This is the prayer my synagogue reads aloud each Shabbat (Sabbath) morning:
“Eternal God, we ask Your continued blessings for our country, the United States of America — a beacon of light, liberty, and justice in a darkened world. Sustain us in times of uncertainty; guard us from calamity; give us the courage to confront evil and the confidence never to yield to fear.
“Protect those who guard our safety — on the land, on the seas, and in the air; on the streets maintaining our infrastructure, and on the frontlines of medical care. Enlighten with Your wisdom those whom the people have set in authority: the president, his counselors and advisors, and those at every level who carry out the public’s trust. May understanding and courage, hope and discernment, peace, prosperity, and goodwill reign among all the inhabitants of our land; and may Your goodness and Your message spread its blessings among us and exalt our nation in righteousness and strength. Amen.”
As one of the founders of the synagogue, and as one who delivers a sermon each week, I will be petitioning our board of directors to change the wording of this prayer.
Can you guess what change I am suggesting we make?
Some readers might guess that I want to delete or modify the part regarding “the president, his counselors and advisors.” Given that many of us view this president as unprecedented in the extent of damage he has done and continues to do to this country, this guess would be understandable. But it would be wrong.
In our synagogue, we pray for all leaders, Democrat and Republican. We prohibit political discussion during our Shabbat services just as it has been prohibited during the Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services that I have led for 15 years. The Left’s politicizing of nearly all non-Orthodox Jewish synagogues and most mainstream Protestant and many Catholic churches has perverted much of Jewish and Christian life.
Our congregation consists of people who have left other Los Angeles-area synagogues (and, via Zoom, people who have left synagogues all over the country) because their rabbis abandoned Judaism — and even liberalism — for leftism. Most non-Orthodox rabbis are far more likely to talk about climate change, American racism, gun control and the nonbinary nature of human sexuality than about how to lead a religious life, how to raise committed Jews, the perils of an overly secular society or even support for Israel.
Leftists do not regard any area of life, from religion to sports, as out of bounds for political talk.What we will vote on dropping from the prayer for the country are the words in the first sentence that describe America as “a beacon of light, liberty, and justice in a darkened world.”
The part about the world being darkened remains true — the world is probably more darkened now than any time since World War II. But for the first time in American history, the United States cannot be described as “a beacon of light, liberty, and justice.”
If we were to retain that part of the prayer, we would be involved in a deception before the community and before God.
For the first time in its history, because of the Left’s takeover of nearly every public and large private institution, the United States is now a net exporter of toxic ideas:
All white people are racist.
Healthy teenage girls should have their breasts removed if they say they are boys.
There are more than two sexes.
Western civilization is no better than any other.
Men who say they are women can compete in women’s sports.
The list is long and getting longer.
These ideas have spread around the world. Where did they come from? Not from France or Germany, but from America; from our colleges and universities, our medical schools, medical associations and hospitals, our media and from one of our two major political parties.
As regards being “a beacon of liberty,” never has freedom — including the most important freedom of all, the freedom of speech — been at as low a level in America as it is today.
So, because we hold truth as a value, we will discuss dropping those words from our synagogue’s Prayer for the United States of America.
This is ineffably sad.
This, then, is my prayer: that one day we can reinsert them.
Cat says
Interesting. Thank you for being one of the few to bring up a very important point: isolation of many Jews in America.
The Jewish person who was not raised or educated orthodox often has nowhere to go but to be alone.
If one lives in an area where there is an orthodox synagogue it may be an option. But this is not always the case.
It was pure viciousness, the infiltration of religion and religious organizations, it leaves us isolated from others of our faith and cultural background. And no, that does not mean we are willing to acquiesce to rants about climate change and partisan politics. We hear that and walk away and never go back.
And then what?
Sebastion says
“isolation of many Jews in America?” The non Orthodox have nowhere to go? The non Orthodox are the majority and all atheist’s. They are Jino’s. They have the overwhelming numbers.
It’s the Orthodox that are isolated. In NYC who did Deblasio punish? It was the Orthodox. The rest of the Jino’s helped turn NYC into a sewer.
Cat says
Wrong wrong and wrong again. You must have no reading comprehension! Or maybe some anti-Semitism Yes! I said that word and will say it again and again if it fits.
You read MSM and actually think it accurately describes Jewish people in America. Why on earth would the MSM write accurately about me? And my entire extended family and many friends. I am to be lied about or censored and forgotten! .
They tell you all Jews are leftwing. Not true. Atheists .Ridiculous! I was addressing the very point of the ghosting of real people like me.
And you responded like the brainwashed dolt you are.
I cannot block you in this system. Sad to say.
Sebastion says
Is that what you do when you disagree with someone? Call them antisemitic? So, you’re no better than the black race hustlers where everything is racist. It’s people like you who cry antisemitism so much that it will lose it’s meaning.
I don’t follow the MSM. They are corrupt. I’m a conservative, but don’t tell me the non Orthodox are isolated when they are the majority. It’s the Orthodox that are isolated, and as I pointed out punished by Deblasio in NYC. Funny, how you ignored that.
Stop with the “antisemitism” BS. Use it when it’s warranted.
Rachelle says
The perception still remains that most Jews in this country are left leaning in their politics. The cold hard fact, though you may not wish to to acknowledge it, is that Orthodox Jews tend right, and there are far fewer of them than there are liberal thinking Jews. It is certainly not antisemitic to point this out. When people ask why so many Jews vote for a party that clearly doesn’t like them, to put it mildly, it is a valid question to which no valid answer can be offered. Your heated and somewhat hysterical response leads me to suspect that you yourself cannot rebut the argument that upsets you so much. You should not scream antisemitism just because someone criticizes your politics. You know very well that this is the sources of many problems that we face now. People simply get fed up with us yelling antisemitism where none is intended. When it’s warranted, I will be in front of you to denounce the hatred. But chill. Not every criticism of us is antisemitic.
Lightbringer says
And then your Orthodox brothers and sisters, of any variety, will welcome you with open arms.
Jd says
The USA,was never created to last forever, the Lord fulfilled his promises to resurrect Israel, May 14,1948 made a nation in a day. National Israel will only repent and accept their Messiah at the end of the Great tribulation. God is allowing the depravity of man to be revealed so that, man will be without excuse. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, which is Messiah Yeshuah.
Mo de Profit says
When your religious leaders start talking woke nonsense, make it known you are not inspired by their sermon, yawn, rub your eyes, be distracted, and they will notice. If they talk about it in conversation, politely apologise and tell them you are busy and need to leave.
They will get the message.
Oh, and give a smaller offering too.
We can at least pray that once again we will become a beacon of light, liberty, and justice. The ‘darkened world’ part, of course, need not be changed.
Kasandra says
The excellent column asks, “Where did they (i.e., these toxic ideas) come from?” On place it omits mentioning is synagogues themselves. My brother and I were raised in Reform Judaism in the 1950s and 1960s. But in recent years we have both left our respective Reform congregations in both cases because they had become intolerably Leftist and Woke.
Lightbringer says
I left Reform in the early 1980’s because it was intellectually vapid and spiritually empty. Orthodoxy threw me quite a lot of intellectual red meat, a true spiritual life and a passionate, joyful relationship with a loving G0d, Who was almost never mentioned in Reform congregations or schools. Oh, and it was a great way to raise my kids, who grew up to be very nice people.
Barbara says
I am Catholic, so you know where I am coming from.
Vatican II brought to the Catholic church much the same emptiness you mentioned in the orthodoxy Judaism.
Pre Vatican II, we had a religion based on the bible and centuries of tradition. Post Vatican II ‘opened’ the liberal definitions of what GOD really meant. Centuries of the explanations of what GOD wants was thrown away. The ‘new’ practices were to be more welcoming.
Converts to the Catholic Church is because of what it is; not because it was a home away from what they were brought up in.
The dioceses and convents, seminaries who adhere to the precepts of the church are growing. Those who are holding onto the opened church are slowly fading away.
Judaism and Catholicism can run parallels of what keeps people in. The same comparisons will show what pushed the people out.
Anne-Marie says
I am not Jewish, and I love that prayer. It is a sad state of affairs indeed when Americans can no longer call their country a “beacon of light, liberty and justice” in an increasingly darker world, and when patriotism is something to be ashamed of, lest you be labelled a red-neck yahoo.
Marilyn Griffin says
Sadly, the USA, as most other western nations, has, for decades, opened our country to foreigners who are intent only on using that “beacon of light, liberty and justice” once a major part of America’s foundation, to destroy our nation and society. I am constantly amazed at the power freely given to muslims moving into any western nation. They ignore everything about their new country, including its laws, legal system, its very being and do as they please and demand they be allowed to do as they please. From all I have read and observed happening in the USA and other nations, there simply is no way muslims can/will EVER integrate into any other society. It is much much worse in other nations such as England where muslims have basically taken over that nation. But the only reason it is worse there is that these nations are much smaller than the USA and 2-3 million muslims makes a much greater impact than in our nation of 325 million, but, even here, muslims have gained power much greater than their small portion of our society should have. The world can expect only worse and much worse from the invasion of a people who do not bother to hide their hatred of all non-Muslims and determination to kill all who will not willingly subjugate themselves to Islam. According to population experts, they are the fastest growing “religion” in the world.
THX 1138 says
Judaism prepared the way for Christianity and both prepared the way for Islam, Marxism, and modern totalitarianism.
The enemy of the light of reason, liberty, and justice is any form of the darkness of unreason whether that form of the darkness of unreason is religious or secular.
The irrational claims of the Bible and the Koran are just as irrational as the claims of the secular Left. Moses parted the Red Sea, Noah’s Ark, A Talking Snake, A Burning-Talking Bush, etc..
Philip Reinstein says
You do not understand the Bible if you think it is about talking snakes. Billions of people over the centuries read, loved, and were awed by the Bible.
You think they are stupid and you are smart. Think again.
WTH says
Judaism is not a religion, the other following sects made it a religion. Where in the Hebrew Bible does it say it is a religion? While many Jews are liberal and alienated from Judaism, it is not fair to say only Orthodox are are. I know plenty of non-Orthodox who are loyal to conservative ideals, including myself. I do not belong to a religious sect of Judaism. All Jews need to realize those who attack and kill us do not care if we are “religious” or not. What is happening in Europe is now happening here. Ingathering of exiles? Perhaps. Those who dress Orthodox are just easier targets – for now. I do have some place to go – Hashem. Great article Dennis, I have your books, they are wonderful.
Sebastion says
Judaism is a religion. Being a Jew is first and foremost a religious identity.
“While many Jews are liberal and alienated from Judaism,”
Then they aren’t real Jews. They are atheists.
WTH says
“Judaism is a religion. Being a Jew is first and foremost a religious identity.”
Where does it say that in the Bible?
“Then they aren’t real Jews. They are atheists.”
There is no such thing as an atheist; you believe in one thing or another, you worship Hashem or idols.
“real Jews” Revealing.
Sebastion says
Where does it say anything about abortion in the Bible? But we know the killing of life is a grave sin.
Of course there is such a thing as an atheist. One who denies the existence of God.
Yes, real Jews. Unlike the fake JINO’s. If the shoe fits, pal……
WTH says
“Where does it say anything about abortion in the Bible? But we know the killing of life is a grave sin.” Ummm, how about Do Not Murder?
“Of course there is such a thing as an atheist. One who denies the existence of God.” If you don’t worship Hashem, you will worship something else, money, yourself, ideologies…. Everybody worships something as their god.
“Yes, real Jews. Unlike the fake JINO’s.” A Jew is a Jew – thousands of years of history bears this out.
Sebastion says
“Where does it say anything about abortion in the Bible? But we know the killing of life is a grave sin.” Ummm, how about Do Not Murder?”
But, it doesn’t specify abortion, right?
No, everyone doesn’t worship something as their god. There is only one God. If you don’t believe in the Creator you are an atheist.
“A Jew is a Jew – thousands of years of history bears this out.”
Another myth and fable you’ve been spoon fed and swallowed. You can convert to and from.being a Jew. Being a Jew is a religious identity. In addition, when Jews take a DNA test from reputable labs they show overwhelming European DNA and not a shred of DNA in their profile from the Middle East.
You’re an atheist. We’ve established that.
Philip Reinstein says
Being a Jew is a religious and ethnic identity. Jews proud of their identity are usually religious and believe in God, even if they are not as observant of the 613 mitzvot as their Orthodox brothers would like.
Sebastion says
Being a Jew is not an ethnicity. A Jew from Russia has nothing in common with a Jew from Yemen.
Hannah54 says
“A Jew from Russia has nothing in common with a Jew from Yemen”….until they both move to Israel.
And then the same hidden part of them comes alive as they share the space where our ancestors lived and where GOD “placed His Name”.
Call it The Homeland Effect. It was foretold in the Prophets that returning to the Land would have a spiritual impact on the people, AND a physical impact on the Land.
As for the essence of being Jewish, it can be religious or ethnic — or both — or neither.. It’s a spiritual-physical reality driven by covenant. And it’s GOD who decided the terms of that covenant.
Under those terms, someone can be brought into the covenant by their parents (ethnic “Jew”), yet be a stranger to it (“cut off from your people”). Or conversely, be excluded from it (ethnic “foreigner”) and yet choose to join it (spiritual convert).
Devita says
One thing that America has done that is so against God and all things holy is to interfere in the government of other countries – destroying the Nordstream pipeline leaving millions of Europeans to freeze. That alone deserves our destruction. What right do the militant leftist government of America have to do this?
In addition, America has caused the exploitation of children as young as four in the Congo where they toil for 12 hours a day chipping away at Cobalt rock to make batteries for insane climate alarmists. Again may God judge this nation for the evils it has committed.
Matt says
Being a Jew has become an overpowering burden. I’m the last person in my EXTENDED family to have any link to Judaism whatsoever. I’m done; out. To remain a Jew is to be a masochist and to be associated with some of the most egregious of America hating neo-Marxists.
Cat says
Thats too bad. Im sad you feel that way.
Be well.
Sebastion says
Oh, is he antisemitic to?
“Be well?” What a hypocrite you are.
Ken says
Matt, I disagree with your statements. One might equally say that being an American is “to be associated with some of the most egregious of America hating neo-Marxists.” While that may be accurate, it says nothing about my beliefs. I am a Conservative Jew (by conversion (and Judaism is a religion not an ethnicity)), an American (by birth), and I love what shreds of “America the home of the free and the brave” yet remain. I pray for this country, that it will survive and emerge from the current insanity.
ArizonaJewish Cowboy says
The folk singer formerly known as Cat Stevens now Yusuf is more a Rabbi than almost all Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist “Rabbis” – most of whom are, like Biden’s Juden (Blinken, Klain, Zientz, Mayorkas, Nuland, Garland, Nides, et. al., _ pure unadulterated dreck.
Philip Reinstein says
I don’t know anything about Cat Stevens, but I agree with you about Biden’s Juden, but they are not really Jews anymore. They don’t believe in God or the Bible. They don’t have any Jewish morals or values, not even those set out in the Ten Commandments. They are anti-Israel. There is nothing Jewish about them at all.
Sebastion says
Thank you Mr. Reinstein. I agree with you 100%.
When I call Biden a faux Catholic everyone agrees. Biden isn’t a devout Catholic let alone a marginal Catholic. You can’t call your self a Catholic and then support everything that is in direct opposition to Catholicism.
When I say someone like George Soros (or many Leftist JINO’s) isn’t a Jew, but a Hungarian who’s anti God, anti Jewish morals, anti 10 Commandments, and has no connection to Judaism or being Jewish whatsoever, there are some that respond I’m an anti-Semite.
It’s like someone who’s ancestors where originally from Scotland and they immigrated to Brazil, where they have been for generations to hundreds of years. Their language, cuisine, fashion, customs, holidays celebrated, etc, are all related to Brazil and it’s culture. Are they Scottish? No, of course not.
Len says
If you used the Orthodox prayer for the government you would not have needed to change it because it doesn’t contain the words that offend. See Rabbi Sack’s Koren or ArtScroll siddur.
LC says
That wording isn’t in a Birnbaum or Artscroll – what siddur is it from?
some guy says
Don’t forget Vatican 2 finally, after 2,000 years and immeasureable violence against Jews, removed the idea that the Jews killed the founder of Christianity. No small thing.
Sebastion says
“Where does it say anything about abortion in the Bible? But we know the killing of life is a grave sin.” Ummm, how about Do Not Murder?”
But, it doesn’t specify abortion, right?
No, everyone doesn’t worship something as their god. There is only one God. If you don’t believe in the Creator you are an atheist.
“A Jew is a Jew – thousands of years of history bears this out.”
Another myth and fable you’ve been spoon fed and swallowed. You can convert to and from.being a Jew. Being a Jew is a religious identity. In addition, when Jews take a DNA test from reputable labs they show overwhelming European DNA and not a shred of DNA in their profile from the Middle East.
You’re an atheist. We’ve established that.