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On May 13, I wrote here at the FrontPage about Maher Bitar, Old Joe Biden’s new special counsel and director of intelligence and defense programs at the National Security Council. Bitar is important because he is a longtime foe of Israel, an alumnus of the viciously anti-Israel campus group Students for Justice in Palestine, and an indication of how the Biden regime’s betrayal of Israel is not just the result of the regime’s fear of losing Michigan in November, but is also the fruit of personnel decisions that Biden’s handlers made at the beginning of the regime. Bitar is not even close to being the sole foe of Israel at high levels among Biden apparatchiks.
Besides Bitar, there is Hady Amr, the regime’s special representative for Palestinian affairs. Before that, Amr was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs within the StateDepartment. Amr is also an indefatigable supporter of the genocidal Palestinian Arab jihad against Israel.
Back in 2002, Amr declared: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada.” He said that Palestinian Arabs would “never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military, and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.” He did not, of course, say a word about Hamas’ long-established practice of launching jihad attacks from civilian areas, so that retaliatory fire could be used for propaganda purposes.
Of course, that was a long time ago, but Amr went on to a long career in the Obama administration and elsewhere, and never showed any sign that he had moderated his positions. He still hasn’t to this day.
The State Department’s undersecretary for civilian security, democracy and human rights is Uzra Zeya. According to the Jewish News Service, Zeya “worked for the magazine Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and its publishing group, American Educational Trust. The Washington Report has questioned the loyalty American Jews have to the United States; published accusations against the ‘Jewish lobby’; claimed American Jews control the media; and accused the Mossad of perpetrating the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy and the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.”
Several other foes of Israel served in the Biden regime for several years but have now departed. Up until her resignation on June 16, 2023, Reema Dodin was a deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. According to the Jerusalem Post, “during the Second Intifada, in 2002, Dodin spoke about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with residents of Lodi, California, saying that ‘suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people.’” Also, “in 2001, Dodin took part in a demonstration at UC Berkeley calling for the university to divest from Israel….The demonstrators compared Israel to apartheid South Africa.”
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy until July 17, 2023 was Colin Kahl, according to Israel Hayom, “has quite the anti-Israel record. He thinks the bombing of the nuclear reactor in Iraq was 1981 was a mistake. In 2012, he acted to remove recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from the Democratic party’s platform. In 2015, he was among those to formulate the Iran nuclear deal. In 2016, at the end of his term, then-US President Barack Obama tasked him with enlisting support for the anti-Israel UN Security Council Resolution 2334 that determined Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria were a violation of international law.”
Joining the other rats leaving the sinking ship on July 28, 2023was the former Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman. Before her work with her comrades in the Biden regime, Sherman, was the lead negotiator of Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Most notorious of all was Robert Malley, who served as the regime’s special envoy to Iran until June 29, 2023, when his security clearance was revoked and he was put on leave over his alleged mishandling of classified information. Malley’s support for Iran’s Islamic regime and pronounced distaste for Israel had raised eyebrows for years. The Washington Times revealed in February 2021 that back in July 2019, “Iran’s smooth, English-speaking foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, met with Robert Malley, who was President Obama’s Middle East adviser, in an apparent bid to undermine the Trump team and lay the groundwork for post-Trump relations.”
Malley was a good choice for such an assignment. An Israeli security official noted in February 2008 that Malley “has expressed sympathy to Hamas and Hizbullah and offered accounts of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that don’t jibe with the facts.” Obama dropped Malley in May 2008 after it came to light that he had met with representatives of Hamas, but six months later sent him as an envoy to Egypt and Syria.
With this team of Israel-haters and jihad supporters (and there are others), it’s no surprise that the Biden regime has betrayed Israel. It’s just a wonder that the betrayal didn’t come sooner.
With Biden ‘leader of the free world’ Israel and other non-Islamic nations haven’t a chance. They will not be ‘free’ for much longer
Yesterday in London I walked past an anti Israel protest where some white guy was spouting the usual nonsense and I walked shouting LIES LIES LIES LIES. The police allowed him to continue with his bullshit but as I walked away they followed me, I just kept walking and they turned around after a short while.
Of course. Sadiq Khan believes in freedom of speech for me but not thee.
State and NSC have always been staffed by Arabists. But Biden went beyond that in having supporters of Hamas employed in major policy roles
Biden is a racist and an antisemite. He would be right at hom at a Klan rally.
I keep telling you: Biden doesn’t make any decisions. BO, Maher Bitar, Hady Amr, and the others named here make these decisions. Biden is a puppet, nothing more.
Most of these haters and vile anti-American activists should be immediately arrested when Trump takes office. For what? Treason, and giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies. Punishment: 5 years in prison w/o parole, US citizenship revocation then deportation to Iran, or North Korea.
Pray against these people. Specifically that God will confound their plans, scramble their speech like broken eggs. Pray God will remove them from influence and destroy their works. They’re just using us a s cash cows to finance their evil. Once finished with us, they’ll kill us.
Maher Bitar
Hady Amr
Uzra Zeya
Reema Dodin
Colin Kahl
Wendy Sherman
Robert Malley
Praying is fine and necessary. Do that.
but there does come atime when it is time to take up the swored.. while continuing to pray.
That time may be approaching.
As they say, faith withour works is dead
Also cast out their demons – we do not need to be physically near them to do this, because demons are not spatial. I normally say “every spirit hostile in heart to the Living God” because this saves getting into names and specialities; I also send them to Jesus’ feet, for Him to deal with, having first silenced and bound them so that they can’t do any harm on the way out.
The IDF has discovered 700 Tunnel shafts in Rafah, including 50 that cross Egypt. Rafah is the focal point for terrorist activity and a stronghold for Hamas operations and control rooms and military equipment. Those tunnels are used by Hamas to supply itself with weapons and ammunition.
No wonder the Biden administration wants Israel to halt its Rafah Mission to clean out the main source.
We get a clear view of intentions here.
Yes I firmly believe that the USA DemoCraps and the Biden Admin is secretly controlled by Iranian moo slims. And those moo slims make all the decisions.
Those tunnels are used by Hamas to supply itself with weapons and ammunition.
The Islamic snake pit has been well established in Washington in the Obama and Biden and Clinton administrations.
Stabbing Israel and Jews, and America and US citizens in the back is deliberate planned policy from the Clintons to
Obama to Biden and their ilk..
The Clintons are about money, they’ll do anything for it. Any thing.
Biden is a dupe, a puppet. What we’re seeing is Obama’s ‘fundamental transformation’ . He is the puppet master & i believe, one of satan’s minions.
Excellent article, Dr. Spencer. If the Jews of America have not been woken up yet, this article should light a fire under them and understand that the democratic party (with its progressive shifting to the left) wants changes to America which will not allow Jews to live and flourish and could affect the future of U.S. support for Israel. Sadly, previous democratic administrations have also been anti-Israel in the way armaments, munitions, etc. were sent (Obama’s administration). This fall you really have no choice but to vote for President Trump .
From the Project Veritas website: “A current White House official on staff with the National Security Council [Sterlin Waters] stated in a Project Veritas undercover recording that President Joe Biden is waiting for a second term to condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza but can’t say so due to ‘powerful Jewish influences’ that could cost him the election.”
Can we stop calling them Palestinian? There’s no such thing.
You are unwittingly using a psychological weapon of war. People need to comprehend that the subtext to the concept of “Palestine” is a replacement of Israel with an Islamic terror state.
Palestinian is a concoction of the KGB and was employed as a psychological weapon to undermine Israel and the West. It is avidly used by Leftists that are in an unholy axis with Islamic jihad.
Tragically, this includes many Israeli Leftists who are indoctrinated with a twisted and delusional self-destructive ideology. Daniel Pearl is the embodiment of this ideology.
Call them what they are: ARABS.
There is no Palestine. That is a fact.
Let us agree not to play the enemy’s mind game.
Call them Arab inhabitants.
Obama and radicals running the White House, still. Joe is not capable of any executive action. Joe couldn’t even be a taxi driver.
Does it bother anyone else but me that Israel supporters feel free to commit an act of war such as this blood libel against Sleepy Joe?
Israel is hardly a military ally to the US. More of a protectorate, and sure as Matza doesn’t have any business whatsoever determining who our President should be.
Israel should not fall for attempts to alienate her from her suckling mother. Not smart at all!
Check out Youtube’s Shawn Ryan Show and epidode numbers 149 with Sarah Adams. Sarah Adams is a CIA Targeer that is responsible for targeting terrorists for capture or death. She has extensive experience in Afghanistan and other middle east arenas of war.