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On October 7 last year, ordinary civilians in Israel were the victims of extraordinary savagery. Hamas terrorists killed young people at a music festival, often in gruesome ways. Families were slaughtered in suburban homes. By any civilized moral standards, there ought to be overwhelming sympathy for a country subjected to such savagery.
Instead, throughout the Western world, we have witnessed endless anti- Israel protests. Why? Part of the reason is demographics. In Britain, for example, in 2001 there were one and half million Muslims. Today, there are almost four million.
That is not to say that every — or even most — British Muslims are anti- Israel. But it does explain the scale and size of some recent protests. So, too, on American university campuses. There have been frequent anti-Israel student protests, often at so-called elite universities. It is perhaps not a coincidence that there has also been a rapid rise in the number of students with Middle Eastern backgrounds at such universities.
Again, not every student from the Middle East is necessarily anti-Israel. But the reservoir of potential anti-Israel student protesters is certainly larger than before.
The rise in anti-Israel sentiment in the West clearly can’t only be about demographics. Many, if not most, of those protesting against Israel are not those with a Middle Eastern background, but those on the political Left.
Why then do those on the Left have such animus towards Israel? Why do they seem to suspend ordinary moral standards whenever Israel is involved? When it comes to Ukraine, for example, those on the political Left – correctly in my view – see Ukraine as a brave country, rightfully taking a stand against a vastly bigger aggressor.
So why don’t they see Israel that way? Israel wasn’t just attacked on October 7. From the Six Day War to the Yom Kippur War, Israel has been on the receiving end of relentless aggression. Israel, a country smaller than Vermont, is surrounded by larger foes intent on destroying her and eradicating her people, as Hamas showed us a few months ago.
Progressive opinion in America and Britain is of the view that the government of Ukraine must not try to accommodate Russia or make concessions. So why do they demand that Israel call a ceasefire? London, Washington and Berlin are full of leaders who want to supply Ukraine with weapons. Why then do many also demand that America and Europe stop giving Israel the tools to defend herself?
The last time there was unequivocal support for Israel in the West was during the Entebbe raid in Uganda in 1976. I remember the morning of the Entebbe raid well. A young child at the time, I happened to be living close by in Kampala. When Israel pulled off a daring rescue mission, freeing the trapped hostages from the hijacked Air France plane at Entebbe — where Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother Yonatan lost his life — there was rejoicing across the political spectrum.
Today, when Israel attempts to rescue her hostages in Gaza she is treated by many media outlets with scorn. Look at how posters of Israeli hostages held in Gaza have been torn down in cities throughout Europe and America.
As my friend Douglas Murray has pointed out, when a cat or dog goes missing in London or Paris or New York, people will often put up a poster about the missing pet. If we saw someone take down a poster about a missing pet, we would be offended. We’d know it was wrong. Where is the outrage against those removing posters of the Bibas kids?
One reason Israel is held to a different standard is anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a famously shape shifting virus. At one time, Jews were hated for their religion, then for their race. Today, it seems to me, it is for their nation. Israel is loathed by many progressives because as a country, Israel embodies the notion of national self-determination. For many centuries, Jewish families toasted each other at Passover with the phrase: “Next year in Jerusalem.”
And then in 1948, almost miraculously, it came true. National self-determination offends elite opinion formers. They revere supranationalism instead. They venerate the UN, the ICC and the EU. Progressives prefer laws made by international treaty over those passed by elected national legislatures. Progressives prefer fealty to rules made by the global community over obligations to an actual community.
Israel’s success offends the Left not only because she is a national state, but because she demonstrates the success of Western society. If all cultures were of equal worth, why then does a small state that could fit inside Vermont produce so much enterprise and innovation? If there is an equivalence between cultures, why has post 1948 Israel seen such success amid a sea of Middle Eastern failure and autocracy?
Those who loathe Israel don’t just hate the Jewish nation state, they despise all nation states – including another phenomenally successful Republic, started not in 1948 but in 1776. If they merely hate Israel, why do they burn the American flag? America and the Western way of life is their intended target. Whether we like it or not, those of us who love America, who see Western culture as a sublime human achievement, have no choice but to side with and support Israel, against those who seek to destroy us all.
Those who hate Israel hate us too.
Roark says
Saying Free Palestine is like saying Exterminate the Jews.
There is and has never been a country called, Palestine. Hence, there are no such thing as Palestinians; they are Arabs.
The entire “Palestinian refugee program” is a massive international money laundering and racketeering scheme. It is a fraudulent program that has been bilking international donors for countless billions. Who knows where that money really goes?
Stop the scam!
Moshe says
We know where the money goes — to the bosses. The late unlamented Haniyeh had a reported personal Fortune of $4 billion. Sinwar probably has a like sum, and there are 15 members on Hamas’ board of terrorist directors.
Lethal says
Antisemitism is satanically inspired. The Jews are God’s chosen people, and those who hate God hate Jews and Israel – the land God gave them
THX 1138 says
There’s no such thing as Muslim rights or Jewish rights, there’s no such thing as Christian rights or Hindu rights, there’s no such thing as White Man’s rights or American Indian rights, Aryan rights, tribal rights, or supernatural fantasy rights — there are only the Rights of Man, i.e., individual rights.
“Ethnicity is not a valid consideration, morally or politically, and does not endow anyone with any special rights….
Man holds these rights, not from the Collective nor for the Collective, but against the Collective—as a barrier which the Collective cannot cross; . . . these rights are man’s protection against all other men….
A group, as such, has no rights. A man can neither acquire new rights by joining a group nor lose the rights which he does possess. The principle of individual rights is the only moral base of all groups or associations….
The source of man’s rights is not divine law or congressional law, but the law of identity. A is A—and Man is Man. Rights are conditions of existence required by man’s nature for his proper survival. If man is to live on earth, it is right for him to use his mind, it is right to act on his own free judgment, it is right to work for his values and to keep the product of his work. If life on earth is his purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being: nature forbids him the irrational. Any group, any gang, any nation that attempts to negate man’s rights, is wrong, which means: is evil, which means: is anti-life.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
Didn’t post this stupid comment several months ago?
The only rights you care about are your Objectivist rights. The right to criticize and ridicule Christians and Jews without anyone complaining about you. The right of mans’ inherent altruistic nature, which you can’t change
Back in the ’60s there was a British film entitled Billy Budd. He was pressed into serving in the British navy. The captain of Budd’s ship was tasked with chasing down the French warship christened “The Rights of Man”. Now, we all know what went wrong with the French revolution and the name “The Rights of Man” is reflective of that failure. The American Revolution celebrated God and freedom. The French Revolution was based on the latest totalitarian flavor of Leftism, Communism and Socialism.
Well you know what? I have my rights as outlined in the Constitution. I certainly don’t need a lecture from your dead goddess and you, re: my rights.
Stop trying to be our messiah. You are terrible at it. You don’t have your own ideas, just Rand’s. So it is no wonder why you fail.
In that movie the ship, “The Rights of Man”, was NOT a French warship. It was a British merchant ship from which Billy Budd had been impressed under the British “Articles of War”.
THX 1138 says
The Left hates success that’s why they hate Israel and America.
When Israel started out it was a David against the Arab states’ Goliath, so they cheered Israel on. Now Israel has become a Goliath crushing the Muslim states in military power and skill. Israel is now a bastion of entrepreneurship and technological innovation, in other words, Israel has become very SUCCESSFUL. That’s why now the Left hates Israel.
“Collectivism does not preach sacrifice as a temporary means to some desirable end. Sacrifice is its end—sacrifice as a way of life. It is man’s independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy….
Further, why are the Arabs against Israel? (This is the main reason I support Israel.)
The Arabs are one of the least developed cultures. They are typically nomads. Their culture is primitive, and they resent Israel because it’s the sole beachhead of modern science and civilization on their continent.” – Ayn Rand
Voice of Reason says
It’s the hatred of the good …. for being good! And this hatred is masked by their professed egalitarianism.
Intrepid says
Another day of failure for you. How would you know about success?
As I said, you only have the ideas of a dead woman and her weak male followers to keep you going.
NB says
Don’t you have a mind of your own? What’s the deal with all this Ayn Rand quotes?
Gary Hope says
I’ve wondered for a very long time why so many people hate the Jews and Israel. There are less than 16 million Jews in the world and billions of people hate them. Do they even know why they hate them?
Jealousy at their many talents and accomplishments? Their large percentage of Nobel prizes that they’ve won. They’re large percentage of numbers in the arts, science, medicine and literature, film and too many other things and fields to mention? Jealousy? Fear? Resentment??
bibi's ten months and going war says
“Today, when Israel attempts to rescue her hostages in Gaza ”
Big assumption there. Israel is not trying to rescue hostages, it’s trying to kill as many Palestinians as it can get away with.
Emmet Veritas says
Despite the facts that there is no such animal as a “Palestinian” and those who call themselves “Palestinians” are animals, let us wish Israel success.
Gabrielle says
Another uninformed idiot!
Edward Amos Brandwein says
There’s no such thing as ” PALESTINE”
Gary Hope says
Wrong, wrong and wrong again. Jealousy, anger, hate and fear.
heartland says
I am so sorry to inform the writer and the readers of this piece, that while interesting, all explanations of anti-Semitism to date are wrong. Everyone who is opposed to Israel is so disposed because it is easy to be against the Jews. There is almost no downsize and lots of upside. We can see the truth of this understanding by comparing how few on the left and in the globalism community are willing to stand against Islam. The Muslim world has learned to threaten and assign blame and, in the end, to punish those who oppose Islamic triumphalism..
Opposition to Muslim ideology can have a very high cost, including loss of life. Not so dangerous when hating Jews.
Why choose the easy path? Because that is the way our brains operate in EVERY matter except when we are thinking, which is a very rare experience for most people.. The brain is subject to the Principle of Least Action because it is subject to the laws governing all electro-dynamic phenomenon. Electrodynamics is no different than any other physical system from throwing a ball to Einstein’s field equations.. See Sabine Hossenfelder on Principle of Least Action and draw your own conclusions.
Anne-Marie says
By this assertion then, anti-Semites do not think – they just go wherever the wind blows (pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel). To actually think is to ponder history, facts, and then draw your well-researched conclusion. Most people are just too damn lazy to go through that process.
There’s also cognitive dissonance. Some people might be presented with facts and truth, but they reject it because it doesn’t fit with their preconceived notions – inconvenient truth? uncomfortable? admitting that maybe, you were mistaken?
Gabrielle says
You have a people, the Jewish people, who are only .02% of the world’s population and our heritage comes from the ancient foundation of the land of Israel established according to the laws and mitzvot in the Torah. It is the recognition of three million people freed from slavery in Egypt who traveled to Mount Sinai, ALL of whom heard the voice of G-d Almighty. The commandments given to this mixed multitude established monotheism . The worship of manmade gods, most often “created” through a similar pagan process of a god from the heavens coming to earth & impregnating a Virgin, thereby establishing a man-god as having certain powers that required rituals of human sacrifice as well as others to satisfy/mollify them to induce any number of results to benefit people. Mohammad, an Arab illiterate claimed, in a “revelation” (only known to him) to have a divine download from the angel Gabriel establishing himself as the last prophet and founder of Islam. His attempts in Medina, where there was an established Jewish population, to obtain their agreement of lineage from Abraham was met with their disapproval for that and other reasons that contradicted the Torah after which he slaughtered one entire tribe and the other he destroyed carrying the women and children into slavery. After this debacle, Mohammad went back and had the dictates of Islam changed reflecting his hatred and animosity of all Jews. Easy to see how usurping the pagan gods as G-d did to Egypt’s top 10 and then refusing to accept Mohammad as the final prophet pretty much guaranteed us living in a world determined to destroy the People of the Book so they could return to their abominable practices without any light being shined into their varied forms of darkness. And falsehood.
JG curmudgeon says
Sincerely wish that I could instantly give a thousand thumbs up, your comment is extraordinarily spot on. Unfortunately the tik-tok video crowd will never see it.
Moshe says
We know where the money goes — to the bosses. The late unlamented Haniyeh had a reported personal Fortune of $4 billion. Sinwar probably has a like sum, and there are 15 members on Hamas’ board of terrorist directors.
” The worship of manmade gods, most often “created” through a similar pagan process of a god from the heavens coming to earth & impregnating a Virgin, thereby establishing a man-god as having certain powers that required rituals of human sacrifice as well as others to satisfy/mollify them to induce any number of results to benefit people.”
And what exactly do you mean by this bullschiff? Sounds to me like you have been reading more Talmud than Torah.
Gabrielle says
IN SHORT… What, EXACTLY does Gd say about human sacrifice in the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible? In Deuteronomy 12:30-31, Gd calls human sacrifice something that He hates, and an abomination to Him, ‘for every abomination to the Etrnl, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.’ In Jeremiah 19:4-6, Gd tells us that human sacrifice is so horrible a concept to Him, that it did not even come into His mind to demand it from His creation, ‘They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind.’ We see the same thing in Psalm 106:37-38, and in Ezekiel 16:20 (
Muhammad, the founder of Islam, traveled to Medina in 622 A.D. to attract followers to his new faith. When the Jews of Medina refused to convert and rejected Muhammad, two of the major Jewish tribes were expelled; in 627, Muhammad’s followers killed between 600 and 900 of the men, and divided the surviving Jewish women and children amongst themselves.(3)
The Muslim attitude toward Jews is reflected in various verses throughout the Koran, the holy book of the Islamic faith. They [the Children of Israel] were consigned to humiliation and wretchedness. They brought the wrath of God upon themselves, and this because they used to deny God’s signs and kill His Prophets unjustly and because they disobeyed and were transgressors (Sura 2:61). According to the Koran, the Jews try to introduce corruption (5:64), have always been disobedient (5:78), and are enemies of Allah, the Prophet and the angels (2:9798).
There are many articles available.
I suggest you purchase The Hebrew-English Artscroll Tenach , The Koren Sacks Hebrew English Tenach and start reading!!!!
Doug Mayfield says
The left is now fully nihilist. They reject all human values as such and any facts which clash with their ideology, in particular that freedom and individual rights (FAIR) are crucial to human life, that wherever it’s applied, their leftist ideology is absolutely deadly and millions are murdered as a direct result of their disgusting despotism, and that any lie, any cheating, any theft, any crime including murder, political and otherwise, which advances their cause is just fine with them because ‘the end justifies the means’. The left hates, fears, and tries desperately to destroy FAIR wherever they find them, here in America, in the Middle East in the one country in that area in which there is respect for FAIR and in which there is economic plenty, Israel, and around the world. The left and followers of Islam are natural allies, ‘blood brothers and sisters’, since both want complete tyranny world wide. If K. is elected in November, watch for a surge in the two hallmarks of the Democrats/the left, virulent attacks on freedom of speech and relentless mangling, perverting, of the legal system to both prosecute political opponents and give their followers a free pass to commit any crime.
JG curmudgeon says
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Right up until the useful idiots are “eliminated”.
Boot-Gal says
So say the Islamist’s willing to court the world’s idiots…and then topple them into dhimmitude as they celebrate the Caliphate.
Anne-Marie says
Basically, the masses were OK with Israel’s existence as long as she could be “pitied” (i.e. the Holocaust). Now that she defends herself (and is no longer a victim), these ill-informed masses no longer see Israel as a victim and therefore condemn for standing up to her bullies. This is why the calls for “ceasefire” only apply to Israel; why if she defends herself, she is accused of “escalating” the conflict.
It is all so FUBAR.
Dustin Tourkee says
Leftism and islam are both imports. Both seek to destroy the current order and replace it with their own. The left and islam have made common cause against Western civilization. Israel is the place where the friction is greatest and every tool to bring it down will be employed. Remove both Leftism and islam from the West.
Beto says
A bigger question is why the majority of American Jews are leftists and anti Israel
Allan Goldstein says
The majority of American Jews are liberal, but not fully leftist, and they DO support Israel
JFK is their favorite president .. even though Ted Kennedy pissed them off.
Moshe says
Actually, LBJ was my favorite president. I shook hands with him in April 1964 when I was 11 years old.
Charley says
Even though Israel is surrounded by enemy nations much larger and at least potentially more powerful (if Israel was not supported militarily by the US), Israel is still more stronger than the so-called Palestinian refugees, and the logic of liberalism is that the stronger party is always morally defective. Success is taboo.
Liberals also have the completely unjustified idea that we can win over the Muslims with kindness.
For Middle Easterners, Israel is a big embarrassment, since they are so successful, while the Arab countries, without oil revenues, would be almost living in the Stone Age.
Chris says
You did not explain why they hate Israel. You only explained one of the reasons they hate Israel – they are globalists while Israel are nationalists. But you do not explain why are they are globalists and hate nationalism. If we go a little deeper we can see that is is the age old rebellion against God at work. Globalism proposes a utopian world from from religious morality, supplanted by the unmatched power of the state. Nationalism proposes a society based on the individual with natural rights bestowed by God. That is why the left hates Israel, and everything else that is from God for that matter,
owensgate says
It’s really, REALLY simple. The World hates Jews and Israel because they remind the world that there IS a God, who the world will be held accountable to, and it terrifies them.
RS says
ITS NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER. Israel had hoped the 1967 war would be its last and that peace would prevail. But that has not been the case. Many are unaware that there has never been a sovereign Arab state anywhere in Palestine. They are equally unaware that the West Bank happens to be the heartland of Jewish civilization, with many of the Bible’s familiar events playing out there.
Yet there is no denying the millions of Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank chafe under non-Muslim rule and the presence of 400,000 Jewish civilians…numbers may have changed some by now.
Israel has strived for peace and agreements but the hostility toward Jewish people has been unquenchable. The Arabs relentless hostility to the Zionist enterprise has proven self-defeating, ruinous, and even tragic for Palestinian Arabs, and yet they pursue destruction. One has to wonder about the intelligence of this people.
The feud goes on, Ishmael continues to mock and hate Isaac. Long ago the Word of God, with remarkable accuracy, described Ishmael’s character and outlined his descendants history. “He will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him. Genesis 16:12. Hatred has been the dominant them of Arab politics and propaganda for a long long time.
As far as the human eye can perceive, Soviet and Arab enmity against the Jewish people will continue until the return of the Lord.