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A Wall Street Journal poll in April found that approximately 30% of black men were either considering or planning to vote for Donald Trump in November, an eyebrow-raising jump from the 19% of the black male vote he garnered in the 2020 presidential election (up from 12% in 2016). The WSJ poll also reflected a rise in support for Trump among black women: 12% said they were considering or planning to vote for Trump in 2024, quadrupling the percentage who voted for him in 2016.
This is disconcerting news for Democrats, who have long smugly felt that they held an unbreakable lock on the black vote. But Biden is beginning to hemorrhage support among the minorities whose interests the Democrats falsely claim to champion. And he is especially losing the vote of minority males. What could account for that?
There is a variety of reasons, none of which the left is willing to accept. One is that independent-minded blacks who aren’t captured by the false promises of woke victimhood resent the Democrat Party taking their loyalty for granted. Remember Biden’s assertion that if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black”? Blacks remember it, and it rubbed them the wrong way. They see past the media propaganda and find more evidence that Biden is racist than Trump.
They also recognize that blacks were thriving under the Trump administration like never before, even when the supposedly post-racial President Barack Obama was in office for two terms. Under Biden, all they get is blather about reparations for slavery, which again, appeals only to blacks that embrace the victimhood narrative of identity politics pushed by Biden and the Democrats – witness his recent commencement speech at the historically black Morehouse College, in which he told graduates this racist country wants to keep them down. Black men see instead that Trump offers them opportunity and access. Rapper Money Man said recently, “I would go Trump [if he ran again]. This my thing — I don’t think the Democrats done did s**t for us, man. I don’t see n****s getting rich out this b***h, man.”
Speaking of rappers, some black men have even more respect for Trump now that he has been deemed a “convicted felon.” Trump himself suggested back in February that his indictments made him more appealing to some blacks because they too have felt targeted by an unjust legal system, a claim which the media had a field day using to tar him as racist. But he wasn’t wrong about that. Rapper Kodak Black said on social media, “They are trying to get Trump out the way cause Trump a stand-up n***a.” He’s “a soldier,” the rapper added. “Y’all get off Trump, man.” Bandman Kevo, who sports a tattoo of Trump’s mug shot, explained part of his support: “I mean I feel like the Democrats is more like for people who need help. We will give you this you can get more food stamps or more this or more that, you know?”
Democrats are willfully blind to any and all of these factors; they have to be, because confronting them would be to admit the failure of progressive policies and worldview. So singer and Democrat activist John Legend, who is black, offered up a couple of more palatable excuses. Speaking on the Pod Save America podcast, Legend first blamed widespread ignorance about what a great job the Biden administration is doing: “I hear a lot of misinformation and disinformation about the economy under Trump and what’s happened since,” he claimed. “To be clear, the economy is doing quite well.”
Yes, let’s do be clear: Legend has no clue about the economy. He is married to profanity-spewing fellow activist and former model Chrissy Teigen (Trump referred to her as “filthy-mouthed” and she responded by calling him “a pussy ass bitch”). They have a net worth of $100 million. Among their homes are a $5.1 million West Hollywood place, two apartments in NYC, and a $17.5 million mansion in Beverly Hills. For Legend, the economy is irrelevant. He doesn’t know how much his own groceries cost or care how much gas costs for his fleet of cars which include a Tesla Model S ($94,990), Cadillac Escalade ($76,295), Lexus LS ($76,000), Porsche Taycan ($82,700), and Range Rover Discovery ($53,325), among others.
Legend’s untroubled assurance that “the economy is doing quite well” is small comfort to non-celebrity, single-car Americans out there dealing with Biden’s skyrocketing inflation and insane prices at the gas pump. Legend’s privileged obliviousness reflects the reality that left-wing aristocrats like himself or Gavin Newsom or Nancy Pelosi are insulated from the devastating consequences of the policies their party imposes on the little people.
As for “misinformation and disinformation about the economy,” who exactly does John Legend think is spreading it? The mainstream media? The same state media that that sees its mission as running interference for the Biden administration? Nearly every single cultural & news outlet from NPR to ESPN to CNN to Rolling Stone to the Daily Beast is openly left-wing. Does he think they’re spreading economic misinfo and disinfo that favors Trump? Americans know that the economy is a disaster not because they’re being fed lies but because they’re living it. Legend wants to believe that bad news about the economy is false because it doesn’t support the narrative he wants his fans to buy into.
When the podcast conversation got around to the issue of the black male vote, Legend offered up another excuse as to why Trump is drawing an alarming percentage of their support: Trump’s toxic masculinity. Legend said, “I think Trump performs a form of masculinity that I think is attractive to some people. And so, it’s an issue that the campaign is going to have to deal with.”
What he’s getting at is that Trump exudes the sort of masculine stereotype that triggers the gender-confused left. Legend has long been on “a mission to challenge harmful gender roles,” as HuffPost put it. Refinery29, a website aimed at a young female following, rather hilariously described Legend as “a pretty good spokesperson for feminist men.” He gives talks at high schools promoting the only version of masculinity that the Left is comfortable with – namely, the kind that is indistinguishable from femininity.
″[Men] are afraid of talking about their fears and insecurities,” he has said. “They’re afraid of expressing emotion beyond anger, dominance, or power, and they’re afraid of getting in touch with their feminine side.”
Legend, like the left in general, believes that traditional masculinity, which emphasizes stoic strength, competitiveness, and a sense of adventure, is a socially-constructed mask that boys and young men have imposed on them, stifling their true nature – which is feminine. (Girls and young women, meanwhile, are encouraged by the left to emulate the most toxic male stereotype: hyper-ambitious, promiscuous, foul-mouthed, and aggressively obnoxious.) Notice how Legend, who was People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive in 2019, says that Trump “performs” a form of masculinity; the left believes that Trump’s alpha male style is performative. Black males should be offended that Legend believes they’re so easily suckered by what he perceives to be a false machismo.
“All men should be feminists,” Legend reportedly said in 2013. “If men care about women’s rights the world will be a better place.” Legend still apparently believes that feminism is about defending women’s rights; it’s certainly not now, if it ever was – it’s about subverting Western civilization by eradicating the very categories of male and female (hence the left’s obsession with gender ideology and transgenderism). And if Legend cared about women’s rights, he would defend America and the West as the only civilization in the world which respects women’s rights, and he would lambast true rape cultures like the ones under sharia law.
But I digress. The point is that Legend is just another out-of-touch Hollywood liberal who can’t – or won’t – understand why blacks are packing up and leaving the plantation for greener pastures in MAGA territory. They’re voting against their own interests!, Democrat leaders wail resentfully, not grasping that their party has never done anything in the best interests of black people. But as rappers Sheff G and Sleepy Hallow told the crowd at a Trump rally in the Bronx last month, the Democrats are “always gon’ whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. Trump gon’ shout the wins for all of us.”
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
It was the GOP that brought a end to Slavery and Freed the Slaves held by the Democrats
And it was the democrats who created the KKK and lynched black men for entertainment at weekend picnics. Even today the dems still treat the majority of blacks as if they’re subhuman and incapable of intelligence beyond that of a child.
For example: why is it that no other ethnic group in America has or needs a leader to speak for them except blacks? And the so-called leaders that speak for blacks are all very well paid democrat party shills?
It’s as if every black person born in America gets “Property of the Democrat Party” stamped on their birth certificate. Moreover, God help them if they dare to think for themselves and to democrats to go eff themselves.
In America today, black people are still treated as if they “owned” and are not allowed to disobey the dictates of the democrat party lest they be the subject of a “hi-tech” lynching. Just ask SCJ Clarence Thomas or Dr. Thomas Sowell or Dr. Ben Carson, et al.
For me it’s simple: Trump is being subjected to a hi-tech lynching by the democrat party and their news media outlets. Trump is being treated the way southern democrats treated black people in times of yore..
Back then if you were black and you pissed off a democrat, the rest of them would come and string you up and lynch you.
To the dems, lynching is a skill akin to riding a bike. Once you learn how, you never forget (muscle memory.)
The difference these days is that they no longer use rope to lynch people as Trump is learning.
The Democrats just created a folk hero. Oops.
“I’M HISPANIC and I was born a Democrat. Ten seconds after being born, the (D)octor branded my bottom Left Cheek with a BIG (D). It’s really big now. When we left the hospital, they handed my mother my Birth Certificate and Voter Registration filled out for Life. Three months later I voted in my first election, straight (D).—– BLACKS are leaving The Plantation! Native Americans are leaving The Reservation. I left El Rancho Grande, but Democrats need not worry because when we die, we’ll be voting for Democrats again!” sc
Don’t worry though, the Democrats know how to win all of us over… with their Bribe$4Votes Program. Loan forgiveness, stimulus checks, a raise in EBT amounts.
BIDEN made an obvious ILLEGAL BRIBE… Remember the election of the two Georgia candidates for the Senate? “IF YOU WANT YOUR $2000, YOU MUST VOTE FOR THESE TWO MEN!” HOW MANY PEOPLE VOTED FOR THEM JUST BECAUSE OF THAT?
‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!”
They’ll be throwing money out of airplanes by September. “We care for the people. If you want more, remember…. Free Free Free but you must vote for me me me!”
Did you say some Blacks have felt targeted by an unjust legal system? Isn’t that what thev1619 DEI crowd says?
It’s quite simple really, under Trump they had money. Under Biden they don’t.
Maybe black women are oppressing them, too.
Legend is onto something, though he doesn’t understand it. I call Trump’s “toxic masculinity” his Scottish redneck from Queens personality. Referencing Thomas Sowell’s Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Trump and Black male culture are a natural fit.
A lot of Black Folks believe they get screwed in court unfairly. They see that Trump is getting screwed unfairly big time too so they identify with that.
This obsession with race is incredibly harmful, not just at the level of society but at an individual level too. The CHIME principles are now recognised as being necessary conditions for good mental health (which is a different thing than mental “illness”) – there are Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning and Empowerment. By insisting that people self-identify not as individuals but as members of racial groups, and by going further and condemning one group in particular (people who happen to have white skin) and telling another group that they are eternal victims, in need of the State to help them through life (people who happen to have black skin) – this disempowers both groups of people by denying them the ability to realise their own personal identity, and to assign meaning to their own lives.
If this obsession with racial “identity politics” denies people the CHIME principles that are necessary for good psychological health – then it follows that it is psychologically harmful to anyone who falls for it.
(Never mind though, if you feel bad, then you can always find a medical “professional” who will happily write you out a prescription for mind-altering SSRI drugs!)
What a system!
If anyone is interested in reading about any of the above subjects, my short e-book, “Living In A Salt Land” is available on Amazon right now, free of charge.
In the book, I also argue against multiculturalism, unconscious bias, the whole concept of historical sin based on slavery, reparations, and cancel culture.
We have to equip ourselves as best we can, so that we can defend ourselves against the enemies of free speech. Instead of uploading a comment here, and a comment there, on various websites, I thought I could gather a few ideas together and put them out there in e-book form, just so those ideas are out there, & maybe someone could get something out of my modest efforts. We are in a situation now where we all have to help each other. (After all, no one else is going to.)
Anyway, I’m not really in a position to do much, but I’ve tried to do something. The book’s free just now (and will be until Wednesday) and if you have subscribed to Kindle Unlimited, then it will remain free. If anyone finds any small part of it to be useful, then feel free to use those ideas or arguments anywhere.
Careful, all of you blacks who might support Trump. Biden may refuse to recognize you as black.
ha ha. trump was wildly popular with black men. In the 70s when he first came into public consciousness my mother and i used to fight about him pre political days. she was mesmerized i thought he was too flashy and crass. A thing that drove me NUTS were front page articles with pictures of men in black hoods in NYC waxing euphoric of their appreciation of him. One esp annoying a guy on 125th st. at trump’s cadillac telling reporter “he is my kind of man” Daily news of the time. She was right I stand corrected. I can’t believe i still recall this and frankly was quite surprised at the poor showing he made with black men in ’16 and ’20. Hope that is not the case this time around. if he was good enough for mrs. reagan, nixon and the queen he is alright by me.
I remember some of that flashy period too.
I met Trump in 2015, just by accident like other NYers have, and he spent time chatting with me. He was so nice, great listener, polite, soft spoken and I was impressed and surprised by his brilliance. At that time, he looked very youthful, slim. His skin is a gorgeous porcelain (I’m not sure where about all that “orange” business came from). I sensed his great confidence and ambition. But i had no idea that he would be president and so historical.
There is also something that everyone seems to be avoiding.
The Black and Hispanic cultures are Macho, not as in chauvanistic but
Gay LGBTPervert doesn’t play well there.
I am bewildered why any thinking black American fellow U.S. Citizen would not be as pro-Trump as I am, although the swiftly growing number of black pro-Trump men is very encouraging; it ought to be, and I hope will soon become, 75% instead of the 30% that current polls show.
I especially like their inspired new slogan and shout (starting, surprisingly, among those Rappers who have come to their senses): BLACK MAGA! If that Movement produces a black baseball cap with that slogan on it, I’ll buy one and wear it proudly and defiantly (despite the risk and danger of doing so in public), alternating it with my standard, traditional red MAGA cap, as I especially enjoy doing while walking “North of the DMZ” through Harvard Square.
My black Brothers and Sisters, join us in MAGA! Our arms are open to welcome you in our common fight to save our nation!
Before Trump ran for Office he was filmed in Trump Tower on 5th Ave NYC with Snoop Doggie Dude having his arm around the shoulder of Trump saying to the camera..”This here is ma main man ya,ll” and then once Trump got into the White House the same Rapper made a video of shooting Trump with a fake, ”bang” Gun and now fast forward to today and we see Snoop Doggie Crap has jumped back onto the Trump Camp because Trump got his gangster buddy out of the Joint.
Donald J. Trump will help the Negro in America learn that success is the best revenge and stop blaming everybody else for the situation they find themselves in every day as I never see any white guys running into the Projects and shooting folks..
More white guys are shot by Cops and some of those Cops were black and some blacks guys shot by Cops were also black Cops.
If the Police Officer asks you to get out of the Car then get out of the Car as he must have a good reason for asking this.
Comply and you wont die… Simple logic.
”First we have to clean up the neighborhood”… Malcolm X… and look what they did to him..
Even if the cop doesn’t have a good reason, the place to fight them is in court. Dad always said if a cop or warden has to use more than his badge to gain compliance, you’re wrong.
Legend’s sits on a net worth of $100 million, so why wouldn’t he believe all is well? This is so transparently obvious that to comment beyond what the writer said seems unnecessary. Instead, I was most struck by the implications in the following passage in the article: “. . . Legend, like the left in general, believes that traditional masculinity, which emphasizes stoic strength, competitiveness, and a sense of adventure, is a socially-constructed mask that boys and young men have imposed on them, stifling their true nature – which is feminine.”
This suggests the Left, generally, not only wants to erase women from being a distinct gender – hence the push for “gender affirming care”, the demand that men claiming to be women be allowed to compete in women’s sports, change in women’s locker rooms and even be jailed together (with disastrous consequences for women, as recently seen in California)- but also want men who decide not to go full transgender to become feminized. Is this how the Left will obliterate the distinction between the sexes?
Because the wise know they have an economic interest in the election outcome. Same as everyone.