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Every entertainment industry awards show can be reduced to ridiculous outfits and woke special pleading acceptance speeches in which millionaires impassionately proclaim their love for drag queens, illegal aliens or Hamas, and in which most of the country (except for their deranged fan bases) look at them like clowns.
The Grammys, probably the first major awards show since Trump took office (unless I missed one), was no exception, celebrating its out-of-touchness by thumbing its nose at country music fans and then platforming Shakira and Lady Gaga to attack Trump and stand by illegal aliens and transgender activists.
The sum of it though would add up to ‘who cares’.
Kamala tested the power of celebrities and found them wanting at best. The public will spend a fortune going to see Taylor Swift lip sync but doesn’t care whom she endorses. The last time anyone effectively used celebrities in a political context was Barack Obama and he did it by appearing to become one of them.
Celebrities couldn’t help Kerry or Hillary, and it’s not at all clear that they can help any candidate at all.
Somehow celebrity culture has become an even stranger echo chamber over the years. A showcase for the mentally disturbed, (so of course Kanye West showed up), and for the just plain grotesque.
And at this point in time, having celebrities in your political corner is just a way to seem even more out of touch.
Hello Dr..Greenfield. I have tried to avoid the product of Hollywood for many years now – and also those innumerable ceremonies in which Showbiz tells itself how wonderful it is and gives itself prizes. And this is a very timely article given what happened at the current ceremony – (dis)courtesy of Kanye West and Wife… well, according to the online tabloid press today…
I did however find myself watching an old Batman movie from my sofa yesterday. It was a proper Batman, with Adam West. I joined it halfway through, alas. Batman and Robin were tied to stakes with the villainous Archer and his equally villainous Knights charging at them with lancers. They are dead. This is it for Batman, you might think. But – spoiler alert! – they got away (batsprings, don’t ask me to explain). I loved every minute of it. It was actually entertaining. Which is really all I want from a movie. But can Hollywood deliver that anymore, even if it wanted to?
Kanye West is a bit deranged but he did slam the detestable Heels Up Harris. I’ll give him credit for that. Not that I watched the Grammies, ever have or ever will. I saw it online and laughed. He’s such a weirdo. And his wife or whoever she is? A nasty slag in a sheer dress with no bra or undies? Gross.
Back when movies were great.
I actually got to see Adam West in person about a year before he passed away at L.A. Comic-Con (Yeah, I’m a nerd and proud of it). If I had known this would be one of his final public appearances before he died, I probably would’ve made an effort to get his autograph, but it was good enough just to be in the audience listening to him and the surviving cast members regale us with behind-the-scene stories about the making of the show and how it connected with audiences of so many different ages.
I watched that show when I was a young boy and loved it. I don’t remember all that much about it though.
Daniel, , with a bad case of CRS don’t remember where I saw this but is so true, the United States has become a place where entertainers are mistaken for people of importance. I’ve needed a Doctor, I’ve needed a Teacher, I need farmers every day, I have needed an auto mechanic, a plumber, a house painter and a lot of other everyday people. But I have Never, not even once, needed a Hollywood entertainer for anything.
Yet they usually make more money then the people you mention. Hmmmmm.
That’s because they make the studios, producers and some people involved millions of dollars, the way professional athletes make team owners, leagues, associations, etc millions of dollars.
Couldn’t agree more.
Who cares.
Total waste of air time.
Reruns of Green Acres would have gotten better ratings
and been more entertaining.
Yes, nobody cares about “music” awards and we care even less about the stupid and anti-American opinions of the dorky performers. And everybody is watching Netflix instead of going to the movies and it wins the most awards.
Country music is far and away the most popular current music genre, so of course the Ignorati snub it in favor of garbage only a tiny proportion of America listens to. Classic rock is extremely popular but it isn’t exactly current.
Most all these award shows are rigged to favor the left just look at their falling Ratings for the Oscars Awards shows over the last number of years
The Oscars still exist? I thought the name had been changed to the BET Awards.
“So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and fuck off, OK? It’s already three hours long. Right, let’s do the first award.
Ricky Gervais
Golden Globes (Whatever those are.)
Such a heap of cultural trash!
The American People made their choice and if it don’t appease you then just Leave go live in the UK with Meathead
This is not music anymore, it’s a clown show.
They are completely disgusting! These same woman whine and cry about how bad men are and Kanye brings his wife, virtually naked, before a worldwide audience like she is his sexual slave being paraded at an auction. And what women with even a scintilla of self respect would remain participants in this award ceremony following this grotesque display of moral depravity?
There is nothing redeemable about these people and the music they make is worthless.
And these “celebrity”echo-chambered deviants cannot figure out why we don’t care one iota about the lot of them!
Stupid is as stupid does!
Yes, West’s wife or whomever is a slut, alright. And everything you wrote is correct. No wonder hardly anybody watches that garbage.
West and his slut-pig-dog-whore reportedly came uninvited and were booted out.
No, trans people are not invisible, because they’re not prevented from living their life as they wish.
If an adult man feels more like a lady wearing a dress, heels and purse or even by mutilating his body to arrive at some approximation of one on the outside, that’s his business. After all, this is America. Live and let live.
It’s when they demand I do more than simply observe and try to make it my business through coercion and compulsion to join in their delusions and massive, society-wide game of “let’s pretend”, I do more than merely observe and reply GTFO!
Yes, America is increasingly rejecting the fascism of tranny activists and their “woke” allies.
Why, oh why do those overpaid dumb asses think their opinions matter? To who exactly? My dog’s opinion matters more to me than theirs and he can’t talk!
I heard on radio Beyonce won the CMA album of the year – does this tell you where the entertainment industry is? Beware what you expose yourself and your children to with entertainment. is still working in the entertainment industry
Maybe it was the grammy’s the two hosts that took over Rush Limbaugh’s spot meant? Anyway who cares. The entertainment industry is the grim reminder of the quid-pro-Joe Briben regime =
I heard because of the Los Ashes County, CA fires there may not be the Oscars. The only good thing to come out of the fires of suspect origins and 100% mismanagement.
I have not watched award shows since I was a friend of the dancers at Chippendales – those young dudes wanted to be in the movies and in West Los Angeles, there was plenty of ladies, airline stewardesses who came there as well as Cougar movie actresses. I brought many women to the show and picked them up 4 or more hours later all horned up with Chippendales calendars and gift shop stuff. Then they showed me the calendar and I said. I can dance for tips too. Off to their hotel rooms I went for a wild night.
Oh to be when I was young.
None the less, it is a vacant and empty life the totally sensuous hunt.
We all grow up. Most do. I dunno about the entertainment industry. Right now my neck is killing me and I don’t like locating my old g-string to see if it can still fit! Although I am in good shape for most seniors my age .
Sizzle —
Beyonce is still alive? Actually I saw a headline about her reported CMA award. Beyond ridiculous.
I’m old but still run around with chicks in their thirties and forties. Put on a neck brace and go after those cougars!
When the causes of the activist entertainers are gathered up and wrapped
in salacious trappings and sordid gyrations the natural tendency for those
who are aware of their surroundings is to eschew the people and scorn
the product. This a form of checks and balances. Those clinging to the
“industry” do so in desperation without any regard for introspection. The
“message” certainly can’t be wrong! The delivery is patented! What else
is there?
Try altering and or erasing the past! China is doing that. The music industry
is in fact beholden to China.
Oh so sorry. We The People will not allow that to happen here……anymore!
The Oscars are followed by the Razzies(Golden Raspberries)for the years Worst movies just like the Oscars are only for the Worst not the Best and in case someone might notice just about all the Movies that are awarded Best Pictures can not be found at any Video Stores or at Walmart since they were total Bombs in the Box Office
The entertainment industry is one big circle jerk for freaks and perverts!
Entertainment award shows have long been nothing more serious than industry advertising. More and more the pretense of art, such as it is, has been dropped for political antisocial advocacy and performances. This has been challenging the clothing and fur style shows, which display what nobody buys, for irrelevance.
Thank you for keeping up with the witches and their jesters
so we don’t have to.
I couldn’t watch any of that garbage.