If you reward criminals with fewer consequences, crime grows exponentially.
So mark January 1st, 2024 on the calendar.
Today January 1st 2023, a new law goes into effect. The law will leave a major impact on the state of Illinois and the city of Chicago.
In some circles it is being touted as “the most dangerous law in America.” All for good reason.
The new law closely mirrors criminal “reforms” that have now been in effect for two years here in New York. In short it seeks to “right the wrongs” of “unfair” law enforcement and to press its thumb on the side of those previously disenfranchised.
This is mostly just a way to say that the woke left is attempting to bring down effective law enforcement in another big state, create chaos, and further allow that environment of anarchy to bring about their culturally marxist ideals.
We’ve seen the pattern across the nation. Change enforcement of criminal codes so that actions that once were considered serious crimes to simple misdemeanors, refuse to prosecute, let criminals roam freely to terrorize once again.
In other words if you can’t get cities to defund the police directly, create such a difficult job for them that they more or less quit doing the job they do best: stopping crime and protecting citizens.
And while they’ve been very unsuccessful in getting actual police departments to lose funding, they have been moderately effective at installing DA’s who just refuse to enforce the laws as written.
And now a couple of states they’ve been most effective at getting “criminal reforms” passed and laws changed so that criminals en masse don’t have a healthy fear of committing crime.
New York led the way on this with its “bail reform” law that was passed by touting how fair it was to those who had been prejudiced by the system. Now a couple of years into it being law, New York is a crime ridden tenement smelling of weed, with blind assaults being committed on innocent bystanders, and rotating doors at the precinct booking offices where some criminals literally are being charged multiple times per day and are back out on the street before the arresting officer has finished their paperwork.
Chicago is already a far more dangerous city prior to the new law taking effect. Large swaths of its south side and even spilling into some of the southern suburbs there are places too dangerous to get lost in. Chicago experiences sometimes as many shootings in a single weekend as New York City would have in half a year under previous administrations.
The effectiveness of the NYPD has been the saving grace for NYC to have not drifted further into danger. Even so they are shedding personnel with more early retirements, burnout, and sadly to murder and suicide of police than they have in a generation.
Even though NYC is far off the mark of its all time worst years with more than 2000 murders per year, there’s still a reason(s) for why the rate is double or triple it’s safer years on record.
All Illinois needed to do was to observe the criminal reform law’s impact on New York, and they should have run for the hills.
Instead the woke, racially biased, progressive power mongers in Chicago city hall, and the Governor’s mansion pushed a worse version onto an already more dysfunctional state.
Proving again that leftism destroys and makes nearly everything it touches worse.
Don’t believe me?
The new law is so bad that a criminal under house arrest literally must be absent from his confined “home” for more than 48 hours before the police can do anything to find, and remand him into custody.
Do you know how far a hardened criminal can go in 48 hours?
Progressives in other states and cities — particularly blue ones — are readying efforts to implement similar measures.
One Illinois sheriff’s department officer observed that if police won’t deal with the crime, citizens will be forced to.
Given the amount of free flowing guns that are already in the hands of gang members that will now hunt enemies down—citizens will be forced to.
Sadly I don’t believe this will be a very happy new year for Illinois, Chicago or the citizens held captive to their idiotic leadership.
I pray I’m proven wrong.
CowboyUp says
“One Illinois sheriff’s department officer observed that if police won’t deal with the crime, citizens will be forced to.” – Yes and those same soros prosecutors that are refusing to prosecute violent criminals will throw the book at anyone who defends themselves, much less their fellow citizens from these predators.
Gamliel says
How are citizens going to deal with crime if they’re not allowed to have guns?
glpage says
Surrender or leave.
Ugly Sid says
Manos arriba.
Calzones abajo.
Bienvenitos a Chicago, la ciudad de las
hombras grandes.
k33j88 says
Does anybody speak ENGLISH anymore?
Lightbringer says
Perhaps it’s time to think about using the Fox-Piven Strategy on the left for a change. Just overwhelm the system with citizens refusing to be victims, and see where we go from there.
If they’re too lazy to file on the bad guys, the good guys have to be quicker and smarter. Don’t let them catch you. Leave the scene. Be Batman. And if you get caught take it to a jury who are on your side. But frankly, its your stupid mess and to heck ith those vote in such sops. Soros can’t vote for you. If you know BOB (bag of bones Soros is funding a politician, don’t vote for them. USE THE SENSE GOD GAVE YOU OR PERISH.
Steve B. says
Crime won’t go up, they have decriminalised crime so they can declare that their social workers have REDUCED crime not increased it.
Jason P says
Major financial firms have already moved to Florida since the crime has increased in Chicago … now expect an exodus of major proportions.
Dan Foster says
I mean sure you haven’t provided any sources but lets assume you are actually telling the truth. Look at Florida’s tax code and obviously weaker regulation enforcement. Those are the reasons why companies move.
Noah Andeark says
I for one am pleased that the residents of Illinois will get what they asked for, voted for, deserve.
Don’t forget the entertainment value of reading the stories in the morning, and especially on Monday after a weekend of “fun”.
Face it. Liberals gonna lib.
Steve B. says
Correction, they get what the voting machines are programmed to do.
Intrepid says
The vast majority of the crime surge will take place in those cities and states where guns are verboten and the prosecutors are Soros funded.
Liberals never learn. But they do whine and complain a lot.
Kasandra says
It’s not that they never learn. They are doing such things intentionally in order to destroy our existing, and in their view oppressive, society.
Mach1Duck says
The citizens won’t complain to their government if there is not rampant crime. Without complaints, the government cannot act to take away citizens rights.
Kasandra says
The article states, “All Illinois needed to do was to observe the criminal reform law’s impact on New York, and they should have run for the hills.” But it didn’t. So you have to ask why it passed this destructive legislation. IMHO, it is because the Democrats have become a far-Left party that embraces the idea that it will bring about a utopian new society of equality, peace, gender fluidity, the new Soviet man, unicorns, etc. But to do this it must first destroy all that exists. So they’re destroying our culture, education, science, medical care, civility, the military, the media, you name it. You see it across the board. And this legislation is designed to further the destruction. Accordingly, they saw the destruction that is being accomplished in New York, California, etc. and, instead of running for the hills, said “me, too.”
Angel Jacob says
The radical left needs their brown shirts on the streets to terrorize people.
KenPF says
If this is “the most dangerous law in America” you can bet that the Democrats want it that way; it’s not a bug for these people, it’s a feature. You can bet they did look at ”criminal reform law’s impact on New York” and they didn’t run for the hills; they said “We’ll have what New York’s having … bring us a double”. As for dealing with rampant crime, will “citizens will be forced to” do it? They won’t do a damn thing if the Democrats take away their guns. Even after MacDonald, Heller, and Bruen, it’s as hard to get a gun in Chicago as ever.
Yeah, we’d all better pray … very hard.
J. Keith Reese says
And we’re going to send these refugees to these crime-infested cities? Talk about cruelty…..
10ffgrid says
Crime rates are directly relative to democrat policies – in a bad way.
JCR says
Chicago is a sh*thole. I want to visit safe.
I lived in SE WI; Kenosha; I used to take the train to the City. With the kids.
Museums and such.
All walking distance from Olgilvie. (Metra Station.)
No more.
Our day-vaca money is moving north.
North of MKE. (MKE. Same Chicago problem.)
FJB & Barry too. The latter, started this problem.
Dan Foster says
Blogger admits law has already been in place for 2 years and crime is overall down.
Blogger jabbers about imminent collapse in Chicago.
Blogger picks both.
This is the supposed “purge law” which was merely ending cash bail for certain crimes. The judge would have to decide if the accused would be detained before trial or not. The accused couldn’t buy their way out by paying bail. Violent crimes were never included in bail reform that was a lie spread by the right.
The cops in New York hate bail reform because it was a money maker. It also put undue pressure on suspects to plead guilty instead of spending a year in lockup before any trial.
Ugly Sid says
I went through Basic in the sixties with a hundred guys from Chicago., half the company.
They were men with plans. They all wanted to be pimps.
One guy was serving time in Joliet. Illinois paroled him two weeks before his Twenty-sixth birthday, so he could accept induction.
At sixty dollars a month, you don’t price in the cream of the job seekers.
Spurwing Plover says
As long at the allow for counseling meditation classes in prison our release them early we will have a Higher Crime Rate and this Catch and Release stuff as well