Not Putin, Biden.
Biden’s domestic message for the State of the Union is going to be “optimism”. Considering that Biden is hated by the country, which is deep in inflation, debt and general unhappiness, that’s like the punchline to a Borsch Belt joke.
A pity that Jackie Mason is no longer around to tell it.
I can’t think of any issue that Biden has less credibility on than optimism. And that’s saying something. Worse still it smacks of a Carteresque moment.
Americans don’t hire leaders to tell them about optimism. Inspirational messages are nice, but when detached from real action, are just hollow posturing.
Biden has nothing optimistic to offer Americans except the same old pitches for the same old hoary leftist agendas that don’t address what people are living through and dealing with. The last thing anyone wants from the plumber who broke your toilet and left water all over the floor are life lessons on optimism.
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