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Last Friday, a federal judge sentenced the El Paso Walmart mass murderer, who killed 23 people and wounded another 22, to 90 consecutive life sentences. He still faces additional charges from Texas, where he could receive the death penalty.
With the sentencing announcement, over and over, the news media, such as USA Today, Forbes, and the Dallas Morning News, describes this monster as a “white supremacist,” the Washington Post as a “white nationalist,” and the Texas Tribune, a racist who “wanted to shoot as many Mexicans as possible.” Headlines for the Associated Press claimed, “White gunman to be sentenced for killing 23 people in a racist Walmart attack in a Texas border city,” and Rolling Stone noted, “White Supremacist Who Killed 23 at El Paso Walmart Receives 90 Consecutive Life Sentences.”
All that is true. But it is only part of the story. And it is a part of the story that the media wants to ignore.
Since the murderer’s vicious attack on August 3, 2019, the news media has constantly described the El Paso murderer as “far-right” in Newsweek and raised this case as an example of “right-wing extremism in the U.S.” at NBC. Indeed, attacks such as the El Paso mass murder are counted by the Anti-Defamation League as right-wing extremists.
But the El Paso murderer was not a right-winger by any normal definition. His views clearly match up much closer with the views of Democrats. The news media views anyone who is racist as a right-winger.
But the El Paso murderer was a racist because of his environmentalist views. In his manifesto, he wrote: “The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations … The next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
Nor is it just the El Paso murderer. The Buffalo, New York, and Dayton, Ohio, mass murderers were also racists who were clearly of the left. The Buffalo mass murderer labeled himself an “eco-fascist national socialist” and a part of the “mild-moderate authoritarian left.” He worried minorities have too many children and that it damages the environment. “The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world,” he claimed. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation, and by doing so, save the environment.” His views were no different than the El Paso murderer, but he also has been continually labeled a right-winger.
These deranged killers made minorities their principal target. But they’ve done so out of a crazy environmentalist determination to reduce the human population by whatever means necessary.
The news media and politicians who constantly warn about the world’s imminent end can’t bring themselves to acknowledge the environmental connection, even though climate activists time and again agree that overpopulation is part of the problem. “It does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question: Is it okay to still have children?” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2019. She also warned that the “‘world will end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”
Similarly, President Biden fans the flames of alarmism when he claims that “climate change poses an existential threat to our lives … this is code red.”
The New York Times, the Washington Post, and other news outlets intend to constrain any racist as a conservative right-winger. But they aren’t. And if there’s any ideological cause that really is sparking violence, it’s environmental extremism. But even when they aren’t labeling these mass murderers as right-wingers, they refuse to admit the real ideology driving these killers.
Lott is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and the author of “Gun Control Myths.”
David Ray says
The DNC stenographers, pawning themselves off as journalists, also have a habit of running cover for trans-freak mass killers.
In the ’90s, the MSM, along with pedophile Slick Willie also blamed Rush Limbaugh as the inspiration behind the Oklahoma City bombing. It was pure slander.
Democrat idiots also ascribed Timothy McVeigh as a “Christian terrorist”, without bothering to research if that was true.
It wasn’t.
Timothy McVeigh was an atheist.
Cat K says
Idk how accurate but there’s has been questioning if there is more to the McVeigh story. One author wrote about accomplices of. a certain background. At the time, I would have dismissed such questions as conspiracy.
But, I can no longer trust an “official story” or the findings of courts.
David Ray says
It’d certainly be worth looking into, especially when authorities & the press have a long habit of announcing “Nothing to see here. Move along.”
Classic example is when Littlebitch Barry declared a clear jihadist attack at Ft. Hood as “workplace violence.”
The new pilot Andreas Lubitz that locked the other pilot out of the cockpit then crashed flight 9525 was known to be mentally unstable.
What was suppressed as “irrelevant” was the fact that he had recently started attending a mosque & become a convert.
(Islamic scumbags have a history of manipulating weak or unstable members to do suicide missions.)
Hence, Tim McVeigh being steered quietly by islamic interests is more than plausible, especially since in 1995, islamists were assuming they’d get swift & severe retribution if ever implicated in such an act.
(Turns out that politicians were more prone to assign ’em permanent “victim/minority” status than actually fight them.)
Semaphore says
If you can find a copy of “The Third Terrorist” by Jayna Davis, she addresses this, offering compelling evidence that McVeigh had help from Islamics and the FBI knew.
David Ray says
In light of how the FBI botched their investigation into the Tsarnaevs, I’ll certainly take a look. 👍
Tionico says
There absolutely MUST have been others involved. Can’t recall the name but there was a specific man named who had been involved in the acquisition of the truck, and with logistics.
But the REAL reason I am absolutely certain McVeigh did NOT act solo is this: I’ve seen photogrpahs, very clear and detailed, of the front of the building supposedly destroyed by A (as in single) explosive device in the nox of the truck. Imposible.
The truck was parked about twelve feet from the middle of the front face of the building. The destruction ALL ALONG the front, from sidewalk level to the top of the (fourth?) floor, was absolutely even. This is physically impossoble.
The “inverse square law” details how any source of energy (light, heat, explosion) the ntensity of the energy reachng any point away from the centre of the source (light bulb, heater, explosion, noise) is diminished as the inverse square of the energy released. In other words, if I have a loudspeaker at Point A, directed in some direction, and point B is, say, ten feet from Point A, point B will receive X measure of the energy emitted. At Point C, twice that distance, the energy received will be ONE FOURH. Double the distance again to forty feet, energy is one sixteenth.
If the explosive damage twelve feet from the truck was Y, go down the sidewalk to a point where the distance is 96 feet (call it 100 for easier maths) the further section will receive 1/132nd the destructive energy. Now go and look at the phptos again.DID NOT HAPPEN. My question since the week of the incident has been WHO set the other dcharges INSIDE the building? That entire front wall collapsed as if dropped by mulitple set charges all along it. McViegh did NOT act alone.
I personally believe he was a set-up patsy to play cover for a different agenda.
Semaphore says
I watched the live news coverage of it, and I recall seeing people running away from the building in droves as the word was out that another bomb had been found. I also remember one investigator, a retired military and explosives expert (the name escapes me) who said what you said, that the destruction was too massive for a single truck bomb. He was later kicked off of the committee. Furthermore, the ATF, who had offices in that building, somehow didn’t show up for work that morning. Go figure.
Lethal says
These environmentalists who want to save the overpopulated world by killing all who don’t believe in their doctrines, should set the ultimate example and do away with themselves to save the planet
But my guess is they will kill billions by banning electricity, certain life-saving pharmaceuticals, limiting food production etc.
Steven Brizel says
The legacy media refuses to explore any ideological motive that will challenge its narrative
valyria starstorm says
Pretty obvious the msm is demonizing white Christian conservatives to stir up hatred against them so when the tyrannical marxist dictators decide it’s time to purge the country of their opposition, then there won’t be much public sentiment against rounding up white Christians and executing them.
This is the exact same thing that happens every single time there is a communist/marxist coup – demonization of the opposition, followed by genocide of the oppisition.
Steve says
The Nazis also espoused a form of “green” ideology. If she had been born 80 or 90 years earlier, I can easily see Greta Thunberg (whose native Sweden, which calls itself, without the slightest irony “a humanitarian superpower” had a socialist government which sold Nazi Germany iron ore and ball bearings, laundered money and gold looted from murdered Jews and allowed Nazi troops transit over Swedish soil) saying, “How dare you!” to anyone who scoffed at the Fuehrer’s green initiatives.
Kasandra says
The post-modernist Left lives by its “narratives.” And being totalitarians by nature, nothing, no facts or alternative explanations, are allowed to interfere with these narratives. They may call what they do “news” but it’s just propaganda.
Christopher Robert Riddle says
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!It’s ALL About”The Narrative”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like Unabomber and Manson as well as the Discovery Channel Hostage taker all deep ecologist the fact that Kasinski the Unabomber was influenced by Al Gore as was the Hostage Taker as well its just the M.S. Media is keeping this from us
Christopher Robert Riddle says
Because being a LEFT-WING/Enviro Wacko/Mass Murderer doesn’t fit The NARRATIVE??????????????
Semaphore says
I think this is just another example of government spoon-feeding. Check out the 2014 documentary “CitizenFour,” about Edward Snowden’s meeting with Glen Greenwald in Hong Kong. Consider the massive extent our US government had data-harvested us, something more characteristic of dictatorships than republics. Our media continues to massage facts to fit naratives, to do the bidding of TPTB, and as such is more consistent with a Soviet system than a democratic republic. Please God, let me be wrong about this…
Lightbringer says
Keep praying. You’re on the right track as to the right One to petition here. G0d save America!
Bob Henderson says
“The Media”? You must mean the murky, stinking pipes of the Fake News SewerStream Media (FNSSM), Enemy of the People. Thank THE LORD for decent media like GAB, Rebel News, the American Spectator, FrontpageMag (you), Epoch Times, Twitter, et al.
Lightbringer says
Do we see the fingerprints of that dear old Nazi radical environmentalist, Martin Heidegger, here and there? Asking for a friend.
Time Magazine named Radical Environmentalists Paul Watson(Sea Shepards) and Hero of the Planet while he once said I GET THE IDEA THAT INSTEAD OF GOING OUT A ND SHOOTING BIRDS I WOULD SHOOT THE KIDS THAT SHOOT BIRDS these Eco-Extremists are the ones who were spiking Trees some years a go