One of the strangest portions of the angry old man yelling at us Tuesday evening — that is, Old Joe Biden’s State of the Union address — was when the putative president, his beady little eyes gleaming with rage and hate, shouted, “Make no mistake! If you try anything to raise the cost of frisizhnjubs, I will veto it!” That’s how Benny Johnson of Newsmax renders it. PJM’s own Stephen Green has it this way: “If we kjhdgfjhargijbrgiarg, I WILL VETO IT!” Whether or not they understood what the senescent figurehead was actually saying, the assembled Democrats loved this, and they jumped on their feet to give Uncle Joe a rousing standing ovation. It was yet another indication of how much of a totalitarian lockstep the Democrats, who are increasingly open and up-front about their authoritarianism, have already adopted.
BIDEN: "MAKE NO MISTAKE! If you try anything to raise the cost of frisizhnjubs I will veto it."
*Entire flock of Democrat clapping seals erupts in standing ovation*
This is so pathetic.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 8, 2023
WhiteHouse.gov, as always playing the role of the man at the circus who follows behind the elephant with a dustpan, doesn’t give the slightest hint that anything was amiss. It gives us Old Joe saying: “Make no mistake, if you try anything to raise the cost of prescription drugs, I will veto it.” Then we’re told that there was “(Applause),” as if it were a perfectly reasonable moment in an utterly normal State of the Union speech. But it wasn’t, and not by a longshot.
While “prescription drugs” is a plausible thing for Biden to have said, and roughly corresponds to “frisizhnjubs,” there is no way that anyone watching the speech without a written copy of Old Joe’s remarks would have been able to divine that “prescription drugs” is what he said. Twitter was full of guesses: “Brazilian jobs.” “Fish and chips.” “Virginian jobs.” And so on. One Twitter user observed: “Not even the subtitles could translate.”
The assembled members of the House and Senate couldn’t have known what Biden really said, either. Yet when Kamala Harris leapt to her feet, applauding at the line, so did the Democrats in the chamber, cheering Old Joe as lustily as if anyone who didn’t applaud would end up in the gulag. That was what the bizarre scene resembled most closely: Soviet apparatchiks applauding the boss, not out of any genuine enthusiasm for what he said, but knowing that a lack of applause would be taken as a sign of disloyalty that could mean losing one’s job, or even imprisonment or death.
The great Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn recounts in his Gulag Archipelago that at one conference of Communist officials, “a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). The small hall echoed with ‘stormy applause, rising to an ovation.’ For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the ‘stormy applause, rising to an ovation,’ continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin. However, who would dare to be the first to stop?”
No one dared, at least not for a good while: “after all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who would quit first!” The NKVD was the precursor to the KGB. And so “the applause went on — six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks!”
After eleven minutes, one man stopped applauding and sat down, and finally the rest could follow suit. But soon afterward, the man who had stopped applauding first was arrested: he had revealed himself as an independent thinker.
The Democrats of today regard independent thought in just as negative a light. Remember how they ridiculed the Republicans’ fight over who would be speaker of the House, as if vigorous disagreement and dissent were not only absurd but something of which Republicans should have been ashamed? The House Democrats were actually proud of the fact that conformity is ruthlessly enforced upon them, and that none of them dare to stand up to their leadership in even the smallest detail.
The Democrats all leaping to their feet and cheering when few, if any, of them knew exactly what Old Joe had said was symbolic of the entire state of their party today. They’re unthinking authoritarians, intolerant of the slightest dissent and fanatical in their conformism. Just like the Stalinists. Just like the Maoists. Just like all totalitarian societies. Is there not a single Democrat in the House or the Senate who will dare to stand up to their naked emperor? Apparently not.
Well noted. Thank you.
Just like trained seals
Comparing this circus of clowns is an insult… to the seals!
Not to insult baboons, but I don’t think it’s an accident that a pack of them is called a “congress.”
Did anyone check the video to see who stopped clapping first? That free thinking person should be our main target for a party switch or whistleblower 😊
The herd mentality among leftist fools on full display.
Reason & linear thinking are discarded by the latest group-think dictat.
To wit, when an affirmative-action idiot V.P. jumped up and clapped at incoherent babble from Sleepy Plugs, the DNC ship-of-fools dutifully did the same.
In order to explain that laughable. WTF moment, the lackluster affirmative-action press secretary read from her cards the next day, as that’s all that she & Sleepy are capable of.
You know leftists have abandoned critical thinking skills/courage as a whole, when their affirmative-action Supreme Court nominee was either too afraid or too stupid to define a woman – group think on steroids.
If any of you idiot leftists aren’t sure what a woman is; ask a conservative, or take Biology classes. (Hint: it’s not one of those sleaze-bags in fishnet stockings reading to 1st graders.)
Lemmings rushing headlong over the cliff comes to mind.
I wish they would all rush over a cliff and show no signs of life that the bottom.
It doesn’t really matter if anyone actually understand the statements of Joe Biden,
This is because Biden’s words are unimportant because he is a chronic liar.
To put thing in anther way “,Big Brother Biden,” is a pathological liar. So much so, that it must be a thoroughly ingrained part of his deceitful and wicked nature. Likewise, it may be called part of “his horrendously awful character.”
To the evil extreme, that If Biden tells someone “It’s raining outside.” That person would be to first look out of the window before believing lying creepy old Joe.
Those unthinking Joe Biden fans applaud his empty and senseless because they are mind conditioned to react in great admiration for Biden and his fool statements ,no matter how mindless his words he speaks are.
This is also phenomena that a socialist would call a reaction as a result of what in known as “group think.”
In this specific case it’s using that word ” think” very loosely.
Frankly, I had to look up the word “putative” when reading “putative president.” That was the most informative thing I have read all week–and it is so true .God Bless you for adding to my vocabulary. He certainly is a putative president!.
What a great article. Thank you!
Damb it, Tveit! Now I’m also gonna have to look it up. 😳
David Weber uses it a lot in his Harrington series, in similar political ‘leadership’ situations, or I’d probably have to as well. It does fit joe well.
Because it was all scripted and they knew when to applaud, not what to applaud for.
Because, unlike most of what he says, gibberish can’t be proven false.
The UN has given Standing Ovations to Castro and Arafat
Joe hasn’t vetoed any of congressional dems’ inflation causing money printing, borrowing, spending, and regulations, which raises the price of everything, including drugs. Typical of them to cause high inflation, then blame the producers and providers for the price increases. They did the same thing with the oil companies.