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Have you ever noticed how China never seems to have these mass terrorist attacks that plague America? Ever wondered why? I know there are multiple reasons, and the issue shouldn’t be oversimplified. Perhaps the main reason the Muslim terrorists usually target America is that our country has been Israel’s main defender for the past 75+ years. That has changed somewhat under Biden, but not enough to assuage 7th century barbarians. China hasn’t shown such overt support for Israel, thus hasn’t angered the Muslim world quite like America has.
But there are other reasons why these terrorist attacks never seem to hit China. China has a controlled immigration policy, so crazy Muslims who fly planes into buildings or drive cars into hordes of pedestrians don’t often get into the country. But let me suggest a few other reasons China doesn’t have a terrorist problem.
1. China doesn’t have DEI stupidity. Hey, FBI, did you see what those pro-life, Christianity-believing grandmothers just did in New Orleans?
The FBI has become a haven for the Left’s DEI cause, and that’s indubitably one reason why New Orleans was so tragically struck. The New Orleans Police Chief was an FBI instructor for “Bias and Diversity.” That city’s branch of the FBI recently held a “Diversity Recruitment Event,” and its “X” account posted the following message: “At the #FBI, we know that diversity makes us strong. During #PrideMonth, the FBI celebrates our #LGBTQIA+ colleagues’ contributions to our country and our mission. Learn more about the Bureau’s diversity and inclusion initiatives…” and a website is provided. This post had a big, colorful “PRIDE” placard included. When one is more interested in promoting left-wing “social justice” than in saving lives, one shouldn’t be surprised when thugs drive cars into crowds and kill innocent people.
China doesn’t have such a DEI problem. And it’s not because there is no “diversity” in the country. China often boasts of its nearly 60 different ethnic groups; not all Chinese are alike, not even close. These people, while considering themselves “Chinese” and China citizens, are proud of their heritages. But they also know who the Uyghurs are, and have sense enough not to slap a mad dog in the face to see if it will bite. China just doesn’t put up with DEI stupidity. Such stupidity is, of course, one reason why Biden’s DOJ is so ineffectual against terrorist attacks. And while 100% protection against terrorism can never be guaranteed, certainly more diligent concern about true criminals than pro-life grandmothers would probably make America a safer place.
2. A second reason that China rarely has such terrorist attacks is that terrorists know that China won’t tolerate terrorism. Can you say “Uyghurs”? Terrorists in China can. In 2014, a group of Uyghurs attacked and killed several dozen Chinese (not the only such Uyghur attack in China). The entire Uyghur population has suffered since that time. I find the Chinese government’s policy towards Uyghurs to be appalling, but the CCP is responding, in no uncertain terms, to Uyghur attacks on Chinese people. I believe China’s response, in this case, is way over the top, but that’s my point. The Chinese don’t put up with this stuff. You pull a terrorist incident in China, and you, and a whole lot of your friends, are going to suffer some pretty drastic consequences. America doesn’t have to be—and shouldn’t be—as brutal in response to crime as China has been against innocent people, but again, any terrorist in China knows that their actions will result in horrendous outcomes. Do terrorists in America have that fear? Do they have any fear at all of Biden’s FBI and DOJ? Given point number one above, why should they?
China has few terrorist events because the CCP doesn’t tolerate them. And everybody, especially the terrorists, know “disappear forever” is China’s policy towards such stunts.
3. China is a totalitarian state without freedom. The CCP has been in power in China since 1949. It is the greatest mass murdering institution in human history, having killed more people in 75 years than any other country in history. It is still killing many people, in China and around the world, and, as a result, they have their own populace pretty well cowered now. Stick your head up in China and you are liable to get it lopped off. And the Chinese people know it.
Freedom involves risks. As Walter Williams used to illustrate, we could totally end car accident deaths in America by the simple expedient of setting the maximum speed limit at 5 miles per hour. But we don’t want to do that. Speed limits are much higher than that, which risks, and results in, thousands of traffic fatalities each year. Freedom means trade-offs: risks versus security. People in totalitarian states may have more security (except against government), but certainly fewer risks than freedom allows. Like, no gun ownership.
Freedom also requires a morality that totalitarianism doesn’t need. As I have reiterated countless times in my articles, a free people, in order to maintain freedom, must practice self-control, must practice a virtuous morality, must respect the lives and property of others. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other” (John Adams). Limited government—i.e., freedom—demands a virtuous citizenship. America once had that, but the Left has destroyed it. Muslims don’t believe in Judeo-Christian morality, and neither does China. And neither does the American Left. If we want to stop terrorist attacks in America, we must either have a Chinese-type totalitarian system, or a virtuous population. AND a sensible immigration policy. Currently, America has none of that. Hence, New Orleans.
As Thomas Jefferson said, the government you elect is the government you deserve. Americans hold the future of their own freedoms in their own hands.
China the United Nations and Soros who are the worlds biggest Terrorists Supporters Biden spits on the graves of all those Victims
However, there are more than a few incidents over the past several years of mass stabbings of school children in China that ostensibly are by ordinary citizens as a means of striking out at the CCP. Unfortunately, the Chi-Com party is likely going to be around for a while, and yet internal anger and dissatisfaction plus access to western ideas though tightly monitored plus some free market elements will only add fuel to the fire.
If only MacArthur could’ve crossed the Yalu and marched all the way to Peking back in 1950, or we had dropped a few nukes before the Soviets could have retaliated, the world today might look very different and the threat never metastasized.
Absolutely right. Had we taken out Mao and company back in the 50’s, we would not be faced with this threat we have today. Hindsight is, of course, easy. But that we had the means and failed to use them is pretty apparent at this point in time..
The problem was Nixon opened China to our markets. They would have committed suicide if left to their own.
The article says…
“If we want to stop terrorist attacks in America, we must either have a Chinese-type totalitarian system…”
Are we really thinking this way?
Not really, but we don’t need to invite terrorists into our country as the Biden Administration did.
In America it should be closed borders, with a very difficult immigration policy requiring a much more arduous screening process like Ellis Island where you had a required health screening and you had to have a sponsor who would essentially help you while you got on your feet, acquired a job, lived with relatives or friends until able to obtain housing. You were not provided either state or federal subsidies of any kind. There should be a rigorous vetting, a limited time frame whereby you must able to speak English and have a comprehensive test on our Constitution and Bill of Rights as well as other civic matters given in English. That will weed out a vast majority who do not seek freedom and opportunity but freeloading by bottom feeding at the taxpayers expense.
We should regard with great gravity allowing Muslims from middle eastern countries to come here, even for the purpose of going to college. By their countries attitudes toward religious and personal freedoms, their support of terrorism and funding such activities.
Take multiculturalism and shove it in the dustpan as the truly horrible social experiment ; we don’t want it anymore!!
At one point you had to have skills that made you valuable to come here and we should not be the world’s default escape hatch for the riff-raff “refugees” and asylum seekers.
Law and order in our towns, cities, states and nation.
Because we grew as a nation of excellence, innovation, freedom and achievement becoming a very prosperous nation does not mean we owe the world unlimited access. Nations that keep their people impoverished, uneducated and desperate is not our responsibility.
As we have repeatedly learned by our desires to advance democracy, most never wanted it and having been virtually illiterate about the responsibilities for being in a free country prefer the certainty of tyranny however dismal.
Being the beacon on the hill offers others a quest to dream, study, create, innovate and become what they want to be….it isn’t for us to be obligated to do it for those wanting to come here.
If you want a free and open society and value diversity, you will not have security.
If you want diversity and security, you cannot have freedom.
If you want freedom and security, you cannot have diversity.
“Freedom also requires a morality that totalitarianism doesn’t need. As I have reiterated countless times in my articles, a free people, in order to maintain freedom, must practice self-control, must practice a virtuous morality, must respect the lives and property of others. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other” (John Adams). Limited government—i.e., freedom—demands a virtuous citizenship. America once had that, but the Left has destroyed it.”
Too few understand what Adams meant by that, and how important it is to a free society. Mr. Lewis obviously does.