It’s one thing to declare that you’re not going to read books by white people or listen to music by white people, a popular racist woke trend, but if you’re going to get rid of white people in religion, you may want to consider switching religions.
A church in suburban Chicago has told parishioners it will abstain from performing any music that is associated with White people during the season of Lent.
“In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people,” the website for the First United Church of Oak Park reads. “Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more.”
Have they found a bible drawn from South Africa yet?
If you’re going to hate white people, just consider converting to Animism, Buddhism, or any number of religions that have nothing to do with white people.
Dumping hymns written by white people while keeping the bible is not terribly consistent.
Both the church office and head pastor John Edgerton, who is a white male…
Maybe they should do something about that
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