You saw the creepy video right?
It muddied up social media feeds all weekend. People that have never expressed a single political viewpoint to me reacted with gross abhorrence to what Joe Biden appeared to seemingly imply.
As he wraps up some remarks in the video he spots someone in the crowd and in typical Biden stream of consciousness he abruptly changes subjects. Looking directly at the woman he has just spotted he bluntly instructs, “(You) gotta say ‘Hi’ to me.”
Then to the watching crowd he states, “We go back a long way, she was 12 and I was 30 but anyway…”
The crowd belly laughs.
Understanding that legitimate sexual misconduct claims abound all throughout the Biden family I began to ponder how this video—that went everywhere—can be dealt with.
In older chapters of Joe Biden’s life no one cares that Jill Biden was married when she first met Joe. They don’t much seem to care that she was still married when they began to date in March of 1975.
That Hunter Biden took up with his deceased brother’s wife also didn’t seem to matter.
Formal accusations of sexual misconduct by non-family members didn’t phase anyone. And the literally hundreds of images of Joe Biden, touching, kissing, refusing to let go of, and of course sniffing bother some. He’s done it to women of all ages-school aged little girls all the way up to whatever age Hillary Clinton purports to be.
Yet in recent years there has been a bit of out-sized interest in some of the misconduct alleged of he and his family members.
When Hunter Biden’s gun ended up in a dumpster, supposedly put there by Hallie Biden, the FBI, not local law enforcement were called in. Odd because the genuinely low level of wrong doing alleged.
When Hunter Biden’s laptop was first unveiled, the FBI were again immediately brought in on the case. What amounted to a laptop being abandoned at a repair shop, the feds attempted to turn into a charge of wrong doing by the repair shop owner. They also sought to damage the reputation of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for obtaining a copy of the laptop’s hard drive. A laptop that had been abandoned.
The laptop itself is reported to have evidence of alleged crimes. Those who have examined it also report specific items of sexual misconduct are pervasive on it.
Similar charges have been leveled about Hunter Biden’s virtual cloud storage which was hacked more recently than the discovery of the laptop.
And then there was that diary…
The diary which Politifact and Reuters have attempted to claim was not verified as belonging to Ashley Biden, the president’s daughter. Yet court documents themselves (PBS and others have revealed) identify the diary in question as the property of Ashley Biden.
Funny thing about that diary though. It was also abandoned. Forgotten about. Left behind.
Until someone found it, read it, and decided to sell it to news outlets. That news outlet turned it over to local law enforcement without publishing it.
But it didn’t matter, that news outlet’s founder had his home raided. And the woman who found the abandoned diary is now facing five years in prison. All done by the feds, the FBI. Why? Isn’t this really low level to be having the bureau conducting raids over?
Oh… did I forget to mention that the diary alleges that Ashley Biden regrets taking showers with her father—the now *President?
The Bidens appear to have quite the appetite for sexual conduct that many Americans would deem unhealthy.
Must be nice to have the largest law enforcement bureau in the nation to come in and sweep up the mess.
But can you honestly do that when he says it on a live microphone to the watching universe?
“Gotta come see me! We go back a long way, she was 12 and I was 30 but anyway…”
Democrats are pedophiles. They prefer the term “MAP” (minor attracted person) as pedophile has a negative connotation. But make no mistake. They are pedophiles.
NEVER leave a child alone with a Democrat. EVER!
You beat me to it. The Dirtbagocrats are also dead set on grooming our children as trannies. MAP and tranny tyranny are OFFICIAL policy and are enforced at all government levels. It doesn’t matter that most D-Bags don’t want to live in a society that sick, they enforce it anyway because they’re so f’ing stupid and contemptible that they think it will increase their power and popularity.
The Dirtbagocrat party is irrefutably the anti American party of evil and anybody who votes D-Bag is irrefutably either the same, a fanatic or mentally retarded.
Spot on mate! Does the name Epstein ring a bell?
Pedo-Biden is not fit to be President!
Pedo Joe isn’t fit for anything but a prison nursing ward.
That’s too kind.
I vote for a short drop and a sudden stop.
Yeah, he should know and feel he’s dying instead of losing his mind and dying unaware of his existence. Our corrupt legal system will never dispense justice to the perverted old criminal, though.
So his daughter was attending?
Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America.
No surprise. The Dems have a long history of supporting NAMBLA.
With all that, the American people did not choose Biden. The election was stolen.
PinocchioJoe China Biden “trumps” Sam Cooke’s
“She was only sixteen, only sixteen
I loved her so
But she was too young to fall in love
And I was too young to know.”
Could this be the real story that involved Corn Pop?
Are all those wearing those Biden/Harris T-Shirts now pounding their heads on the wall?
“Why, exactly, did the crowd laugh?”
That’s the job of the people at all of Pedo Joe’s staged appearances. To be a living laugh track and support group. The public is repulsed by him and detests the policies of his handlers, which are the deliberate sabotage of America and our society.
And because Dirtbagocrats are flat out vile. Pedophilia isn’t funny except to repulsive deviants who have no place in legitimate American society. It really isn’t an exaggeration to describe the Dirtbagocrat party as the anti American party of evil. Not anymore. Once it was the anti citizen party of graft but it’s transgressed far beyond that now. The election of the populist Donald Trump as President was the catalyst for its power mad criminality and open sedition.
Nobody who votes Dirtbagocrat deserves to live in America under the Constitution their party is destroying. Get the F out. America, love it or leave it. If you want to change it beyond recognition, you hate it. We the majority don’t want you here. You pretend America is a democracy, so obey popular will and get the F out.
Interests !
The story still didn’t address the main question I had after Biden made that comment. Biden is a pervert as well as a corrupt politician that makes Huey Long look like Abe Lincoln. No, my question was about the laughing teachers union dorks. For me, it explained why we are having problems with teachers supporting childhood gender dysphoria. Some are also grooming perverts. Otherwise, why the glee at such a disturbing moment?
The FBI has always been a protection racket for the ruling elite. Senator Robert Taft warned us that creating a federal police force was a bad idea. It was founded in part to enforce prohibition & failed completely. The rum runners ran ring around the FBI just like the drug runners are now but they are very effective at terrorizing the state’s political critics.
Not every Gimme-dat is a pedophile, but every pedophile is a Gimme-dat.