornerstone of her professional life, a claim she repeatedly made in an attempt to identify with voters who otherwise likely wouldn’t be able to relate to a stuffy, rich kid who never had to worry about money and only ever worked for government after getting her start in politics through an appointment by her boyfriend.
She’s never told a story about her summer at McDonald’s, never explained why she allegedly worked in a McDonald’s in California while living the rest of the year with her mother in a rich area in Montreal. Was she visiting her dad, who is still alive and she never, ever talks about (we don’t know why because no one asks) for the summer? Did the wealthy Marxist economics professor force his daughter to work at the absolute symbol of capitalism during their limited time together? Was he just really into irony?
These are questions a normal media would ask. Since we don’t have normal media, they aren’t asked.
Instead, you get tools in the media looking at the comment section for a porn website from 15 years ago to see if a guy running for governor in North Carolina posted anything offensive. It’s the comment section of a porn website; what are you expecting to find there that isn’t offensive? And who the hell knew porn sites had comment sections? The media demands that Donald Trump and JD Vance denounce that guy. Still, they can’t burn a single calorie to insist on even the most basic details about Kamala’s claims about herself, like where McDonald’s is located.
The Home Depot of media tools, the Washington Post’s Phil Bump, tried to look into it, if only to embarrass Trump. He couldn’t get a location out of the Harris campaign and couldn’t find a single human being to corroborate her story.
If someone I was waiting tables with was running for President of the United States or were the sitting Vice President, I’d tell the world. Or at least I’d tell someone, then the world would know. If they needed a story about how she made a salad with her hands without washing them or how we’d all complain about bad tippers, they could get them from me.
Weirdly, not a single human being has come forward to claim they worked at McDonald’s with the sitting VP of the United States. This was in the mid-80s, not 100 years ago, so the odds that Kamala Harris is the only living former employee from McDonald’s at that time is pretty slim. Where are they?
Bump couldn’t find them, so he stopped caring. Because he’s a douchebag, he concludes his inquiry with, “Another difference is that Harris, unlike Trump, has earned the benefit of the doubt on assertions that may not be immediately provable.”
There is nothing “immediate” about this; she’s been making the claims for months. You can easily verify where she went to high school; there’s a record and witnesses. The political boards her married boyfriend Willie Brown appointed her to, there’s public records and other members. Yet, there’s nothing and no one from that summer job at McDonald’s, the job that allows her to identify with millions of Americans, claim the middle-class status growing up she never actually had, and point out how Trump, as Bump put it like he was directly quoting a Harris campaign press release, “ever worked was for the private company that shares his name. He never worked on a farm or at McDonald’s. You understand the point.”
We do understand the point: Things Democrats declare to be true are true by the sheer force of the declaration. JD Vance actually grew up poorer than anyone else in the race could ever imagine and under harsh circumstances. But he overcame them through hard work and will, neither of which Democrats want to admit can happen, so what should be a story that inspires and exemplifies the American Dream is discounted and ignored.
What gets elevated is a lie about fast food jobs because the alternative would be to offer articulated policies for the future and explain why they haven’t even been attempted to be implemented over the last four years.
Kamala Harris serves up a steaming pile of BS daily, and she doesn’t even have the decency to ask if we’d like fries with that.
What troubles me, is that not one of her coworkers has come forward saying: “Yes, I worked with Kamala at Oakland’s 14th Street McDonald’s or the McDonald’s owner coming forward and proudly saying: “I hired Kamala on such and such date, she worked at my store at such and such address for X amount of years.” Nor have you heard Kamala naming the store and saying how long she worked and saying: “I worked with Sally, Billy, Missy, and Ted”
Here’s another possibility which might explain quiet coworkers:
What if she worked at McDonald’s as a front for selling drugs?
• Repeat customers who order a Big Mac, for example, get a joint and pay for it.
• Likewise, a Big Mac with small fries = two joints
• A Big Mac with medium fries = three joints
• + large fries = four joints
• A Happy meal = a lid
• and a Quarter Pounder = (you guessed it! ~)
I think the “Happy Meal” would be a completely different service from the gal.
I think this might be a case of “Stolen Valor” on her part since she is trying to look better than she is.
Fair point. “I’m just like you!”
Gag me
pfffttt ..••°°°
Not only has the vicious bitch never worked any entry-level job in her life (services rendered to a sugar daddy doesn’t count), she’s also never put in hours prosecuting hard court cases.
A few reporters are searching for these “going after predators” cases, and finding none. Pot smokers (exempting herself) got their sentences ratcheted up. That’s about it.
everything about this demon is fake cept her drunk ass laugh that shit’s real
You “drop” the fries.
You “do” your boyfriend.
Brian W
Hawk Tuah Harris DID work at McDonalds. She got her first promotion from working on Mayor McCheese’s mozz. stick.
That Ho’ has taken down more boxers than Mohammed Ali.
“That Ho’ has taken down more boxers than Mohammed Ali” now that’s funny I’m going to have to borrow that one when I’m allowed back on X after serving my jail time lol. Suspended for saying traitors should be hung, not one name mentioned yet it was harmful… whatever
Now now, the Hawk Tuah girl is real and actually quite charming. It’s an insult to her to compare the brainless, cackling, lying Harris to her.
Rim🦍Shot ~
|🥁 ,•°
The cracking kamal is not what America needs
But the cackling bitch is precisely what our enemies need.
Xi is fuming that his investment in Grifter Joe was truncated to only 4 years. (Afterall, he paid for 8.)
As the Border Czar, she carried on her McDonald’s tradition of a quick drive through.
Rimshot! 🥁
Good one. 🍻
Sorry, but I have enough mail-in ballots to shamelessly steal that one. 🇺🇸👍
(Like Al Gore, I’ll tell others that I was the inspiration behind the creation of that line.)
Who cares? We all know she lied, even the Leftist “media.” It’s a trivial point compared to everything else going on. That’s the problem with many on the Right. They allow themselves to get distracted by every little thing that pops up with these psychopaths. Focus, for God’s sake.
We all know Democrats twist the truth, tell half truth, etc. What she really meant is she worked the corner of a McDs. She probably did serve some quarter pounders. What do you expect a libtard girl to do? It was either on the corner serving QPers or the other place serving whoppers.
An incredibly disgusting female.
She even betrayed her prior alleged employer by serving up a Whopper
Didn’t she say she did fries?
My wife managed a McDonalds in the 90’s and said they liked to hire disabled and mentally challenged people. I think that part of being a good corporate citizen is hiring those who struggle to get employment when you have jobs they are capable of doing.
According to my wife those who are incapable of doing other work (including wiping down tables) are assigned to the fry station
Based on that assessment from my wife, I do believe that Harris did work at McDonalds
It seems like a challenge to campaigning democrats…..who can lie more???
Even in the VP debate, Tampax Tim claimed his kid witnessed a shooting at the local recreation center. Apparently that was a lie too. Which is astounding seeing at Tampie knew he was going to be asked about Tianimin Square (sp..who gives a feces?), which should have given him a heightened sense of awareness to check his story-telling.
At any rate, Kamala’s only ever been good for two, maybe three things…
The Demo-Rats come up with the most meaningless Slogans Hope & Change No Hope No Change and Build Back Better and its Worst
Aren’t there more important lies to focus on? I worked at a Wendy’s 40 years ago. How on earth would or could I prove that? I don’t remember any of the names of people I worked with and I’m sure they don’t remember mine. I would also not recognize a single one of them if I saw any. Yes, she’s a perfect example of the dems elevating the most loathsome people in the country to important positions, but this just seems like a really stupid issue to obsess about.
Employment is the great universal educator. It makes people who they are and what they’re about in many ways. Looking at Kamala, there doesn’t seem to be any sign that she’s done anything, anywhere, any time ever.
She can prove it. IF she worked at MacDonald’s she would have paid social security taxes on any income. So all heels up Harris has to do is sign a release to the SS administration to release her earnings. MacDonald’s has a UNIQUE NUMBER FOR EACH EMPLOER you see then all we need to do is match the codes.
She will never do this becasue she has NO WORK HISTORY prior to the job on Willie. Montell’s fluff-er wasn’t a paid position.
How about the fact that not a single ex-student at Columbia University can remember to have ever met or seen Barak Obama? Not to mention that Columbia was unable to locate his academic record either? And let’s not forget about his ‘official’ place of birth.
There are no more facts in the so-called Democrats politics, everything is pretense, fabrications, tricks, falsifications and lies, lots of lies. And the sad thing is that the people are so used to it that they don’t care anymore!
I worked at McDonald’s just a few years prior to when Kamala says she did and I can tell you she didn’t. Know why I know? Because at that time, all franchises worked the same way, all managers went to Hamburger University for training, all employees were called Crew Members and it was run like the army. Nobody just “did the fries”. Nobody was assigned to the fries. “Versatility” was the operative word that was preached ad nauseam. And there was no standing still. You looked for things to do if you had a moment of inactivity. If you were at the counter with no customers and you saw the fry station wasn’t full? Drop a basket and set the timer. Go wipe the counter top. Fill the shake machine. Timer goes off, somebody else might pull the fries and dump them on the stainless steel heating bin because you were doing something else. She gives none of those details. She never “did the fries” because nobody just “did the fries” and she never worked at Mickey Ds.
You are right. I happen to have respect for McDonald’s workers. I go there occasionally, only to buy coffee. As a septuagenarian, I get charged only ninety five cents, but I always tip a dollar on top of it.
Berkeley has no hospitals. People go to Oakland for care.
Social Security Administration would have a record of her earnings. McDonald’s doesn’t pay employees under the table.
a true summation of cackloharris would be what my father in law often said ” couldnt work in an iron lung ”
Harris misspoke, she actually worked for McDowell’s.
(RIP John Amos.)
Media do not do a deep dive on Harris’s claiming work at McDonald’s for the same reason they didn’t ask Barack Obama about the well established fact, he used to tell fellow college students and faculty that he was born in Kenya. The later was afforded time to possibly conceal evidence of actual birth venue, But we’re not supposed to question MSM supported narratives, are we?
Perhaps she never worked at Mickey D’s. It would fit right in with her inability to work at anything. Jes sayin’.
We’ve had 35 years of slick talking progressive grifters beginning with sex obsessed Clinton and Muslim obsessed Obama. But each iteration got steadily worse. They put up Hillary and she bombed out. Now they are scraping the bottom with the Biden/Harris team…..out and out thieves. Add a “knucklehead congenital liar” like Tampon Tim to this mess and they have nowhere to go.
35 years of the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens. 35 years of the Democrat/Communist/progressive lie machine, prevarication, misinformation and out and out theft. Getting sick of the B.S. yet?
It’s very simple. Expose them. Ridicule them. Throw them out, permanently.
Trump ’24 MAGA