Not content with politicizing the FBI to the extent that it participated in the frame-up of a sitting president and investigated angry parents at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists,” Gestapo chief Merrick Garland is now taking his act to the international stage: the irredeemably corrupt and compromised FBI is now probing the killing of a Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian reporter for Al Jazeera, despite the fact that even the State Department has determined that her death was accidental. The government of Israel investigated and took responsibility for her death, saying the Israel Defense Forces killed her but also found that it was accidental. And now a new documentary offers compelling evidence that the Israelis didn’t kill Abu Akleh at all; the Palestinians did. Either way, why is Garland investigating?
The Washington Free Beacon reportedWednesday that “a watchdog group,” the America First Legal Foundation, “is asking the Justice Department to turn over all internal documents related to its decision last month to launch an FBI probe into Israel’s accidental killing of a Palestinian-American reporter.” The Free Beacon notes that “Israel conducted its own investigation in the matter with cooperation from the U.S. State Department and determined that Abu Akleh was accidentally killed by a stray bullet fired by Israeli soldiers. While the State Department said it was satisfied with Israel’s probe, the DOJ decided to involve the FBI after a cadre of far-left lawmakers in Congress pressured it on the matter.”
There it is. The relentless Leftist ideologue Garland is pandering to the administration’s far-Left, anti-Israel base, and his actions have not gone unnoticed. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that Garland and “everyone involved in this disgraceful stunt” should be “investigated and then either fired or impeached.” Reed D. Rubinstein, the America First Legal Foundation’s senior counselor and director of oversight, declared that “this underhanded and legally indefensible ‘investigation’ demonstrates, yet again, how thoroughly the Biden administration has corrupted and politicized the Department of Justice.”
Indeed. And it’s even worse than that. While the Israelis have taken responsibility, French filmmaker and investigative journalist Pierre Rehov, who has produced multiple documentaries about the jihad against Israel and related issues, has produced a new film, Lies and Tears, that goes into depth about exactly what happened on May 11, 2022, when Shireen Abu Akleh was killed. What Rehov found is disturbing and suggests that both the U.S. State Department and the Israelis failed to take crucial evidence into account during their investigation, evidence that actually exonerates the IDF and points the finger at the Palestinians to whom Garland is pandering.
The Lies and Tears website points out that “since 1990, 2658 journalists have been killed in the line of duty.” However, this one was different: “None of them has had the media coverage of Shireen Abu Akleh. The well-organized campaign launched by the Palestinian Authority around her death has almost no precedent.” While Garland’s politicized FBI will be looking to establish that the killing was not accidental, as the previous investigations have found, “the film shows that at such a distance no one could see the ‘press’ sign on Shireen’s bulletproof vest. Palestinian gunmen were firing at Israeli soldiers from all directions.”
What’s more, the witnesses whose testimony was broadcast around the world by a gullible and complicit international media were compromised: “the ‘witnesses’ who were at the scene and first to accuse Israel of murder are claiming to be impartial journalists. They are, in fact, propagandists of the Palestinian Authority, as the film clearly shows.”
Rehov obtained the analysis of a forensic specialist and sound analyst that found that the shooter was actually 20 meters north of the position of the Israeli forces and thus could not have been responsible for shooting Abu Akleh. He also found that there were genuine witnesses who were never previously interviewed until they spoke in Lies and Tears: “Witnesses, including one of the ‘journalists’ who was near Shireen Abu Akleh at the time of the tragedy, mention the presence of gunmen in a house not far from them. These testimonies have never been taken up by the media. They describe ‘snipers,’ but the film formally demonstrates that it was impossible for Israeli ‘snipers’ to have been in these positions. There were men shooting at the journalists from the buildings. They could not be Israelis. So, who were they?”
Merrick Garland’s FBI is unlikely to be interested in that question. Its agenda is clear. But thanks to Pierre Rehov, the truth is coming out about the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh. And Americans can hope that the America First Foundation’s suit will help put an end to this corruption in the FBI once and for all.
They are nosy and they hate Israel. They meddle in the business of other nations as they meddle in the affairs of Americans. That is a right this regime has assumed.
Garland is a disgrace. He seems to be devoted to showing the world why the Senate was wise not to hold confirmation hearings on his nomination by Obama to the Supreme Court.
That was the Only thing that “The Turtle”got right???????????????
Add the Biden administration onto the list of Israel’s enemies. Nations that go against Israel and try to destroy her are going to be toast when God brings his judgment to this earth. We see shades of the spiral downward already of America, due to corruption, greed, and lawlessness, now add on the persecution of Israel and colluding with Israel’s enemies.
News flash: God has already brought His VERY HARSH judgement upon Israel for her idolatry and perfidy. Just as He promised He would do..AND perfectly within the time frame in which He predicted it would happen. Go and read the roman and jewish history of the time period from the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth in 30 AD and up through 73 AD. Within that forty year time span (interesting, that time period, eh?) things went from the way they were with Israel for two thousand years… to NOTHING. Every aspect of judaism and Israel as a nation was utterly and completely destroyed in that forty years. By the year 73 AD Jerusalem and everything round about it was utterly laid waste, desolate, destroyed, gone. The temple, priesthood, sacrifices, the laws, feasts, sanhedronm curts, civil government, their language, culture, people.. all gone away. The nation referred to today as “Israel” bears little if any similarity to that of two milennia ago other than the name and georaphic coordinates.
God is far more likely (in fact CERTAIN) to bring His harsh judgement upon EVERY nation which, as a people or government, are making war upon His own today. This would certainly include thos of Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Iran and Iraq, Turkey, Nigeria, and you can add many more as you think of them.
Interesting story