When you’re immersed in politics, it’s interesting to talk to people who aren’t and see what stories they reference. Last week, it was invariably Dr. Seuss getting canceled, and then partially banned.
It was equally revealing that the media, which had advocated for that outcome, responded to it with a series of hit pieces arguing that conservatives were unserious for talking about censoring Dr. Seuss in the middle of a national crisis.
The obvious responses to that are that…
1. The Left took time out in the middle of a national crisis to ban Dr. Seuss
2. The media took time out in the middle of a national crisis to complain that conservatives are talking about their ban of Dr. Seuss
The media takes the, “Why are you even talking about this unimportant story” tack when it’s trying to spin a story that it really doesn’t want to be discussed. It knows that the average person’s response to a Dr. Seuss ban is shock and incredulity. The “we’re in the middle of a national crisis” spin is a convenient way to evade the whole problem by hypocritically telling people that they shouldn’t be discussing it. Obviously, that won’t stop the media from discussing Harry and Meghan’s antics during a “national crisis”. But it does highlight the fact that the Dr. Seuss ban is an overreach that hits home.
The story is in some ways unimportant. People have suffered much worse at the hands of the Left. But it’s a story with legs for your average suburban soccer mom who has put up with a great deal of wokeness and accepted most of it. The Left knows it and wants to put the cat back in the box.
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