CAIR’s Zahra Billoo was picked for the new Women’s March board which was supposed to avoid the rampant anti-Semitism of the old. But, as expected, it was stocked with hateful figures. Like Zahra Billoo.
The Point noted on Tuesday that Zahra Billoo had a history of tweeting some really ugly stuff.
CAIR’s Billoo had tweeted, “Blaming Hamas for firing rockets at [Apartheid] Israel is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist.”
Ryan Mauro at Clarion has a lot more on her.
In the past, Billoo has praised the terrorist group Hezbollah, tweeting “AH [All Hail] for Hezbollah having the courage to do what the Arab governments won’t”
A tweet of hers from 2009, where she casually mentions that she is listening to the sermon of the noted anti-Semitic hate preacher Louis Farrakhan while at the gym has recently gotten a lot of attention.
Now the people behind the Women’s March (leftist white men) have decided that Billoo might be a bit much. And she’s out.
And of course she’s blaming a campaign by “Islamophobes” rather than her own hateful words.
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