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The media is hyping up outrage over the fact that UN’s World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was at a Houthi airport in Yemen during Israel’s retaliation against the Islamic terrorist group over its attacks on Israel.
The Houthis have spent over a year attacking international shipping, holding hostages, including from the UN, and generally following Tehran’s orders to terrorize as much of the world as they can reach. (All of this was enabled by Biden’s decision to drop support for the Saudi campaign against them and dismantle the Trump measures set up to control Houthi Islamic terrorism.)
The UN and the media expect us to be very outraged that Israeli airstrikes could have (but didn’t) harm WHO’s director-general and that he’s now stuck in Yemen, at least until either the Houthis fix the airport or he gets a ride on a Houthi rocket to Jerusalem.
But why was a top UN health official in an Islamic terrorist state operating within infrastructure under the control of a known terror group?
We’ve gotten used to UN organizations colluding with terrorism, but the presence of a UN agency head in a terrorist state should not just be shrugged off. It goes right to the question of how the UN is allowing terrorist groups to sustain themselves using foreign aid and international institutions.
I assumed he was there to pick up a big box of cash which is what I assume he flies around the world doing for a living. But I thought that he was kind of stupid as it is a war zone and things may be dropping from the sky.. it is funny, if you look at it that way.
What on earth WAS he doing there?
Now, now, he was delivering (mostly US) UN cash to them, AND collecting some for himself from the Houthis/Iranians. The Iranians and the UN have all that money to spend, that the dems gave them. Scratch-scratch.
Probably eating awful falafel and smoking dope.
He IS A TERRORIST. This has been noted before.
He was there because he’s a violent communist terrorist and always has been. Something the UN supports especially against Israel. It’s a shame Israel missed him there.
I would have laughed at their outrage, and thanked the IDF for taking out another corrupt UN terrorist.
The UN was FOUNDED by communists – both open AND closet (Alger Hiss was one of the latter).
Hiss wasn’t so much closeted as undercover, he was a Soviet asset.
Phase II of Operation Release Gain of Function Virus from a U.S. funded biolab is nearly ready, just in time for Trump’s inauguration. Phase II will also include lying about the origin, withholding therapeutics, medical staff dancing like retards while you die alone in a hospital room. lots of mask wearing dumbasses, our kids getting dumber and weaker to pave the way for the next wave of great replacement, more stolen elections, and a new “vaccine” that will make your eyes bulge and your ass cheeks wither. But look on the bright side, if Pfizer is in your 401K you might make a few bucks. Also, if you join a Burn, Loot, and Murder mob you will be immune(from the virus and prosecution!). Tedros and his terror friends are just getting ready for some great opportunities to coordinate action. By the way, if you want to know the exact timing of these events just follow where Pelosi is investing her money. I’m guessing it’ll be in the defense and healthcare sectors.
This is amazingly spot on! Well done with the truth bombs.
Too bad it doesn’t go the way it should. As in they are Skynet and we are the opposition that takes Skynet down.
Don’t be so pessimistic – unless you want to be an I-Told-You-So as you are drooling out your last breath from chemical toxins unleashed on the world – targeting USA again China is not going to risk it with Trump. President Trump is no in their pocket like Biden and POTUS Trump will retaliate.
Further more, I believe the world wants prosperity over the shit over the last 4 years!
Fuck the UN and full speed ahead.
He was there to ensure the Houti terrorist gang enjoys western-tax-payer medicines and hospital supplies so they can keep top performance during their terror campaigns. After all, the UN is nothing but a terrorist organization occupying a building in NYC.
To bad Israel missed him.
I for one fully support his being given a free rocket ride to Jerusalem.
Just how many deaths has WHO caused over the years?
A lot more than they’ve saved, but that’s the plan.
“Doctor” Tedros (with a PhD in Community Health) was the genius who chose Robert Mugabe (the butcher of Zimbabwe) as WHO’s good will ambassador!
Why is this corrupt , non-MD, running the World Health Organization??
US OUT of the WHO. US OUT of the UN. UN OUT of the US.
I do hope PRESIDENT TRUMP makes this happen! No organization has been funded more by US TAXPAYERS to HARM US interests! Get the corruption OUT of the US, cut off all funding, and PROSECUTE the corrupts!
“All of this was enabled by Biden’s decision to drop support for the Saudi campaign against them and dismantle the Trump measures set up to control Houthi Islamic terrorism”
Quid-Pro-Joe TaliBriben doesn’t do anything if WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) is not in the mix.
How much of the 100’s of billions of dollars between Obama and Biden, using our tax dollars, did Ho Briben get kicked back to him “to drop support for the Saudi campaign against them and dismantle the Trump measures set up to control Houthi Islamic terrorism”?
If indeed “The UN and the media expect us to be very outraged’, they must have been SO disappointed! On the 3 or 4 online sites I went to reporting about it, I saw only negative comments from the readers, the gist of if being: “Too bad Israel missed !” And yet they probably haven’t learnt what kind of man he was even before becoming WHO’s Director General!
In the early days when the IDF first got into the Gaza tunnels, you could see everywhere WHO labelled electrics and other installations. If the leader of WHO is an unqualified ccp stooge terrorist it’s no surprise he’s in Houthiville. Probably giving them money for weapons.