Rob Schneider is a funny guy. A lot of his humor is irreverent and better suited to the Beavis and Butt-head demographic but his physical comedy and sense of timing are hilarious. His Saturday Night Live skits as the Richmeister / makin’ copies office nerd still crack me up 30 years later.
But there’s more depth to Schneider than his off-color gags and pratfalls suggest. During a recent interview on Fox News in which he explained why he is moving his family to Arizona from California, Schneider touched on the biggest threat facing America today.
During his interview, Schneider observed, “You know something’s wrong when people say, ‘If you put God, and family, and country first, that’s somehow controversial,” then asking rhetorically, “How is that controversial?”
Putting God, family and country first is not controversial at all. It does, however, represent an existential threat to authoritarians across the globe. Whether it’s today’s American totalitarians or the Chinese Communist Party, God, family and country stand in the way of subjugating free people.
These three principles have been under attack for centuries, and the reason is simple. If people believe in God, family and country, they are less apt to embrace tyrannical politicians and their political systems. For this reason, these three institutions must be destroyed.
Let’s start with God. There has always been atheism but the idea of basing a political system on it began to take form during the 18th century. It was Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau who theorized that man is fundamentally good and corrupted by society, and that citizenship doesn’t require compassion for other people.
Rousseau’s repudiation of the the Bible’s views on the nature of man – that we’re infinitely sinful, hopelessly corrupt and depraved by virtue of original sin – ushered in the false notion that man and society are perfectible. All we need to do is replace the word of God and biblical law with Man’s law.
Many of Rousseau’s theories were incorporated into the French Revolution of 1789. The promise of liberté, égalité, fraternité was quickly betrayed and devolved into the Reign of Terror, resulting in tens of thousands of decapitations and other murders.
Along the way, the cathedral of Notre Dame was rebranded as a Temple of Reason, other churches were sacked or destroyed entirely, clergymen were killed and exiled, and the Georgian calendar was rejected. The storming of the Bastille did not occur in ‘The Year of Our Lord 1789’ but the Year 1 of what was called the Era of Liberty. In truth, it was an era of vicious paganism.
The French Revolution did not bring liberty, equality or fraternity to France. Instead, it established the template for instituting Marxist-Leninism in Russia in 1917. Clearly, God has no place in a society ruled by tyrants.
There’s no place for family either. Karl Marx declared marriage a farce and argued for the abolition of the nuclear family. In his 1848 Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx opined, “The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour.”
Frederick Engles, Marx’s parter in political theory, backed-up Marx in his 1884 opus Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State, writing, “The modern individual family is founded on the open or concealed domestic slavery of the wife, and modern society is a mass composed of these individual families as its molecules.”
Then there’s country. Not content with blowing up the institutions of marriage and family, Marx did his best wreck the idea of sovereign nations. “The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality,” wrote Marx. That’s clear as crystal.
Rob Schneider wasn’t wrong to ask why putting God, family and country first is controversial, even though it isn’t. But to put those things first is to repudiate the three pillars of Communism and similarly tyrannical forms of government. That means putting a big fat target on yourself.
Authoritarians know very well that if one person puts God, family and country first, they won’t put the government first. They also know that if one person says it, others are likely agree. That is repugnant to those who believe in the writings of Marx, Engles, Rousseau and others like them.
In response, belief in God must be reduced to something between ignorant bumpkinism and dangerous radicalism. The family and marriage are diminished to systems of oppression and whoredom. National identity is decried as the, “handmaiden of the bourgeoisie.”
The American Left is obsessed with demonizing ordinary beliefs, questions and observations. The good news is, they can only succeed if we let them.
Scott Hogenson is a political and social commentator who lives in Texas.
Because They Can’t CONTROL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats why those Antifa gutter dwellers burn Bibles like they do their total Commies and Secularists
Even today, Americans cannot understand the malignancy of an Idea until it is put into practice and suddenly all of their rights and freedoms are no more.
Americans are well-intentioned people who cannot really wrap our minds around evil, hence we do not react as swiftly as we ought to to the left. We assume that others are as honest and decent as we are, and perhaps this is the mistake that all good souls. It could be deadly to our civilization.
My favorite Schneider role was Marty Pascal in “Down Periscope.” Grreat movie featuring the Gato class USS Stingray.
Commies are often befuddled by the simple truths. Waste no opportunty to shove them down their throats. Even small children can understand. It remimds me of a popular commercial series, but apparently google realized it and buried it so deep that I couldn’t find it with pertinent search terms. It was of a child that got a new bicycle, that was only permitted to opperate it in a circle so small he could do nothing with it. Too close to home for them.
“If people believe in God, family and country, they are less apt to embrace tyrannical politicians and their political systems.”
Who’s God? The Jewish God Yahweh? The Christian Trinity God? The Muslim God Allah? They’re three very different ideas of what God allegedly is.
As a matter of historical FACT the Christians persecuted and MASSACRED each other over that very unknowable, unverifiable, and controversial question — “What is the true essence and nature of the Christian Trinity God?” Thousands were killed over the Arian Heresy, Donatist Heresy, Manichean Heresy, the Catharist Heresy. Look up the Massacre at Beziers in 1209.
So you’re going to argue that Christian FAITH leads to peace, prosperity, liberty, and respect for the rights of others but REASON leads to the French Terror?
Really? The Roman Inquisition, Spanish Inquisition, the 300 years of bloody persecution and wars which were the Protestant Reformation and the Counter Reformation, the burning, persecution, and imprisonment of heretics, NOTWITHSTANDING?
Without realizing it, you are taking sides with Marxist atheism. The french revolution hoped to enshrine the goddess “reason” as opposed to a recovery of biblical Christianity. Atheism can never understand human nature as it rejects that man is fallen and under the power of sin and death.
The secularist/atheist worldview, with its foundation in evolutionism, (thought to be based on reason alone), dominated the 20th century, the bloodiest on record. The true dark age that you like to speak of, will not be caused by your idea of a dreaded return to Christianity, but by the accelerating effects of the secularist/atheist worldview, which continues to dominate the present world. We have now become so “rational” that we cannot define the difference between a man and a women.
You obviously do not know the one and only True Living God – at your peril.
“Seek the Lord while He may still be found.” Isaiah 55: 6-8
“In truth, it [the French Revolution] was an era of vicious paganism.”
Yes it was but it wasn’t due to paganism or reason, it was due to the UNREASON, the IRRATIONALITY of Rousseau’s ideas. Just because an intellectual CLAIMS his ideas are rational and scientific, i.e., BASED ON THE FACTS OF REALITY, does not mean his ideas actually are based on reality.
Rousseau was a CHARLATAN and the French fell for his BULLSHIT. Just as there were people who fell for the pseudo-science of Phrenology and later generations fell for the nonsense of Freudian psychology, Eugenics, Social Darwinism, Behaviorism, Pragmatism, Marxism, etc.. Today we have people falling for the fake-pseudo-science of Global Warming/Climate Change and the fake science of the Covid-19 Lockdown.
Don’t blame actual reason, actual logic, and actual science for the absurdities and tragedies of pseudo-science, fake science, logical fallacies, and unreason.
Don’t blame the actual philosophers of reason and the actual scientists of real logic and actual reality for the evils perpetrated by evil CHARLATANS and their useful idiots who haven’t learned to actually reason. Or refuse to reason at all.
“Rousseau was a CHARLATAN…”
A charlatan and worse. He was arguably one of the worst things ever to happen to Western civilization, yet college students still hang on his every poisonous word and yearn for a world where his ideas predominate. Good old “count the spoons” Jean-Jacques, who placed himself on the moral high ground and stole his hostesses’ silver at dinner.
“Clearly, God has no place in a society ruled by tyrants…. Authoritarians know very well that if one person puts God, family and country first, they won’t put the government first.”
So what exactly produced the one-thousand years of the Christian Dark Ages? When men truly take Christianity SERIOUSLY it leads to the tyranny of a THEOCRACY. Christianity is weaponized for theocracy, always has been, always will be.
It is only because of the Renaissance (the rebirth of reason) and the Age of Enlightenment (the light of reason) that the West began to think again, to reason again, and the deadly stranglehold of the unreason of Christian faith began to lose its deadly hold on the West.
If not for those two historical periods the Scientific Revolution, capitalism, the USA, and the Industrial Revolution, would never have happened. We would still be stuck in the Christian Dark Ages.
The Bible was kept from the early Church and God’s word hidden behind tradition
and secular rule in the guise of organized religion. The Gospels tell the story of
Christ and the writings of Paul direct mankind to the knowledge of a personal
Saviour who calls all to peace and loving kindness. We all have a choice unless
totalitarianism returns to destroy freedom of conscience and that seems to be
on the way in America. Dark days ahead, pray for peace.
Marriage, family and country are ideas compatible with conservative principles. Slavery, totalitarianism, imperialism are compatible with Marxism. Christianity and Judaism are on the conservative side rather than the far leftist.
In Canada we (Christians included) are already experiencing the tyranny that stems from the heart of our atheist leader and his Marxist bureaucrats.
Karl Marx with his COMMUNIST MANIFESTO an long with his three volume THE CAPITAL in which he explained his economic political/philosophical scheme for a “classless and stateless society “ in which “Everyone works according his ability and receives according to his needs.’’ has many times over by refuted and discredited by genuine economists, sociologists and historians. These scholars have thoroughly exposes the many economic fallacies and flaws of Marxism way before the collapse of Communism in Russia and the Eastern bloc nations. In 1992.
Therefore, even the recent history of the early 1990’s disproves Marxism as extremely erroneous. So, it’s Adam Smith with his THE WEALTH OF NATIONS that is valid and in contrast Karl Marx with his written nonsensical a full of folly and invalid.
So, in conclusion this exposes how those anti-Trump protesters, just described above, with their Communist pipedream [Marxist fantasy] are people who don’t even have a good grip of the reality of things.
It’s highly unlikely that Communist rulers [dictators] really believe in the obvious flawed economic fallacies of Karl Marx. Nevertheless, they all still need to publicly stand firm on the teachings, principles and precepts of Communism as laid down in the many writing of Marx. This is because evil is always looking for an excuse. Therefore, Marxism is the excuse to set up and uphold tyrannical red regimes. As if those Communist dictators actually believe that in the future a “pure perfect Communist society “will come from their tyranny. As in the saying “Being cruel, brutal and deadly for the greater good” What nonsense!
Thus, to uphold the ideals of Marxism, Communist tyrants as Kim Jong Un of North Korea cruelly persecute Christians. For Christians believe in the Bible and Marxism is so very weak and fragile in its nature and because it lacks sound logic and rational arguments based on reason to uphold it , the whole Marxist system collapse down to the ground In the light in information of the Bible. Since Communists don’t have a firm foot based on reality and reason to base Marxism on in which is the foundation for the heinous rule. They resort to extremely harsh severe, malicious and murderous persecution against Christians and burn their Bibles.
Karl Marx with his COMMUNIST MANIFESTO a long with his three volume THE CAPITAL in which he explained his economic political/philosophical scheme for a “classless and stateless society “ in which “Everyone works according to his ability and receives according to his needs.’’ has many times over by refuted and discredited by genuine economists, sociologists and historians. These scholars have thoroughly exposed the many economic fallacies and flaws of Marxism way before the collapse of Communism in Russia and the Eastern bloc nations in 1992. Therefore, even the recent history of the early 1990’s disproves Marxism as extremely erroneous. So it’s Adam Smith with his THE WEALTH OF NATIONS that is valid and in contrast Karl Marx with his written nonsensical a full of folly and invalid.
Most historians agree that Karl Marx had good intentions when he labored so many hours writing his books .Such as the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO along with his long volumes which are entitled THE CAPITAL. Those volumes and his other written works were intended to remedy the terrible social conditions of the oppressed and exploited working class.
The reality was the only further tyrannical oppression and cruel exploitation came upon humankind as a result of his error filled philosophical economic political thesis. First, this awful disaster is what may be called “The law of unintended consequences.” Second, as already mentioned above Karl Marx had “good intentions.” So this serves a proof that the old saying must actually be true. Which is that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”