The New York Post editorial board came out with a statement that mirrors a chunk of the establishment GOP’s message.
The math is looking near-impossible for President Trump to win re-election. But he should take pride in what he’s done for the nation and the world these last four years. It’s a legacy he could easily run on in 2024 — if he quits the conspiracy-addled talk of a “stolen” election.
It then concludes with…
If Trump persists in wild talk to the contrary, he’ll lead his people into irrelevance and marginalize his own voice. His years in the White House have transformed the nation, but refusing to let go now will make it easier for his enemies to undo it all.
It’s an interesting editorial from 1996 which takes no account of political realities in the present day.
1. The entire premise that President Trump needs to concede because the media called the election is strange and suspect. The math is tough but challenging it is part of the process.
2. No less a figure than Hillary Clinton urged Joe Biden not to concede. If the math from Election Day had held up, would the Democrats be conceding or claiming fraud? A simple metric for that is the fact that they never actually conceded in 2016. Instead they spent 4 years pushing Russian conspiracy theories. Did those theories marginalize them and lead them to irrelevance?
3. A Biden Administration, which is just the Obama Administration with a mustier smell and more groping, will set out to eliminate President Trump’s legacy. Period. The executive orders are already being prepped. The embassy move, which the editorial praises, will be undone, even if not right away, and the peace accords will be shattered. The borders will be rammed open again. Submission is not going to work.
4. Does the Post seriously believe that President Trump conceding the election will make him more likely to win in 2024? That’s a basic misreading of the electorate.
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