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Jewish Americans are going to have to make a decision – the famously Democrat-leaning minority has a big problem because many of its fellow Democrats want them dead. That’s not an exaggeration – the chant of the Democrat’s left wing is not, “From the river to the sea, the Chosen People should be happy, safe, and free.” Kind of the exact opposite. These scumbag commies are so promiscuous with lies about the Jewish people like “apartheid” and “genocide” they ought to hand out rhetorical condoms on the many college quads these loathsome heirs of the Nazis have infested.
Yet Jews in America overwhelmingly vote Democrat. You know, this might be a good time to rethink their traditional leftist voting habits, but that conundrum represents a conflict in human nature – the conflict between self-preservation and self-identity. I don’t know which one is going to win out, but I know what’s going to happen if the Hamas-huggers win out.
I’m not in the business of telling any particular ethnic group how to vote, and I don’t think any particular ethnic group should vote in any particular way. The whole idea of ethnic voting is stupid. But other people seem to have other opinions. Some groups vote as a bloc. Black Americans almost always vote Democrat – something like 90%, though this time Donald Trump seems to be earning a better percentage. Similarly, Jewish Americans are famously liberal voters, with the vast majority supporting Democrats in the past. But things have changed. The position of the Democratic Party is aligned with the far left, which pretty much wants to kill all the Jews. And Biden really, really wants to win the states with large number of Muslims like the despicable Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, whose daughter/niece was recently suspended from the University of College for her hate crimes. The Democrats are not show about excommunicated groups they find to be no longer useful to their goal of attaining power. They famously dumped the white working class in recent decades. Guess we know who’s the next to get the boot.
Now the Democrats are siding with the people who not merely excuse but celebrate the murder of Jews, and who would not hesitate to bring October 7th here. I talk about that in my new book – these Gaza-loving geebos will be eager accomplices to the terrorist attack Biden’s weakness is inviting. Does that assessment sound harsh? Maybe, but it’s entirely true. They know it, we know it, and the only people who don’t know it are the people who don’t want to know it. You cannot look at these braying brown shirts with their stupid headgear and ubiquitous face masks and not see a pack of keffiyeh-clad Khmer Rouge wannabes unless you choose not to.
Now, they always tell you that they don’t really want to kill the Jews. They just want to kill the Zionists. Of course, all the Zionists happen to be Jews. They cheer for October 7th. They think it was great. They want more of these massacres. And they want to leverage other Democrats to stop Israel from stopping future murder sprees – sadly, Biden has capitulated to them and equally sadly, Israel refuses to tell the desiccated old pervert to pound sand and to glass over Rafah along with the Hamas rats hiding in its tunnels.
Jewish Democrat voters are going to need to make a choice, survival or the comfort of liberal illusions. For a long time, the reconcilable tension between the hard left and Jewish Democrats was suppressed – everyone knew it was there, but if they didn’t want to see it and wanted to keep voting for people like Joe Biden, they didn’t have to see it. Well, they are seeing it now. There’s no escaping it. Whether you’re stopped in traffic on a bridge or watching little snots rip hostage flyers off of streetlights or getting spat on and harassed on college campuses, if you’re Jewish, you’re now a target.
It’s painful for an America soldier to write that Jews are targeted in America. What a disgrace. This is not what we served for. I cannot believe my country, whose heroic soldiers liberated Dachau (I’ve been there twice – every American must go see it), tolerates this disgusting anti-Semitism on the grounds of our allegedly prestigious institutions. Shameful. And there is just one party that lets it happen wherever it is in control – go try this in red Florida, Palesimpians.
“Never again” has been replaced, among Democrats, by “Get over it.”
There’s always a common denominator among the people the scumbags hate – no matter who else they hate, they always hate the Jews most. And, of course, Jews are fulfilling their traditional function as the cultural canary in the coal mine – they get attacked before the rest of us do. Besides the moral obligation to defend Jews from hate and violence – I’d be siding with the Jews even if they weren’t God’s Chosen People – there’s the utilitarian interest in stopping these little bastards before the communists start turning on the rest of us. An attack on Jews is an attack on every civilized human being.
The Orthodox are already based, but is the rest of the Jewish community ready to abandon the people who have turned on them? Are the majority of liberal Jewish Americans going to wake up and stop voting for Democrats because Democrats allow this hate? Democrats control the blue cities where it happens. Democrats control the schools where it happens. Democrats control the regime media, where this stuff is tolerated and even celebrated. It’s not those mega MAGA extremists. It’s not Cletus out in Butthead County, Kentucky, doing the anti-Semitism. It’s other Democrats. Try that nonsense in Florida and Ron DeSantis will feed you to the gators.
So, why aren’t American Jews as a whole saying, “The hell with this, I’ll take the mean tweets and the lack of pogroms?” You would think that would be a simple calculation, prioritizing personal survival, but there’s another interest at play. A lot of Jewish Americans are very invested in being liberal. That’s who they are. That’s not just a political affiliation but an identity. Imagine you’ve spent 65 years of your life voting for Democrats, and suddenly this happens. Are you ready to make a 180° turn? That’s hard. That’s hard for anybody. It’s human nature. Voting Dem is a habit mixed up with personal identity. That is tough to change, even then the face of indisputable and undeniable evidence like these sociopaths chanting “From the river to the sea.” So, my guess is we’re going to see some Jewish voters swinging to the Republicans, but not most – at least not in 2024. It’s hard to turn on a dime. But we are going to see some movement. It’s a start. The GOP must welcome them. I just hope it’s enough soon enough, because these communists really hate Jews, and they really hate the rest of us, too.
Not holding my breath! My best friend is an Israeli living in NJ, he and his wife are Democrat voters. He, like most Jews, won’t debate why they consistently votes Democrat despite seeing the leftist vitriol towards Israel and Jews. He won’t engage in a civil discussion on why he plans to vote Biden again. And I have other jewish friends, educated, professional, who are on one hand vocally defending Israel but on the other hand still going to vote for Biden and said they could never vote for Trump. American Jews are their own worst enemy.
And yet Trump clearly supports Israel and the Jewish people.–possibly more than any other President that we have had. I don’t get why Jews hate Trump so much. I am not thrilled with him or some of the things he says and ways he acts, but as someone who loves Israel, I could NEVER NOT VOTE for Trump.
And as someone who loves America, how can you vote for anyone other than Trump?
Why didn’t you ask my late Mother? She always said, “They are stupid.”
You said it, brother.
As a 64 yr old Conservative Yid who was raised by Leftists & surrounded by them in the Shul (tho not completely!), when I “transitioned” (couldn’t resist) to the Dark Side of being a Constitutional Conservative at age 38 (Horiwitz’s Radical Son played large!), I was instantly persona non grata – ie the Black Sheep in a family of Leftist Sheeples.
No discussion was complete without them devolving into ad hominim attacks, when I pressed for answers devoid of emotional drivel, & focused on data & logic…..& it has never changed.
They ALL took the Jabs, believed the Guv’mint lies, made the face diaper a constant companion, & shunned 3/4 of my family (our eldest drank the KoolAide after being thoroughly indoctrinated at Brown U, followed by PhD @ Georgia Tech).
I have a great group of rare Conservative Jews & the far less rare Conservative Christians, & consider myself quite lucky, indeed!
I have tried to talk sense to other Jews of the Leftist persuasion, but to very little effect, & even had to leave a Shul cause they started preaching their Obozo luv from the pulpit.
But, no one ever said life was gonna’ be easy, especially not as a Jew! ;–D
Am Yisrael Chai!!
“Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.”
Moses Maimonides 1138-1204
Are you me? Other than the relative ages, that’ pretty much my story. I remember a Republican Jewish family down the street. My dad would complain “I don’t understand how Eddie can vote Republican. He’s a Jew”.
Here’s the problem. Discussing anything with a liberal is much like explaining a train schedule to a dog. It may sit there, wagging its tail, lolling its tongue, and appearing to be paying attention. But at the end of the day, the capacity for cogent thought just doesn’t exist. It’s not its fault. It’s just the way its brain is wired. Then it will go off into a corner and lick its own rear end.
It’s no different with the dog.
Great points.
Their history and probability suggest there will be no change.
Along life’s winding trail, some learn while others do not or will not and, therefore, effectively remove themselves from the race. Probably most are not even aware of how or why.
No one in my family or circle votes Democrat. This topic is a favorite of anti Semites on the so-called right who instead of learning love and compassion and understanding history or ever taking a good long look in the mirror love to blame Jews fur election outcomes when we are a tiny number and are therefore unlikely to impact outcomes. Focusing on Christian lefties would be more productive. But no. Just blame those Jews again.
While the left and its alliance with terror jihad are hostile to Jews, there’s a list of Israel haters and Jew haters on the right. I’ll name them after Trump is elected.. Their smug vitriol turns Jewish people away. Perhaps address them instead. But first, find a mirror and check it.
Jews who vote for democrats deserve whatever fate befalls them. They were warned but refuse to listen.
According to a Jewish friend of mine, it’s similar to what happened in pre-Nazi Germany. According to him, the smart Jews realized early on what Nazism was and what it portend for Jews and so left Germany before the Nazis took over Germany. The dumb and stubborn Jews didn’t want to leave and didn’t think the Nazis would do what they eventually did.
The same scenario is now being played out again for Jews right here in America. The day is coming when some prominent Jew hating democrat will call for all Jews in America to be “physically harmed” to put it mildly.
Excellent point. While leftist antisemitism has hijacked our institutions, right-wing antisemitism is making inroads.
Anyone who doubts it can start by looking at the comments sections at The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart. They’re like a medieval mob, spreading Jew-hating falsehoods. They claim Jews (including Netanyahu) are communists planning world domination, and the Jews killed Jesus…and then it’s a mystery to them why disillusioned Jewish Democrats aren’t in a rush to join their team.
There is antisemitism on both sides. Why can the antisemitism on the left, which sides with Hamas, be ignored, yet the antisemitism on the right cannot be ignored?
The only answer is that antisemitism should never be ignored.
There aren’t any anti-Semites on the Right if that designation is properly understood. “Right” means pro-freedom. There have been pseudo-conservative anti-Semites, yes, but no significant number among genuine, Trump-supporting MAGA conservatives. Remember that the neo-Nazis and some other dim-witted anti-Semites either belong to the political Left or have no remotely coherent political philosophy.
Possibly because the left dominates media, our education system, entertainment, our politics.
Another explanation for Jews who won’t stop voting for Democrats,
There are plenty of leftist and Islamist trolls who comment on these sites. You cannot make the claim that conservatives are Jew haters with that spurious evidence.
I don’t know any conservatives that are “Jew haters”. This trope is one put out by the Leftists as a ruse. Anti-Jewish thought does abound on the political Left. Sure, there are mouth breathing skinhead types who hate everyone and will propose that nonsense about the Ashkenazi all being descended from Khazarians or some such nonsense that has been shown to be just that. But these are mostly just keyboard warriors and are less of a threat than a punk Leftist student from Columbia denied his breakfast croissant.
Candace Owens and MTG do a good job of looking like anti-Semites.
Had it occurred to you that many of those posting anti-Semitic comments are in fact leftist trolls or CCP and Russian trolls who are paid to smear conservatives and Republicans in particular, with the obvious goal of promoting Democrat party wins and demonization of any conservative voices who oppose them? If you think the anti-Semitic postings from the “right” on the sites you mention are representative of American citizens generally, you are swallowing leftist propaganda hook, line and sinker.
Let us not forget that associating conservatives or the “right” with fascism and Nazism is one of the left’s Big Lies of the 20th Century. Hitler and his Nazi party (NSDAP) were Socialists (that’s what the S in NSDAP stands for), and were one side of the same Socialist coin that had Lenin and Stalin on the other. There was cooperation between Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union in the years leading up to the outbreak of WWII, and they conspired to carve up spheres of influence via the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 (officially the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR) which led to the coordinated invasion and dismemberment of Poland. Hitler decided to invade the USSR roughly 2 yrs later, but it was one Socialist state invading another.
I’m not Jewish but I know several Jew haters on the right. In my opinion, their rationale for hating Jews is every bit based in ignorant primitive tribalism.
The fact that such thinking is still exists in this day and age is proof, to me at least, that the neanderthal species of human beings is in no way extinct and in fact still very prevalent among humans.
How else do you explain racism or hating someone simply because of the color of their skin? How else do you explain Muslims and their hatred of Jews or any hatred based on religion? A rational, intelligent, evolved being would not entertain such primitive notions.
Why wait to name these haters? Waiting just hurts your credibility.
If you don’t already know, they include Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk (who is damaging Trump by continuing to promote Owens), MTG (who has retweeted about “Zionist supremacists,” and others.
I hope, for the sake of our republic, that Trump distances himself.
Sometimes, mildly-dissenting Leftists are assumed to be Right-wing, but this assumption is mistaken. I suspect Candace Owens falls into that category – her “conservative” bona fides were always in doubt. Before Carlson was taken off the air I used to watch his show and I don’t remember any anti-Semitic comments.
I’m not familiar with Charlie Kirk, but I will suggest he may be from the “Dime Store Democrats” school of “Republicans”. Such individual complain about the cost of Big Government but are not exactly exponents of individual rights.
MTG clearly has some kind of screw loose, but I went to a site that promised to list every anti-Semitic remark she had ever made and they had nothing! They must have translated concern with Isam into anti-Semitism somehow.
Bottom line: anti-Semitism is not a big problem on our side. It is a critical problem with the Left.
that seemingly intelligent people vote democrat is beyond reasoning . alan dershowitz , a lawyer suddenly has an epiphany and has changed lanes and is going to vote republican after a lifelong love affair with the party of KKK . jews are their own worst enemy and will vote for gas ovens as long as its not orange man bad and mean tweets . that there are shakers and movers that belong to the party of death is a mystery , blinken , schumer etc . jews are slow learners despite oct. 7 the left in israel are still wanting a regime change . so it looks like they want more of oct. 7 which they will get when the 7 year tribulation comes around . they chose barabbas over the lord jesus christ their messiah and have and will continue to pay the price . nothing has changed .
When the great tribulation plays out, they will not be the only ones getting more of Oct 7th. And stop berating Jews for rejecting Jesus; there are plenty of Gentiles who’ve rejected him as well. And many Gentiles who appear to have accepted Him, but don’t really know Him or His Heart at all. Believe me, His Heart is still toward the Jews and always will be.
Pay attention Sheep quit voting for the Wolves vote for the Sheep Dog instead
Do all Jews in the US (and elsewhere) relate to the State of Israel. I think not.
Not all Jews are Zionists and there areJewish anti-Zionist protesters alongside Hamas supporting protesters on college campuses.
This is clearly not a binary issue and a bit like all Blacks must vote Black… or they ain’t Black.
A person could reasonably have a problem with the US sending Israel foreign aid simply because A.) the US is broke, and B.) we shouldn’t involve ourselves in yet another foreign war. However, anyone standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Hamas is a filthy, terrorist supporting pig. Period, point blank, end of story. There is “no binary” opinion on that issue.
A Jew who is not Zionist is not “Jewish” ; That adjective is for Jews who are Zionists…..iow – Jews who stand up for their brothers and sisters.
So much of our traditional liturgy, from the simplest blessing to the longest prayer, includes asking G0d to return us to Zion. It would be impossible for any Jew who believes in G0d and prays to Him not to be a Zionist. So there you have it; the large minority commonly called Orthodox or observant is comprised of Zionists. The rest, those poor, benighted, religiously illiterate souls among our brethren who go by titles such as Liberal, Progressive, Reform, and often, confusingly, Conservative, might well not be praying in the traditional manner, if at all. They need our love, compassion, and teaching, and we can only hope that that will be enough to make them come around to the truth.
I already vote Republican, and you will notice that Southerners do too. There was a time (The Solid South) when the South voted heavily Democrat, but there was a realization that the Democrats hate Southern Whites and the votes flipped, as did many Southern politicians. Wise up, brothers and sisters!
The New York Times now habitually prints articles around Jewish holidays such as “Why I won’t be having a seder this Passover” or “Why I won’t be celebrating Chanukah” The “Jews” who authored these screeds invariably are like the Sulzberger Ochs family themselves, none of the living members of the family are actual Jews- they’re non Jewish, non practicing Protestants of (partially) Jewish ancestry. These articles ae as ludicrous as a guest opinion piece by Pope Francis entitled, “Why I don’t keep kosher”.
There is no monolithic Jewish community. The outermost circle includes people who aren’t even Jewish to begin with, but whom many presume are and whose antisemitism is a useful weapon against Jews and Israel. This includes probably the majority of the members of “Jewish Voices for Peace” “J Street” and groups of that ilk. Then there are the obvious antisemitic Jews (I don’t call them “self hating” because most have egos rivaling Barack Obama) such as Bernie Sanders, Naomi Klein, Mike Wallace, Seth Rogen, George Soros, Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky, who rarely allude to being Jewish except when bashing Israel. These groups have already abandoned Israel and would sit by silently while Hamas carried out October Sevenths by the hundreds or while Iran vaporized Israel. On the opposite pole are Jews who are Orthodox or who at least are committed to a Jewish future and Israel’s survival. The waverers are between antisemitic Jews, faux Jews and proud and observant Jews. Will someone like Alan Dershowitz (who is at least willing to condemn leftist Jew hating unequivocally, including from the Biden Administration) prevail, or will someone like Chuck Schumer, an obvious hack who will embrace whatever is trendy and opportunistic? Time will tell. However, Dershowitz will have to go further and say “I will not vote Democratic” for his criticism of Biden betrayal of Israel and throwing Jews under the bus to have any teeth.
American Jews always vote for their own executioners.
Everyone should read Townhall contributor Kurt Schlichter’s book called “The Attack”. In this book he details a possible coordinated jihad attack in the U.S. over three days by small groups of armed Muslims and cosplaying white wannabe terrorists, first against businesses, second against Americans in their homes, and finally against infrastructure. The attacks take place mostly in the unarmed blue state cities and suburbs. The jihadis do not want to be confronted by armed Americans
Kurt Schlichter said it best in his TownHall article:
townhall com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/25/america-is-going-to-be-targeted-for-a-massive-terrorist-attack-will-you-be-ready-n2636901
So sick of the “This is not Islam” lie that routinely comes out of the posteriors of the Government, morons like Obama and Biden and Leftists in general.
Bottom line, buy guns and ammo in the areas of the country where you still can. You guys who live in blue cities and blue states, MOVE NOW! You are sitting ducks. Democrats want you unarmed.
I have been reading “The Attack”. The only criticism I have is that the minute Day One occurred, the AR15s would be out and anyone who even looked like a Muslim (e.g. Columbia student) would be ventilated. The book does give a lot of scenarios and is worth reading.
In the book they are out on day one….just not fast enough for you I guess. Remember, the bulk of the attack takes place in the blue areas, at first.
Sadly, you don’t even need to be a Dhimmicrat or a leftist to buy into the “not all Muslims are like that” happy horseshit. After all, Bush 43 popularized the phrase “Religion of Peace” which is ludicrous except as the cruelest irony.
I don’t understand this knee-jerk loyalty to the Democrat Party among (at least Reform) American Jews, either; it’s counterintuitive and makes no sense. (Over the years Dennis Prager has published several excellent pieces (q.v.) to explain it; but it’s as strong even today as it’s ever been.)
Throughout my life as a Catholic, my dearest, most loyal, most generous friends have been my Jewish friends, not Protestants or fellow Catholics; and many years ago my mother once told me that that had been her own experience, too, since her earliest girlhood.
I’m still fondly in touch with the (now-90+-year-old) mother of my Jewish best friend since high school, and with a chuckle and smile I refer to myself as her “Second First-Born Son,” which is how she thinks of me, too.
Compare the values and lives of Jewish Americans with those of almost any other ethnic or religious demographic with the possible exception of Asian-Americans, and the differences are stark and undeniable:
A negligible illegitimacy rate; non-existent idle welfare parasitism; a strong emphasis on education (how many Jewish students are truant, illiterate, drug-abusing dropouts? None!); Zero terrorist attacks (when a bomb goes off in a crowd, or a dozen people are stabbed or machine-gunned to death, or a police officer is murdered (now practically a weekly occurrence) it’s never a Jew who carries it out, but always either a terrorist shouting Allahu Akbar! or an insane Leftist, right?); and on, and on….
Biden has flooded us with 10 million (or likely more) illegals from around the Third World who share none of these typically Jewish attitudes and values, and now plans to bring in at least 100,000 (or will it be a million?) Gazans who have raised and trained their own children to raise their fists and shout “Death to America!” “Death to Israel!” and “Kill the Jews!”–but never “U.S.A.!” or “God bless America!” They hate us, and make no secret of their intention to destroy our 250-year-old constitutional republic and replace it with another brutal “caliphate” under Sharia.
We–and you–will NOT survive another four years, or even another two, of Biden and a Democrat majority in Congress!
If Biden brings in a large number of Palestinian barbarians there will be another Jewish exile and diaspora, this one from the US.
This time, however, there will be no other place in the world for American Jews–or the rest of us with them, for that matter–to flee to for safe refuge. Because, as things stand now, there isn’t one.
For the first time in our history as free Americans, we are now facing the frightening reality that it’s a fight to the death for our own, and our country’s, survival.
More than once in the past, we’ve faced, and faced down, very dangerous threats from abroad. Now, for the first time, we’re facing one from Within,
We’ve had bad Presidents, incompetent ones, and stupid or indifferent ones.
But until now we’ve never had one who has slandered literally half of us a “semi-Fascists,” worked eagerly to imprison his wildly popular political opponent, shredded our Bill of Rights, openly violated his Oath to the Constitution, taken bribes and orders from our most dangerous foreign enemy, and whipped-up his own Party and their sycophants in the media to carry out his Final Solution for the destruction of our republic.
I would cry out, in despair, “God help us!” except that my worry is that He may decide to give us what we deserve, for bringing this national suicide down on our own heads by allowing it to metastasize over recent decades and now reach its foreseeable, climactic Götterdämmerung.
Corporate America and Main Street need a way to keep track of who these little turds are. Sort of like a compendium of names and offenses like “How Bad is My Batch?” for vaccine injuries. I have no illusion these individuals are as much a poison to the body politic and society at large as the mRNA products have been to so many who were talked into them…
“Oh, yes, Heather, we looked into your social media accounts and the Protest Database, and we aren’t hiring Jihad wannabes.”
Change is happening:
–In 2022, Ron DeSantis won 45 percent of the Jewish vote.
–The majority of Jewish voters in liberal NY support Trump for president.
–Jewish women abandoned the antisemitic Women’s March, and revealed its bigotry.
–Jewish voters in the UK, who are similarly liberal, led the way in abandoning, and saving the UK from, the Corbynite Labor Party.
Yes, the Labour Party in Britain is permeated with Jew hating, going back to Ernest Bevin, the Foreign Secretary under Clement Attlee, who pulled out all the stops in 1948 to try to ensure Israel would be stillborn. The British Left is a rogue’s gallery of Jew haters- George Galloway, Ken Livingstone, Vanessa Redgrave, Sadiq Khan, Baroness Jenny Tonge, Jeremy Corbyn, to name just a few.
The saddest part of Elie Wiesel’s book is where his family had a real chance to escape the camps.
Their Christian maid had arranged for them a hiding place in a rural villiage, But they went to be gassed because they just could not imagine rural living.
Well, (((this one))) saw them for what they are as a teenager way back when. Lifelong Jewish Republican, confirmed by over fifty years of Dem (non-white?) antisemitism.
You are right insofar as nothing is going to turn on a dime. Unfortunately American Jews are so invested in the left that if Hitler were non-white they’d be fighting for first place in line for the camps.
On the other hand, the anti-semites in our midst can take comfort in the fact that, except for the Orthodox, our numbers are shrinking fast, thanks to our women refusing to have kids. Intermarriage, embrace of all the latest fashions in feminism, gay and trannyism, fear of “climate change”, etc. don’t help either.
Like many older people – Jews and non-Jews alike – I am a 20th century liberal and a 21st century conservative. For me, the change occurred when I was able to compare Washington Post coverage of the 2000-2004 intifada with content about it on certain websites. For others, the change came later, or perhaps earlier. Until 2002, I had no real interest in Middle East matters, believing them too complex. But sadly, it is not complex. It is very much the old story of good and evil. And the Democrat-Republican divide is that same old story. I hope my fellow Jews take note, and make the change themselves.
Same here, What has pushed me toward the right is what is happening in the country of my birth (England), The UK is well on the way to eventually becoming a majority Islamic country because of the misguided leftist ideology that all cultures have equal value.
America now looks just like pre-war 1939 Germany and Jews are still voting Democrats.
It sure is hard to believe.
The problem here is that post war Jews are being led like a herd of dumb sheep, and that is what they are. They are blind as a bat and so uninformed.
You just can’t fix stupid.
I have said multiple times that the well meaning but cognitively dissonant Jewish population will get it when they are lined up at the ovens…AGAIN!
The day is soon coming where, in spite of war and attacks in Israel, no Jew will be safe in the U.S.==Israel will be the only refuge for Jewish people. I guess the Democratic Jewish voters are going to keep slumbering, and hanging on to their leftist ideals until that day–just as most of them did in Germany. Then it will be too late, sadly. I pray they will wake up. (Not that their votes are going to change the election, even if it were an honest election., which I sorely doubt.)
I’ve never really understood why most Jews are liberal when liberals have always promoted big government. It seems to me that any people group surviving the likes of Hitler would be the last ones to want big government! But perhaps they’ve just been deceived by thinking gov handouts show that Dems are benevolent when the truth is the handouts are to keep people dependent so they can be controlled.
I really would like an honest explanation if someone has another one, but no vitriol is needed.
I think the Jews held an outsized influence in government, culture and finance in Weimar Germany between the two world wars. It was one of the reasons Hitler sought to remove them.
Big government might be a mistake, but it’s not Hitler.
I’m Jewish and a Republican voter since 1976. To quote another matzo punim, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Or at least I didn’t. However, that being said, so many of my co-religionists are so mind effed they’re simply delusional. Shortly after 10/7, when the blatant anti-Semitism of the Left and its Muslim “allies” became readily apparent, I had a Jewish friend who is smart enough to be a lawyer and comparatively moderate for a Democrat tell me, “You know who I blame for this anti-Semitism? Trump.” Now that is simply insane. But there you are and I’m sure he’ll vote for Biden in November no matter how badly he treats Israel and equates the massive displays of anti-Semitism we’re witnessing to the non-existent (but well deserved if it did) “Islamophobia.” As many have observed, you can’t fix stupid.
Voting has consequences. Unfortunately, people who vote democrat never consider the consequences of who and what they voted for until things have already gone sideways and blew up in their faces.
Prime example, all the blacks who voted for Obama thinking he was going to do something for them.. What did Obama do for black people?…….Chirp……………Chirp……………Chirp………….!!
My black conservative friends tell me that they tried to warn black democrats that Obama was a phony and the only thing he would do for them is use & abuse them and then ignore them once he got elected which is exactly what happened.
And despite getting repeatedly maligned, belittled, ridiculed, put upon and used & abused, Jewish democrats continue to vote for democrats.
The democrats treat Jews the same way they treat blacks. I often wonder: when a black child is born, do they get “property of the democrat party” stamped on their birth certificate? Given the majority of Jews “loyalty” to the democrat party, I’m beginning to wonder if that also applies to Jews……..
Palesimpians? I prefer Palesimians, though it’s kind of unfair to the chimps.
Daniel Greenfield has covered this question once or twice. Basically, the problem with Reform Jews is that they are progressives first and Jews a distant second. They don’t take their religion seriously and therefore aren’t very concerned about Israel. Contrast this with Orthodox Jews, a majority of whom I believe voted for Trump in the last two elections. They take their religion and Israel quite seriously and are probably smarter than Reform Jews on the whole.
Arthur says:
As a conservative Jew (only one in the family–with whom I no longer associate) and an extensive reader like all commenters here, just wanted to say that this is by far the best conversation in a comment section I’ve ever seen about anti-Semitism on the right and my clueless fellow Jews raised in Reform and Conservative synagogues who mindlessly continue to vote Democratic! Thanks to all of you for your insightful and well-meaning comments.
Growing up around anti-Semites on the right led me, by the time college started to see myself—and continuing to the present day—-as a bridge to these people (or for that matter to any group of people open, even if just a little, to seeking common ground). For example, in a college commonly considered by many to be of Ivy league quality, I was the only Jew in a fraternity where the vast majority of members were anti-Semitic to one degree or another. Rather than quitting, I stuck it out if only to show that not all Jews were like the usual stereotypes. What was striking was that without exception, my fraternity brothers treated me as one of one of the brothers. Afterwards, as a salesperson (working in our family business) whose clients—many of whom had some anti-Semitic inclinations— were from blue-collar/hands-on/working man-like businesses, I was treated with respect to the point where I even did occasional socializing with some of them, and as I gained their trust, saw them go from marginal customers at best to become very good customers who were generally a pleasure to deal with. Now in another career as a psycho-therapist, have had a few anti-Semitic clients, a couple of whom I escorted to Temple services and to a Holocaust museum. They also received DVDs such as “Fiddler on the Roof” and “The Island on Bird Street.” My message to them was simple: Remain anti-Semitic if you so choose, but at least develop a far greater knowledge of both sides of the picture, as any wise person seeking greater understanding would inevitably do.
As has been said many times, seeking common ground/common understanding with those on the Left can seem almost impossible, Nevertheless, have had limited success and will continue to try when an occasion presents itself.
HEY DAVID! — Dig the irony of this thread on YOUR SITE, of all places. ~
I wish ABBIE were alive to see it. He could author “Counter-Revolution For The Hell Of It” just for grins. ~