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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
World War III is everywhere and nowhere. Politicians and pundits predict it and warn about it as they’ve been doing for 70 years. And for all of that time we’ve been fighting World War III.
Is WWIII in Iran or Ukraine? Yes in its own way. Is it in the confrontations in the South China Sea, the Hamas attack on Israel or in the riots in the streets of our own cities? Also all yes. Not to mention cartels smuggling drugs and foreign influence operations being run in D.C.
And it’s in a thousand other incidents and crises, some that make the news and some that don’t, but that are all around us and others which have long become part of our history. It’s all WWIII.
“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones,” Einstein was quoted as saying. But Albert was as good at physics as he was bad at politics and he had it the wrong way around. It’s WWIII that‘s fought with stones.
The atomic bomb, but not just it, had ended world wars as we knew them. Even more decisively than Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States had conclusively demonstrated that nations with superior production capacities combined with manpower and technological advancement will win any world war. For the Soviet Union, a world war against the country whose factories had supplied it with everything it needed to beat the Nazi war machine was unthinkable.
Instead the Soviet Union launched its own third world war fought not with atom bombs, but in some cases with stones and sticks, but mostly a political war that depended on spreading Communism, building third world alliances, and subverting America from within. It won that war even as its politics and economics imploded, finally leading to the fall of the Soviet Union.
While the United States was the last man standing in the Cold War, after paying a bloody price from Korea to Vietnam to the Middle East, it had inherited a world order shaped by the USSR. America had built multinational institutions, beginning with the United Nations, that had been hijacked by what we, in less politically correct times, would have called ‘subversives’.
Asia, Latin America and the Middle East were dominated by socialist and nationalist movements that had been allied with the Soviet Union and shaped by its Communist ideologies. All that the fall of the USSR did was cut off some of the funding. It also encouraged China to step into Russia’s place as a much more credible peer rival to the United States and the West.
But it wasn’t China that picked up the Soviet mantle: it was the Islamists, many of whom we had nurtured as anti-Communists. From Iran to the Muslim Brotherhood, they were the ones with a global vision, a knack for running secret organizations and a murderous belief system that was just as compelling to its adherents as Communism was to its acolytes earlier in the 20th century.
While most people still think of WWIII as some grandiose phenomenon in which nuclear weapons will rain from the sky leaving behind a poisonous wasteland filled with lurching zombies, the real world war was being fought before many of us were born. WWIII does look like Ukraine, but it also looks like Vietnam and like Iran bombing the Marine Barracks 40 years ago. And it’s also China stealing our technological secrets and barraging us with propaganda.
WWIII is small scale and deep. It’s compact proxy wars that fall short of a nuclear exchange. It’s information warfare that exploits our weaknesses. and It’s ideological, economic and social. Instead of nuclear explosions, it’s narrow territorial conflicts, it’s influencers on social media spreading lies and it’s hacking attacks. It’s death by a thousand cuts rather than one big smash.
The winners and losers of the first two world wars were conditioned by their history to think of a world war as something apocalyptic, but WWIII as it is now is being fought by nations and movements that were on the sidelines or bit players in those conflicts, but who have absorbed the post-war strategies of those wars that terrorism, guerrilla warfare, influence campaigns, economic warfare and limited hostilities are better tools of ju-jitsu against great powers.
The WWIII that so many imagined never came because we were the victims of our own success. With or without nuclear weapons, no one wanted to fight an unrestricted global war against us so they found ways to undermine us, to tie us down and small wars to drag us into. They focused on undermining our morale, fracturing our society, turning our youth against us, corrupting our morals, buying out our economy and invading us through immigration.
While we still keep waiting for a big war to begin, our enemies have been winning it. World War III is here and we’re losing it because we don’t see what’s going on around us as a war.
And so we never really fight back.
A world war plays to our strengths and our enemies, from the Soviet Communists of the Cold War to the Chinese Communists of today, from the local and international Marxist and Islamist coalitions, prefer to exploit our weaknesses. We may have the strongest army, but the worst internal security. There is nothing stopping foreign enemies from robbing us, ripping us off or just walking across the border. We hate the idea of war so we bribe our enemies to leave us alone, to return our citizens that they have taken hostage, and to win their hearts and minds.
Why try to tangle with an Abrams tank or an A-10 when you can bribe our politicians, corrupt our universities and fund terrorist groups to attack us around the world. That’s the real WWIII.
Americans have a weakness of thinking that history begins and ends, that it explodes outward in world-changing events, when history is just a record of the things going on around us. The world wars were not abrupt cataclysms that divided the past and the future, they were extensions of events that had been underway. War has a way of marking periods in time, but the absence of great wars is not an absence of history: it just means that they are being fought by other means.
Our unhealthy obsession with World War III has all too often blinded us to what is going on around us. We did not take Islamic terrorism seriously because our enemies seemed too small and backward. And we only view small wars in terms of their risk of exploding into big wars as if the only wars that really matter are the ones that might lead to the ‘Big One’.
Instead of fighting a war as we imagine it to be, we need to be ready to win the ones we’re in.
Michael says
Well spoken.
Mickorn says
Totally. Let’s take the term “World War III” and apply it with zero consistency to whatever fits our rhetorical purposes until it loses all coherent meaning. Well done!
Mo de Profit says
Are the UN still paying their minions to troll conservatives?
David Ray says
This asshole is too stupid to fill out the application. So he posts his incoherent bullshit for free.
(Leftist reporters have yet to conceive the notion of invoicing the DNC politburo for services either . . . even though the rags that they report for are bleeding cash.)
Jeff Bargholz says
Or you could take the term”take it up the ass” for whatever fits your purposes.
Does it feel like the reverse of pooping?
VOWG says
The west lost it before it started.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Tzu Sun lesson.
David R. Reed says
I always appreciate your insights….
I have always found you to be a truth-teller, which is an increasingly rare kind of voice to find among all the noise….
Dee M Schwartz says
As long as the Democrats are in power, the cover-up on Climate Change and WWIII will continue. It is obvious that the Biden-Obama Administration’s goal is to weaken and possibly destroy the United States of America.
Semaphore says
It seems to me that TPTB have been deliberately sowing as much chaos as they can to create a social anarchy whose only solution is a totalarian one. This explains the failure of our border and Israel’s as well.
Lightbringer says
Good insight there, Semaphore. It worked beautifully in 1917 in Russia and the late 1920’s – early ’30’s in Germany and there is no reason to believe that it would not work just as well in the 2020’s USA and Israel.
Joe says
The smaller events are the lead up to the Big One! Make no mistake. The full nuclear WW3 is also coming. While there is good in the world, there is so much immorality, depravity, degeneracy & pure
Evil that there is always a correction & payback. That is how it always was & always will be. The full
Horror is coming!
Helmuth Klaucek says
I totally agree what Daniel has written
Fritz the Cat says
Those who want to destroy America could not have found a better ally than Joe Biden.
Taylor says
Yes, they could: Hussein Obama. Hell, you can go all the way back to the transcendentalists and move forward and find people/groups who wanted to rid America of its exceptionalism. But the 60’s radicals and their pet, Obama…they were the worst. Biden really is just Obama’s puppet.
John Anderson says
Bingo, we have a winner!
Jeff Bargholz says
More like a Weiner. A Vienna sausage, which is smaller than a pinky finger..
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me sucks dicks. Dirty homeless dicks.
Jeff Bargholz says
Bareback Hasbeen Osama couldn’t puppeteer a sock, much less a presidential administration.
When will you MORONS get that through your skulls? Brokeback is lazy and incompetent.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me takes it up the ass from Big Mike.
Throgmorton says
Partially true. Politicians are no longer individuals. They are now compound organisms, comprising of a shallow figurehead who does the talking and the controllers who do the ideology, tactics, and string pulling. Obama is just the glowing lure of an angler-fish that lurks in the Stygian murk of politics. He freezes when his teleprompter malfunctions, but he can wear a suit and deliver the most outrageous bunk so soothingly that people just accept it.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Quite a few of O’s Chicago commie crowd playing Biden nursing staff.
Whomever is changing his diapers, i hope they have to every hour.
Jeff Bargholz says
They probably do have to. That guy is a waste case.
Debra Gardner says
He’s totally incompetent… And the Dems voted for the fuckup.
TruthLaser says
It may be Zer0bama and PinocchiJoe are flip sides of a coin. To select the worse one, the remains will be seen.
Tony Rice says
OBAMA is a Russian plant, as let slip during a dinner party in Moscow in the early 1990’s. Born in Kenya, whisked off the Indonesia where he became Muslimn ( and still is ) until early teens when was moved to the outpost of America, Hawaii , thence toi Chicago, lodged with and tutored by a Communist husband and wife, went to University , then into politics and eventually as President, for which he is not qualified as NOT born in America. Baulked at producing his birth certificate, which when eventually he did, was declared to be a forgery.
Don says
Don’t forget Frank Marshall Davis the communist Marxist who entered Bathhouse Barry in Hawaii.
Lightbringer says
The transcendentalists? You mean like Emerson and Thoreau? Wow, that’s going back a few years. But I never did like those guys, even in high school when most people seem to.
Paul Revere says
You could not have said it better. Joe and his crime family including the DOJ AND FBI CIA are self centered criminals who hate our country!
Jeff Bargholz says
Alzheimer Joe is more of a stooge than an ally of America’s enemies. He doesn’t even know what day it is or where he’s at in any given time.
TruthLaser says
He knows where his pocket is.
Alisha Callahan says
Exactly., may God bless us all..
Steve says
Actually, you can expand your comment to those who wish to destroy the West – they have allies everywhere in the West: not a leader of mettle to be found anywhere.
commonsense says
Daniel, this insightful article has just triggered a paradigm shift in me. You are indispensable.
Kynarion Hellenis says
And that is exactly why Daniel Greenfield is the mightiest warrior of the pen. He is almost singular in his ability to see the depth and breadth of issues with clarity, connect the dots, and render a word picture that is profoundly clear, simple and true.
Alisha Callahan says
Yes he does and is.
Mo de Profit says
“ We hate the idea of war so we bribe our enemies to leave us alone, to return our citizens that they have taken hostage, and to win their hearts and minds.”
There’s the real problem, the appeasement approach always assumes that others think like us.
They don’t.
The only way for the US to win is to become the policeman of the world and punish the evil. Sadly this has led to corruption and interference in foreign affairs that has, in turn, led to more conflicts.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The appeasement approach works for the parties involved on both sides, but the countries of neither. It is only one way our political elite make millions upon millions of dollars while on a “government salary.” Kickbacks. Influence peddling.
TruthLaser says
Policing the world would require taxing allies or making them contribute to their own protection. Americans would have to step up to serve, but many are physically unprepared. Even the birth rate would have to increase. These requirements would be opposed, even by many of those who want the desired result. Work and sacrifice are required. Many prefer a wish list to just come true by itself.
Chris Cloutier says
Being the policeman of the world is what has gotten us into the mess we’re in now. We should mind our own business more. There are a lot of dead Americans as a result of our policing as well as foreigners. Pure arrogance to think we should be.
mj says
I experienced a welcome calm as I read this incisive, panoramic definition of WWIII that pulled me out of the eye of the storm to view for a moment this global tempest from afar.
I viewed the uncivilization of a world that pretends to be civilized.
The warfare has changed.
So has the world’s moral definition of evil.
dani says
Many on the left don’t believe in good and evil – it’s all moral equivalence, different “cultures” and other horse krap. And those who do believe in evil – it’s all caused by Jews and Israel.
Lightbringer says
There is only one definition of good and evil, and it is not the world’s but the Creator’s. He has given us the user manual for being human; it’s up to us to use it.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel, excellent analysis!!!
I have been thinking of it as the primitive masses dragging civilization back into the dark ages.
For example, cities were one of the main aspects of civilization, along with economic trade. Walls were needed to protect the cities from the barbarians outside, along with police to restrict violence inside the city, which harms trade.
Michael says
Nice thoughts. We are fighting battles on many fronts, up to and including psychological warfare (“walls”) of the mind.
Michael says
Correction: A.A.,
Lightbringer says
Now the barbarians are inside the gates of the city walls, in Thomas Sowell’s concise way of putting it.
Gordon says
I have always been astounded at the effectiveness of Bolshevik style tactics and KGB propaganda. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union you are correct to say that the Soviets won the Cold War, as the U.S. is now governed in large part by their acolytes. Communist and leftist ideology is laughably nonsensical to any person with basic critical thinking skills, but still has a powerful draw for some reason.
Lightbringer says
Somewhere in the bowels of hell Lenin is laughing. His baby, the CPUSA, started in 1920 or ’21 in Chicago and lovingly tended and nurtured by him, has paid big dividends in destroying the West.
Annie45 says
What might our country look like after a war:
-Big cities destroyed – Check
-Migrants streaming over the border homeless with nothing to eat – Check
-Our rights eroded (arrests for speaking up, solitary confinement for
protesting like on Jan 6th) – Check
-Struggling to put food on the table and to find housing (sky high inflation) – Check
-Law and order broken down, out of control crime – Check
-Government indoctrination instead of education – Check
Looks like Daniel Greenfield is right. The defeatist pain across
America now is not phantom – something we shouldn’t be feeling.
It is real and we are in the fight of our lives.
roberta says
And the same people who are destroying this country, also have authority over all public utilities. Their hand is next to the off switch for water, sewer, electricity, gas, phones.
Thank goodness they are benevolent.
THX 1138 says
“The Roots of War” by Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
Amazing. So Mommy is military analyst now. And I suppose that makes you one as well.
*I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country. I recognize a moral responsibility to my freedom and liberty and the freedom and liberty of those I love.* — THX
THX 1138 says
“What are the Roots of War?”
Intrepid says
Please, not another video homework assignment.
NAVY ET1 says
I always appreciate your articles Daniel. It’s the reason I almost singularly comment only to them on this site. Always direct, poignant and to “The Point”.
I can certainly understand what you’re saying on a secular, humanistic level…but WWIII is and will be a spiritual battle as well. Christians who actually read their Bible and understand it are aware that it’s here and has been here for some time…but there will be nukes and there will be destruction.
Luke 21:31 “Likewise ye, when ye see things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.”
Christians don’t lose anything since we’ve already gained everything.
RS says
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is coming for his bride. Again, the lateness of the prophetic hour means that the time is very near when the Holy Spirit’s restraining influence will remove the church from this rebellious world 2 Thessalonians 2:7.
Scripture is also clear on the abuse of children: It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. Luke 17:2
2 Timothy 3:13. “But evil men will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus: Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in high places.
Hardball1Alpha says
“… With or without nuclear weapons, no one wanted to fight an unrestricted global war against us so they found ways to undermine us, to tie us down and small wars to drag us into….”
Coincidentally, in 1999, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) published an unclassified document, by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, that was actually entitled “Unrestricted Warfare” aimed at future warfare with the US.
In short, this has also been referred to as “omni-directional warfare”… think of a disco ball and every beam of light is another warfare stratagem.
They broke it down into 3 sectors.
Conventional Warfare
Bi0-Chemicial Warfare
Atomic Warfare
Ecological Warfare
Space Warfare
Electronic Warfare
Guerilla Warfare
Terrorist Warfare
Diplomatic Warfare
Network Warfare
Intelligence Warfare
Psychological Warfare
Tactical Warfare
Smuggling Warfare
Drug Warfare
Virtual Warfare
Financial Warfare
Trade Warfare
Resources Warfare
Economic Aid Warfare
Regulatory Warfare
Sanction Warfare
Media Warfare
Ideological Warfare
Each of these sectors work best if they’re implemented in a way that creates only a minor blip on the nightly news radar, or no news at all…. knowing that Americans are far more interested in taking selfies with their pets or whether or not Brittany Spears had an abortion.
Decades of post Vietnam brainwashing of American youth that “war is evil” has worked well.
But no one wants to admit that war is not only evil, but “war is the father of us all” (Heraclitus)… and there is no way to abort that fact.
B. Y. Standing says
Well said.
A noise in the west, and strike in the east.
The Chinaman takes the long view, and the Communist uses cunning methods.
As for Israel, introduced and extended among Arabs with an anti-Jewish religion, there is always the Dahiya Doctrine and if that fails in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, there will be the Samson option.
So Nuclearmaggedon could still come.
cedar9 says
How to address Daniels treatise ? Being a simple man my only response is to elect, if still possible, men and women of Donald Trumps caliber. Just a few years ago all of these points were handled quickly efficiently and in the America way by President Trump. From the Middle East to Asia to Wall Street to main street mom and pops farms and factories. Not pie in the sky, the guy proved it could be done because he believed in America and her people . Oh, and pray. MAGA.
Lightbringer says
Pray a lot. There are few men of Trump’s caliber and fewer women. Hope and pray that one or more come to the fore sooner rather than later. As for me, I eagerly await Trump’s second term.
Greg says
Even for denizens of a banana republic, hope springs eternal: ““And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20).
Clinton(Bill)sold out America so did Obama and now Biden perhaps Bush as well the plans of the Globalists/UN/CFR
RS says
Bush said Islam is a religion of peace. Two US planes crashed into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and one at Shankesville,, Pennsylvania. Some religion of peace.. How many fools do we have that led us to this point.
TRex says
IMO, Bush’s declaration was seen as the white flag of surrender by those perpetrators of “peace”. The islamists may have been anticipating a devastating response to 9/11 but instead got a pat on the back and an invitation to move into the mother-in-law apartment. Just one more ‘what can we do to make you like us’. Pitiful.
Çâşëğ says
I agreed with Daniel. WWIII started as soon WWII ended. The one we call cold war , was the beginning of WWIII which still going on right now. The dissolution of USSR was an small battle which America won. While losing Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan hot wars. Most likely the final battle of WWIII will start in The ME. Between Israel and its Muslim neighbors. When it happens once again the entire ME political map will be redrawn along side geographical, ethnic, religious and nationalistic boundaries.
Jeff Bargholz says
Israel is busy wiping out Hamas right now. It isn’t putting up much of a fight. The IDF aren’t babies or old ladies.
B. Y. Standing says
No, but some of their targets are.
Jeff Bargholz says
How many Hamas dicks do you suck every day? You must really love those baby killers. Do their tiny dicks taste like falafel?
dani says
human shields – take it up with hamas, useful idiot
cedar9 says
Their targets are used as human shields and propaganda for gullible dupes like you.
Raymond in DC says
Most of Hamas are likely holed underground, some of its leaders far away. They’re daring the IDF to go into the tunnels, but the IDF has other plans. We’ll see how it plays out.
Lightbringer says
Apparently some of the Hamas higher-ups are living the good life in Quatar these days, reveling in luxury. So much for loving death and being willing to do anything to liberate their alleged “homeland”.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me sucks Hams dick, and those dicks are tiny and stinky.
Beverly says
I agree with everything you said, Daniel, but I would add that the most important factor is this.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn warned us back in the 1980s that everything that happened to them in Russia under the Soviet dictatorship happened “purely and simply because men had forgotten God.”
This is the age-old Battle of Good and Evil. In every arena we see it play out, large and small.
We in the West have lost the courage of our convictions — our souls, if you will — and that is what defeats us.
Lightbringer says
Something that Daniel seldom writes about is that he is himself a devout, practicing Orthodox Jew. So I’m sure that he would agree with Solzhenitsyn on this point, but he keeps his own beliefs in the background.
Birder says
Mr. Greenfield, another excellent article! Thank you for telling the truth and so succinctly. The west is definitely dying via “death by a thousand cuts rather than one big smash”. Chaos! Where, when and how do we start the cleanup and healing from our societal disorder? It’s sort of like walking into a hoarders house and deciding where to begin the daunting task of cleanup! Most people in western society do not like truth/reality. Unfortunately, our comfy cozy westernized existence is about to abruptly change for the worse. Maybe we won’t see a large scale WWIII but death by a thousand cuts eventually leaves no skin left to cut! The leftist commie Dems have taken over our minds and souls and everything in the middle. Who would have ever thought chaos would win the war?!
TRex says
There comes a time when even the most principled of men refuse to turn the other cheek. When that happens, and it will, it’s going to get very ugly.
Sue Noel says
Oh, poor U.S. Never went into foreign countries to exploit their resources. Were just tricked into killing millions of people all over the globe. My comments may not be approved because they don’t quite fit the popular narrative on this site.
TRex says
Your comment was posted and was met with disapproval by those who bothered to down vote you. Happy now?
Lorraine says
It’s all pointing to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ the Millennium reign.
B. Y. Standing says
Loony Tunes from Christian Zionist believers and Ayn Rand atheists, Likud warmongers and Islamist antisemites… that’s all we (don’t) need.
Jeff Bargholz says
Actually, we don’t need turd burglers like you. Go smoke some poles. That’s probably what you like to do more than anything else, anyway.
Justin Swingle says
enemies at our doors! just take a look at the narcomexx border!
The mullahs rolled in cash as a result of rolling Obama and his gullible team over the deal, knowing that Obama was desperate for some sort of legacy. MONICA SHOWALTER
“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years.” MATTHEW VADUM
The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER
Abunimah’s piece — and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations — got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others. PAMELA GELLER
Biden’s White House Will Not Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreign Students
President Joe Biden’s White House has no plans to revoke the visas of those foreign students engaging in demonstrations across United States college campuses in defense of the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas and its attacks on Israel.
After a number of Republicans urged Biden’s State Department to revoke the visas of pro-Hamas foreign students who hold F-1 visas, National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby said the administration will not do so. JOHN BINDER
TRex says
You could say the visa program is the front door and the southern border the back door. The America-hating leftists in control of our government refuse to close either. Their intentions are obvious to all except the massive number of LIV’s that keep them in power.
Lightbringer says
We have Teddy Kennedy to thank for that usually-open front door, just as we have his successors to thank for the always-open back. His 1965 immigration bill was aimed at the mean old Sassenach who didn’t want his family to join their country clubs. What better way to destroy Anglo-Saxon influence than allow all kinds of others in to change the character and morals of the country?
Kuhnkat says
A country divided against itself.
Ruckweiler says
The Red Chinese read Sun Tzu. He said ““The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” which is what they’re doing. They are bleeding us with a thousand cuts none of which involve combat. Will we EVER learn not to fight the LAST war? The jury is out on that.
liz says
Amen, Beverly.
something wicked has stepped in to fill the awful void of rejecting GOD.
just as in the days of Noah,
from Communism to Naziism to Islamist jihad, that bad seed has taken root.
that’s what we are seeing in the mobs in the streets, what fuels the insane hatred against Israel and the Jewish people….
…and the Christians…
…and all of civilization.
in this world we will have tribulation.
Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem.
tremendous wisdom & insight, as always, from Daniel Greenfield.
I am another ardent admirer of Daniel’s writing.
RS says
Its the Great Reset. The WEF’s plans intends to transform society by handcuffing free markets with economic regulation; concentrating power into the hands of a small, international coalition; gaining control through crisis; and using fear to convince Westerners to surrender their freedom willingly. It seizes any crisis, such as climate change, health emergencies, and supply chain problems to further its agenda.
Birder says
You’re correct RS!
Listen to Rosa Koire on utube, if she’s still available. (Or her website—democrats against agenda 21) She was(she died 2 yrs ago) an expert on eminent domain and noticed that people couldn’t do anything with their land. This is how the elites started their Agenda 21/Great Reset—through land use. Sustainable development! Look around your local city/town and notice all the high rise apartments going up that look the same. How’d that happen? Your local unelected boards are using Agenda 21 (they’ll never call it that!). Using our tax money to build this housing instead of building/maintaining our roads, police, etc.
RS says
Very True, and so obvious!
TRex says
Well, the illegals and ME visa holders have to live somewhere. Where better than small towns and semi-rural areas where the local administrations, through their ignorance, have bought into the “17 goals” thinking they are doing their part to save the planet.
Lightbringer says
The idiots. Those administrators should quit their jobs if they are so patently incapable of doing them properly, starting with finding out what’s going on in the world before “Doing Something”!
T100C1970 says
We’ve lost or tied every war in which we’ve engaged since 1945. (Unless you count Grenada 😉
TruthLaser says
Policies to send messages, even with “escalation,” are no substitutes for victory.
Cracker with Attitude says
“….with superior production capacities combined with manpower and technological advancement will win any world war.”
Nyet. Manpower wins the day. Every time. US casualties in WWII = 80,000. Russian/Soviet casualties = tens of millions. Chinese casualties = tens of millions.
Tens of millions. All thrown into the maw. Americans cannot fathom that level of destruction. Russians and Chinese understand it just fine. Something about the Oriental mindset.
TruthLaser says
The US seems to be losing World War 3 in order to avoid fighting World War 3. Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel for not shooting to hit his opponent. Missing the enemy leads to being missing altogether.
Maurice Davis says
That is exactly what is going on in this day and age, of the world!!
danknight says
Generally agree … but I’m not sure “we” are “losing” the war …
If “we” means ordinary folks with jobs and homes and dreams of some simple material pleasures or ambitions for our kids …
… then “we” have already “lost” … and we’re in a fight to avoid the end of civilization.
In fact we need to find a “reverse” and back up to the nearest exit on the road to South Africa …
Rather I believe the Globalist-Homo-Atheists running everything from our coffee stands to our governments are
… winning their war on us.
At this point … I think we’ve passed the last exit. We may have a bright future … but it will come after this Atheist Dark Age the West is being driven into.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Democracies aren’t designed well for fighting wars.
Lightbringer says
Yet the Athenians managed, somehow. And often won, especially when they teamed up with other Achaean city-states.
Dave white says
Very insightful, Daniel.
ahem says
I tend to agree with you, Daniel. The new war strategy is similar to Aikido, where you use the enemy’s weakness against them. Greed for example: the CCP is just buying the United States out from under us, piece by piece. Why kill someone when you can just buy themor lend them money they can never repay, and have them work for you, even get their armies to fight for your cause?
And propaganda and brainwashing. It’s the death of 1000 cuts; it’s the wearing away of stone by water.
Both our World Wars was under a Democrat
Lightbringer says
Readers who liked this piece might be interested in a complementary lecture by Dr. Robert Malone, “Psywar and Sovereignty” on his Substack account and perhaps elsewhere. The two go together rather well.
Michael X. Reese says
Let’s be clear. This conflict is run by the people who happen to be at the top level of governments in their particular country, but does NOT constituted the vast majority, or even the majority in some cases, of its citizens. I’ve long stopped assessing conflicts through the lens of country/ies vs. country/ies, but rather as the ultimate battle between global communist elitists vs the national patriots of every country. It’s really that simple.