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It’s about time. On November 22, seventeen years after its founding by Geert Wilders, the Party for Freedom (PVV) won a huge victory in the Dutch elections. With 23% of the vote, the PVV went from 17 to 37 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives. The conservative British commentator Paul Joseph Watson called it “the biggest political earthquake in Europe since Brexit.” The lefties who’d shown up to follow the returns at the headquarters of other parties exhibited the same shock and grief that we saw in the faces of Hillary Clinton voters at the Javits Center on Election Night 2016.
Even as the final results were being tabulated, a group of “experts” on the Netherlands met at the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the American Enterprise Institute for a 90-minute discussion of the exit polls. There were five people on stage, but very little range in views. All five were unsettled by Wilders’s success. Erik Voeten, who teaches Geopolitics and Justice in World Affairs at Georgetown University, accused Wilders of “Islamophobia” and “xenophobia” and claimed that he “wants to do things that are contrary to current Dutch law, European law, and international law.” Stan Veuger of AEI called the PVV “extremely radical.”
How radical? Wilders, charged Veuger, “wants to ban the Koran, ban mosques, ban Islamic schools.” Echoing word-for-word Voeten’s observation that such moves would violate “Dutch law, European law, and international law,” Veuger pronounced that the very idea of Wilders as head of government was an “inconceivable option.” He even suggested that the “stringent security measures” that Wilders has to live with 24 hours a day might make it “difficult for him to function as prime minister.” And why exactly does Wilders live with “stringent security measures”? Because Muslims have repeatedly threatened him with assassination. Of course Veuger was far too discreet to mention that delicate detail.
Matthias Mattijs, a Belgian who teaches International Political Economy at Johns Hopkins, maintained that the likes of Wilders could not possibly become prime minister. And Arthur van Benthem, who teaches Business Economics and Public Policy at the Wharton School, worried that the election results would stall important action on “climate change” and “energy transition.” The Dutch government, you see, has set itself the goal of eliminating all non-electric cars by 2030 and of cutting “cattle farming in half” to satisfy EU rules on nitrogen emissions. How, asked van Benthem, could the Netherlands attain these manifestly worthy objectives now that Wilders, that deplorable figure, has pulled such numbers?
Not until an hour and 26 minutes into the conversation did Brookings Institution fellow Constanze Stellenmüller, who is German, mention the recent events in the Holy Land – which of course explain why support for PVV leaped from 12% to 23% after October 7. How could a Dutch voter follow the news about the massacres in kibbutzim and at that desert dance party and not think about the angry young men in the Muslim enclaves in their own cities?
As long ago as 2004, 68% of Dutch people “felt threatened by ‘immigrant or Muslim young people’” and 47% “feared that in due time they would have to live according to Islamic rules in the Netherlands.” Since then, the Muslim population of the Netherlands has skyrocketed – for fourteen years, the mayor of its second largest city, Rotterdam, has been a Moroccan named Ahmed Aboutaleb – and concerns about where all this is leading have only intensified. Hamas’s assaults on Israel brought Dutchmen’s worst imaginings to life.
Yet get a load of how Stellenmüller framed it. The Dutch, she said, have “the largest per capita Turkish minority in Europe,” plus “significant Arab minorities,” and the Israel-Hamas war is consequently “translating into increasing tensions domestically.” This, she said, represents a challenge for Wilders: he “has the choice now of kicking this beehive or being a responsible politician.”
Get that? If Wilders wants to be a “responsible politician,” he’ll drastically tame his rhetoric about immigration and make nice with Muslims; if – assuming his victory translates into greater power – he keeps his promises by trying to rescue his country from Islamization, he’ll be “kicking a beehive.”
Clearly, all five participants in this event were on the same page. Wilders, as one of them put it, is “out of the mainstream.” But who’s to define “the mainstream” – them or the voters? Wilders, pronounced Voeten, is “far out of line” on immigration. Yes – far from the political establishment’s consensus. Mattijs recalled nostalgically the “brief moment” in 2020 when “cosmopolitan elites” assumed that the challenge of the COVID pandemic would lead voters to “want serious people in government” and would thus put an end to “populism.” Of course, by “serious people,” Mattijs meant people like himself and his fellow panelists; by “populism,” he meant Wilders.
While I was watching this ridiculous AEI event, I kept remembering a one-day conference that I attended many years ago, also in Washington, D.C. The topic was the future of Europe. There were two or three dozen speakers – each of whom was more pompous and self-important than the next – and I was the only one, I think, who wasn’t a diplomat or ex-diplomat. I was also the only one who didn’t see Europe’s future as bright and sunny. After I’d done my little song and dance – a half-hour lunchtime talk about the danger of mass Muslim immigration – I became the object of this crowd’s unanimous contempt and condescension. Islam a danger to Europe? What a gauche proposition! Who let this lout in?
I left that conference thinking: Well, the hell with them all. And I felt the same way about the clowns at AEI. If mosques are preaching violence, by all means close them down; if madrassas are teaching Jew-hatred, close them down; and if Muslim immigrants have criminal records, send them home tout de suite. Is any of this against Dutch law? If so, change the law. Is it against EU law? Then quit the EU, like the Brits did. Is it against international law? Then the hell with international law.
For heaven’s sake, the Netherlands is in an existential crisis. Twenty-one years ago, Pim Fortuyn – an eloquent sociologist turned politician whose number-one issue was the danger of mass Muslim immigration – was nine days out from an election that was expected to propel him into the prime ministership when he was brutally assassinated. On that day, the cause of preserving Dutch liberty in the face of Islamization took a disastrous hit. Years passed. Eventually Wilders founded the Party for Freedom, which over the years went up and down in the polls, coming tantalizingly close to power and then dropping away again, as the cause of saving the Netherlands from Islam competed in voters’ minds with other issues of the day.
Then came October 7. It doesn’t feel like a stretch to conclude from the election results that the news of Hamas’s chilling butchery caused more Dutchmen than ever before to recognize just how fragile their freedom and safety are and, in consequence, to reject the feckless establishment – as represented by those panelists at AEI – in favor of Wilders. And for good reason. They want their country to be saved.
They elites wept in the US as well, They wept after Brexit, Elites are not weeping anymore,
Brexit is a bust. Trump is the GOP establishment candidate with the support of almost every establishment RINO. Trump doesn’t enjoy 100% fealty from these RINOs which is what people mean when they claim otherwise.
The swamp is swampier today than before and visibility is about 3 feet.
I recall that after Brexit, The Great Narcissist Barack Hussein Osama said Britain “would have to get to the back of the queue” in trade negotiations with the United States. Apart from being gross interference in the domestic politics of an ally (not that such an idea was foreign to BO- look at how he treated Benjamin Netanyahu throughout his presidency), that implies the US is incapable of handling trade negotiations with Britain and the EU concurrently. Such arrogance is especially galling coming from someone who went on a “World Apology Tour” and who prates constantly about “imperialism” and “colonialism”
Trump isn’t supported by the Rinos, they don’t want the status quo changed….. The swamp and the Establishment have been trying to get rid of him since he was elected in 2016. He also won in 2020 and the Elites and the Establishment never want him to be President Again, thats why our elections are now controlled by machines, and outside forces! Thats why the United States has been going through drastic changes that they didn’t vote for and don’t want. All this Globalism is being pushed on the American people by the elites, oligarchs, politicians, and businesses. The American people don’t want any of this FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE.
BAN the pedo-Illuminati and ALL secret society members from holding ANY USG position.
That would mean bye bye Biden, otherwise known as Pedo Joe.
BO’s allegiance was, and is still, not supportive of Israel. What other group, country or organization could it be, but any group, country or organization that does not support Israel or its allies? Any names come to mind that are currently in the news? BO led this country down a dangerous path toward our enemies, of several ilk, none of which I would trust as far as I could throw a bull by the tail. I pray the electorate in this country sees the light in this situation and vote for those who will keep our culture, social fabric in tact, and vote out those who would take us down that dangerous path.
And support for Trump from RINOs along with the Maga patriots is a bad thing? Only to never Trumpers.
Trump is mainly supported by the friends of liberty, of commerce, of free trade, of economic freedom, of all that is found in the foundations, by the friends of the America of the Founding Fathers, by the enemies of bureaucracy , regulation, over-taxation, socialism, collectivism, statism,. The bureaucratic state is a scourge which caused the great depression, all the great economic crises, inflation, and the worst wars that humanity has known in all its history. America is partly corrupted by bureaucrats, overly expensive governments, hundreds of thousands of civil servants who produce nothing and who are disconnected from the ground, from what is happening in the world of reality. Who doesn’t make anything, apart from annoying. It is this America that the Trumpists defend which must win, it is this America which attracted millions of Europeans who were fleeing absolutism, great poverty, to build something livable with freedom, a magnificent country. This is the America that many want to destroy in order to move towards statism. The “progressives” are a scourge who imagine that society is built from the top, via bureaucracy, via an elite who knows better than everyone else how to do good. This is what we must fight. People who would be capable of creating for us a centralized world government, statism on a global scale, a bunch of mediocre people in the pretension of knowledge, the same people who will tell African countries how to use their industry and energy. It’s Obama who is going to South Africa to tell Africans how, from now on, they will have to practice capitalism to save the planet.
A sign of more to come. This does not bode well for Joek Biden.
Thank God.
The Big Guy lost by millions of votes in 2020,. They can cheat his corpse across the line one more time.
No way! Bush43 is a stalwart who’ll have our backs should any voter fraud be tried like he did in 2020.
Oh, wait.
The genteel prick stabbed us in the back. He gallantly declared that there was no evidence of voter fraud, while evidently doing zero research.
Odd, that he felt he had to run to a microphone & say that bullshit when ¹the rigging that had taken place before election day, was obvious if not brazen, and ²he had experienced Gore’s effort to steal his election & knew first hand what the DNC was capable of.
“Like the good folks standing with me [CAIR], the American people were appalled and outraged at last Tuesday’s attacks. And so were Muslims all across the world. Both Americans and Muslim friends and citizens, tax-paying citizens, and Muslims in nations were just appalled and could not believe what we saw on our TV screens.
These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it’s important for my fellow Americans to understand that….
The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace….
When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that’s made brothers and sisters out of every race — out of every race.
America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That’s not the America I know. That’s not the America I value.
I’ve been told that some fear to leave; some don’t want to go shopping for their families; some don’t want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they’re afraid they’ll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America.
Those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don’t represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be ashamed of that kind of behavior.
This is a great country. It’s a great country because we share the same values of respect and dignity and human worth. And it is my honor to be meeting with leaders [CAIR] who feel just the same way I do. They’re outraged, they’re sad. They love America just as much as I do…” – G.W, Bush
thx 1138 should be banned from FPM
As wrong as GB2 was about Islam, that is how wrong you are about Judeo-Christianity.
And by the way, you just couldn’t help yourself yesterday, could you? You just had to post some stupid crap about Objectivism on Thanksgiving Day. Our unique American holiday rooted in Christianity, and celebrated by Jews as well.
You couldn’t stay still for even 24 hours. I guess my prediction was correct. You are most assuredly the biggest loser on the planet. In this country only the idiot Left and you seem to have a problem with Thanksgiving.
Fortunately all you got was a few downvotes and zero response. After all, the normals were celebrating the day. You know, eating turkey and the usual sides, engaging in fellowship and family, watching football. Gearing up for Black Friday….a celebration of capitalism at its finest
We are into the holiday season now….the time of year when you look your absolute most pathetic.
If Islam is peaceful Muslims would support efforts to ban sharia. If Islam is peaceful Muslims would be denounce those who call for killing Jews or blasphemers or apostates. The problem is that Imams won’t let Muslims forget that they must submit.
Wilders is correct. Political Islam must be banned because Islam in practice is violent against those who won’t submit.
Thanks for reminding us again what contemptible creature Bush 43 was and is.
So, how do you explain the Koran’s description of its instruction to require infidels to either convert to Islam, be submissive to it, or be killed? Nothing in any form of Judeo-Christian values espouses that ideology. As I understand it, everyone who is not a Muslim, is an infidel.
What, Bush43, Clinton’s brother by another mother, the guy who did ads for aid for Haiti with Slick Willie who (SW) then sidetracked significant amounts of those donations angering the Haitians, that Bush?
Wilders is the man, without a doubt. His wife cant be any slouch herself, they have no normality in their lives, and there she is taking it right along side of him. She has to be just as dedicated to saving her country as he is.
Geert was at the “Draw Muhammad” contest in Garland, Texas back in 2015.
Two muslim men took offense and went heavily armed to kill as many as possible. Instead, they were killed so we had a happy ending (unless you were a reporter for NBC, then it was an act of islamophobia.)
Keep in mind, that the two islamic pricks weren’t aware of Geert’s attendance. They were inflamed by free speech itself, and showed how the “religion-of-peace” tolerates dissent.
I did not know that Wilders could have been killed that day.
no wonder that Geert wants the throat cutters removed from his country.
It takes courage to stand in the gap of conviction and popularity that most of us don’t understand and may never have to suffer.
She is a very good woman and actually she is the real good Jewish woman
Apparently, non of their elites have heard of pre-printing all the ballots that you need for the candidate(s) that you need to win.
I’m sure Obama is now on his way to Holland to teach their new world order elites how to properly commit voter fraud without getting caught.
He better make it fast because once wilders takes the seat, like he has said, the flawed in butchery will be removed and others not allowed in.
Wilders can say now: what if I told you I already told you but you didn’t listen. All these woke rats can go to hell, they are the reason why EU is on the brink. I wish for Wilders a long PM tenure. Oh and a tip: he can hire Ayaan Hirsi Ali as special adviser to PM in matters related to Islam.
Hiring Ayaan Hirsi Ali would indeed be sweet. Niall Ferguson might be concerned, though.
“ If mosques are preaching violence, by all means close them down; ”
The socialist Bliar government in the UK decided that this issue should be addressed by hate speech laws.
Look where that ends.
Great Article! So happy for the Dutch.
They are very proud of their resistance to the Nazi’s and support of the Jews. This is a return to tradition for them.
Crazy that the EU can force an agenda on member nations like that.
“…They are very proud of their resistance to the Nazi’s and support of the Jews. This is a return to tradition for them….”
Only partly true.
5th SS Panzer Division Wiking
Volunteer Legion Netherlands
National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands (NSB) 1931
Much of Europe had similar collaborationist German Nazi units and politically affiliations.
Now maybe the Dutch government will allow Afrikaners to immigrate from South Africa to avoid being executed by the ANC and EFF terrorists. That will be more conservative votes and Dutch Reformed churches will see a big boost in weekly attendance.
Good news for a change.
There are two things for an ordinary Dutch person to be really frightened
of if he or she speaks out in any way against Islam or Muslim behavior –
and they are 1). Muslims themselves and 2). their own government.
And those are the two dangers Geert Wilders has had to endure for so
many years. ALL Dutch people – big or small – are crushed by Muslims
or their own leaders. Muslims serious threats to Wilders life means he
lives at various safe houses, rides in armored cars with armed guards,
wears bullet proof vests and cannot move freely anywhere. Also he has
been tried and convicted in Dutch courts for “hate speech” AKA pointing
out obvious truths about Islam’s deleterious effects on Dutch society.
And this partnership of Muslim terror-intimidation with European
governments against their own citizens is all throughout Europe. Look
what happened to Tommy Robinson for pointing out Pakistani rape gangs
in England and what happened to Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria
for pointing out that Mohammed was according to Islamic texts, a pedophile.
Which means – as Globalist leaders let even more marauding, raping
Muslims in – this tyranny twofer has already cowed the population into
submitting to the idea of enslavement. Or so they thought. Except the
Dutch have gotten behind the courageous, committed-to-freedom Geert
Wilders and are finally fighting back. Prayers for them all, especially Mr.
Wilders – as violent jihadists prepare now for attacks to convince them to
change their minds.
FJB. F the Globalists. And F Islam.
Even forty years ago, all over the Middle East I would hear the same favorite saying when there was some terror attack against Israel. “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.” said while making a throat cutting gesture. First the Jews, then the Christians.
Now all the people of Holland have to do is withdraw from the EU so it can’t override the people’s clear decision to stop playing destructive EU games.
Pull the Netherlands out of this Climate Agreement and reopen all those Farms and tell Gates and Swabe to Go Pound Sand and Soros as well
So happy they can maintain and run their farms and feed the people! Globalist plots to destroy food chains are obvious.
Somehow I read this and images appeared in my head of the “panelists” being very similar to the pictures of bin laden surrounded by his henchmen! I wonder, did the “panelists” were full jihadi headgear?? I’ve long been a proponent of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and agree that people should be allowed to worship. BUT, there’s a BIG – BIG difference in a RELIGION vs a MILITANT OBJECTIVE! Do the Baptists or Methodist or (I can’t spell Episcopalians) other Religions express their RIGHT to RULE THE WORLD?? NO! Are those Religions establishing “zones” and enacting their OWN LAWS? NO! Have any of those Religions been associated with and SUPPORTING of murderous terrorist actions? NOPE!! There’s a “trend” that needs to end before it overwhelms! As some Southern Redneck probably once WISELY said “time’s a’wastin”!!
++1 !! Well said.
The question is what drives those multi cultural globalist? Is it pure pursue of power or sheer utopian stupidity? If the answers is pursue of power. Those morons should know when you feed the crocodile eventually when you run out of food to feed it. It is going to eat last. If they think they can change Islam’s tenets and live with Muslims in peace. They need psychological help.
I wonder if any of them ever read history, or study Islam’s Jihadi ideology. I assumed not.
Theres alot to be said for paper ballots and hand counts, and we need to get back to a better way of counting our votes instead of relying on machines which can be hacked into, and were hacked into during the 2020 election, and ESPECIALLY ON THE INTERNET. Florida did it in one day without all the delays that the left makes so popular to use so they can steal votes! OTHER COUNTRIES ARE MAKING HEADWAY, AND FRAUD IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE AVENUE FOR HONEST ELECTIONS.
Following up on BLSinSC’s comment, what people overlook is that Islam is not just a religion, it’s a complete, totalitarian socio/political/theocratic ideology. As such, “freedom of religion” does not apply like to those that don’t have those collateral characteristics. Where Islam ideology and law (forced child marriage, honor killings, execution of gays, rape victims and apostates etc) conflict with our Constitution, it has no place in our society. We in the US should not wait as long as the Dutch to take prophylactic action.
Simply stated, Islam, as it currently exists, does not belong anywhere in a Western society/country dedicated to liberty, justice, tolerance, and the right to express dissident opinions without being killed.
Islam should be banned in all Western countries, all mosques bulldozed, and all imams sent packing.
Islam has proven to be a rank disaster for the world. Not all Muslims are evil. There are millions of good Muslims. I’ve known a few.
Nevertheless, it attracts and tolerates the worst people in the world.
Let’s get tough with Islam.
So true, for sure.
We have a few in our Congress that merit being returned to the ME. One even broke the law immigrating here but was allowed to stay and even profit for her crimes. It’s time to send her and her colleague back to the ME since they defend that behavior so profoundly. Bye, bye Ms. Omar and M Tlaib.
The same thing is happening to the Netherlands’ immediate neighbor to the south, Belgium. Back in 2004, the patriotic Flemish sovereignty party, Vlaams Blok, was banned by the Francophone Supreme Court for being a “hate group.” Thankfully, its leader quickly reorganized the party as Vlaams Belang (Flemish List).
The same thing is happening to the Netherlands’ immediate neighbor to the south, Belgium. Back in 2004, the patriotic Flemish sovereignty party, Vlaams Blok, was banned by the Francophone Supreme Court for being a “hate group.” Thankfully, its leader quickly reorganized the party as Vlaams Belang (Flemish List).
If Western Europe doesn’t wake up, the Allah people will prevail.
Conor McGregor of Ireland also let the lefties have it today over their criticism of him for stating the butchers must be kicked out of Ireland. Hopefully, finally people are beginning to wake up.
Wow… great article… great comments…!
Combined with Argentina’s Xavier Milei, El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele, the change in Ecuador, the upcoming second term of Prez Trump, things are looking up in this hemisphere.
So sad and so well deserved by the lefties. However, as VDH warned today – watch out for 2024 because the crooks are desperate and will go to any end to steal another election. Especially since they fear Trump may do to them what they have done to him. I hope he does. They (the leftist liars and crooks) so richly deserve some jail time.
Ignorance is a bliss to some. Fool.
A big win for the good guys. I’m glad Mr. Wilders won. Next up is the AfD political party to win in Germany.
Thank you for information. I suspected that October 7 greatly influenced Geert Wilders victory. Your numbers proved it.
It’s like I’m not a retarded Jew
At most, this will be a flash in the pan. The left will figure out how to counter this and most of there Dutch are too soft–and simply too old–to mount and sustain an effect battle unto victory.
I suspect Wilders will run into the same type of deep state sabotage that subverted Trump.
Wilders should not make the same mistakes Trump did.
Wilders should immediately cultivate a relationship with the Dutch MILITARY.
He should also make it known to law enforcement that Dutch citizens are not the enemy and KGB-style tactics will not be tolerated(the reason for the relationship with the military).
And lastly he should ease laws on private gun ownership with the idea of forming citizen militias.
When the Left and their MUSLIM and AFRICAN shock troops resist reform…………turn the guns loose.
Anything else will not work.
“responsible politician”
now there’s an Oxymoron if I ever heard one
Give Gates an Swabe the Boot right in the seat of their pants
It’s the eleventh hour and the Dutch have finally awoken to the danger of mass immigration. I suppose that the pattern will repeat itself, across the Western world?
Good for Geert Wilders. Javier Milei also won big in Argentina, the people speak out for positive change, not more of the same leftist- Socialist-Communist candidates.
When an ideology/religion has the goal to overthrow your government of your people, is it really logical to allow them to operate in your nation? Many countries have made Communism illegal for that very reason. It was once illegal in the US also. Islam is a religion that is tasked to subjugate or kill everyone on earth who does not submit to their dictates. Both the Communists and the Muslims have the goal to overthrow the US government of and for the people. Both are world domination movements.
I searched “faces of Hillary Clinton voters at the Javits Center” and was well rewarded. Good times. Few external things to my life gave me so much pleasure, like the NY times probability dial of Trump versus Clinton turning against Clinton, the Dobbs decision, the Milei election in Argentina. That’s three in 7 years.
It’s always a good thing when the elitest weep.