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In the wake of the Hamas atrocities of October 7, the positive news has been this: throughout the Western world, heads of government, whatever their previous positions on Islam and the situation in the Middle East, have taken strong pro-Israel stances. Joe Biden called Hamas’s actions “pure, unadulterated evil.” British PM Rishi Sunak said: “The United Kingdom stands with Israel against this terrorism – today, tomorrow, and always.” French President Emmanuel Macron issued an “unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism.” The Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, the Brandenburg Gate, the Sydney Opera House, and Number 10 Downing Street, along with many other landmarks around the world, were alight in the colors of the Israeli flag.
And then there’s Norway.
Let me say that I love Norway, where I’ve lived for almost a quarter century. But its political, cultural, academic, and media elite are another question. All too many members of that elite proudly hold aloft the image of Norway as the ultimate “peace nation.” It awards the Nobel Peace Prizes, of course. More than any other people on earth, Norwegians revere the UN, which they actually take seriously as a noble guarantor of peace. Norway is also the birthplace of the academic discipline known as Peace Studies, whose founder, Johan Galtung, despised Western capitalism and liberal democracy and admired Stalin, Mao, and Castro. For Galtung’s successors, the greatest threat to peace isn’t tyrants or terrorists, especially non-Western ones; it’s armed democratic resistance to them.
Indeed, Peace Studies reflexively defends groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Hamas for even the worst atrocities, because they’re considered acts of desperation that are justified by their purported “cause” – the liberation of oppressed peoples from Western imperialism. Meanwhile, Peace Studies preaches that the Western response to such actions should take the form of dialogue, concessions, appeasement, submission – the result of which is always (presto!) peace. By contrast, if countries like the U.S. and Israel respond to events like 9/11 or the Hamas attack of October 7 with force, then – well – they’re the real terrorists and hence the real enemies of peace.
It’s no surprise, then, that while the U.S. and EU consider Hamas a terrorist organization, the government of Norway – whose elites have been schooled, to at least some extent, in the kind of thinking that made Peace Studies possible – has long been a holdout on that front. Even after October 7, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre refused to change his stance. And he kept refusing right up until the afternoon of October 11, when he finally buckled.
But even when he agreed to admit that Hamas was a terrorist group, he couldn’t leave it at that. First, he insisted on distinguishing between Hamas and the people of Gaza – the people, that is, who voted for Hamas to rule them. Second, he asserted that there’s a difference between Hamas and the governing authorities in Gaza – which is like saying that there’s a difference between America’s President and its Commander-in-Chief. Third, he affirmed that Norway will continue to send money to Gaza – while offering ridiculous assurances that it wouldn’t get into the hands of Hamas. Fourth, early on October 13, he confirmed in one breath Israel’s right to defend itself and, in the next, condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza. Fifth, on that evening, he announced that while other Western countries were freezing their aid to Gaza, Norway would in fact be increasing its Gaza aid by $7 million.
Støre’s position is at once vile and inane. But it’s not surprising. Like almost all leading Norwegian politicians, he’s spent his life as a member of a tiny urban elite who are bred to be world-class virtue signalers. This means sending massive amounts of “humanitarian aid” to certain African countries knowing that most of it will end up in the pockets of warlords. It means funding news media that routinely smear America – even though these Norwegian elites rely on American military protection, lap up American pop culture, send their kids to American colleges, and happily vacation in New York and Disney World. And it means, above all, being supremely self-righteous about the Israeli-Palestinian situation.
Many people criticize the left for playing moral-equivalence games between Israel and the Palestinians. You need never worry about such things when dealing with Norwegian elites: in their view, the Palestinians are, always and ever, morally superior to the Israelis. A few quick examples from the relatively recent past. In 2002, several members of the Nobel Peace Prize committee said that they regretted giving the 1994 Peace Prize to Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres – but not to PLO terrorist Yasir Arafat. In 2006, the internationally bestselling novelist Jostein Gaarder, author of Sophie’s World (1991), contended in a stunningly malevolent op-ed, “God’s Chosen People,” that Jews are “child murderers” who believe God has given them a “license to kill.” Did he say anything of the kind about Palestinian terrorists? Of course not. For his repugnant lies, he was applauded roundly by the Oslo cultural elite. And let’s not forget Norway’s most famous editorial cartoonist, Finn Graff, who made his name by routinely equating today’s Israelis with yesterday’s Nazis.
Finally, in 2011, Alan Dershowitz, who’d given talks about Israel around the world, was, because of his pro-Israeli stance, denied a platform by each of the three major Norwegian universities, which had recently hosted speakers presenting anti-Israel bile. “Only once before have I been prevented from lecturing at universities in a country,” wrote Dershowitz. “The other country was Apartheid South Africa.” Dershowitz noted that Norway’s then Foreign Minister – none other than Støre – piously defended dialogue with Hamas; I might add that Anniken Huitfeld, who was Foreign Minister until October 16, has long called for an all-out boycott of Israel, was quick, after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, to enter into naive, groveling dialogue with the Taliban about (of all things) women’s rights.
Then came October 7. While governments around the world hoisted Israeli flags, the mayor of Stavanger, Norway’s third largest city, refused to do so, even though she’d happily flown the rainbow flag earlier this year. Meanwhile Huitfeld urged the international community to maintain support for the Palestinians. On October 10, the prime-time program Debatten, aired on state TV, took on the events in Israel. The host, Fredrik Solvang, stated that “the background for the attack” was “Israel’s oppressive occupation”; he attributed the attack to “desperation”; and he quipped, “Violence breeds violence.” A Muslim guest agreed: Gazans “haven’t been heard.”
Another guest, Line Khateeb of Norway’s Palestine Committee, called Hamas’s invasion “a response to a 16-year blockade.” Asked about Hamas’s acts of terror, Khateeb cautioned that the word terror “doesn’t help.” Asked about Hamas’s charter, which contains reprehensible language about Jews and Israel, she told the host to “take up the charter with Hamas”; her concern, she said, was with “Palestinian rights” and Israeli “apartheid.” Yes, there were three pro-Israeli Jews on the show, including Conrad Myrland of the organization MIFF (With Israel for Peace). They corrected, among much else, the other participants’ grotesque calumnies about Israel’s “occupation” and “blockade” and pointed out that Hamas teaches Palestinian children to kill Jews and uses them as human shields. In response to these cold, hard facts, they got dismissive smirks.
That was Tuesday. On Wednesday, the evening news show Dagsnytt 18 focused entirely on ginning up sympathy for Gazan civilians. To top it all off, the Norwegian media spent much of the week celebrating Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who’s famous for traveling to Gaza, often with his colleague Erik Fosse, to provide medical help to patients injured in Israeli attacks – and to use his high media profile back home to paint Israel as the heavy. A member of the Red (Communist) Party and Palestine Committee – and a former member of the now-defunct Worker’s Communist Party, a fanatically pro-Mao group – Gilbert famously responded to 9/11 by defending Al-Qaeda’s “moral right to attack the USA.” He’s been praised by Støre and honored by the King of Norway.
On October 9, he and Fosse published an op-ed in Aftenposten defending Hamas’s attack as an understandable response to Israel’s “increasingly brutal and overt colonization policy,” which, they charged, involves “harassing” and “killing” Palestinian civilians. The op-ed, which repeated the bogus words “occupation” and “occupied” several times, was pure propaganda, blaming every Gazan problem on Israel rather than on Hamas. Replying to this mendacious screed at the MIFF website, Myrland exposed its colossal falsehoods. For example, was Israel stopping medical equipment at the Gaza border? No, it was inspecting it, because Hamas routinely hides military materiel in packages of medical equipment. Had Israel killed “more than 200 Palestinians” on the West Bank since January? Yes – terrorists.
Three cheers to Myrland. Yet how many Norwegians read MIFF’s website? How many elite Norwegians really care to hear the truth about the Middle East? On October 13 came the news that Gilbert and Fosse were on their way to Gaza, which Gilbert described as “the world’s largest cemetery,” “hell on earth,” and “an enormous children’s prison.” In response, hundreds of commenters on social media praised him to the skies: “Respect and love. What a man!” “What a social conscience!” “What a magnificent human being you are!” “You know what this is about, the civilians of Gaza!” “All good wishes to you and to the Palestinian people!” Never have I seen so many heart emojis.
This is how to win love from a certain sordid segment of the Norwegian population, which is as viciously anti-Semitic as it is privileged and protected. At a moment when Jews are undergoing their worst days since the Holocaust, the first instinct of these Norwegians is to kick them in the teeth, mock their pain, and lie shamelessly about them and their enemies.
The only hint of consolation here, and it’s cold comfort indeed, is to know that this state of affairs will – eventually – change. In time, the steady growth of Norway’s own Islamic population, which already has a deleterious day-to-day impact on the lives of many ordinary Norwegians, will affect the quality of life of even the country’s most affluent and sheltered elites. At last they’ll know what it’s been like to be an Israeli Jew all these years. Perhaps – heaven forfend – they’ll even find out what it was like to be an Israeli Jew in the days after October 7, and will repent profoundly of the callousness and cruelty they displayed during this terrible time. By then, alas, it’ll be too late for their change of heart to make any difference to anyone.
Lethal says
Why do Western countries give financial aid to Gaza? There are wealthy Arab countries – thanks to oil – who should finance them, if indeed they feel the need to.
THX 1138 says
The answer is the evil moral code of ALTRUISM.
“It is said that [Robin Hood] fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of his pity. He is the man who became the symbol of the idea that need, not achievement, is the source of rights, that we don’t have to produce, only to want, that the earned does not belong to us, but the unearned does. He became a justification for every mediocrity who, unable to make his own living, has demanded the power to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors. It is this foulest of creatures — the double-parasite who lives on the sores of the poor and the blood of the rich — whom men have come to regard as a moral ideal. And this has brought us to a world where the more a man produces, the closer he comes to the loss of all his rights, until, if his ability is great enough, he becomes a rightless creature delivered as prey to any claimant — while in order to be placed above rights, above principles, above morality, placed where anything is permitted to him, even plunder and murder, all a man has to do is be in need. Do you wonder why the world is collapsing around us? That is what I am fighting… Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive.”
— Ragnar Danneskjöld in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, Part II, Chapter VII
Intrepid says
Yes, because Atlas Shrugged matters so much these days…………….not.
I wonder, has it occurred to you that Western countries, including ours, when there is a Democratic/Socialist controlled government, give financial aid to Muslim hellholes like Iran and Gaza, not out of a sense of “something must be done to help these poor people”, or in your little world, altruism, which is really all you can ever think about. It is rather an unspoken desire to help them kill Jews, by proxy.
So we let the Muslims do it for the Leftists, like you. Which is why you give the Muslims a pass. God forbid you get tarnished with the outright Jew hatred badge. You prefer Objectivist style Jew hatred. you pretend to hate the Nazis, but you sure talk about them a lot.
It isn’t altruism that keeps Ilhan Omar and Trashida Tlaib in Congress. Leftism is inherently anti-Semitic and always has been. But it’s fashionable now. Not even Chuckie Schumer has the guts to confront it.
The the world’s oldest hatred, now unspoken hatred in the West, is still very strong but can’t really be spoken about openly.
So what do you do? You keep copying and pasting Ayn Rand screeds, as if that will accomplish anything. And you get to hide behind mommy’s skirts every day.
Robert Hagedorn says
There is no need to post any screeds. Capitalism and altruism are not mutually exclusive except in the eyes of certain believers.
The Confused Mind says
“Why do Western countries give financial aid to Gaza?”
I am going to think out of the tank and I will propose another reason: ….
Western politicians, corrupt politicians, give financial aid to Gaza because they are in the pockets of Arab petrodollar$$, and maybe too, because they are intimidated and scared of the terrorist acts that would be unleashed it in their own country (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, etc.) if they do not approve of their behaviour.
Michael says
Three reading recommendations:
Robert C. Davis’s Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, The Myth of Andalusian Paradise by Fernandez Morera, and White Gold by Giles Milton.
Michael says
Thanks to us you mean.
Thanks for setting things straight, Bruce!
Norway is indeed is awash with self-serving, nauseating NRK, TV2, VG and Dagbladet virtue signaling, portaying themselves and, by extension, Norway as the good guys, peace loving and all, while displaying a total disregard for the plight of Israel. They consistently go with Hamas/Gaza while our governing elites in Oslo spend billions of taxpayer dollars on Hamas and in Gaza (which is the same ting) and never cares even one iota about auditing any of its use…
In a wider context it is worth noting that Norway killed off the fourth estate long ago. The aforementioned media are all in the tank for the governing socialist elite (mostly the Norwegian Labor Party which has been predominant in Norwegian political governance since the second world war). The relationship between media and the governing socialists in Norway has long been so cozy and close as to make corporative states and banana republics everywhere envious, much like it was between Pravda and the Party Presidium of the USSR back in the day.
Steve says
Journalism schools in Norway are also dominated by Marxists, so they are a self perpetuating elite. A journalism student who believes in capitalism, rejects woke ideology forcefully, or who has any discernible sympathies toward Jews, Israel or Zionism will not go far. And the situation is almost as bad in the United States.
David Ray says
That’s because we have a cesspool of quislingesqe shitheads in government, academia, & media also.
Michael says
-ists, -isms, etc., generally speaking, are control mechanisms (emphasis added), that are meant to keep the keepers in power.
NYgal says
Don’t put all the blame on Marxists; the old fashioned anti-Jew hatred finds many outlets to thrive.
Sir Peter says
Never forget Norway’s contribution to the English language. QUISLING.
They have a long history of collaborating with barbarism
Mo de Profit says
“ Norwegians revere the UN, which they actually take seriously as a noble guarantor of peace. ”
And ignore the FACT that there hasn’t been a single day of peace since its formation.
The leftist elites who want Israel crushed seem to forget that it was the UN who ratified the agreement. They also ignore the fact that the UN Agenda 2030 is openly calling for the depopulation of all the western countries and that includes Norway.
Michael says
The relationship between the Norwegian and Arabs goes way back in time. The Vikings and Arabs (Islam) have been trading and slaving for over a thousand years.
Lightbringer says
Thanks for bringing that up, Michael. Yes, the Norsemen (“Vikings”) were very good at stealing Slavs and turning them into slaves for their Muslim buddies. Hence the etymology of the word “slave:”. They also stole anyone else who was handy, including Irish monks and Icelandic housewives. Beaches were thought of as places of terror for a millennium; it wasn’t until the British Navy destroyed the scourge that the Norsemen began that the beach became a place of relaxation and entertainment, in the late 18th century.
Michael says
I recommend reading Giles Milton’s White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa’s One Million European Slaves. This book, is just one of many. And, based on my research, there were many millions more…
HPJ says
There are always those ‘helpers’ , collaborators, who think that they will be spared or even elevated. They do not understand that tyrants usually get rid of their helpers and witnesses.
Gary Littwin says
Two points to ponder, Mr. Bawer: It’s just interesting to note that Norway’s media sounds a lot like Israel’s state media, with it’s eternal sympathy for a fawning over terrorists. The second it this; a bit of introspection on your part might be in order. You decry Norwegian hypocrisy in separating the Hamas from the citizens of Gaza who elected them. Maybe you should draw the same conclusion regarding the terror-loving Norwegian political elites and the Norwegians who elected them.
Chief Mac says
That was my thought as well. When I think of Norway quisling comes to mind. After world war 2 the Norwegian government gave pensions to veterans of the SS
Calling others Nazis is their way of hiding their own history
Lightbringer says
Scratch a Norwegian, you find a Nazi. It’s just there under the skin. The Swedes aren’t much better, if they are better at all.
Steve says
Hamas was elected in 2007. There have been no elections in Gaza since then- the Left is mute as a tomb about that as well. Still, to the extent that public opinion can be measured in a medieval, totalitarian society such as Hamas run Gaza, it’s clear that overwhelming majorities of Palestinians approve of Hamas and are probably even more virulent in their Jew hating. There is, after all, a clothing store in beautiful downtown Gaza called “Hitler 2”. The owner was interviewed on U Tube and said he chose the name because Hitler killed more Jews than anyone else.
If Palestinians could, they would murder all of Israel’s Jews a la Rwandan Genocide, and women and children would eagerly participate. And politicians such as Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Cynthia McKinney, Bernie Sanders and Barack Hussein Obama wouldl rationalize their genocide, as would the Norweigian media and Norway’s Labour, Left and Green Parties.
Arnold Holtzman says
The Hamas rapings of so many young girls at the music festival would raise no eyebrows in Norway. The consistently high number of Norweigan girls raped almost daily by Muslims has quite inured the population from shock at any level. The Muslims innocently explain that their Koran permits it.
The Confused Mind says
And, please, do not forget to add that the Chief of Police told mothers and daughters, when they asked him for protection from the barbarian-savages illegals raping them, that they (all women) should not go out after sunset – 5:00 PM.
Michael says
Hadith too, which is more important than the Koran.
Michael says
The Koran and Hadith permit anything that advances Islam — period.
BSmith says
Norway is overcompensating for its Quisling years of WW2.
Another outstanding contribution Bruce.
Sjam says
The ruling ethno-masochist liberal-left have instigated and overseen the ongoing demographic and cultural genocide of ethnic Europeans in pursuit of their no-borders, no-nation state “one -world” culture agenda. Their policies of non-European mass immigration and multiculturalism have been imposed on the people of Europe without the peoples’ consent; policies that have not led to social cohesion and community integration but to community segregation and cultural isolationism as witnessed in towns and ghettoised cities across Britain and Western Europe; policies that if the public wanted or consented to would not require the ever increasing number of draconian laws to enforce “multicultural diversity” on ethnic European populations.
Further the ethno-masochist neo-liberals across western Europe have acquiesced and even actively encouraged the colonisation of Europe by Islam thus sowing the seeds of its own demographic and cultural genocide on the path to “Eurabia”.
Muhammad said there was no (Muslim) migration without jihad….as witnessed on the streets of Europe….mass murder after mass murder!
Michael says
Let’s go below the iceberg. If you are Muslim, wherever you step past that which was considered Islam’s, is now Islam’s too. An inch, a foot, a yard, etc. Remember, according to Islam, we were all born Muslim (many went astray), and we were not born sinful, etc.
Michael says
That which your right hand possesses, was not just referring to mankind, but, everything.
Michael says
This is were (etymologically speaking) total, totalitarian ideology, springs from; everything we touch is now and always was ours – Islamically speaking, i.e., we are just able to take possession of what was always ours to begin with.
Michael says
Everything is and was Islam’s to begin with. Understanding the “mind” of Islamic thinking is key to defeating it.
Michael says
But, keep this in mind. Billions of dollars are spent on subverting the truth about Islam. So, my advice to you, is to keep this in mind while pursuing the truth about this totalitarian ideology, and the costs.
Mark Dunn says
I didn’t know Peace Studies was invited by a Norwegian. Back in the 1980’s, when I first heard of Peace Studies, after my initial shock at such stupidity, derision and scorn was the only option.
THX 1138 says
“Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.” – Luke 6:29
“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.” – Luke 6:35
“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” – Matthew 5:44
“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;” – Proverbs 25:21
“Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.” – Luke 6:29
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” – Matthew 5:44
The Bible is filled with pacifist, suicidal, self-sacrificial, altruist stupidity.
Intrepid says
Uh-oh, THX is getting angry again. He’s quoting the New Testament!!!.
And yet Christianity grows and Objectivism continues to shrink into irrelevancy. Personally, I love your New Testament quotations. They teach me how to be a better Christian.
Poor THX-adermy. Time for a new cloak of hatred to wrap yourself in. No one seems to be listening to your anti-Christian drivel. Do you really think you are accomplishing anything? As if you aren’t a pacifist. What are you doing to help the Jews in Israel? If I may quote you again:
*I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country. I recognize a moral responsibility to my freedom and liberty and the freedom and liberty of those I love.* — THX
Mark Dunn says
Context, context, context the first rule of Bible study.
THX 1138 says
The Sermon On The Mount is clear and easily understood. Jesus calls for pacifist, altruistic, self-sacrifice from anyone who wishes to call himself a Christian and gain entrance to the Kingdom of Christ when he is dead.
Christianity is NOT about pursuing self-preservation and personal happiness on earth at all, but about altruistic self-sacrifice for God, neighbor, stranger, and even enemies in order to gain Salvation, forgiveness for Original Sin, and entrance into the Kingdom of Christ when you are dead.
But today’s modern, secularized, Christians choose to ignore that and willfully INTERPRET the Gospel of Jesus any self-serving way they choose.
Because the only way to practice complete altruism and self-sacrifice is to commit instant suicide by delivering yourself to a tribe of cannibals as a meal. Gaining nothing in return.
If a Christian wants to live, if he loves this life on earth, if he wishes to pursue and achieve his personal happiness, here on earth, he has to cheat on altruism, he has to pay it only lip service, he has to interpret the literal meaning of The Sermon On The Mount out of existence.
Intrepid says
What makes you think you know what Christians need to live their lives. How effing presumptuous and arrogant of you. What you know or understand of Christianity couldn’t fill a thimble. So you pick a few quotes from the New Testament as if that proves your point.
It shows me you have done any real work in studying Christianity. You have simply cut and pasted Jesus’ quotes , no doubt from those idiot Objectivist writers and gathered them up into one notecard.
You are as intellectually lazy and stupid as the average religious bigot could be. You have absolutely zero class as a human being.
Intrepid says
He keeps those Bible quotes on his digital notecard so he can copy paste at will anytime he gets the altruism bug up his assets
David Mu says
And is also. in his own special way, as disgusting as the peace and social justice loon-tunes that woke around any thinking person with the mission work of a fool allowed far too much privilege/allowance.
Steve says
Norway banned Jews completely until 1851. It banned shehita (kosher slaughter of meat) in 1929, ostensively on “humanitarian grounds”- odd in a country that harpoons whales. Their titanic hatred for a people far away about whom they know next to nothing (there were never more Jews in Norway than Hamas could easily kill in a day) is puzzling, especially in a country that smugly calls itself a “humanitarian superpower”.
Viet Vet says
Whales aren’t human.
Steve says
The point is their purported cancern over animal welfare is as phoney as everything else they do.
Joseph Petrini says
Ethnic Norwegians will mitigate against the effects of Norway becoming a Muslim and ethnically Arab majority by converting to Islam, a process which I believe has already been happening. As disagreeable as that might be, is it not sensible?
Steve says
I’ve heard that. Interestingly, no complaints are voiced about the treatment of women or gays and lesbians under Islam by the Left. I have no doubt that many indigenous Norwegian women who convert to Islam (as well as Muslim immigrant women) bear the full brunt of Islamic attitudes toward sex roles, which are hardly “progressive”. The hypocrisy is that politically correct Norwegians would denounce a Christian fundamentalist cult (think of Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaiden’s Tale”) that treated women or sexual minorities as half as badly as Muslim societies habitually do.
THX 1138 says
Why Do Norwegian Leaders Love Hamas?
The answer is mercy, pity, and the self-sacrifice that ALTRUISM demands. Also, altruism leads the altruist to hatred of the good for being the good, hatred of the successful for being successful.
Altruism demands that we SACRIFICE everything, including our moral principles, for the sake of someone in need.
“This talk provides important historical context for the unfolding Hamas war on Israel and the reactions to it. …
the talk looks at the role of socialists and communists in backing enemies of Israel….
In analyzing this leftist role, Dr. Sotirakopoulos connects it to Ayn Rand’s unique philosophic concept of “envy,” or, the hatred of the good for being the good. Rand discusses this broader phenomenon in “The Age of Envy,” an essay reprinted in Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution. Also mentioned in the talk is Elan Journo’s book, What Justice Demands: America and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, which analyzes that conflict from an Objectivist moral framework.”
“The Left’s Long War on Israel” by Nikos Sotirakopoulos
Intrepid says
I guess you have talked to all the Norwegians and insulted them to their faces. Do you even know any Norwegians? You think you know everything about everything. The fact is you know nothing but when you distill everything down to altruism it’s easy to pretend isn’t it.
It is astonishing how effing arrogant you are. Maybe they simply hate Jews. Maybe they admire the Nazis. Maybe your pet affliction of altruism has nothing to do with it.
Personally your obsession with altruism and self sacrifice has completely damaged you mentally. Do you wake up in the morning thinking about your little peeves re: the human race?
THX 1138 says
“Should you be just? To the contrary, altruism insists that you treat people with mercy, rather than justice. If others are guilty of some wrongdoing, you should offer them absolution, not judgement. Treat them with pity in place of censure. Deal with people based not on what they deserve but on what they NEED.
Altruism’s attitude toward moral principles is sharply illustrated by the following. Some years ago, the campus of New York’s Stonybrook State University became the target of numerous fires, resulting in several million dollars of damage. It turned out that the fires were set by one of the university’s own fire marshals — who had previously been imprisoned for ARSON. While it is not clear whether anyone at the school knew of his criminal record at the time he was hired — he supposedly left blank the line on the application form that asked about criminal history — the university’s chief fire marshal said such knowledge would have made no difference in the hiring decision: “We couldn’t refuse him; that would be discrimination.” That is, it would have been UNALTRUISTIC for the university to be concerned about its own interests in keeping students and faculty safe from dangerous felons. It would have been unaltruistic to treat a criminal as a criminal, since the paramount consideration is supposed to be, not his character, but his acute need for the job.
An even more egregious example occurred at the Honeywell Corporation in Minnesota. There, an employee strangled to death a co-worker, his girlfriend, and was sent to prison for four-and-a-half years. Several weeks after his release the company took him back — only to have him murder another co-worker, who was spurning his romantic overtures. Explaining the decision to re-employ him, a Honeywell spokesman said: “The philosophy we have is that we don’t discriminate when it comes to hiring practices.”
It is true that employers may fear being sued for illegal discrimination if they reject such applicants. But the legal constraints themselves are simply the manifestation of altruism, of its mandate that we SACRIFICE everything, including our moral principles, for the sake of someone in need.” – “In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice is Unjust and Destructive” by Peter Schwartz
Intrepid says
I don’t think I’ll be curling up with old Petey Schwarz next to the fireplace anytime soon. If this useless pile of word salad is any indication, Objectivism is simply a useless exercise in how to be a bastard.
And you are the personification of a true bastard.
Your reading list must be a very depressing one.
Bruce Landesman says
Could be some kind of fond longing for their murderous, barbarian past as Vikings that makes them relate to the Hamas monsters.
Lightbringer says
They and the Arabs were best friends in the 8th through 11th centuries (the Viking Wars). Look into it — you’ll find it interesting. Including the etymology of the word “slave”.
Sword of The Spirit says
“Why Do Norwegian Leaders Love Hamas?”… probably paid off
Gary Hope says
Norway. WWII
Norway surrenders to Nazi Germany
Quisling become Prime Minister of Norway
Hence the word Quislings.
Viet Vet says
There are so many reasons why Norway is not a super power. Norway’s problem is it is populated by Norwegians. The NOBEL Peace Prize hasn’t had any credibility for many decades. For those many decades the criteria to win the Prize was one had to be a leftist or a Jihadist. I mean they gave Yasser Arafat the Prize for developing the suicide bomber. They gave Barack Hussein Obama the Prize for being a black muslim, Marxist Revolutionary and a Queer.
Ed Snider says
All of this hatred of Jews and affection for Muslims while Muslims have made Oslo the rape capital of the western world. I can almost understand your fondness for Norway and its culture, Bruce, but let’s face reality—the people of Quisling remain at heart shitty people.
Ruckweiler says
Vidkun Quisling, who was later executed, is the poster boy for Norwegian perfidy, it seems. Guess they’ve completely forgotten the wonderful Nazi control of their country.
Duane says
I imagine that a Russian invasion of Norway along with refusal of the UN to condemn that, would change some minds
Lightbringer says
A Russian invasion could be the salvation of Norway. After all, Russia is a deeply Christian, sort-of-Western nation and might teach the Norwegians some decent values. Though I doubt it; Russia would probably turn around and leave in disgust and let the Norwegians clean up their own mess.
Turtler says
As someone who worked in Russia for months and has a deep love of the history and my significant number of friends, I wish it were that easy, but it is not. Indeed it is at the point where in many ways Norway is less degraded than Russia is, and I do not say that lightly.
For starters Russia’s less deeply Christian than it appears. The Church had largely been slavish collaborators of the various governments for centuries (and even in the “Scientific Materialist” USSR more than a few pastors in the Moscow Patriarchate were prepared to sell out). That would be unfortunate but relatively run of the mill for history. What makes it worse is that at present the Moscow Patriarchate has been captured by a soulless KGB scumbag (“Kirill”) who has proceeded to rip apart hundreds of years – if not thousands – of Christian theology to justify the regime’s stances. In particular the claim that the war in Ukraine is more just than say the defense of Constantinople from the Turks or all but any other war and deserves an unconditional manumission of sins for any dying fighting in it (which is WAY further than even the corrupt, simonatical medieval and Renaissance Papacy claimed).
Moreover, it’s worth noting that abortion is more prevalent by at least s third in Russia than in Norway, 12 per 1,000 compared to 9.8 per 1,000.
And then there is Putin’s cloying pandering to Islamists in specific and Islam in General to try and make a grand alliance against the West, including boasting of mosque construction and allowing the Kadyrovs a defacto veto over much of Russian stagecraft. And it is a crime to “disrespect” the Quran in Russia.
These are heavy claims, and demand heavy proof, but I can do so.
ed says
Biden says one thing his action say another
He must go
Sir Peter says
Never forget Norway’s contribution to the English language. QUISLING.
They have a long history of collaborating with barbarism
John Blackman says
here in australia we have our own norwegian think abc left wing journalist and hamas gazan mouthpiece tom joyner . who called the massacre of children B S*** and blaming israel for the massacre on ” the occupation ” . we have arabs on the steps of the opera house screaming ” gas the jews ” with barely a word of condemnation from our left wing marxist prime minister , then our marxist foreign affairs minister penny wong voicing restraint by israel all the while donating 10 mill. to gaza so they can by more rockets . 10 mill. to israel to bury the massacred wasnt forthcoming . israel has no friends , they are on their own now hamas are blowing up their own so the deaths can be pinned on israel . the hostages will be killed and their bodies buried , never to be seen again . islam is a genocidal cult and there is no way to deal with them apart from complete annihilation . you can’t get twinkies from a cess pit no matter how much disinfectant you pour in .
Subject their people to mass murders and forced conversion to Islam. Globalists/UN don’t give a darn
jeremiah says
Quisling wasn’t so bad. Just misguided and ignorant. He understood what the Russians had done in the Ukraine and what happened to the Russian people under communism and hated them. He swallowed the lie that fascism, socialism and communism were different from each other, which of course they’re not. To him anything was better than communism the monster, even joining monsters to fight them.
On the following comment: They are descendants of the Vikings Bruce. It may be professional courtesy as much as anything, if it exists between barbarians.
“This is how to win love from a certain sordid segment of the Norwegian population, which is as viciously anti-Semitic as it is privileged and protected. At a moment when Jews are undergoing their worst days since the Holocaust, the first instinct of these Norwegians is to kick them in the teeth, mock their pain, and lie shamelessly about them and their enemies.”