If you don’t take a vaccine, you’ll be forced out of the military. HIV positive? You’re an oppressed minority.
Most HIV-positive troops will no longer face involuntary separation or be barred from deploying as a result of their condition under an update to the Pentagon’s policy on HIV status.
According to a memo released by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday, commanders no longer will be allowed to involuntarily separate troops with asymptomatic HIV. They also may not restrict them from deploying or bar any currently serving enlisted personnel, cadets or midshipmen with HIV from seeking a commission as an officer.
On Wednesday, Lambda Legal attorneys who represented Army National Guard Sgt. Nicholas Harrison in the case praised the Pentagon for dropping what they called a “discriminatory policy.”
“Because HIV disproportionately impacts LGBTQ+ people and people of color, this discriminatory policy is not only outdated, but is also a serious equity issue that has had a significant impact on communities that already face many other systemic barriers to accessing the full range of opportunity in America,” Kara Ingelhart, a senior attorney at Lambda Legal, said in a statement.
The military is no longer there to defend the nation or win wars. Not to the lefties who now use it purely for identity politics posturing.
The military is becoming a testbed for woke virtue signaling while undermining military readiness and national defense.
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