“Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.”
Recently, a dog food product was recalled because it could make pets sick. A few days prior to that, thyroid medication for humans was also recalled by the FDA because it was subpotent while a blood pressure medication was withdrawn because it contained a cancer-causing impurity. The FDA also recently recalled chocolates because they might contain nuts in them since some people might be allergic to nuts. In the past, thousands of bags of lettuce were recalled because one bag was found to have listeria even though nobody had become sick.
Which begs the question: why haven’t the COVID “vaccines” been recalled?
The above products were recalled because they could be harmful. The COVID “vaccines” have been conclusively shown to be not only detrimental, but fatal.
They have been linked to the rise in sudden deaths. Otherwise normal, healthy persons have dropped dead, particularly in young athletes. Here are a few instances:
- A 12 y/o suddenly collapsed and died during football practice.
- An 18 y/o suddenly died while playing basketball.
- A 43 y/o died suddenly while playing tennis.
- A healthy 21 y/o died in his sleep.
- A 35 y/o coach died in front of his class.
- An 18 y/o dropped dead from cardiac arrest.
- A kindergarten girl died
- An 18 y/o MMA star died for unknown reasons.
- A 24 y/o flight attendant suddenly collapsed and died.
- A 9 y/o boy died from a blood clot.
It is very interesting that the main stream media in the English speaking countries has steadfastly refused to publicize these cases of sudden deaths, or even of the studies, which contrasts when, during the height of the COVID hysteria, the media would daily publicize the number of deaths supposedly from the virus, and of the hospital overcrowding, both at the national and local areas. In the UK, activists pasted dozens and dozens of pictures of persons who had suffered debilitating side effects from the COVID injections all along the BBC offices, since the BBC, like its Canadian and American counterparts, are engaging in news blackout on the subject.
Scientific studies
A steady torrent of research papers from America, Canada, Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Korea, France and Israel published in a plethora of scientific journals have proven the toxicity of the COVID injections—and more papers are being published as we speak. Whether with groups of subjects, (including one study employing 23 million subjects), or in individual case studies, the primary adverse effects have been thrombosis (blood clots), myocarditis, myopericarditis and pericarditis.
Trust the science.
As if that was not enough, other maladies have unfortunately been linked to the toxic injections. These are stroke, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, syncope and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome particularly in children but also in adults. What I find particularly curious is the injections seem to stimulate a resurgence of cancers in remission.
I strongly urge the reader to read the published studies in the medical journals.
And trust the science.
On the other hand, others can consult the medical expertise of The New York Times, NBC, CBS, BBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, The Boston Globe and The Washington Post.
But trust the science.
The scientific studies, as well as the warnings from doctors and nurses in clinical practice, have been labeled “misinformation” by journalists, all of whom could not differentiate between an enema and a leukotomy but could probably benefit from both.
And these studies, and the warnings from doctors in clinical practice, were known since two years ago and are continuing even though the media refuses to publicize them. The media carried out a constant campaign—subtle and not so subtle tactics—of demonizing dissenters.
Two additional points need to be made. First, if not everyone who has received the injection has been affected, it is for the same reason not everyone is allergic to penicillin; genetic variability is involved. Second, the COVID injections are not true vaccines; a vaccine is the introduction of an inert form of a pathogen into the body in order to create antibodies; the COVID “vaccines” are an experimental (i.e., unpredictable) approach called gene therapy, using mRNA.
In spite of the warnings, tremendous social and economic pressure was imposed on persons refusing to submit in order to achieve total, unquestioning, conformity. Many persons lost their jobs, indeed their careers. Many others were denied medical care for other medical conditions because of their refusal to bow to the pressure and accept the toxic injections—and they are still being denied medical care in what is the most disgusting episode of ethical malpractice as to being categorized as downright evil. Those doctors and nurses who sounded the warnings and who prescribed medications that were not officially mandated (and extremely expensive) were demonized and retaliated against in a number of ways. The same occurred to doctors and nurses who gave saline solutions to patients instead of the toxic injections and thereby saved their lives. These doctors are still being persecuted and are being silenced.
And of those patients who were offered, or were given the injections, fully informed consent of recipients was absent, contrary to standard medical practice, even though the dangers were known right after the rollout began.
The sickening irony, of course, is that it has now been shown that (A) the COVID injections do not prevent contagion and even seem to facilitate contagion (B) natural immunity is best for preventing the spread of the virus—as was originally advocated by epidemiologists before being drowned out by hysterics.
So, again: why haven’t the COVID “vaccines” been recalled?
The CDC is recommending children less than a year old receive FOUR COVID injections, the first starting at six months of age.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but continued insistence on injections of these toxic substances, particularly in children, is nothing short of criminal and merits criminal prosecution.
Armando Simón is a retired psychologist, author of The Book of Many Books and Orlando Stories.
Lethal says
The reason COVID ‘vaccines’ have not been recalled is simply because they are part of a plot by the WEF and WHO to wipe-out a large proportion of the world’s population so they can rule the world unimpeded. COVID is just a dry run before they come up with a more deadly virus
Mo de Profit says
And they now know who resisted their tyranny.
iontheball says
A little bit of logic is all you need to know that the injections are toxic, so governmental action that consciously and deliberately continues to push the lethal substances on the public is murder in the first degree. This means our governments are on a killing spree against humanity. What can be said about such aniti-human, anti-Godly, democidal action taking place in the world but that it is pure evil and Satanic inspired. There is no other logical conclusion to be made.
iontheball says
Thugs on the street who push deadly fentanyl for money is one thing. Unelected mentally detranged psychos at the WEF and WHO are another, but to have world governments that are made up of our elected representatives deliberately push deadly drugs on their own citizens brings the evil to a whole new level and its called democide.
Noneya says
Yes, they won’t recall them for the same reason Trump won’t denounce them.
T says
Atty. Robert Barnes is currently involved in a lawsuit against Pfizer. Check out his site: vivabarneslaw.locals.com for full details, a copy of the lawsuit. It turns out that Trump demanded in the contract with Pfizer that they must deliver a SAFE, EFFECTIVE, VACCINE to PREVENT COVID 19 and must do so by October 31st, 2020. It states that several times throughout the contract. Pfizer LIED to Trump and the world and this lawsuit could be our saving grace.
Lois Hooksooms says
I only read the anonimous comment and read no farther on this article.
What an irresponsible statement to include in your article!!
Many folks died of covid! The vax saved MANY. I know there were more than usual side effects. But its completely irresponsible to include a statement like that. Therefore I have little confidence in anything else you say.
Sandra Zollman says
The vaccines are still killing people through different diseases that it causes. There are literally hundreds of articles written about the intentional dangers of these shots. Where have you been? They were designed and released by government to kill. The WEF is adamant that people be eliminated and every government has fallen in line with their depopulation agenda under the guise of “saving the environment.” Mass starvation is çomming soon because countries are not allowing fertilizers and are forcing farmers to stop farming. Holland is forcing farmers to sell their land claiming it is needed to build immigrant homes. Bill Gates has bought farm land in virtually half the states in the US, He wants us to eat crickets. People like you need to wake up and realize that our government is not our friend. Biden supports the WEF and it’s plans against humanity.
Robert Newman says
Where was the same outrage at the seasonal flu deaths?
The flu virtually disappeared when covid appeared.
What a coincidence.
How many od the “covid deaths” can be attributed to co-morbidity factors?
Paul says
You obviously have your head in the sand. The amount of destruction that the COVID vax have done is already catastrophic. Climate Clueless
Nat Aarsby says
“So, again: why haven’t the COVID “vaccines” been recalled”
Mo de Profit says
“ journalists, all of whom could not differentiate between an enema and a leukotomy but could probably benefit from both.”
Like it lol
Mo de Profit says
The World pHarma Organisation is inseparable from the global pharmaceutical industry, which was struggling prior to the convid hysteria.
Trump puts sanctions on China, and the whuhan lab releases a man made virus.
Four pharmaceutical companies failed to find a vaccine for SARS for nearly ten years but produced one for convid in a few months all at exactly the same time.
NATO is inseparable from the military industrial complex which was struggling before Ukraine.
The UN and the EU and the government bureaucracies are inseparable from their cronies and islamic dictators.
roberta says
I will continue to ask: Which came first (the covid) or (the vaccine)
Listed in the article are about half the ways the ”vaccine” is killing people.
Are we to believe that there secret sauce was invented in a matter of months?
Is it not easier and more likely that the sauce was waiting for a pandemic
to be attached to?
Do you think these people are above doing this?
They keep pushing and pushing this venom for a reason.
Mo de Profit says
The reason is Agenda 2030, some may call me a conspiracy theorist, I care not, the World pHarma Organisation is part of the United Nations, it owns Agenda 2030 and they are openly calling for depopulation.
The UN’s Agenda 21 ended with convid and the sometimes forced injections, how will Agenda 2030 end?
Maha says
Watch the You Tube video where Moderna CEO Bancel plainly states the vaccine was in production in 2019 before th pandemic, and they predicted making billions of dollars. (At 10 minutes)
Not a zombie says
I have read that the so called vaccine was indeed ready before we even knew about covid 19 virus!!!!!
Immuno Naturale says
Came from a lab(s)
🌎 Circulating for many months, if not years
🦠 *Spread* was an intentional misnomer
🚫 Not capable of creating mass mortality
🚩 Co-opted for propaganda 💪 Leveraged by opportunists
💰 Bought out the flu
💉 Didn’t warrant a vax
@ EWoodhouse7
Jennifer says
If there is not something to “Replacement Theory”, then why did Biden try to force all American citizens submit to the dangerous injections, but Biden did not require any illegal aliens to be vaxxed? Democrats were the ones who originally began talking about their replacement strategy. They could not consistently win elections because not enough Americans would accept their bad policies. So they proposed bringing in so many illegal alien voters that their votes would cancel out Republican votes and they would win that way. But it was such a scandalously un-American strategy that they disavowed it as a Republican conspiracy theory even as they continued doing everything in their power to bring in millions more illegal aliens.
C. Herrier says
They cannot recall them. The game has gone to far now. It would cause them to looked at. Congress needs to look at the pockets and see how deep it goes. FDA is supposed to protect US Citizen and it apparently on will do what the money dictates the decision.
T says
Atty. Robert Barnes is currently involved in a lawsuit against Pfizer. Check out his site: vivabarneslaw.locals.com for full details, a copy of the lawsuit. It turns out that Trump demanded in the contract with Pfizer that they must deliver a SAFE, EFFECTIVE, VACCINE to PREVENT COVID 19 and must do so by October 31st, 2020. It states that several times throughout the contract. Pfizer LIED to Trump and the world and this lawsuit could be our saving grace.
rocco barbella says
Money. Enormous profits for Big Pharma, lobbyists’s, the media, and hand outs to politicians. In a matter of 2 years, 9 people became billionaires from the Covid vaccinations. Those are 9 pharma related billionaires. There have been hundreds more who benefited from the Covid scam such as those who introduced new medical equipment, diagnostic testing, soft wear companies that helped schedule vaccination campaigns, etc, that have also become billionaires.
This vaccine made many people incredibly wealthy and those involved had the backing of our corrupt government.
The reason Biden didn’t require illegal aliens to get vaccinated was simply he wants to change the demographics of our country. These illegals are a new voting bloc for him. Hence, why Americans were struck with forced vaccinations, mandatory masking and draconian lockdowns. Yet, illegals were given the option of the vaccine.
Will anyone be held to account? Will anyone have to face serious consequences? Unfortunately, no.
T says
Atty. Robert Barnes is currently involved in a lawsuit against Pfizer. Check out his site: vivabarneslaw.locals.com for full details, a copy of the lawsuit. It turns out that Trump demanded in the contract with Pfizer that they must deliver a SAFE, EFFECTIVE, VACCINE to PREVENT COVID 19 and must do so by October 31st, 2020. It states that several times throughout the contract. Pfizer LIED to Trump and the world and this lawsuit could be our saving grace.
rocco barbella says
Thanks for that info.
Duties says
I have been repeating my adopted mantra whenever the topic of the jab comes up: it is the greatest crime committed against humanity in history. And I’ll add, it is not about greed or even avoidance of liability over the now obviously dangerous gene therapy. There is something more nefarious going on. Partly ideological in that one group of humans seeks to control others and make them bend to their whims. But it is clear that harming huge swaths of humanity is the purpose.
Del Varner says
“a vaccine is the introduction of an inert form of a pathogen into the body in order to create antibodies” It is much more than that. Antibodies will disappear after a while. What the inert pathogen does is to prime the body’s immune system to recognize the pathogen and react to it if it appears in the body again. The process works well because it uses the body’s own system to do what they are supposed to do. mRNA treatments are rewriting the body’s DNA. It is hubris to think that we know the full ramifications of this.
Titaniumman says
There is no proof that any Big pharma CEOs nor their family members have taken any of the vaccines, and neither has the major proponent for the vaccines Bill Gates nor any of his family members taken them either.
While many corporate business owners were threatening employees with termination if they didn’t submit to the vaccines, they offered no proof that they subjected themselves nor those in upper management positions within these corporations to take them either.
IMHO, Covid is systematically being exposed as the greatest medical hoax in world history.
BLSinSC says
Ask why CONGRESS and the PHARMA’s were EXEMPT from the “mandated vaccines”!!! Now there are pictures of Joe getting a SHOT, but I highly doubt it was the REAL THING!! In a SANE WORLD with a “Safe, effective” VACCINE, those Members of Congress should have been FIRST in LINE to show the rest of us!! It seems odd that the Nurse they showed getting the “first” shot and collapsing has NOT been shown since! They SAID she just “fainted” but don’t you think that if she was later just AOK they would have been trotting her out to all the LEFTWING MEDIA??? I do hope that SOMEONE in a position of authority will ask to have HER interviewed! I also highly doubt that she is “available for comment”! PARENTS – DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN GET THESE JABS!!!
Viti says
Political opportunism and money. The only bright spot is that many with this motivation have exposed themselves. Don’t be distracted by the helping hand, observe the contents of the other hand behind the back!
moderate me says
Everything is going as planned..
Commie democrats and rinos in America got together with the commies in China, funded,developed, and released said flu on the world on purpose to destroy America Trump and western civilization.. The “vaccine” was already made and ready.. also let’s not forget they had to change the definition of the word vaccine so this gene therapy could be called a vaccine..
No one will ever convince me anything i’ve said above is untrue.. Only God himself but i don’t expect that just yet..
I’m sure this comment will be deleted which is pathetic but expected..
Dr2xFour says
Coronavirus = cold / flu
Same as it ever was.
Not a chance in hell of vaccinating against it.
To withdraw the “vaccine” now would be the nail in the coffin of the agenda.
All 3 letter agencies and media are complicit in the hoax. There is copious amount of blood on all of their hands. RIVERS OF BLOOD!
They will push this right up to the start of the Presidential campaign season and then begin to lay this stinking rotten albatross around the real Presidents head.
Mr. President…. surely you have read the tea leaves? Get out in front of this now while you still can.
I promise you this is the plan. They hate him and you and me so much they are prepared to lay waste to millions of lives to maintain their grips on the levers of monetary power.
Truly a more sick and twisted group of entities never existed before.
You heard it here first.
T says
Atty. Robert Barnes is currently involved in a lawsuit against Pfizer. Check out his site: vivabarneslaw.locals.com for full details, a copy of the lawsuit. It turns out that Trump demanded in the contract with Pfizer that they must deliver a SAFE, EFFECTIVE, VACCINE to PREVENT COVID 19 and must do so by October 31st, 2020. It states that several times throughout the contract. Pfizer LIED to Trump and the world and this lawsuit could be our saving grace.
DantheDog says
If the FDA pulled the wuhan shots now, the subsequent lawsuits for pushing a faulty product would run in to the trillions of dollars just in the USA. The rest of the world lawsuits would be catastrophic.
Nope, this charade to too far down the pike to stop and say oops.
Spurwing Plover says
So dose the FDA still allow for kids to be vaccinated with this stuff do the still allow for Ratilan and Fluoridation of water? I Read that Doom sayer Ehrlich has recommended steralints be put in our Food and Water of Americans to cut back on the so called Population Bomb this pinhead came up with
mitch says
At first they made the clot shot exclusive, then they gave money to get it, then they put on out a lottery to get it, then they said you can’t participate in society if you didn’t get it, come on, how did people not see this coming?
Joe Maniscalco says
Let’s hope the lawsuits focusing on the hiding of side effects during the vaccine development will open a floodgate of lawsuits against the pharma companies. They’re not shielded from hiding side effects during the development phase.
T says
Atty. Robert Barnes is currently involved in a lawsuit against Pfizer. Check out his site: vivabarneslaw.locals.com for full details, a copy of the lawsuit. It turns out that Trump demanded in the contract with Pfizer that they must deliver a SAFE, EFFECTIVE, VACCINE to PREVENT COVID 19 and must do so by October 31st, 2020. It states that several times throughout the contract. Pfizer LIED to Trump and the world and this lawsuit could be our saving grace.
stylin19 says
huh ? trust the science ?
Trust the data.
The data says the science sux.
ProudPagan says
This is pure conspiracy mongering. The original stories Do Not tie their deaths bto the vaccines. I have been vaccinated and boosted!!!
Joshua Rocks says
Hey, tell proudpagan that my dad was a devout atheist for 89 years. His heart stopped and he found out he was headed to hell.! They revived him and he asked Jesus to forgive him for his wasted life and asked Jesus to be his savior.! He lived 4 more hours and then died headed to heaven.! That was an answer to 21 years of prayer for his salvation.!!!!
+Kevin Mark Snodgrass says
This is an excellent and true article. However, it did not state anything about all of the miscarriages and also the harming of women’s reproductive systems and even men’s reproductive systems also that this jab causes. There is no conspiracy here. I am fortunate that I never have taken even one of the jabs. I learned and sensed something early on. I also had Covid rather badly in January 2021 and have not had a respiratory illness since recovering from Covid 25 months ago. I thank God for my God given natural immunities. I also have relatives that ask, why am I sick all of the time, having had Covid 3 times and the flu twice, but I have had all 4 or 5 jabs. I tell them the reason why and they still call me brainwashed and stay out of their conversations on Facebook. It is crazy the extreme blindness out there, most of which is spiritual blindness.