Ever since ancient Athens, every election in states where all citizens have the right to vote is a referendum on the question whether or not the masses have the capacity to govern themselves. Indeed, as one historian argued, political philosophy was invented 2400 years ago to demonstrate that the answer is “no.” Ordinary people without wealth, education, or “the splendor in the blood,” as Pindar called nobility, by nature are incapable of managing the state, which requires, to paraphrase Woodrow Wilson, the “hundred who are wise” to rule over the “thousands who are foolish.”
The upcoming midterm elections will similarly be a test of this ancient question, perhaps the most consequential since World War II. For at stake may be the survival of our Constitutional order and its protection of our unalienable rights and political freedom, which have been under assault for a century now.
The stakes of this election have been raised by the excesses of the wide leftward swing of the Democrats away from the Constitution’s divided powers, jeopardizing the autonomy of civil society, individual rights, fiscal sanity, and reality itself. Indeed, so egregious and just plain lunatic are some of the policies and ideas promoted by the Dems, that their party should not just lose control of Congress, but see its leftward drift definitively repudiated.
Most of us can catalogue the manifest failures of this administration and Congress. Trillions of dollars in fiat money––like this summer’s $740 billion so-called Inflation Reduction Act, part of the $4 trillion Biden has blown in just two years––are the accelerant of the current inflation bonfire, the worst in 40 years.
This damage, moreover, is the result of transparently stupid policies. One key indicator of economic health is cheap energy, but it has skyrocketed in large part because of the suicidal war against domestic oil and natural gas production that just two years ago had made the U.S. a net exporter of energy.
Now the administration is driving investment money away from fossil-fuel development to expensive, unreliable “green energy,” a classic example of feckless big-government interference wreaking fiscal havoc in the market. As a result, the president has humiliated our country by unsuccessfully begging the Saudis to increase oil production, to which they responded by reducing it by two million barrels a day.
We’ve had problems with high oil prices in the past, but they were the result of global events mostly beyond our control, like the 1973-74 Arab oil embargo, which doubled, and then quadrupled the price of a barrel of oil. Today’s crisis, however, is owned by the Biden administration, blue-state “green” zealots, and a Democrat Congress chasing “green energy” unicorns while lining the pockets of “green” political clients and donors. Given the vital role of energy costs in every sector of the economy, it’s no surprise that Bloomberg Economics has forecast a 100% chance of a recession in the coming year.
The next willful failure is the rise in violent crime, which has skyrocketed in nearly every category, particularly in Democrat-run cities and states. We’ve seen in the past even higher rates of crime, especially murder, during the Death Wish and Taxi Driver years in New York City.
What makes the current carnage politically more toxic is that it follows incredibly irrational Democrat policies like eliminating cash bail, following catch-and-release protocols, emptying prisons of violent felons, hiring politicized prosecutors who refuse to prosecute, and defunding police departments––all while January 6 protestors, most charged with a misdemeanor, have been incarcerated nearly two years, and heavily armed FBI agents are arresting pro-life activists while ignoring the fire-bombing of pro-life counseling centers.
Those crazy anti-police policies, however, serve a partisan leftist purpose: to legitimize for Dems a dangerous assault on police officers, leading to low morale, early retirements, understaffed police departments, and an understandable reluctance to risk their careers and lives by doing their jobs, which could lead to criminal prosecution. This is what happens when, as Kipling said, you keep “makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep.”
Common sense tells us that if you have fewer police on the streets, you get more crime. But today’s criminals are displaying a level of psychopathic sadism and random mayhem I don’t think we’ve seen before in such numbers––sucker-punching elderly people, flash-mobs brazenly looting and vandalizing stores, psychos pushing innocent subway riders onto the tracks in front of on-coming trains, and thugs randomly shooting innocent strangers.
Another perennial issue that is troubling voters is the security of our southern border, and our broken immigration policies. Illegal entries have reached 2.9 million in just two years of the Biden administration (not counting the unknown number who crossed undetected), tripling the number during Trump’s last year.
The fallout from this deluge has gotten so bad that Democrats who once incessantly virtue-signaled about their “sanctuary” cities, are scrambling to accommodate and remove illegal aliens who’ve been shipped to their communities––all the while whining about the cost and disorder that citizens in our southern border-towns and cities have been living with for years because of open-border policies these same blue-state mayors and governors have supported for decades. And let’s not forget that among these unvetted, illegal border-crossers is an unknown number of terrorists, drug dealers, and human traffickers.
What makes this failure particularly dangerous is that it happened during the Covid pandemic. Very few of these millions were tested for the disease before they were packed off to cities and towns around the country––at the same time that citizens not at risk of serious sickness from the virus were compelled to get vaccines, practice social-distancing and self-quarantining, and wear useless masks if they were allowed to go to work and school, attend church, celebrate weddings, or just go out for dinner.
All these failures are particularly toxic for Dems because they are the consequences of reversing Donald Trump’s successful policies on the economy, energy, and border security. Perhaps this explains why all that Dems have to run on is mendacious “orange man bad” and “Ultra-Maga” clichés, along with the January 6 fabricated “insurrection” and ginned-up Republican “election denial” charge ––one that Kari Lake, candidate for governor in Arizona, lethally rebutted by reading off a list of serial Democrat election deniers that includes Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams.
Moreover, this election will take place during one of the most surreal and tyrannical leftist culture-wars since the Sixties. The recent Dobbs decision that overturned Roe and Casey and returned the issue of abortion policy to the states, has been hysterically distorted and demonized, as well as politically exploited to distract voters from the Dems’ manifest failures. But what’s uniquely creepy about this reaction is the brazen bragging of “pro-choice” activists about removing any time-limits on abortions, in effect legalizing infanticide. Ancient civilizations sacrificed their children to placate the gods; our modern “pro-choice” shamans are sacrificing them for the sake of convenience and political leverage.
And given all the serious problems voters are worried about, it’s another sign of the leftist Dems myopia that Biden’s handlers think caterwauling over Dobbs is the key to victory in November. Indeed, Biden has named abortion his top priority: “The first bill that I will send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade.” Recent polling of voters’ priorities suggests it’s more likely that most would prefer controlling inflation and energy prices over legalizing infanticide.
Or they’re more concerned about stopping transgenderism zealots from poisoning and mutilating healthy children. The marketing and practice of sex-change treatments for normal boys and girls, even without their parents’ consent, is perhaps the most surreal and unscientific policy since “scientific” racists were forcibly sterilizing women for being abettors of “race suicide.” What makes transgenderism worse is the silly uproar over using “non-binary” pronouns, or the more dangerous school curricula exposing children to sex-identity issues that parents should handle at home. But these nutty ideas are much less willfully destructive than subjecting prepubescent children to drag-queen extravaganzas and tutorials explaining various sex-acts––a patently illegal case of pedophilic sexual abuse.
What this election is about, then, is whether enough Americans still have the common sense and practical wisdom to hold the leftist Democrats accountable for these destructive and irrational policies, promulgated by our arrogant cognitive elites who scorn ordinary voters as “deplorables,” “smelly Wal-Mart shoppers,” “bitter clingers,” and “semi-fascists.”
So will we the people step up and throw the bums out?
1. “WE” want Jobs not Mobs.
2. “WE” want Legislators not Agitators.
3. “WE” want Journalists not Propagandists.
4. “WE” want Capitalism not Socialism.
5. “WE” want America First not the World who Hates Us First.
6. “WE” want Praise America not Blame America.
7. “WE” want Love it or Leave it.
8. “WE” want the Rule of Law not Mob Rule.
9. “WE” want our Founding Articles not the Rules for Radicals.
10. “WE” want Honorable Legals not Dishonorable Cheating ILLEGALS.
11. “WE” want Family and Friend Unions not Political Exclusions.
12. “WE” want Educators not Indoctrinators.
13. “WE” want Guiltless Wealth Accumulation not Forced Wealth Distribution.
14. “WE” want Pro-U.S. Agendas not Petty Vendettas.
15. “WE” want Winners not Psychotic Sore Losers.
16. “WE” want Law and Order not Anarchy.
17. “WE” want Sanity not Insanity.
18. “WE” want Constitutionalists not Totalitarian Revolutionists.
19. “WE” want Workers not Freeloaders.
20. “WE” want Flag Wavers not Flag Desecrators.
21. “WE” want American Patriots not Enemy Within Zealots.
22. “WE” want Visionaries not Revolutionaries.
23. “WE” want Sensible Solutions not Utopian Delusions.
24. “WE” want ALL Colors United not Divided.
25. “WE” want Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL.
By Steven J. Chavez
Albuquerque, NM
Unfortunately for us, “THEY” have already started their vote fraud schemes wherever possible. Here in CA, voting runs from October 11th through November 8th with mail in ballots sent to every registered voter, alive and dead, and plenty of drop boxes for the mules to stuff. CA is a hopeless state when it comes to vote integrity.
They’re having trouble cheating in AZ, NV and even OR and MI this time around, though. It looks like we’ll get Republican Governors there.
I sure hope “WE” have enough legitimate votes to counter most of their fake ones.
Did you see that New California moved a step closer to becoming a reality? This will leave the tyrant Newsome and the other traitors in Sacramento without a plantation of subjects to rule over, as most of the state will abandon them. It seems too much to hope for, but I am impressed with their progress.
That would be something to see. Don’t they want to excise LA and the Bay Area from the rest of the state?
Folks are keeping an eye on those drop boxes and they photographing folks who pull up with covered license plates.
BTW are you getting email responses when someone responds to your posts? I am not.
The worst part is even when evidence is handed to them on a silver platter they do NOT prosecute or even consider the evidence even when it right in front of their face.
Intrepid, I don’t get any notifications. I looked to see if I overlooked something but couldn’t see any place to request responses to comments or up/down votes, etc.
Crummiest comment platform ever. I thought I missed something as well. I can’t even find a place to edit my profile, or edit my comments.
I believe that’s INTENTIONAL. The moderator/s, I suspect, want the comment section to be more serious, intellectual, respectful. I suspect they want fewer personal, ad hominem, attacks, fewer personal insults. Fewer, LONG, threads of empty personal insults.
If you stop replies from being sent to a personal e-mail address it reduces the amount of empty, useless, personal, attacks. I for one am grateful to no longer be receiving relentless personal insults in my e-mail from a certain individual here at FPM who does little more than indulge in relentless personal insults with those he disagrees with.
Its the U.S. Constitution that’s the law of t he land not any UN Treaties signed by Traitors like John Kerry and his Globalists ilk
We can go back to Cicero to understand the corruption of the populous by leaders who buy votes via “bread and circuses.” The massive spending by both parties has corrupted the middle class, which has become dependent on the crutch of government.
The rationalization is the collectivist notion that these policies are “good for the nation” as the voters give into calls for sacrifice and submission. We have become sheep.
The middle class hasn’t become “dependent on the crutch of government,” they’ve been abandoned by it. Everything America does today is to serve rich people.
Yes, those border jumpers pay the Cartels a minimum of $9000.00 each.
Ok, what the hell does that have to do with anything.
Most of the current horde of wet backs are wealthy and the federal government serves them, genius. It serves them at the expense of American citizens, even Dirtbagocrats.
5.4 million have gone through the Borderless Biden administration’s catch and release program and countless others have made it in undetected. And the catch and release program is actually one of the biggest welfare giveaways in America. Illegal aliens, all of whom are criminals, many of them violent criminals and terrorists, are escorted in, fed, housed, given cash and cell phones with free unlimited service and flown or bussed all over the country.
And every one of the illegal alien invaders who’ve gone through the cartels has had enough disposable cash to pay a minimum of $9000.00 to some of the worst terrorists, slavers and criminals on Earth. How many Americans punished under Bidenflation are wealthy enough to toss off $9000.00?
Huh? Government underwriting of student loans? Until recently the Fed created unsustainably low mortgage rates (and housing bubble). The massive social spending on welfare, public schools, and subsidized medicine? Look at the non-military component of the federal budget … it is there to buy middle class votes. The middle class is for sale. They have abandoned self-reliance and they have their hands out.
Hear! Hear!
Can you imagine the majority of conservatives voting to get rid of Medicare or Social Security? I can’t. And there lies the conservative FATAL-HYPOCRITICAL-CONCEIT, most conservatives want to have their cake and eat it too!
They claim they want freedom and liberty, they claim they’re for Free Market Capitalism, but God damn the politician who dares to even suggest getting rid of Social Security or the government safety net!
What most conservatives want is a mixed-welfare-state-economy and SOMEHOW freedom, liberty, and capitalism too. They want to square the circle, they want health and some cancer too. Some nourishment with just enough poison that the poison won’t kill them.
I rest my case. You basically advocate giving the rich everything they want and telling everyone else to f*** off and die, without even the most minimum security net. You do realize that you’ll end up on the f*** off and die side of the equation, right?
The middle class is forced to pay for the lion’s share of the national budget because the tax system favors deadbeats like Trump who are rich enough to hire people who can arrange it so they pay basically no taxes. He also suffered no consequences from multiple bankruptcies, whereas one bankruptcy can destroy a middle-class person’s life. It’s very clear who is protected and who can f*** off and die in America.
I advocate for Laissez-Faire Capitalism, which means getting rid of welfare for the rich, the poor, and the middle-class. No GOVERNMENT confiscation of and redistribution of wealth for any one.
How, you may ask, are those individuals who through no fault of their own, through tragedy or misfortune, are unable, not simply uwilling, to work or take care of themselves? The answer is through voluntary charity, through voluntary compassion, and voluntary kindness.
Do you doubt that free, independent, Americans would NOT help those DESERVING of their help? That’s a legacy of religion’s malevolent view of human nature, a legacy of Original Sin. Even today when Americans are being CRUSHED by the welfare state websites like “Go Fund Me” do not lack for voluntary charitable donations from ordinary Americans.
“The small minority of adults who are unable rather than unwilling to work, have to rely on voluntary charity; misfortune is not a claim to slave labor; there is no such thing as the right to consume, control, and destroy those without whom one would be unable to survive.” – Ayn Rand
Without redistribution of wealth, the wealthy are inevitably going to get their hands on more or less everything, which is what has happened in America. You seem to be completely ignorant of the way things actually work.
And no, voluntary charity clearly isn’t enough. You can see this by the state of the poor in the world’s most laissez faire societies, such as the US and pre-handover Hong Kong. It aint pretty.
Americans are not CRUSHED by the welfare state. America barely has a welfare state, and what it does have is badly run and ineffective.
That “deadbeat” Trump protects himself from your beloved government, while parasites like Mark Zoidberg, Jack Dorky, Anal Jassy, Jeffy Bozos, Billdo Gates, the green industry grifters, et al, collude with it for unprecedented profits.
Dirtbagocrat policies destroy the middle class because they’re meant to. Name one that benefits them. You can’t.
The redistribution of wealth created the Soviet Union gulag and Mao’s hellhole, isolated Eastern Europe in misery, built the NAZI war machine, shat out Fidel Castro on Cuba, spawned Pol Pot, destroyed Venezuela and has cursed the world for over 75 years.
What you support is an evil and stupid failure, much like you, I suspect.
“The rich” aren’t the only Americans with their hands out, that’s for sure. That’s commie bullshit. The rich just get the most because they collude with the Dirtbagocrats and RINOs. The middle and working classes are definitely for sale and many of them are indeed sellouts.
And Manblow Marlow knows the Dirtbagocrats are far richer than the RINOs and Republicans.
Hi Bungholz! Glad you took a break from you-know-what for your usual hateful rants. In any case, it’s amusing that you appear ignorant of the New Deal and the salutary effects of its redistribution of wealth, such as mass home ownership and a huge expansion of higher education accessibility. But then, folks you like love being properly disciplined by the rich, it’s the M in BDSM writ large.
I watched a Glenn Beck interview of Rachel Bovard (it’s on https://www.theblaze.com/podcasts/glenn-beck-podcast episode 159). She spoke about the massive amounts of money available to politicians as a result of multi-national trade agreements. These agreements are so complex it’s nearly impossible to “follow the money”. These “constructs”, touted as “good for the nation”, are a huge barrier to cleaning out the swamp, Asking our representatives to even consider re-examining this phenomena is like asking them to get their hands out of the cookie jar. Part of her solution was a new wave of young conservatives to replace the Boomers who adhere to the “this is how we do business” mantra. There’s much more to the interview if you have time to watch.
We the people will step up but they the vote counters will step on us.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln
“The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
“A nation, however, is shaped ultimately not by its people, but by its intellectuals. This is the grounds for fear, unless some “new intellectuals”, as Ayn Rand called them can be created.” – Leonard Peikoff
The nihilism and destruction all comes from the philosophers and intellectuals of unreason at the universities. This has been the case since 1781 when Immanuel Kant published his attack on reason. It was Kantian unreason that produced Hegel, then Marx, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Dewey, Marcuse, the Frankfurt School, John Rawls, all are the progeny of Immanuel Kant.
Unless a philosophy of reason, that validates and defends reason as an absolute and as man’s only means of knowledge is introduced into Western and American culture through the universities, the West’s and America’s ongoing collapse into a New Dark Age of Unreason will continue.
That philosophy of reason is Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism.
Kant did not attack reason. He wrote about reason’s ultimate limitations, in that there is, in the final analysis, no way we can fully know the thing-in-itself. That’s obviously true and has been proved innumerable times by modern science. Our sensory apparatus and the structure of our brains permit us to perceive the world in specific ways, but this also prevents us from achieving absolute knowledge of things.
Well then in that case who the hell is anyone to claim that a man is NOT a woman or a woman a man if they so feel that they are? Neither you nor they, nor anybody else, have access to the noumenal world, to things as they are in themselves. So any claim is as good or bad as any other.
“A “straw man” is an odd metaphor to apply to such an enormous, cumbersome, ponderous construction as Kant’s system of epistemology. Nevertheless, a straw man is what it was—and the doubts, the uncertainty, the skepticism that followed, skepticism about man’s ability ever to know anything, were not, in fact, applicable to human consciousness, because it was not a human consciousness that Kant’s robot represented. But philosophers accepted it as such. And while they cried that reason had been invalidated, they did not notice that reason had been pushed off the philosophical scene altogether and that the faculty they were arguing about was not reason.
No, Kant did not destroy reason; he merely did as thorough a job of undercutting as anyone could ever do.
If you trace the roots of all our current philosophies—such as pragmatism, logical positivism, and all the rest of the neo-mystics who announce happily that you cannot prove that you exist—you will find that they all grew out of Kant.” – Ayn Rand
Kant leads straight to postmodernism … which holds that objective reality doesn’t exist, it is all narratives. I’m getting impatient with conservatives. They just don’t have what it takes to defeat postmodernism and critical theories that extends postmodernism to the activist realm.
You’re arguing consequences-as you see them-rather than Kant’s point, which is that we cannot know the thing in itself. The limitations of human perception have been scientifically proven, and there’s no doubt he was right on that. We can draw closer and closer to knowledge of the thing in itself, but we cannot know it in the absolute sense. For example, we do not and can never know how a bat perceives the world, especially as many of them do so through sound and not vision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Is_It_Like_to_Be_a_Bat%3F
“Ayn Rand observes, however, that a difference in sensory form among perceivers is precisely that: it is a difference in the form of perceiving the same objects, the same one reality.” Leonard Peikoff, “Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand”
What you’re advocating is sophomoric nonsense which leads to disastrous results. So much for Kant’s point. The rants of Kant can’t and neither can you.
Mr. Peikoff or you quite misses the point. Kant doesn’t deny there may be one reality, only that we cannot fully know it.
Many 13 year olds and adult morons agree with Kant’s sophomoric point.
We do know that Kant was wrong about many things and you’re wrong about everything.
While these are undoubtedly Democrat policies the problem as I see it is that “our” side continues to point this out, legitimately, it unfortunately does not point out that under GOP(side of the uniparty) thewre is little difference in the agenda. With GOP rule the only differences the speed at which we continue the destruction.
Spending(world’s piggy bank), lawlessness, increased bureaucracy, illagal invasion, corruption, etc. etc. continues.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The king is dead, long live the king.
As I wrote before, at this point in time what’s the difference between the Swamp on the Democrat side and the Swamp on the RINO side?
Right now there are no longer two oppositional parties in America but a Mexican style Uni-party with two public faces but an alliance behind closed doors— a tagteam against America and Americans — heads they win, tails America loses.
The American voter who votes for freedom and liberty is being fleeced, robbed, deceived, hoodwinked, betrayed, and disenfranchised in an orchestrated shell- game of “three card monty”.
To paraphrase Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff, precisely because of their pretense, the Republican Party is morally lower than the Democrat Party; they are farther removed from reality — and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice. Since they purport to be fighting “big government”, they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind; they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
I don’t know any Republican voters in my immediate circle who are morally confused. Perhaps it is you that is confused, as always.
The step up is… the Republicans? God help us, we truly are in a terrible fix.
Well now you have the trumplicans or maggots, and the republicans who are scared of the maggots who are the radical tyrants who want a racist/white amerika. That is the bottom line. Money for the corporations and billionairres, conspiracy theories and religion shoved down everyone’s throat, and a total destruction of Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our Founders would indeed be pissed at the state of this nation and ALL would be to blame for allowing it to get this way.
This is utterly bizarre.
“Well now you have the trumplicans or maggots, and the republicans who are scared of the maggots who are the radical tyrants who want a racist/white amerika.”
How does anyone lose their mind to this degree?
Um, two word answer. Vote fraud.
Three word answer: There wasn’t any.
Not actually wanting to get too far off the main topic of this Frontpagemag article , Nevertheless, just today !0/26 /22 I have been banned from posting of Facebook for three days because looking at a picture of John Fetterman I keyboard a three word commit about him . It was “What acoon !”
Facebook labeled it “hate speech” therefore it was in violation of their “Community Standards ”
My comment wasn’t so real “hate speech” but a rather a fitting choice of words based a clear observation of him. Come on , just look at that guy.
When i was in High School back in the 1970’s one classroom i was in had a copy of the U.S. Constitution on the wall with VOID WHERE PROPHIBTED stamped in Red on it
Good Question. Ask yourselves, do people understand how they are losing their country forever to the New World Order, corruption and greed in Washington, and that they need to start voting the Bible, values, the constitution, and principles and not vote for politiicians that lie and deceive to gain power. (Look at their records.) We need a new type of politician these days, one that puts God and country over politics. and wealth. Blake Masters and Kari Lake, Tudor Dixon, Herschel Walker, Mastriano, and many others may be the new leaders the country needs to get back on track of a government that actually works for the people.
Exactly. The task at hand is how do you get rid of the “old guard” who makes the rules, finances campaigns, seats the committees and “whips” the party? IMO, it will take another “red wave” in ’24 to not only lessen the Dem0crat count in Congress but also the Rhinos who stand guard over the corruption that has become SOP.
..”This Frontpagemag, article does make mention that the “January 6 protestors, most charged with a misdemeanor, have been incarcerated nearly two years..”
It’s terrible, the peaceful, non-violent pro-Trump patriots who were unjustly and falsely arrested on January 6th, 2021, at Washington DC and then became and still are political prisoners under the Biden regime are treated much worse than those dangerous violent bloodthirsty Jihadists that are held at Gitmo.
Those political prisoners of the Biden regime the human rights abuses against the pro- Trump Patriots is horrendously brutal, cruel land unconscionable.
Likewise, US Constitutional violations against is an affront against all the American precepts of values and basic rights of human beings are detestable in the Biden America Gulag.
In which those American patriots who political prisoners of Joe Biden are kept in small moldy dark cells 23 out of 24 hours with no working plumbing beaten often and hard by the vicious and cruel prison guards, denied proper medical care and even given rancid food to eat.
All this with that fiend and pseudo “president” Biden is awful wrong and outrageous.
We, the Useless, have shown themselves the cowards they are. Big mouths, no action. Outraged online and NOWHERE to be found in person. I’ve been to rallies during Obama that should have been a HUNDRED times more populated.
I’ve tried to give out politician’s office numbers and the White House that are stored in my phone. ‘No, thank you’ Get them to show up? Oh, ‘I have to work’, ‘Oh, I’m busy’. I just became a certified polling inspector. We are in the position we’re in because WE, THE USELESS, DO ABSOLUTLY NOTHING BUT COMPLAIN!!
Oh, you voted? How cute. We ALL know THEY CHEAT!! Cheated the White House. Cheated Jersey and STILL nothing but keyboard patriots and their cry baby rhetoric! We deserve everything we’re getting for not RISING UP and protecting our Federalist Republic!!