Pedophilia is proliferating in the nation’s public schools. Going back to 2004, a report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education revealed that nearly 9.6% of students are victims of sexual abuse by school personnel, and these are just the reported cases.
Additionally, Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation (SESAME), an organization that works to stop childhood sexual abuse by teachers and other school employees, disclosed that in 2015, about 3.5 million 8th-11th grade students, or nearly 7% of those surveyed divulged that they had experienced “physical sexual contact from an adult” – most often a teacher or coach. The type of physical contact ranged from “unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse.”
Even worse, when other types of sexual misconduct are taken into consideration, such as being shown pornography or being subjected to sexually explicit language or exhibitionism the number increases to about 4.5 million children (10 %). SESAME also explains that one child sex offender can have as many as 73 victims in a lifetime.
And now, a report published on Jan. 1 by the Chicago Board of Education’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG), reveals that hundreds of public school students in Chicago were either raped, sexually assaulted or groomed by their teachers during the 2021-2022 school year. The report discloses that a total of 772 investigations into the alleged crimes occurred over the year. Additionally, the OIG was able to close 600 “adult on student” cases with “more than half of the allegations being substantiated.”
But the abuse in Chicago isn’t the only story. The fact that the mainstream media has ignored the findings is also scandalous. As of this time, just a handful of conservative news outlets have covered the story. Perhaps child abuse in America is just not newsworthy anymore.
As sex crimes against children proliferate, the efforts of the sex and gender cult are also growing. What follows is just a tiny sampling of the education-sexualization complex behaving badly:
- Teachers in San Francisco are letting children as young as kindergarteners choose their gender, then helping those same students to “transition” without even informing their parents, as the release of explosive documents by Chris Rufo shows.
- In Madison, WI, school board president Ali Muldrow called out former Gov. Scott Walker for his comments on the now-cancelled drag show at East High School in the state capital. Walker had tweeted, “Let’s be clear: ‘drag shows’ are strip shows. They are wrong. They are particularly wrong at school. They are definitely not ‘family-friendly.’”
Infuriated at Walker’s common-sense comment, Muldrow fumed, “I am outraged that politicians would risk subjecting children to hatred and violence while desperately seeking attention, inciting fear and misunderstanding. Using children at school to stoke division is not only irresponsible, it’s dangerous.”
- On Nov. 20 in Los Angeles, the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” honors the memory of transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. While this day is acknowledged, Thanksgiving, also in November, isn’t doing well in L.A. schools. A lesson about Thanksgiving created by the district Human Resources, Diversity, and Equity division now stresses that the holiday is evil, because it claims that the Pilgrims stole land from the native inhabitants.
- In eastern California, Steven Llanusa, president of the Claremont Unified School District, held a “naughty” holiday party at his home, which had an open bar for the students who were also treated to the sight of shirtless male dancers and a “dirty Santa.” (At least the pervy school board president had enough sense to resign after being outed.)
- In Springfield, MO, teachers are trained that people are given a “biological sex assigned at birth,” which often conflicts with their “gender identity” and “gender expression.” As Chris Rufo reports, teachers are asked to recognize and affirm identities such as “non-binary,” “gender non-conforming,” “drag queen,” “pansexual,” and “polyamorous,” which is described as having “[ethical], honest, and consensual non-monogamous relationships (i.e. relationships that may include multiple partners).”
Not surprisingly, the teachers unions are leading the charge to destroy what has been the norm since Adam and Eve became an item. The National Education Association has issued a “Pronoun Guide,” which instructs teachers, “In English, we have two sets of gendered pronouns: ‘she/her/hers’ and ‘he/him/his’ are pronouns that are attached to a particular gender. We likely all grew up assuming we knew someone’s pronouns just by looking at them, or knowing their gender, but that isn’t the case. In an effort to be more affirming of all, it is important to get out of the habit of assuming pronouns.”
On its website, NEA offers trainings focused on pronoun usage for elementary school teachers, as well as advice on how to “create safer learning spaces for transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming students.”
The New Jersey chapter of the NEA hosted a “LGBTQIA+ banned books drag queen story hour” at its 2022 convention as a way for educators to “explore and express their intersectional identities.” Drag queens read educators “And Tango Makes Three,” a story of two male penguins who have a baby penguin together, and “Prince & Knight,” a picture book about a prince and knight who fall in love.
It bears mentioning that the sexual obsession in the education world is not limited to government-run schools. Project Veritas released an undercover video during which Joseph Bruno, Dean of Students at Chicago’s tony Francis W. Parker School – a private school that charges over $40,000/year in tuition for upper level students – discussed pride week. “So I’ve been the Dean for four years. During Pride — we do a Pride Week every year — I had our LGBTQ+ Health Center come in [to the classroom]. They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students — talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit. They’re just, like, passing around dildos and butt-plugs. The kids are just playing with ‘em, looking at ‘em…They’re like, ‘How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?’ That’s a really cool part of my job.”
Bruno went on to say, “We had a Drag Queen come in — pass out cookies and brownies and do photos.”
The sex and gender cult has also invaded corporate America. At Disney’s theme parks in Anaheim and Orlando, diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware explains that Disney made the decision in 2021 to eliminate all mentions of “ladies,” “gentlemen,” “boys,” and “girls” in order to create “that magical moment” for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles.
General Motors donated pro-transgender children’s books to the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), an organization that supplies sex- and gender-related material to kindergarten and elementary classrooms. GM also provided a grant to GLSEN to fund the organization’s “Rainbow Library” Program, according to the corporation’s 2021 Social Impact Report. This document explains that the Rainbow Library “provides supportive curriculum materials and book sets that are LGBTQ+ centered, racially diverse, and multicultural to K-12 schools.” The report did not specify how much money was awarded to the pro-transgender organization.
Additionally, the CDC has now joined the sex and gender cult. On its website, there is an entire section devoted to “Supporting LGBTQ Youth,” which includes “LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self-Assessment Tool.”
As Dennis Prager points out, a number of countries in Europe are going in a different direction. Switzerland has just announced that as far as the Swiss nation and government are concerned, sex is not “nonbinary.” Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers for minors under age 18. In France, rather than hormone blockers and surgery for young people with gender dysphoria, the National Academy of Medicine has issued a statement advocating “psychosocial support.”
Maybe one day we in the U.S. will wake up, come to our senses and fight back against the sex and gender cult, and do so before any more children are sacrificed.
Larry Sand, a former classroom teacher, is the president of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network – a non-partisan, non-political group dedicated to providing teachers and the general public with reliable and balanced information about professional affiliations and positions on educational issues. The views presented here are strictly his own.
So, when are Republicans going to eliminate the education department? Oh, never mind
You might as well ask when are Republicans going to eliminate Public Schools, Social Security, and Medicare. When are Republicans going to eliminate the American welfare state.
Oh, never mind, the Bible says we are our brother’s keeper, so we are.
“Holy Scripture and the Welfare State” – Richard M. Salsman
You might as well ask when are you going to eliminate your religious bigotry and mind your own damn business.
By the way, the Philadelphia Flyer player who refused to wear the pride jersey for religious reasons was vilified by some nowhere canadian media loser….but….the players jersey is now sold out on all hockey sites.
So much for your anti-religion crusade.
Grooming is what they are mostly doing but nearly 10% of kids reportedly abused physically is a disgrace.
The pronouns transgender lgbtxyz is going to find itself ostracised once again if they keep this up.
I’m of the opinion that nurture is infinitely stronger than nature.
Why the surprise? Sexualizing children also hyper-sexualizes already unbalanced adults who teach it.
These figures are way too low. States and/or school districts that expose children to graphic, inclusive, age-inappropriate comprehensive sex ed K-12 are all guilty of mentally sexually abusing children. Exposing children to pictures of spread-eagle female genitalia is porn, especially elementary and middle-school kids in mixed sex classrooms. Teaching fourth and fifth graders about anal and oral sex under the guise of inclusivity is criminal.
Sex ed is not about biology and has not been for decades. Planned Parenthood is responsible for most of the sex ed material in schools. Follow the money on that one. Founded in 1964 by Mary Calderone (the first woman medical director of Planned Parenthood) SIECUS openly and proudly rebranded the organization proclaiming “sex ed is about social change.” Advocates for Youth is the youth arm of Planned Parenthood and producer of countless videos on YT and used as resources in sex ed curriculum is a pied-piper bait-and-switch group. It lures kids to their site promising unlimited information about all things sex related then recruits them into becoming radical activists for everything in the Left’s agenda.
Wake. Up.
Here is just reasons for Home Schooling and getting the kids out of those government run indoctrination centers we once called Schools
Democrats are groomers.
Over and over and over and over…..
And they’re HOMOsexualising them. Don’t be afraid to say it.
Also – you can’t choose your gender. You are the one you’re born with. Can’t believe we have to state this basic fact. Sex and gender are 99% the same thing says Dr. Debra Soh, a psychologist that specialises in gender issues. The left want us to believe that there’s biological gender and a separate way of EXPRESSING it. Not so.
With the above in mind, it’s obvious too, that there can be no such thing as “non binary” or “gender non conforming”..
Sex is God’s greatest gift. Shame of it was instilled in man by Satan for a purpose that is being reveiled today. Satan’s goal is to destroy the reproductive unit of humanity and replace it with collective reproduction it controls. The different forms of degeneracy infecting society today are converging on it.
We’re seeing sexual abuse by teachers getting worse due to the profession going further and further left, where raping children is considered acceptable.
Back before the left took over the teaching profession, you had normal, descent people who honestly wished to help children learn and grow dominating the scene.
As such, individuals who seemed iffy weren’t hired to begin with and if warning signs or other problems started coming up, the predator was dealt with one way or another.
Then the left took over and as they have demonstrated time and time again, they don’t simply fail to condemn sexual predators, instead, they openly condone and celebrate them.
As a result, individuals who probably shouldn’t even be allowed within a hundred feet of a playground were hired as teachers, problematic behavior was ignored and outright abuse was simply covered up.
After half a century of this, the predators have reached the point where they are now openly grooming the children, hence the reason that Florida and other states have been forced to pass anti-grooming laws to stop them.
So if you want to put an end to children being molested by their teachers, put an end to the left’s monopoly on our schools.
or parents can take responsibility for their own children and pay for their own kids instead of letting the rest of tax paying citizens pay for their baby sitters
It seems that the left always presents itself as caring about the little guy and defending the weak against the strong. But this is just the opposite. They defend the criminal against the victim, the child molester against the parent. There has to be a revival of Christianity and Judaism in society and the schools. We now have a system dominated by leftists, with special concessions for sexual predators and members of religious sects that pander to base instincts. There is a need for a reformation, a revival of the values that make Americans great, not for ones that vilify traditional values and glorify deviancy and perversion as progressive and enlightened. Everyone knows that, just a lot of people refuse to admit it.
“…Everyone knows that, just a lot of people refuse to admit it…”.
.And are too cowed by political correctness and the Gay mafia’s cancel culture mentality if they dare stand up and speak against it.
We all know that no-one is supposed to oppose homosexuality. Perverted behaviour has thus become the norm for many. So called same-sex “marriage” has only made things worse. We’re now seeing all kinds of wickedness running rampant. It was predictable, and here we are…..
Willie Sutton. When asked why he robbed banks, Sutton simply replied, “Because that’s where the money is.”
Seems we’re so afraid to even say the word “HOMOSEXUAL” these days that article writers like this one can go the entire piece without mentioning it once !
HOMOsexualising the kids is what they are doing. Stop being politically correct and tell the truth. How can we defeat perversion if we refuse to call it what it is ?