Today, Feb 1 is World Hijab Day. The annual Islamist event commemorates the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the beginning of the mandatory ‘Hijabization’ of women in Iran.
While women in Iran are risking their lives to remove their hijabs, facing arrests, beatings and even death, the media in this country, much like the media in Iran, continues promoting the hijab.
The origins of the hijab are ugly and you won’t hear about them on World Hijab Day.
The Prophet Mohammed had to recruit a gang of rapists with promises of capturing and raping young girls.
Since the various rapists also had wives, and since Islam frowns on Muslim men assaulting each other’s wives (the wives of non-Muslims however are fair game, as Koran 4:24 states, “And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess”), the hijab, the burka, the abaya and all the other exciting ways to repress women arrived to distinguish the women that could be raped from those who couldn’t.
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested,” Koran 33:59 states.
A commentator on the Koran adds, “It is more likely that this way they may be recognized (as pious, free women), and may not be hurt (considered by mistake as roving slave girls.)”
It’s always awkward when you confuse your wife, or somebody else’s wife with one of those roving slave girls.
Muslim women cover their hair and elbows to show that they’re the property of a Muslim man.
In response to a gang rape, the Chief Mufti of Australia said, “If she was in her room, in her home, in her Hijab, no problem would have occurred.”
By wearing the Burqa or Hijab, women participate in a narrative that gives rapists a pass for sexual assaults on women who don’t dress the way the Mufti or Imam says they should.
That’s what World Hijab Day is really about. Just ask the women of Iran or Afghanistan.
Michael Vanyukov says
Islam creates an altered state of consciousness, incomprehensible to anyone outside of that truly totalitarian ideology, which enables blowing one up, “honor” murders of wives and daughters (with special cruelty by the mothers), and scriptural hate towards the entire non-Muslim humanity, with the goal of eventual genocide (the Jews first and foremost).
JS Miami says
Not to mention FGM
Angel Jacob says
They are brainwashed since early childhood. Something that they are doing in the free world too, except that they don’t mention yet if one disobeys muhammad’s orders they will be killed.
Lies and Violence are the two real pillars of islam. One supports the other.
Una Salus says
If they weren’t advertising they wouldn’t be haram.
Song_Of_The_Bluegill says
Since the invention of Islam by the pedophile, Muhammad in 700 AD it has been estimated that muslims have killed over 250 million people simply because they did not want to become part of the Islamic cult. That is more dead than those killed by Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and all the other communist and socialist tyrants combined.
To this day, Islam is still the number one murderer of innocents and the number one purveyor of terrorism through out the world.
Ugly Sid says
This sounds like Huntington’s tabulation. Others are very much higher. The butcher’s bill on the Asian subcontinent alone may have more.
How many must die to assemble a mound of severed heads so high a horseman cannot see over it?
Islam has never been other than an enemy civilization with bloodlust. Spiritual religion my ass.
Greebo says
“If she was in her room, in her home, in her Hijab, no problem…” So she should be locked up in isolation & rapists should run free? WTH
Algorithmic Analyst says
Great coverage and choice of topic.
Who thought of such a bizarre thing as “World Hijab Day”. Don’t they know females are being executed in Iran for taking off the hijab?
Cat says
World Rape day!. Leftists are probably participating and idealizing burka wearing.
Just yesterday they were screaming “Take back the night”
They are never consistent nor make any sense.
David Mu says
A bag is a bag is a bag, and the lack of it is no excuse to rape. But the Islamic bag does display quite plainly the considerable difference of the cult of Islam and the rest of the world. In Islam there can be no freedom, but ‘submission’. And submission to what – surely not a Divine Presence, but instead submission to the needs of a cult that places greater value on oppression that to the moral evil of rape.
And yet – another year of silly leftist seeking to support and praise the bag instead of asking why Islamic men seem to have a problem controlling themselves. Some religion!
Noah Andeark says
An interesting factoid. When muslimas cheat (and they do cheat), they typically seek out Jewish men who are well known for their patience, kindness, generosity, and inventiveness. muslim men are known for none of those things.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I’ve noticed something like that. The Muslimas working as store clerks around here are often pretty tough looking and forebodingly hostile at first, but soon, when they see I am a nice guy, they become very friendly.
mgoldberg says
Think about other cultures that do have head coverings. Observant Jewish women wear either scarves, wigs, or hats, and such…. but if they decide that they don’t want to wear one, never is it considered acceptable to abuse, rape, molest or otherwise destroy her individual freedom to live. That is the difference and that is what is being ‘raped’ besides the persons themselves- their right to their freedom to live and their right to go about unmolested. And Islam cannot accept that or it’s premises fall utterly flat- that it’s the women’s fault for daring to not be covered, that causes men to molest.
Daniel Greenfield says
and none of them have the idea that not covering their hair is a license to rape
Spurwing Plover says
Do they really want to be kept at home or walk around inaa tent like they do in this middle east nations and live that way with backward ideas?
Kynarion Hellenis says
I wonder what it feels like to live inside a hijab. No one knows your face, sees your eyes and expression. Viewing the faceless hijabbed person is unsettling. We need to see one another. The ladies burning them are beautiful. God bless and protect them.
CowboyUp says
I wonder if there were protests in front of the his mosque and “slut walks,” through Islamic neighborhoods in Australia after the chief mufti said that? Probably not. Did leftist women ridicule allah and mohamed in the street and shout blasphemies at muslims, like that woman did the praying right to lifers? Did a bunch of leftist women strip in the mosque, shout, blaspheme, and disrupt services? Definitely not.
It’s funny to watch the left trip all over themselves and throw women under the bus to accommodate islam.
Lightbringer says
It’ll be even funnier to see the left and Islam go at it to see who wins the world domination competition. But by then we’ll all be dead at their hands, and the ultimate winner will be the Middle Kingdom.
Intrepid says
OMG, did I miss World Hijab Day…….again?
I should file it in the holidays and months folder to always miss, like February’s Black History Month, or MLK Day or Kwanzaa, or Ramadan/EID and Juneteenth, and the rest of the astroturf Leftist days that get thrown up for no reason.
Lightbringer says
Careful, Mr. Greenfield. I’m guessing that your wife covers her hair and her elbows in public, too, as I do. I’m also guessing that if she decided to walk out of the house one day with short sleeves and uncovered hair it might elicit a “Did you forget something, Dear?” from you, but if she made a habit of it you would probably accept her decision. As it is HER decision to cover up or not.