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One of my best friends is in what the vast majority of people, including mainline Christians, would easily consider a religious cult. In all other respects, he is completely normal. Looking at and speaking with him, you would never know it. We have had many interesting conversations over the years on a variety of topics, but I learned long ago not to broach religion in any way that even seems mildly critical of his beliefs. He’ll shut you down quickly, and the friendship suffers.
As a rational person myself and knowing that he is rational and open-minded in all other aspects of his life, sometimes it’s all I can do not to say something because so many of the things his church teaches (not all) are off the wall and so different from mainline Christianity. I won’t get specific, but there are hundreds of churches across the world that believe this way, with hundreds of thousands of people in them, all of whom parrot the doctrine with unflinching dedication. The vast majority, including him, were born into it and know nothing else. They assume – on faith – that it’s all true, and that questioning even a little could lead to serious consequences up to and including eternal damnation.
In a weird way, trying to engage with brainwashed, woke cultists on any issue, especially issues around critical race and gender theory, reminds me of my friend. No matter how reasonable and humble I come across (I’m a lot nicer in real life than I am on Twitter!), no matter how well-crafted the words, no matter how unassailable the science, no matter how common-sensical the argument, I might as well be talking to a brick wall.
It’s frustrating and mind-boggling, but it’s also predictable. If you’re in a religion that you are comfortable with but that has no rational or scientific justification whatsoever, you shut your mind to questions, and you refuse to engage ‘heretics.’ The ‘feeling’ of being right is enough. I think it’s because, deep down, they don’t want their minds to be changed, not just because they’re afraid of the social and spiritual ramifications but also because they fear the loss of what has become an integral part of themselves. It’s their world, their comfort zone, and they don’t want it shaken.
I have never been more convinced that wokeism in all its forms is a religious cult. It is irrational, non-scientific, and goes against every aspect of God and nature’s law. Yet, millions of people believe it and spread and enforce it with a zealous fervor that rivals the fastest-spreading movements of history. Except, it’s far worse than any religion, including my friend’s, because of the trail of divisiveness and destruction it leaves in its wake. My friend and I are still friends because we can separate that aspect from the rest of our lives, agree to disagree, and focus on the things that bring us together. In that sense, his branch of Christianity isn’t as bad as many other cults. With wokeness, like those divisive cults, there is no such thing as agreeing to disagree. Like the most despotic cult leader or king, wokeness demands total fealty, and dissent is not tolerated.
To woke leftists, dissidents aren’t just people with a different opinion; they are evil enemies to be exposed and punished for their heresy. No branch of Christianity has been quite like that since I don’t know … the Spanish Inquisition? In fact, unlike Islam, Christian zealot movements of any kind haven’t seen real political power anywhere in hundreds of years. Woke leftists, on the other hand, control almost all large private, public, and political institutions across the entire West and are angling for far more. They are even attempting to undermine – quite successfully – what’s left of Christianity.
As such, it has never been more critical to bring as many people out of this destructive cult as possible. But how? I know people change their minds and come out of both religious cults and quasi-religious woke cults. It happens, but it’s not easy, nor is it commonplace. Over the years, I’ve come to believe that the same deprogramming techniques used to extract people from religious cults and extremist groups should also be used to extract those we know and love from the woke cult. Because they are essentially the same thing.
Conservative commentator and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy recently described wokeism, and its sister ideologies of climateism and gender ideology, as “secular religions” that are “symptoms of a deeper cancer: a loss of purpose, meaning, and identity.” Wokeism has replaced Christianity for a vast portion of the global population who long ago abandoned any belief in or obeisance to a power greater than themselves. But in the absence of a creator God, humans, deep down, still want to worship something. Too bad what they’re worshiping now is a fantasy more unrealistic than any “sky god” caricature a mocking atheist could possibly conjure up.
The ‘Great deceiver’ – Satan, is working overtime. His lies have convinced many to believe and promote these false ‘religions.’
Still where masks?! Their slaves to a total lie
You mean “THEY ARE slaves to a total lie.”
The author IS talking to a brick wall. The cognitive dissonance is so strong in these people, who have to believe so many things that they must know are untrue, that they have to block out anything that challenges their beliefs. Were they to acknowledge it, their whole edifice would collapse including their unshakable belief that they are the smartest and best people in this, or any other, universe.
To join these kinds of groups one must sacrifice his ability to think independently. The crowd destroys individualism as they demand absolute loyalty. In the case of cults, group think replaces rationalism so the members hand over their brains to the leaders. Wokeism is especially dangerous because of its secular nature and desire of the participants to destroy any opposition. Religious cults usually have limited resources, but the cult of woke progressives are supported by billionaires who own the media.
Probably the only hope for the survival of America is a purging of some sort. This is difficult because indoctrination starts in Kindergarten. This requires rational people to oppose them in force. Until that happens the insanity will only increase.
As sad as sad gets.
Your friend is no longer Christian, but Gnostic. Wokeism is Gnosticism reborn and it infects Christianity, Judaism and many other religious traditions. Wokeism destroys education, health, entertainment, science, economics, border policy, governments, the UN and WEF and many other national and international bodies of power and influence. We are literally in a death struggle with it. Your friend’s lack of humility and closed-mindedness are the “tells” of woke religion. You might be the only one who can red pill him.
There is no one exposing this false religion better than James Lindsay. He’s done all the hard work. He’s read all the woke books and Marxist philosophers and taken them at their word. He’s distilled their information down to core animating principles for us. If you want to see the ugly truth, go to Lindsay’s website (New Discourses) or read his books. If you want an introduction to the mesmerizing power of his truth-finding research and insight, listen to this lecture he gave recently for Sovereign Nations:
I hope you live to see your friend’s release and have the joy of knowing you helped him escape. Good luck and God bless your efforts!
the header photo told me all I need to know about these clowns…. MASKS? WHY? Only for show anymore. Maybe their wearing them everywhere has indeed pickled their brains, as “THE SCIENCE” actually demonstrates. Those medical devices lower the oxygen and raise the carbon dioxide levels in the blood of those who wear them. They also harbour bacteria and fungi that can infect lungs and brain, leading to more instability.
But these guys KNOW IT ALL so how can we blame them? They are travelling in their own alternate universe.
I believe wokeism aka Liberalism is a mental disorder with the following traits – lying, jealousy, hate driven by jealousy, lack of empathy, inability to feel happiness, interprets physical pleasure as happiness, and the Dunning – Kruger Effect. Their agenda can be summed up by Karl Marx – ” The definition of peace is the removal of everything that stands in the way of socialism.”
There’s nothing new under the sun. Wokeism isn’t a “secular religion;” it’s propaganda laying the foundation for an evil ideology. It’s old fashion Communist Cultural Revolution and Marxist Critical theory tailor made to bring down Judeo-Christian Western Civilization.
(cont.) Critical Race Theory recreates the Oppressor (white people) and the Oppressed (minorities). One’s race is immutable therefore, white people will forever be OPPRESSORS for their irredeemable sin of slavery. Critical Gender Theory ON THE OTHER HAND destroys immutable, scientific biology of male/female sexes to destroy the family–a requirement for Marxism.
(cont.) It also the Globalist Depopulation agenda with trans-infertility along with abortion. Then the Climate Crisis Theory is a perfect anti-science conspiracy theory to destroy advanced civilization and CAPITALISM by pretending that Carbon is a pollutant even though it’s a natural part of the air we breathe and crucial for the cycle of life. Any use of so-called fossil fuels means you are GUILTY of “polluting” the planet, that means no cars, more and more food restrictions, less factories, less supply of goods and a decrease in your standard of living with poverty and further depopulation because humans produce too much carbon with their technology and food production not to mention they also exhale bad CO2. It’s a perfect set up for slavery and/or suicide. People who go along are simply brainwashed like those who believed the Government LIE that Covid jabs were safe and needed to prevent you from dying from Covid disease and that there was no other option. It’s impossible to believe that your Government could turn on you with evil murderous intent after taking for granted the humanitarianism of their Free World of “liberal” democracy for so long and given the fact that it had previously fought against the evils of Communism and Fascism. Everything has changed and is changing for the worse for the survival of humanity.