In 2015, I wrote the column that secured my place in the pantheon of Right-wing hate figures: “I’m A Gay Man And Mass Muslim Immigration Terrifies Me.” Shortly afterwards, I left London, disturbed by the state of my capital city and hoping that with a megaphone in America I could sound the alarm about European Islamization. But the cancer has further metastasized. Although I have since married an American citizen, and am therefore eligible for a green card, I am applying for asylum in the United States. It’s the only way to be sure I never have to return to a country with so many citizens eager to see me imprisoned or dead.
Muslims in the UK have the most bigoted and barbaric values of any Islamic community anywhere in the West, and their reactionary social attitudes aren’t restricted to homosexuality. Only three per cent of British Muslims believe any sex outside marriage is morally acceptable. One in twenty Muslims in Britain say they sympathize with suicide bombers. A third believe that men should be permitted multiple wives. 39 per cent agree that “women should always obey their husbands.”
But their loathing of gays is universal, and absolute. Muslims living in the UK have “zero tolerance” of homosexuality, according to the Left-wing Guardian. Not one of the 500 Muslims interviewed for that 2009 Gallup poll said they found it acceptable. (By contrast, 35 per cent of French Muslims are relaxed about les pédérastes.) More British Muslims believe the earth is flat than are chill about having a pair of queens move in next door.
Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, and a quarter of them want sharia law instituted in the UK. Those numbers come from another progressive source: A poll for Left-leaning broadcaster Channel 4, conducted in 2016. And their social attitudes are getting worse, not better, over time. More recent polling shows that the rise in religious observance among Muslims is “particularly evident” in those aged 16 to 29.
I know all this is true because I’ve seen it. I’ve been yelled at and spat at in the street. I have friends—lifelong Labour voters—who have been assaulted by Bangladeshis in public parks because Muslims hate dogs and lose their shit if your pooch takes a crap outside. In east London, you can’t buy alcohol after a certain time in many liquor stores because the Muslim minority, which is disproportionately unemployed and living in “affordable housing” paid for by the taxpayer, whip up letter-writing campaigns to make life difficult for anyone selling booze. In Stepney, one residents’ association had to reschedule a summer fete so as not to clash with Ramadan—and were then bullied into making it alcohol-free by Muslim neighbors who didn’t even show up.
Muslims with extreme, hateful views about gays and horrible opinions about women would be an irritant and not a menace but for the fact that they are routinely insulated from criticism by a politically-correct media elite that scoffs whenever you mention the appalling social problems that spring up, as night follows day, whenever the area hits a certain percentage of Islamic residents. When a government report meekly suggests that people living in Britain should take an oath of allegiance to British values—basic stuff like not murdering your neighbors or throwing acid in your ex-wife’s face—the press smears it as having the “tea-and-jam-sandwiches stench of neo-Imperialist fascism.”
Brits aren’t told the truth about what Muslims are up to, because police forces refuse to investigate their crimes, and journalists are terrified of painting Muslims in a poor light. So, no one really knows how bad it is. In a classic moment of British understatement, Dame Louise Casey wrote in her 2016 Integration Review that, “Community cohesion does not feel universally strong across the country.” I’ll say. Perhaps it’s got something to do with the Muslim rape gangs running wild in every town and city in Britain, targeting young white girls as easy meat for abuse and defilement and laughing as they get away with it.
In Rotherham and Telford, local police, crippled by political correctness, looked the other way as thousands of young white girls were gang-raped over decades. Priapic Islamic yobs needn’t seek out goats when they have Kimberly from the White Road Estate and a castrated police force. These scandals are significant because they demonstrate the British government’s unwillingness to prosecute Muslim hate crimes.
We have no idea how much of the recent surge in anti-gay hate crime in part is motivated by Islam, because of course we don’t. But I’m willing to bet it’s a major contributory factor—and surely no one is at greater risk of random attacks in the street than a famous gay conservative writer known for his uncompromising defenses of Western civilization and his critiques of oppressive, sexist religious customs like the burka. The reality of gays and Muslims co-existing in society isn’t the glorious intersectional utopia of progressive wet dreams. It’s the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando.
In countries where sharia is enforced by the government, homosexuality is usually punishable by death, following the example laid down by Mohammed in the Hadith. I, too, occasionally feel like stabbing Dan Savage in the throat. But the feeling quickly passes, and I don’t want the right enshrined in law. You don’t have to be in ISIS territory to be at risk as a homosexual. Across the Arab world, including Egypt and even the supposedly liberal Lebanon, gays live in mortal danger. 97 per cent of Jordanians believe homosexuality should be rejected. Again, as a reminder, one in four Muslims in Britain wants sharia as the law of the land.
There are at least 85 sharia courts already operating in Britain. They use sharia principles to formulate legally-binding arbitration rulings. They also, chillingly, deal with a lot of family law, which means that women, already treated as chattel under Islam, are faced with “rulings” on whether they have permission to leave their husbands. Putting an imam in charge of family law is like appointing R. Kelly president of your local school board.
When we first learned about this parallel justice system operating out of living rooms in Bradford and Leicester, we were told they were insignificant, and ultimately subject to UK law. But almost immediately, British courts began to honor sharia court rulings.
I can’t wait around for the heroic Tommy Robinson to topple the government and his army of brave lads to shut the borders themselves. Besides, I think it’s too late for my home country. White Brits are about to become the minority in Birmingham, the jihadi capital of the UK in which 50,000 people cannot speak English. There are places in Bradford you can’t order a coffee if you don’t speak Arabic.
Britain is already five per cent Muslim, which means that, if I went home, I’d be living in a country where millions of people think that I should be thrown in prison, or worse, for making love to my husband. For all of America’s terrible social problems, at least Muslims are only about one per cent of the population here—and ten per cent of those are safely locked up in jail. Plus, a lot of them are black, so if they do get physical with me in the street, I can write it off as foreplay.
Before you ask, I can’t move to another European country. Nearly six per cent of the population in Germany are Muslim, which doesn’t sound too bad until you find out that ten per cent of births in the country are to Muslim parents. Give it a generation or two and it’s game over. That’s why politicians in Europe are so soft on Islam, by the way: They can’t win elections anymore without pandering to the Muslim community. I think that’s why Nigel Farage has gone soft and started condemning Tommy. He’s a politician and he knows no one can get elected in the UK without saying nice things about Islam.
If I weren’t already a British citizen, I’d almost certainly be banned from the country, like Robert Spencer, for speaking out about all this. But why would I return when I live in fear of being attacked on the streets that used to comfort me? Muslims are the ultimate crybullies, regularly telling pollsters that islamophobia is a real and urgent problem in the same breath as admitting they want to imprison gays and enslave women.
I want out. As a gay conservative in public life, I don’t feel safe in Britain anymore. My government refuses to take the necessary steps to protect me and has, in many cases, actively militated against my interests as a member of at-risk group. That’s why I’m asking the United States to step in.
You can apply for asylum in the United States if you have suffered persecution, or fear you might suffer it, owing to your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. I am a well-known, interracially-married gay Christian conservative, of Jewish extraction, from a country overrun by Bronze Age social attitudes and crippled by politically-correct dhimmitude from the eunuchs in charge.
It’s true that I don’t look like the asylum seekers you’re used to. I’m not an HIV+ drug-dealing transsexual prostitute from Tijuana who fancies a change of scenery and a welfare check. But it turns out that persecuted people come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve consulted an immigration lawyer, and he says it’s worth a try. With my intersectional identity and marginalized status as the target of an oppressive, violent, reactionary Right-wing patriarchy, surely I’m exactly the sort of person the asylum process was designed to protect.
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