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The Women’s March, formed to fight Trump, but which turned out to be an antisemitic hate group, melted down a while back. But since Trump is back, the Women’s March has announced that it’s back too.
The Women’s March group is returning with a series of D.C. protests in light of President-elect Trump’s win. The first Women’s March was held the day after Trump’s 2017 inauguration to protest what the participants saw as threats the administration posed to issues like civil rights and gender equality.
The grift is back.
But oddly enough, the current chief of staff of the Women’s March is a Muslim man.
Aquib S. Yacoob, a Guyanese immigrant and community organizer, serves as the chief of staff of the Women’s March. Yacoob previously served as the spokesman for Tamika Mallory, one of the three antisemitic former heads of the Women’s March.
But Yaqoob’s most baffling moment may have been when he protested the massacre by a Muslim terrorist at a gay bar.
Aquib Yacoob, a gay Muslim man, used a megaphone to speak to the crowd just after 8 p.m. “Last night, at 5 a.m., I was at a gay club. It’s ramadan, I’m not drinking, I was hanging out. I was enjoying the space, I was enjoying the people, I was enjoying the love. Then I saw my newsfeed, and I was terrified. I wanted to go home. I wanted to hide under my blanket and not come out. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t feel, I couldn’t be.”
Yacoob, 23, paused for a moment. “But today I came out. I saw the crowds outside of Stonewall, I see the crowds gathered here and I have hope. I know we will fight and I know we will win. We’re awake, finally. The LGBT community is awake to violence, the senseless killing.”
By whom?
Anyway the Women’s March is in good hands. The hands of a gay Muslim man.
Jeff Bargholz says
How stupid does a guy have to be to be gay and Moslem? Or to say publicly that he wants to hide under a blanket? I guess the only good thing about A-quib Yackdouche is that he isn’t likely to defile humanity with progeny. It’s kind of hard to have kids when a guy takes it up the ass.
Most people will probably never understand.
Leftoxenomorphism is a religion.
An aggressive, emerging religion doing it’s “thing” for decades now, from before WW1.
AINO-Venezuerica, the rotting remains of the late Constitutional Republic the United States of America (July 4th, 1776 – November 3rd, 2020) are basically already in their hands.
What do they NOT control?
Sure, Trump won.
What did Trump win?
Do people have any idea of what his Presidency is going to be like?
We’ll be lucky if there isn’t a military coup against him.
Who is going to be Trump’s next fauci?
Not chosen yet? Give it time.
We are not going to solve this by any normal means.
And we are not even going to talk about what means might, only might, work.
Madame DeFarge says
Pretty funny stuff, but quite normal for the left.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, if you can call those weirdos normal. But yeah, that’s their version of normal. Freaks.
Intrepid says
Perfect. Let little Aquib S. Yacoob run an irrelevant “womans march” into the ground. About as useful as all of those babbling crying silly women with too much face and nose metal cutting off their hair.
Gordon says
There is always one thing you can count on with people who are ignorant, irrational and have no self-awareness: that is that when faced with reality that contradicts their positions and worldview they will respond by acting twice as ignorant, irrational; and instead of engaging in some introspection they will harm themselves and the people around them as a way of dealing with the cognitive dissonance.
mj says
Democratic Party dogma turned reality inside out and upside down, made public issues out of private morality and replaced divine ethics with lies masquerading as inalienable rights.
Unlike the Constitution, this dogma is a Godless doctrine that especially appeals to the multitudes who reject, disdain and deny God. Beyond the concrete issues, politics has essentially become a spiritual battleground in America. I thought Trump would lose. Despite all the post election reasons now being articulated for victory and for defeat, I feel that Trump ‘won’ because God stopped evil in its tracks and deserves all the credit. We will see what Trump will do. I wonder how his miraculously escaping death will affect him spiritually and how that will impact his policies at home and abroad. May God be with him. And with us.
Dave Hay says
a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction Example…..a gay muslim.
jeremiah says
religion of peace
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah. “I’m a member of a religion which wants to kill me because of my sexuality. No problem.”
internalexile says
Chickens for KFC, as we used to say.
Kasandra says
Have they decided what they’re protesting about yet? Their regular temper tantrums are tedious and boring through over use. You know, like the word racist.
EndPC says
How stupid can these women “marchers’ be? Wonder if nutter muslima Linda Sarsour is also going to lead. So Insane. Islam has been at war against women for 1400 years! They should know about Islamic law on women, if they can even read.
Alex Bensky says
I remember finding it grimly amusing last time that Linda Sarsour, a fervent advocate of sharia, was leading a march supposedly for women’s rights.
For that matter, I was taught that “c—” was a vulgar way to refer to women, and I wasn’t sure what to make of an event where thousands of woman come dressed as one.
When I posted about this on Facebook my cousin angrily e-mailed me and said I was disrespecting her, her daughter, and all the women who went on the march. In the interests of shalom bayit (family peace) I didn’t respond. What I wanted to say was, “I am not disrespecting you. I am disrespecting what you did..”