My favorite sign at Tea Party gatherings reads something like “It Doesn’t Matter What This Sign Says, You’ll Still Say It’s Racist.” Well, it doesn’t matter what Jared Loughner’s motives were, the Democrats will still blame it on a “climate of hate” supposedly created by the Right.
Of course, this effort to pin “racist” motives on the Tea Party and to blame the massacre in Tucson on Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and the millions of concerned Americans who comprise the Tea Party movement is itself nothing more than an attempt by radical leftists to ignite hatred for those who have the audacity to challenge their utopian agenda. Given that these attacks began before a shred of evidence existed about Loughner’s true motives, these attacks are by definition bigotry and prove yet again that the purpose of Modern Liberals’ arguments have nothing whatsoever to do with the truth and everything to do with their blind hatred for those who challenge their policies.
In the wake of these vicious and hateful attacks, many have cited Rahm Emanuel’s famous quotation about “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” Here is a “good crisis” by Democrat standards and folks like Paul Krugman at The New York Times (of course) did not let even a second go to waste before launching his hate-filled attacks. Not even Krugman denied the bigotry behind his attacks, since a good working definition of bigotry is the ascribing of negative motives and deeds to a category of people without regard for the facts.
But a quote more important to understanding the utter shamelessness of the Democrats in using what they saw as a wonderful opportunity to silence dissent comes from arguably the most beloved and influential Modern Liberal (read: radical leftist) of all, Howard Zinn, who declared that “Objectivity is undesirable.” Zinn declared the facts to be “undesirable” because “if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.”
Those who seek to inflame hatred for the Right don’t care one whit about the facts – they find the facts to be undesirable because they get in their way of their “social aim.” Thus, it doesn’t matter what the Tea Party attendee’s sign reads, the Democrats will still say it’s “racist” because their “social aim” requires them to fire up hatred for those who question their policies. Hatred is the goal of Modern Liberalism because hate will blind their followers to the objective fact that the “social aim” of the Modern Liberal – the dominant force in today’s Democrat Party and the ideology that rules academia and the news media, is infantile folly.
The Modern Liberal knows that he cannot win debates held in a respectful and open environment. When objective facts are “undesirable” they cannot allow an opportunity for those facts to be heard and considered. For this reason the Democrat has no choice but to attempt to render alternative points-of-view as being so beyond the pale that the mere consideration of those views becomes an act of evil in and of itself. If, for example, the Democrats had presented their case during the Bush Administration as “George Bush is a good and decent man who wants the best for the country and the world but he happens to be wrong on (say) his Social Security policy, this kind of environment would see questions asked that the Democrat knows he cannot answer, questions such as “Where is Bush’s policy wrong?” and “What’s the Democrat’s policy and how is it better?” But, because the Democrat knows his policy isn’t better (because his goal isn’t to respond to objective facts but rather to lie for the benefit of his “social aim”) he cannot allow such an environment to exist. In order to prevent it he must declare that George Bush is eeevil and therefore anyone who would even consider supporting Bush because of his superior policy would be evil himself. The Tea Partiers have to be made to appear racist because if they’re good and decent people with legitimate concerns, the objective facts which the Democrat finds undesirable would enter into play.
For those of you who lament the coarseness of today’s political discourse, try a simple thought experiment. Try to think of a single major issue over the past sixty years (the whole of what I call the Modern Liberal Era) in which the thrust of the Democrats’ argument was a reasoned and respectful affirmation of the benefits of his policy. You can’t name a single one. The entirety of the Democrats’ argument on every issue is “I’m right because I’m morally superior (due to their “social aim”) and if you disagree you’re eeeevil.
Differ with the Democrat on the building of a victory mosque to tower over the remains of thousands of innocent victims at Ground Zero and you’re not just “wrong” you’re an eeevil “Islamophobe.” Hold a different position than the Democrat on the immigration bill in Arizona and you’re not just “misguided” (to be corrected with facts) but you are an eeeevil “racist.” Don’t believe that the government should further fund research into the failed science of embryonic stem cells? You’re an eeeevil Christian trying to impose your superstitions on others. Have concerns about runaway spending? You’re an eeeevil bigot. Recognize the short-comings of a socialist healthcare scheme hammered out in the dark of night and passed only after massive pay-offs and bribes? You’re an eeeevil doctor who chops off children’s feet.
Hatred is the coin of the realm of Democrat Party policies and the means to advance the leftist agenda. It is the goal of those who support the Democrat Party because the truth is undesirable to them because their “social aim” cannot withstand it.
Evan Sayet is a satirist, lecturer and writer. Visit his site at
[Editor’s note: Don’t miss Evan Sayet’s blockbuster hit “Why the Left Hates Sarah Palin.” Click Here to read it.]
Editor’s Note: To get the whole story on why the Left is full of hate, read Jamie Glazov’s critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror.
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