During the pandemic, it was an article of faith that there was only one true science. And that it came down from the proper authorities. Any disagreement was “misinformation” which endangered lives and had to be stamped out lest people take to drinking bleach.
(As opposed to spraying it on their vegetables.)
Big Tech ruthlessly censored anyone who differed from the UN’s WHO and the US’ CDC. But now the WHO is calling for vaccinated people to wear masks, and some areas in the United States, including LA County, are following suit, while the CDC is telling people not to wear masks.
Both moves are transparently political with the Biden administration looking for a rapid reopening and the UN looking for a permanent crisis to shake down the developed world for more money, but the salient question is who gets censored?
Does YouTube censor the CDC for disagreeing with WHO guidance? Previously, YouTube had warned that anyone differing from WHO guidance will be censored. Or will Facebook, which had been censoring in the name of CDC guidance, censor WHO?
Neither absurd scenario will actually take place.
Contrary to the insane scientism we’re subjected to these days by Democrat activists, disagreement is the essence of science. And disagreement, in non-totalitarian societies, is healthy. It doesn’t magically produce the right answers, but it’s less likely to suppress them, which is almost as important. Especially because there isn’t necessarily one right answer. There may be many partially right answers.
Big Tech censorship wasn’t promoting science: it was inhibiting science.
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