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As reports of Hamas war crimes, inhuman atrocity, and medieval Muhammadist brutality continue to stream into our consciousness, a steady parade of terror apologists bugle their inveterate support for all things barbaric.
We’ve heard unimaginably callous statements from The Squad, Ivy League students, and the “social justice” organization BLM regarding the manifold cruelties perpetrated on Israeli citizens. Hamas swine have carried out their diabolical tasks with a relish not witnessed since the genocidal mania displayed by Hitler, Mengele, and Himmler.
Then, as now, the usual suspects have appeared to offer their heartfelt support for the forces of tyranny and homicide. The New York Times famously lent the considerable weight of its commentary to the budding dictator and would-be second coming of Alexander the Great — Adolph Hitler. You’d have thought the Times learned a lesson with Adolph, but the Grey Lady’s sages swooned for the Iron Curtain and one of history’s most accomplished butchers, Joseph Stalin.
And, as the leading publication of record, the Times bore the banner of hate, racism, and bigotry for a media complex now completely devoted to the mechanism of statist propaganda. Hate for anyone guilty of naughty thinking; racism as a tool of political and social subjugation; and bigotry against any democratizing influence that threatens the hegemony of elitism.
Liberalism is legion — finding a host and corporeal form in the Democrat party, our institutions of “higher learning,” and in the legacy media. And, as Christ said speaking of another demonic spirit, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 9:29)
There really are only two worldviews. One view acknowledges the fundamentally fallen, depraved nature of man. The other views mankind as containing a spark of Divinity. Basically good, but prone to do evil as the result of outside forces shaping human nature. This is the fundamental presupposition of Utopianism which has spawned every totalitarian regime since the Tower of Babel.
Think about every “people’s movement” throughout history. The promise of heaven on earth, built brick by brick into a towering ziggurat of hubris, is always the same. If only we could construct a government with benevolent and supremely intellectual autocrats, we could bask in the light and comity of a blossoming humanity fostered by an enlightened citizenry educated, or as Hillary would put it, “deprogrammed” out of every vice. This is the simpering stupidity of liberalism. Sixty million murdered soviet citizens speak most eloquently to that point.
At the very center of the utopian model is the exercise of centralized power over a subjugated populace. The flavors vary, but it’s all the same slurry of empty calories and sugar. Democrats lust for bigger government because it represents movement toward the ultimate objective, their complete and total control, effectuated by their radiant intellect, and performing the necessary modulations of social control to optimize, support, and perpetuate the metabolic functions of the state.
Just as in the Matrix, liberalism’s Kingdom Come is an exalted state that utilizes individuals as batteries—a disposable and renewable resource in the service of its own biological function.
Hamas, and terrorist organizations like it, represent the exercise of sheer power, both physical and psychological. The anarchy it creates excites the totalitarian spirit and inflames the insatiable lust of statists who witness the transformation of the geopolitical space in real time. They are titillated by the destruction of democratic processes and institutions, and are pressed beyond measure by their exuberance—excusing the inexcusable in a frenetic attempt to publicly reconcile barbarism with their utopian vision.
The terrorism of Hamas is an opportunity to see statists for what they really are. Whether in academe, politics, or pop culture, they can’t help but cheer the slaughter and mayhem, because secretly, they’d blithely sacrifice whole continents to their benevolent, all consuming governmental god.
Make no mistake, they’d feed naughty thinkers wholesale into the furnace if they could only eradicate the people’s tool of power—the gun.
It’s no coincidence that Israel is the Middle East’s only democracy. An oasis in a sea of totalitarian Muhammadists. Israel is the repository of the Biblical principles that make the civil society possible, the fundamental social precondition for democratic republics. Israel is the political embodiment of the Biblical truth that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
America shares the same theological and philosophical traditions as Israel. Our founding fathers understood that man is fallen, bent toward evil, and never to be implicitly trusted with temporal authority. This understanding is the reason for the meticulous construction of checks and balances in our Constitution. It’s the reason we have enjoyed liberty and the ability to pursue happiness for over two centuries.
Liberalism maintains a view of humanity that is antithetical to what the Bible teaches. And, not coincidentally has produced social systems and political structures that have dehumanized and transformed the individual into a resource for the state to use and dispose of according to the capricious inclination of dictators and despots.
What they don’t want you to understand is that organizations like Hamas are, in their view, agents of change, catalysts in the struggle of the proletariat in a Marxist materialistic dialectic. Statism, Utopianism, and Marxism are all kissing cousins, and that’s why you often find them making common cause across the geopolitical spectrum. China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and other countries that make up the modern axis of evil share a commonality as ancient as Babylon—they hate the idea of the individual, created in the image of God, imbued with inalienable rights that supersede the interests of the state.
Why do liberals seem to love terrorism so much? Because the significance of the individual is less than nothing in comparison to their political ambition. Of course, they may not admit to themselves the staggering scale of their own inhumanity. But, that’s the whole problem isn’t it? “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)
Miranda Rose Smith says
I don’t remember the New York Times supporting Hitler, may his name be erased, and at one time, I did quite a bit of research, on microfilm, of their coverage of Nazi Germany.
Chief Mac says
Try man of the year 1938
jodyel says
That was Time magazine, not the New York Times.
I don’t believe they are affiliated with each other.
Miranda Rose Smith says
You took thr worfs right ofg my kryboard
Michael says
Either way, Hitler was Time Magazine’s man of year in twice.
Phil Williams says
Read The Tablet article from June 2, 2021. NYT’s Berlin Bureau provided favorable coverage of Hitler in the pre-WWII years.
Julia Lutch says
Steve Chavez says
I also don’t recall a Nazi being President of the USA and others in government during WWII.
The War on Terror and we had a U.S. President who is a Muslim and a Communist, same goes for his CIA head, with both of their jobs being to conduct operations against Muslims and Communists but they were instead aiding and abetting them. He then surrounded himself with the same and appointed them to head all Departments which were used to attack ALL opponents and who conspired in a coup-attempt against a sitting President and now the former President.
Do not be fooled by sudden Democrat support for Israel. They are only thinking of $$$ and Votes when most of them side with the enemy and front groups like BDS. University recruitment is high and they can’t let a crisis go to waste but they’re always on the wrong side of history!
Tony Whitehead says
A democrat/liberal/socialist is the lowest form of human life and should be eridicated!
léopold says
Le president musulman, Obama, s’etait cense converti au christianisme. Ses meilleurs amis et sans doute complices de ce mensonge étaient le pasteur noir Jeremy Wright, antisémite et anti américain, ainsi qu’un certain reverend dont j’ai oublie le nom, lui aussi férocement anti americains blancs.
De plus sa “conversion”, interdite sous peine de mort par l’islam, n’a provoque que des approbations, les islamistes ayant compris et encouragé la takkya .
L’icone a ete brisee par Trump, mais hélas repris de la consistance avec le vote truque qui a mis sa marionnette Biden au pouvoir. Mais il a ete visible que tout est dicte par Hussein Obama.
Beez says
Oui, c’est vrai.
Beez says
Everyone should know by now that BO is the de facto POTUS. He’ll do nothing to defend Israel.
internalexile says
Try “The Grey Lady Blinked,” by Ashley Rindsberg.
Jon Doh says
They DID employ a Stalin toady and apologist – Walter Duranty- as their Moscow bureau chief in the 1930s though mind you. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his coverage, virtually all of it lies as it turned out.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Oh contrare. Monsters must be remembered.
Someone said, ‘if we do not learn from history, we will be condemned to repeat it (history).
The fascist leftist fools tear down statues, ban books, insist on others using language they approve incl pronouns, all with the intention of manipulating reality to their own wishes but without understanding the cause of death of a civilization.
Fascist leftists today push peace with monsters without one iota of critical thinking.
Beez says
Someone was George Santayana.
Julia Lutch says
Sulzberger took the advice, warning Irvin that if he published “what you call `facts’” Sulzberger would sue for defamation and “give the reasons” why Enderis is a “useful and valued member of the Times staff.” Irvin wrote back: “what I call facts are facts. … Enderis has made no secret of his pro-Nazi sympathies.” Irvin added: “I don’t question the usefulness and value of Mr. Enderis to The New York Times. I DO question the right of the greatest American newspaper to maintain a pro-Nazi as its Chief Correspondent in Berlin in times like these.”
Quoted in The Tablet article by Laurel Leff.
Miranda Rose Smith says
According to Dennis Prager, it’s LEFTISM, not classic LIBERALISM, that produces the dehumanizing systems.
fsy says
The Left stole the name “liberal” way back in the ’50s or ’60s (or maybe even earlier). I think they don’t even use it much any more, preferring “progressive” or perhaps “woke”.
Beez says
The 1st “progressives” abandoned that term about 1920, then communists used it as a code word to identify each other.
Beez says
90 years later, no one really knew what the word meant which is why BO said, “I’m a proud progressive.”
Ben L. says
The Dems coopted the word after WW I because the label ‘Progressive’ had been damaged by all of the destruction of Progressive leaders of the era. Essentially, statism was on the rise and it peaked with WW II. FDR and company did the substitution IIRC. ‘Liberalism’ in its truest sense was Enlightenment-era stuff.
Our country’s founders were liberals. People just associate the latter-day German Idealism/ Romanticism progression into statism of the early 1900’s with it.
Hannah Katz says
Ironically, the leftists would be among the first casualties in a newly Islamic nation.
You can trigger a leftist by saying, “It would be great if our government was lean, efficient and honest.”
Phil Williams says
They always eat their own…it’s a sickness.
Fred Owens says
Amen and So be it.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
It truly is a sickness, suicidal. It lacks absolutely no forethought of consequence. Thus, they repeat, repeat again and again, ad nauseum, finally total collapse and death.
THX 1138 says
If man is innately depraved and evil then such a creature cannot be entrusted with freedom and liberty but must be shackled and ruled by a moral elite to curb his innate evil impulses.
If on the other hand man is innately good there would no need for government.
The reality is man is born innocent and ignorant, man is born TABULA RASA (a clean slate of any kind of knowledge) and with free will. Man is born with no knowledge of what is good or evil.
In a rational society such a being has to be politically and legally regarded not as innately evil or innately good but as an individual with his own individual moral character to be judged as an individual.
“Since man has no automatic knowledge, he can have no automatic values; since he has no innate ideas, he can have no innate value judgments.
Man is born with an emotional mechanism, just as he is born with a cognitive mechanism; but, at birth, both are “tabula rasa.” It is man’s cognitive faculty, his mind, that determines the content of both….
At birth, a child’s mind is tabula rasa; he has the potential of awareness—the mechanism of a human consciousness—but no content. Speaking metaphorically, he has a camera with an extremely sensitive, unexposed film (his conscious mind), and an extremely complex computer waiting to be programmed (his subconscious). Both are blank. He knows nothing of the external world. He faces an immense chaos which he must learn to perceive by means of the complex mechanism which he must learn to operate.
If, in any two years of adult life, men could learn as much as an infant learns in his first two years, they would have the capacity of genius. To focus his eyes (which is not an innate, but an acquired skill), to perceive the things around him by integrating his sensations into percepts (which is not an innate, but an acquired skill), to coordinate his muscles for the task of crawling, then standing upright, then walking—and, ultimately, to grasp the process of concept-formation and learn to speak—these are some of an infant’s tasks and achievements whose magnitude is not equaled by most men in the rest of their lives.” – Ayn Rand
Daniel says
Except man has the built in ability to believe in God. It’s in our DNA, and as such, will have morals.
Jon says
Ayn Rand never raised a family. Thus her understanding of human nature as basically good and only needing to be corrected of any “altruism” was completely naive.
THX 1138 says
Ayn Rand never claimed that man is basically good. Nor did she claim that man is basically evil.
She believed that man is born tabula rasa, a clean slate, with no knowledge of what is good or evil. And with free will.
But she also believed that truly evil men (sociopaths and psychopaths) are a minority in any society. Most men as can be observed NEED to be good or at least deceive themselves that they are good even if they are not. The vast majority of men need to have a healthy self-esteem, a basic sense of pride, a basic sense of being worthy of being alive.
That is the key to morality. Given a rational moral code, a moral code for flourishing on earth as productive human beings, the vast majority of men would choose to be moral.
If on the other hand you give men a moral code that leads to self-harm and self-destruction and you tell them that is the highest virtue a man can practice, you will turn them into cynics and hypocrites. Or suicide bombers and murderers.
Beez says
You conflate the social gospel with the Xian faith. That was a top-down, heretical doctrine of the 19th century.
Beez says
Ayn Rand was a malignant narcissist. She destroyed lives with no apparent remorse.
THX 1138 says
What lives did she destroy?
Goh Heung Yong says
She destroyed lives only in your malignant mind. Where is the reality to that ?
Paul says
Most children are geniuses until they start school; it’s downhill from there. Public education makes them dumb enough to go along with the BS with which they’re being indoctrinated. The perfect road to enslavement.
Intrepid says
Yet another incomprehensible Ayn Rand lecture that no one will read.
As for me….TLDR. I think I have some innate concept formation laundry to do this afternoon.
As always, it is astonishing how much ink you waste on this sad little woman. I guess you are bored with telling us to “kill them all”.
Angel Jacob says
The left is not just supporters of the criminals and terrorists, they ARE the criminals and terrorists who have infiltrated the US government. The exact same murderous, thieving, lying mentality.
They have compromised the law enforcement, the DOJ, elections system and the military.
It’s sad to say, but people are running out on options to fix it in a civilized manner.
Annie45 says
Your neighborhood begins to go bad. Muggings and
rapes go out of control. Police are very slow in protecting
you and family members. Filth and deterioration increase
exponentially. But you can’t move away because the State
only issues highly regulated travel permits – to reduce the
carbon footprint – for the good of all. Or you’re sick of being
allotted only sparse amounts of daily water, heat and
electricity – to protect the environment for the good of all.
Which is known as Private-Public Partnership on the part
of corporations and government (the State) – and the core
component of the UN Agenda 30 being feverishly worked
on at this time. You are no longer free to exchange the wages
earned from your labor for the services of a utility corporation
because they decide what services you’ll get – for the good
of all, especially the Earth. Think removal of gas stoves,
boilers and air conditioners is really “for the good of all”?
Think again.
As Mark Tapson says, your God-given inalienable rights have
been superseded by the interests of the State. Your rights to be
free and pursue what you decide will make you happy – not
what the State decides for you. ‘You will own nothing and you
will be happy.’
These tyrants love Hamas because it is a battering ram – sadistic
and inhuman – to help them achieve their goal of transforming us
into enslaved serfs.
Beez says
Sounds like the UK today.
Annie45 says
Self correction: ‘As John Nantz says’ (not Mark Tapson).
Truly enjoyed Mr. Nantz’s article.
terri abraham says
Thank you for this.. i printed it to read and share. People just are not aware of the many ways used by the left to influence us.
Atikva says
Leftists who have let themselves be brainwashed for decades without trying to question even one of the islamo-communist lies are not particularly bright. Add to it the notoriety, the feeling of being superior as ‘the enlightened ones’ and you have it. For Tlaib and Ilan Omar, it’s different, they are part of the takiyah jihadis and as such, rabidly antisemitic.
Paul says
And we’re allowing them, no, asking them to teach our children. I believe that makes us culpable in our own destruction/enslavement.
Atikva says
Right. More parents on America have realized what public schools are trying to do to their children and are opposing it openly, whatever the cost. We need more private schools to teach – not to indoctrinate – our kids. That should be a priority in the family’s budget.
As the link below shows:
the plan to tax women (the second half of the population) and break up the family under the guise of women’s lib was hatched decades ago. The process consisted of indoctrinating the children at an early age to accept their teachers as their parents and the State as their family.
David Elstrom says
Democrats are tyrants and love tyrants. They are pigs and prefer the company of other pigs. Filth with an affinity for other filth.
Daniel says
Very simple, Hamas mean death and no one loves death more than far leftists. They want to kill babies, the elderly, or pretty much everybody who doesn’t agree with them.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
The horror is so ghastly. Then these dupes in our Congress actually have the stupidity to go public with their own displays of hatred. They should be tossed out of our Congress today, maybe deported for their dishonoring of our Constitution. No more time at the Public Trough.
Paul says
Perhaps prosecuted for treason and crimes against humanity and sentenced to the legal punishment for treason.
Beez says
Treason, sedition, espionage, supporting a terrorist organization.
Edward Stillwell says
Maybe it is not so much that they Love Hamas, but that they hate Jews and the Jewish State, Israel. I would suspect that if Israel ceased to exist today these folks would find someone else to hate.
Ed Snider says
They love Hamas because Hamas hates the Jews for giving the world the Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule, the basics of morality, which is pure poison to Islam and the left just as it was to the National Socialists, and Soviets.
Edward Stillwell says
These “squad” members are first and foremost Muslim. This supersedes any other label that you can apply to them.
Anne-Marie says
The leftists’ unwavering support for barbarism is yet another proof (among many) of their turpitude and complete inability for rational thinking.
RS says
The fact is that Israel’s enemies will be destroyed, we’re looking at the time period of Ezekiel’s war, chapter 38 and 39. Those that destroyed borders will be destroyed themselves, because they’re left behind for the Tribulation. God is going to give them what they want and at the same time, Hes coming for His church and true believers, both Jews and Christians. Those that allowed and encouraged the invasion will have all the crime and chaos to deal with. (People reap what they sew.). God will repay….. what people do to others will be done to them…….and those who have plotted to destroy Israel. We can already see the harm to the cities.
1 Timothy 4:1 informs us that in the latter times men will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils., as well as scoffers in the last days. and the unbelief in the fiery judgment to come. 2 Peter 3::3.-6 The devil hates every institution of God.