Hey Willie, don’t tell it to us. Tell it to Kamala, Breed and Newsom. You have gave them their careers.
When people were asked to shelter in place, they did so in amazing numbers and with no plan.
But nobody envisioned the shelter-in-place would last this long.
Some people who have jobs or retirement checks are fine with staying inside. Those who have lost their jobs, or fear they’re likely to lose their jobs, want the state to reopen.
But so far, the authorities who have locked us in have yet to figure out how to get us out.
If they don’t figure it out soon, the public is going to find a way to get out on its own.
Just when you think the world can’t get any stranger, Willie Brown starts making sense. But then again, Brown wasn’t stupid or incompetent. He was just sleazy in that old-fashioned way of some big blue state pols we can now only look fondly back on as New York and California are not only run by corrupt politicians, but ideological idiots who live in fantasy world bubbles run by the media.
Brown is an old-fashioned urban pol and like most of that Tammany Hall breed understands the realities of life in a way Newsom or De Blasio never will.
And trying to keep businesses from opening with threats of suspending their liquor licenses or cosmetologist licenses won’t work — not on a mass scale that would be needed if many people start to say: enough.
You can’t arrest everybody. Mind you, Willie might not object. He just knows it’s not doable. That’s more than Newsom knows.
Like it or not, we may have to trust the public to be as safe as possible with masks and the like and hope for the best until a vaccine is found.
At this point, Brown is outside his lane. But he’s saying what many pols are starting to think. Except that big blue governance is still all about the technocracy and gets its advice from Big Tech, instead of anyone with any connection to reality.
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