Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
On March 9, 2010, the headlines were chocked with outrage over Netanyahu’s “snub” to Obama. Six years later, almost to the day, the same rerun is playing on news networks across America.
The White House is outraged, shocked and infuriated by Netanyahu’s “snub.” Obama is depressed at the snub and gorging on a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Brownie Batter to get over the pain of a skipped meeting with the Israeli prime minister. Obama-Netanyahu meetups convey all the joy of a root canal and yet we’re supposed to believe that Obama was looking forward to this particular session with Netanyahu.
Obama and his media allies are assuming that everyone forgot the last time they put on the same production of “Fake Outrage Theater” on this same date for the same exact reasons. Like the PLO, Obama keeps picking fights with Israel while trying to make it look like he’s the real victim.
If you remember that Obama and Hillary Clinton put on their best fake outrage over a fake snub six years ago, then the latest fake snub headlines look ridiculously fake. Suddenly you can see that the actors on stage are just acting, the background is just cardboard, the puppets have strings and the magician is stuffing the colored handkerchiefs up his sleeve. It’s not Pallywood. It’s Obamawood.
Last month I predicted that Obama would stage another fake incident with Israel and then play the victim. Administration sources were broadcasting warnings through the media to Israel not to “offend” Biden during his visit. Those were the equivalent of a drunk barging into a bar looking to pick a fight and shouting, “No one better make me mad.” But with Biden in the air on the way to Israel and no committee approving the construction of Jewish homes, the pretext for the last big fake “snub” back in ’10, Obama was forced to fall back to Plan B of inventing drama in Mean Girls Politics.
Last time, Netanyahu was accused of “snubbing” Biden in Israel, even though Tehran Joe was the one who sat in his room for an hour refusing to come to the party held in his honor and then ended up making a scene when he did go down. Then Hillary yelled at Netanyahu over the phone for two hours.
This manufactured drama, barely worthy of a Kardashian, filled the media for a few days. Politicians sputtered with outrage at the presumptuousness of an obscure Israeli building committee signing off on one stage of many bureaucratic stages of a project which, six years later, has yet to actually be built.
Biden captured the fake mountain-molehill outrage best, “I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units.” A decision by a building committee to “advance planning” while Biden was in the country was, according to Hillary Clinton, “insulting not just to the Vice President who didn’t deserve that… but it was an insult to the United States.” Unlike Iran’s loving abduction and humiliation of American sailors at gunpoint on video which was a diplomatic success.
But if you understand why the episode of “Fake Outrage Theater” happened back then, you know why it’s in reruns on every news network now.
The March visit was meant to set the stage for pressuring Israel to make concessions to terrorists later in the fall. Before the visit, senators from both parties had warned Obama to back off the campaign against Israel. The fake snub was invented to turn Obama into the victim and increase pressure on Israel. By April, even Senator Schumer was disgusted by the escalation of the White House campaign.
It’s the same story all over again now. Biden isn’t visiting Israel for his health. Or for Israel’s health.
Obama is planning to deal a final blow to Israel. The Wall Street Journal reports that a variety of options are being considered by the White House including a UN resolution that would impose the framework of a deal on Israel. France’s failed left-wing government has been pushing just such a resolution. Kerry, ever the obedient Francophile, had drafted his own version of the pro-terrorist resolution.
Such a resolution would impose the borders of a PLO terror state on Israel while passing off all other concerns, including Israel’s security against terrorism, as topics to be eventually negotiated. It would amount to an 800-pound thumb on the scale of the peace process by giving the PLO everything it wants, giving Israel nothing, and essentially calling the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Jews.
It would be BDS’ biggest gift and begin an unprecedented pressure campaign against Israel.
Last year, Samantha Power, who had once suggested using force to occupy Israel, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that Obama would not necessarily veto a statehood resolution. That means the stick and the bigger stick are in place. This fall, the climax of the plot against Israel will take place.
Biden’s trip to Israel and Netanyahu’s meeting with Obama, the Journal story and the fake outrage over Netanyahu’s non-visit are all part of the opening of a pressure campaign against the Jewish State.
Netanyahu tried to avoid giving Obama any excuses to manufacture another incident by skipping the trip, only for Obama to build that up into its own drama.
According to reports, Obama wants to impose a solution on Israel before he leaves office to set the stage for his successor. Taking an anti-Israel position and making it official policy, ratified by the UN, will make it harder for a future pro-Israel president. While it is now highly unlikely that the next president will be pro-Israel, it’s doubtful that Obama will back off his final plot against the Jewish State.
Under those conditions, it makes sense for Netanyahu to avoid Obama. Obama signed off on a nuclear Iran. He’s even pivoted to a regional alliance with the Islamic terror state. The only purpose of such a meeting would be for Obama to pressure Netanyahu into carving up Israel into smaller pieces for the terrorists while banning Jews from living in their own towns and cities in a politically correct Apartheid.
Netanyahu can’t escape those demands by staying in Jerusalem, but neither does he have any interest in allowing Obama to berate him in public. Seeking to escape Obama’s drama machine, Netanyahu wandered into it anyway. The latest fake snub has been manufactured and will be chewed over by the media for the rest of the week. But it’s still probably better than whatever ugliness was waiting in D.C.
If Netanyahu had met with Obama without agreeing to his terms, the White House would have called that a snub and an insult. If he had met with Republican candidates on top of that, he would have been accused of interfering in the election. Anything Netanyahu did would have been characterized as an attack on Obama. So Netanyahu chose to stay away and was accused of snubbing Obama.
You can’t win with a narcissist. It’s Catch 22. All you can do is minimize your contact with him.
This latest manufactured drama is a distraction. Obama is disguising his attack on Israel by trying to make it look as if Netanyahu picked a fight with him. Behind these reality TV theatrics is a very real plot by Obama to damage the Jewish State as much as he can before he loses all his power.
Like Haman, Obama has cast his lot and seeks the right date to announce his new decree against the Jewish State. And like that ancient Amalekite, frustrated that the proud Binyaminute, the “Ish Yemini”, man of the right, would not bow to him, he complains that he has been snubbed and disrespected.
On Saturday, January 21, Netanyahu will likely still be Prime Minister, while Obama will be nobody. On some level that is eating away at him. Obama’s last plan to force out Netanyahu failed. Israel’s left-wing opposition is a disorganized mess and no amount of Obama people seem to be able to change that.
We are witnessing the beginning of Obama’s final campaign against Israel.
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