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Geert Wilders and his Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV), “Party For Freedom,” burst out of the Netherlands’ political wilderness with a resounding victory last Wednesday, 11/22/23. Now endeavoring to cobble together a governing coalition, Wilders observed, aptly,
“The PVV is a broad popular party. The largest in the Netherlands. 2.4 million people voted for us. Highly and poorly educated, native and immigrant, workers, retirees, young people, and the elderly. From the city, the countryside. The PVV is for everyone.”
Just prior to the election, the Dutch CIDI (Centrum Informatie En Documentatie Israel) summarized PVV’s record on Israel and “Antisemitism,” Jew-hatred, including these unique declarations:
–the Dutch embassy in Israel must move to Jerusalem that Jordan (78% of the original Mandate for Palestine, and still Judenrein, “Jew-free,” by law) is the only true Palestinian state, and PVV does not favor the creation of another one.
–support for Israeli settlements in Judea-Samaria (the West Bank).
–opposition to the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, subordinated to the Sharia.
–commitment to fighting Antisemitism, as defined by the IHRA, and as promulgated, especially “from an Islamic point of view”.
That commitment couldn’t be more timely given the dramatic, over 8-fold increase in antisemitic incidents within the Netherlands since Hamas’ 10/7/23 jihad carnage in southern Israel.
When CIDI’s annual report for 2019 was released on 2/17/20, recording 182 Antisemitic incidents, its highest number ever registered since 1982, when monitoring began, Wilders inveighed against the denial of what the report’s findings actually substantiated. During a Parliamentary floor debate, Tuesday 2/18/20, eschewing the craven, vacuous platitudes of his colleagues, Wilders thundered,
“[I]t is almost nauseating. We’ve been talking about Antisemitism, here in the Lower House (of the Dutch Parliament) for ten minutes now. And nobody, really nobody has discussed the biggest cause of Antisemitism, which is of course Islam, and Islamization.”
Observing that, “we have a million Muslims in the Netherlands right now,” and “Islam is synonymous with Jew-hatred,” Wilders demonstrated, accurately, how “intrinsic” Islamic Antisemitism was redolent within Islam’s defining text, the Qur’an:
“In the Koran its says that Jews are monkeys and pigs (Koran 5:60). That they are bad (5:79). That they cannot be trusted (5:13). That they are liars (2:100). That they are dishonest (3:78).”
Wilders concluded by demanding that his colleagues acknowledge,
“…there is a connection between mass immigration of people from Islamic countries, and Antisemitism…If you do not, you are selling politically correct nonsense.”
Irrefragable support for Wilders’ contention is provided by hard Western European data on both Antisemitic attitudes and non-lethal Antisemitic violence, or violent threats.
Data collected during the 2008 “Six Countries Study” (i.e., The Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, and Sweden) from ~9000 participants (3373 native Christians; 3344 Turkish Muslim immigrants; 2204 Moroccan Muslim immigrants) revealed that 45% of the Muslim immigrants, vs. 9% of native Christians, believed “Jews cannot be trusted.” While such hostility to Jews among “fundamentalist” Christians doubled to ~18%, over 70% of fundamentalist Muslims were hostile to Jews.
“Antisemitism in Brussels’ Schools,” a 426 pp. study, included data on the views within the young Belgian Muslim community, primarily, 12-18 year-olds, during 2011. A 354pp. follow-up study of Antwerp-Ghent youth was published in 2013. 2,837 students in 32 Dutch-speaking Brussels high schools were surveyed. Muslim respondents agreed with the following four statements—i.e., Antisemitic stereotypes—at disproportionate, 3.7-fold, to 7.0-fold, rates!: [I] “Jews want to dominate everything” (Muslims, 56.8%; non-Muslims, 10.5%); [II] “Most Jews think they’re better than others” (Muslims, 47.1%; non-Muslims, 12.9%); (III) “If you do business with Jews, you should be extra careful” (Muslims, 47.5%; non-Muslims, 12.9%); (IV) “Jews incite to war and blame others” (Muslims, 53.7%; non-Muslims, 7.7%). Antisemitic Muslim attitudes were unrelated to low educational level or social disadvantage. The 2013 study of 863 students from Ghent and Antwerp, including 346 Muslim students, confirmed these results. 45-50% of Muslim students evidenced Antisemitic attitudes, versus 10% of non-Muslims, consistent 4.5 to 5-fold excess rates. Gunther Jikeli’s 2011 study yielded concordant results. Jikeli, a Muslim convert, conducted 117 interviews with Muslims from Berlin, Paris, and London, whose mean age was 19 years old. Jikeli affirmed the centrality of Islam, “references to the Qur’an or the Hadith (traditions of Muhammad),” in shaping the Antisemitic views of young Muslim adults in Western Europe.
Anti-Defamation League surveys conducted in Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, The United Kingdom, and France, during 2015 and repeated in 2019, assessed the prevalence of “extreme Antisemitism”, defined as agreement with at least 6/11 Antisemitic stereotypes among Christians/non-Muslims, and Muslims. Both surveys revealed a nearly 3-fold increased rate of extreme Antisemitism within the Muslim, relative to the non-Muslim populations. Updated ADL findings from Belgium and France just published in May, 2023, were identical. The prevalence of extreme Antisemitism among French Muslims was 62%, vs. 15% in French Christians. For Belgium, extreme Antisemitism was observed in 52% of Muslims, vs. 21% of Christians.
Finally, a lone study of its kind, assessing non-lethal violence and violent threats targeting Jews, was conducted by FRA – European Union for Fundamental Rights, in 2012. Uniquely, it queried Jewish victims about the identity of those who attacked them, or threatened them with violence, asking them to recall their past 5-year experiences: “Thinking about the incident where somebody attacked or threatened you in a way that frightened you because you are Jewish–who did this to you?” There was a gross 2.2-fold excess occurrence of non-lethal violence, or violent threats against Western European Jews, by Muslims, relative to non-Muslims, collectively, who held designated, “right-wing”, “left-wing”, or “Christian” views.
Current Al-Azhar University Grand Imam, and Sunni Muslim Papal equivalent, Ahmad al-Tayeb, during an October, 2013 interview, riveting on Qur’an 5:82, re-affirmed, authoritatively, the canonical Islamic animus which fuels this global orgy of Muslim Jew-hatred, and violence. When no religious or political leader of stature spontaneously excoriated al-Tayeb for his public endorsement of “sacralized” Islamic Jew-hatred, I appealed to Geert Wilders. Alone, then as now, Wilders not only rebuked al-Tayeb’s statements, he extolled Pope Francis’ antithetical Evangelii Gaudium, which drew “the world’s attention to the indebtedness of Christianity to the Jews and their faith,” and contained a “sharp condemnation of the terrible persecutions which the Jews have endured from Christians in the past.”
An alleged post-October 7, 2023 epiphany of the liberal Jewish intelligentsia has occurred, embodied by journalist Bari Weiss, and her much ballyhooed 11/10/23 Federalist Society speech. In that address, Ms. Weiss proclaimed,
“Look at your enemies and your allies…I know that in the fight for the West, I know who my allies are.”
Moreover, on November 30, 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported the Israel-Hamas conflagration has been the “breakout moment” for Ms. Weiss and her Free Press, allegedly “appealing to readers hungry for an alternative to what they view as an unfair characterization of Israel in mainstream media.” But will Ms. Weiss’ new “awareness” extend to sympathetic Free Press editorial coverage of Geert Wilders? I maintain that unequivocal editorial support for Wilders and the PVV—bold, informed truthtellers on Islam and the Jews—is a litmus test for the “post-October 7th” sincerity of Bari Weiss, and other avatars of the liberal Jewish intelligentsia.
BLSinSC says
Completely incompatible with civilized Nations! Some Nations are waking up to the threat – others will take more “convincing” and then it will be ugly – VERY ugly!
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
A poignant view of them is they are pre-modern with retained significant neanderthal traits. To present with such psychotic traits over a period of several decades is to cement that view. They simply do not show, and have not shown for decades, any evidence of a willingness to assume characteristics of a modern, civilized nation. That the streets of Gaza erupted so wildly upon learning of the butchery by their own sons, brothers, fathers committed on innocents, is proof they have long out-lived their presence in modern societies.
Tony Rice says
Someone should muster up the courage and publish the true content of the Koran, which is a blook of HATE, instructing Muslims to kill Jews, Christians and ” non believers ” wherever you find them, take the women as sex slaves or sell them in slave markets, What ISIS did in Syria and Iraq was what they are expected/ instructed to do in the Koran. How that religion can be termed one of Love and Peace escapes me. What Muslims do in the non- Muslim countries where they settle is as required to do by their religion, as was what Hamas did on Nov. 7th. The world must wake up and supress the ideals, aims and requirements of Islam.
Anne-Marie Marion says
Read articles written by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Terry says
There are translations of the Koran-I forget whether it is 8:12 or 9:5 “…Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, chop their necks…” Stuff like this is repeated about 80 x in the koran.
Ugly Sid says
Define peace.
Is it not the afterglow of victory over the infidel, the division of his wealth, the distribution of his daughters for erotic delight?
Of course, Muslims want peace. There is simply no substitute.
Islam insists upon endless peace. And their’s is the only opinion that counts.
maria says
No muslims don´t want peace. All the quran is a book of murder and making califphate in the whole world
Islam must be erazed
Ptooy says
Weiss is a leftist and a dyke. Keep your expectations low.
John Blackman says
the answer to the question posed by the headline in this article is NO !
Kasandra says
I like very much waning Leftists like Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Shellenberger. They’re very smart and very courageous. But, at some point, all three will have to come to the realization that, while political extremism of the Left and Right are not conducive to a functioning society, at the present time, the Left has destroyed “liberalism” on the Left, infects all of its institutions, and is, by far, the biggest threat. After a lifetime of identifying with the Left side of the spectrum it is most difficult for them to come to grips the the idea that the Left is no longer “the good guys” as they’ve thought they were for all these years. Give them some time.
Hannah54 says
This is a disappointing article.
“But will Ms. Weiss’ new ‘awareness’ extend to sympathetic Free Press editorial coverage of Geert Wilders?”
That question was ALREADY ANSWERED the week before (29 Nov), when Free Press published a strong piece in support of Geert Wilders.
What’s more, Weiss did better than try to speak on Dutch politics herself — she let two Dutch citizens do it. One of them was the eloquent Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who put her finger on the Islamic cultural bullying as the reason why Wilders won by such a landslide.
This was followed the next day by ANOTHER supportive commentary in Free Press pointing out that Wilder’s victory is actually part of a “trend” across Europe, and lamenting the “shallow” reactions that are dodging the legitimate reasons for it.
I am firmly rightwing and I don’t like Bari Weiss’s lifestyle choices. But I follow her journalistic work, because since leaving the NYT she has been one of those rare journalists on the Left who have the humility and courage to give a voice to honest people on the Right.
Not only that, but she listens to them.
Her Oct. 7 awakening pushed her more to the Right, but she was already on the way.
A shame that Andrew Bostom wasn’t aware of that context… which he could have found with just a basic background check.
Terry says
Islam is a totalitarian political ideology. Mohammad’s father died before he was born. His mother gave him to a wet nurse. She returned him when he was two and told his mother he was “possessed.” (?epilepsy?). Then his mother died. His grandfather took over, and when he died, an uncle took over. All before Mo was 10 yrs old. When he was 25, he married a woman 15 yrs older. He was a psychopath.
He could get no adherents to his new thing until he had a fight with his tribe and fled to Medinah, where he gained adherents by promising them part of the loot from robbing caravans.
Hatred of the Jews stems from their refusal to join his islam thing.
The Arabian peninsula is barren. All anybody could do there was grow dates, herd camels, or fish on the coast. Even now, with an area 25-33% of the continental USA they have a population of only 33 million or so. They lived in tribes and lived by fighting with, plundering, and killing one another.
After Mo died, they poured out of the Arabian peninsula; invaded Christian, Jewish and pagan Middle East; Jerusalem in 637; across North Africa, invaded Spain in 711 AD–al UNPROVOKED. Plus (UNPROVOKED) east across the real civilization of Persia; across what are now Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, into India, just murdering people wholesale.
You didn’t notice the Jihad because so many are ignorant of history, and the muslims do not produce, so they ran out of steam and OTHER PEOPLES’ MONEY in World War One. But now the Arabians have petrodollars. Pres Trump noticed how bad they are, but even he did not study their history.
September 11, 1565; the siege of Malta. They LOST
September 11, 1683; the Siege of Vienna. King John 3rd Sobieski defeated them.
September 11, 1697; The Battle of Zenta. They lost.
September 11, 2001 They won one.
livro o poder do chá de sumiço says
I’m really impressed with that. 934768956