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Imagine a group of people who work to destroy Italy because, they claim, Italy’s origins are illegitimate. Imagine further that these people maintain that of all the countries in the world, only Italy doesn’t deserve to exist. Then imagine that these people vigorously deny that they are anti-Italian. Would you believe them?
Now substitute “Israel” for “Italy,” and you’ll understand the dishonesty and absurdity of the argument that one can be anti-Zionist — that is, against the existence of a Jewish state — but not be anti-Jew.
Yet, that is precisely what anti-Zionists say. They say that Israel’s existence is illegitimate. They don’t say this about any other country in the world, no matter how bloody its origins. And then they get offended when they’re accused of being anti-Jew.
How can they make this argument?
First, they change the topic. They say it’s unfair to charge those who merely “criticize” Israel with being antisemitic. No one says criticism of Israel is antisemitic. But anti-Zionism isn’t criticism of Israel. Anti-Zionism is opposition to Israel’s existence.
Zionism is the name of the movement for the return of the Jews to their historic homeland. Over the past 3,000 years, there were only two independent states located in what is called Israel. Both were Jewish states, and invaders destroyed both. No Arab or Muslim or any other sovereign country ever existed in that land, which was given the name “Palestine” by the Romans so as to remove all memory of the Jewish state they destroyed in the year 70.
Second, anti-Zionists claim they can’t be anti-Jew because Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. That is the same as saying Italy has nothing to do with being Italian. Judaism has always consisted of three components: God, Torah and Israel (the people Israel and the Land of Israel). Israel is as much a part of Judaism as are God and the Bible. Moreover, the most pro-Israel, i.e. the most Zionist, Jews are the Orthodox, the most religious Jews. That there exists one tiny group of ultra-Orthodox Jews (Neturei Karta) that is anti-Zionist means nothing. They are as representative of Judaism as the Ku Klux Klan is of Christianity.
Third, anti-Zionists claim that Judaism is only a religion; therefore, Jews are only members of a religion, not a nation. But the Jews are called a “nation” more than one hundred times in the Bible. That is why there can be irreligious, secular and even atheist Jews — because Jews are not only a religion, but a people — a nation. No one thinks non-religious Jews are not Jews. There can be no atheist Christians because Christianity is a religion, not a nation.
Fourth, people point to anti-Zionist Jews to prove that anti-Zionism isn’t anti-Jewish. That would be like pointing to Americans who gave Stalin the secrets to the atom bomb to argue that siding with the Soviet Union in the Cold War was not anti-American. Or, to provide another Jewish example, it would be like pointing Jews who eat pork in Yom Kippur to argue that eating pork on Yom Kippur is Jewish. What Jews do or believe is not always the same as Judaism.
Fifth, anti-Zionists claim that Israel is illegitimate because Zionism — and therefore, Israel — is “racist.” This is a libel. Half of Israel’s Jews are not even white, and anyone, of any race or ethnicity, can become a Jew. Furthermore, one in five Israelis isn’t a Jew. And these Israeli non-Jews, mostly Arab Muslims, have the same rights as Jewish Israelis. As for Israel’s presence in the West Bank and Gaza (Israel completely abandoned Gaza in 2005), that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with security. It is because the Palestinians and other Arabs tried to destroy Israel in 1967 and lost the war.
If the Palestinians would stop killing Israelis, Israel would have no problem with a “two-state solution.” But Palestinians have rejected offers to have their own state on four separate occasions since 1947. That is the only reason they don’t have their own state.
And why have they always rejected having a Palestinian state? Because the only state they would accept is one that eradicates Israel. They have therefore been solely dedicated to destroying the Jewish state, not in having their own state alongside Israel.
Sixth, and finally, anti-Zionists claim that Israel’s origins are illegitimate. Of all the world’s 200-plus countries, the only country anti-Zionists declare illegitimate is also the only Jewish one. That’s pretty much all you need to know about their motives.
Why don’t they make this claim about Pakistan? In 1947, nine months before the establishment of Israel, India was partitioned into a Muslim state (Pakistan) and a Hindu state (India), just as Palestine was partitioned into a Jewish state (Israel) and an Arab one (Palestine).
But, unlike Israel, no Pakistan had ever existed. And unlike Israel’s founding, which created about 700,000 Jewish refugees from Arab lands and about 700,000 Arab refugees from what became Israel, the founding of Pakistan created about seven million Muslim refugees from India and about seven million Hindu refugees from Pakistan. And while the highest estimate of Arab deaths in the fighting that took place when Israel was established is 10,000, the number of deaths as a result of Pakistan’s creation is around one million. So why is Israel’s legitimacy challenged while Pakistan’s isn’t? The only possible answer is because Israel is Jewish.
Of course, not all anti-Zionists hate all Jews. But if you seek to destroy Italy, you don’t have to hate every Italian to be anti-Italian. Not every anti-American hates all Americans, but they are still called anti-American. If you seek to destroy the one Jewish state, you don’t have to hate every Jew to be called anti-Jew. And the name for that is antisemite.
France was named Gaul by the Romans, then the Franks (who were a Germanic tribe) invaded and killed the Gauls and renamed the land as France. So it is time to dismantle France, deport the German invaders just like is proposed for Israel, return the name to Gaul. And I am not anti-French (much).
Abraham was compelled by the L-rd to move to Israel as a requirement for Judaism. There in nothing more Jewish than Zionism.
Italy isn’t nearly as old as Israel. Imagine millions of jerks demanding that the Italians make way for a people invented by the KGB in the early 1960s, and you would only begin to approach the absurdities of the antizionists’ vile lies.
I believe in Italy for Italians.
I believe in Russia for Russians.
I believe in Israel for Jews.
What I don’t believe in is American taxpayer dollars for Italy, Russia, or Israel.
I also don’t believe in electing officials that put the national interests or Italy, Russia or Israel as paramount to America’s own interests.
I also don’t believe in Italians, Russians and Israelis maintaining “dual citizenship” in their countries and in America and using this status to extract wealth from America.
Italians, Russians, Israelites, they’ve got their countries.
Go live in them and love them and manage them however you want.
But stop telling Americans what to do with their country, who and what they must support and seizing their tax dollars for foreign interests.
If you say you disagree with foreign aid to Italy, no one says you are immoral or demands that anti-Italian language be banned from online discourse or even outlawed and punished by law.
When you make anti-Russian comments or even ban all Russian flags from international competitions, place sanctions on all Russian economic activity and deport Russians from the country, nobody says you are immoral and moves to have anti-Russian comments removed from social media or even outlawed and punished by law.
But if you say something about Israel….Congressional hearings, anti-BDS legislation, calls for removing internet anonymity, Twitter advertising boycotts. Florida nuisance laws, European online speech laws, etc, etc.
Prager is full of it. If he wants to liken Israel and Zionism to Italy, he’d do better to focus on the contrasts of the two rather than the comparisons.
Prager’s analogy is ridiculous. The entire zionist agenda required a certain ethnic group to demand and reclaim territory it lost 1,500-odd years ago. Italy’s history is not even remotely similar. Perhaps Prager was just trying to arouse some Christian sympathies for his convictions? Regardless, whether “anti-zionism” is or is not “anti-semitism” is for most of us inconsequential. Most of us are, in fact, utterly indifferent.
Islam will now become a more local problem for us in the near future because politicians like Emanuel Celler knew what was best for us and began the process of destroying our demography. Today, politicians like Schumer — and his D-rat and RINO confrères — have continued the betrayal by leaving our border(s) open to parasites, savages, and terrorists who intend to do us harm as soon as possible. I find it incredibly ironic that the primary promoters of “open borders” are now experiencing a visceral hatred from those who would, otherwise under normal circumstances, have never been allowed in. As St. Paul wrote to the Galatians:
“For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap.”
Then they protest bravely wearing a mask because they are scared of catching a cold.
You are 100% full of shit. Nothing you ranted about was remotely close to a fact
It sounds like, in your heart of hearts, you really hate Jews, in spite of all of your pretending to be pro Israel. It kind of coincides with your obsession with telling all of us how great a Christian you are.
No one believes you.
Comparing Israel to Italy is preposterous. Italy doesn’t collect billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars every year with its own fifth column lobby controlling U.S. foreign policy. Alas, Prager is just another Zionist shill promoting the selfish interests of his chauvinistic tribe at the expense of everyone else.
Ignorance is bliss and, when combined with uneducated or misinformed biases, can be fatal. The ROI the US get from Israel is far greater than what you can imagine.
Sebastian somehow believes that any population of any nation who lived thousands of years ago is the same as those living today . It/That has as much comprehension of genetics as it does of history –both modern and ancient …
I support Israel’s right to exist, to defend herself, and to destroy Hamas to protect herself and retaliate against the 10/7 attacks.
That being said, Prager’s many metaphors do not convince me that one who is anti-Zionist must be antisemitic.
“The One enthroned in heaven laughs; Yehovah scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, I have installed my King on Zion, my Holy Mountain.” ~ Psalm 2.4-6
Who is this king? The Jewish Messiah, King of Israel, and of all of the nations of the world. So why all of the “anti-zionism”? Zion is Jerusalem. The final battle in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 19 is about all of the nations of the world staged to prevent the Jewish Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords from taking what his Father has already given him. It is the spirit of the antichrist which is what we see people manifesting today so that we may know who they serve (1 John 2.18-19).
“Yehovah, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares: Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day, saith Yehovah, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.” ~ Zechariah 12.1-4
I knew a Presbyterian minister (it figures) who was the very model of the of the “woke” politically correct virue signaling asshat. On the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima he posed in front of the Federal Buidling (for benefit of TV camera) while he was outlined in chalk. He championed every minority from African Americans to LGBT- EXCEPT JEWS.
In the late 1980s during the first intifada he was sitting at an adjacent table of an Asian restaurant that had a large Jewish clientele. He was relating to like minded antisemites a report he heard on NPR (National PALESTINE Radio). He kept getting louder and more obstreperous until finally (during a lull in the ambient noise in the restaurant) he shouted, “I’ll tell you when it’ll stop, it’ll stop when someone kills a Jewish child!” (actually, someone did kill 1.5 million Jewish children in the 1940s).
That was 35 years ago. I have no doubt that he represented every person who shrills, “We’re not antisemitic, we’re ‘Anti-Zionist’!” then and now.
Prager uses the word “Palestinians” to describe our enemies, but I don’t think this is a good idea. Our enemies are no more “Palestinians” merely because they call themselves that, than a biological male is a woman merely because he calls himself that. Our enemies are Arabs/Moslems some of whose ancestors lived in the territory of the British Palestine Mandate. They were not “Palestinians” then, and calling them that now only helps to legitimize their claims to the entire territory of the British Palestine Mandate which excludes the Jews because the Jews are not “Palestinians”. If you have to use the word “Palestinians”, at least put it in quotes, or add “so-called”.
They use the term “Palestinian” because 200 million plus Arabs with two dozen states stretching from the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf, sitting atop an ocrean of oil, with the obsequious support of the world community (especially in Europe) do not elicit (nor deserve) sympathy when the reject 7 million Jews in a tiny state the size of New Jersey, and have failed in numerous attempts to destroy that state.
Prager’s initial premise is completely incorrect. Besides Israel the left claims the US has no right to exist and similarly in proxy of geographic or historical claims, they imply and argue habitation by evil white devils nullifies the borders of every other white nation or their existence..
The driver of both are control of narrative and power.
To claim that nomadic Arab tribes had no right to be counted because they weren’t there all the time is a lot like denying there were Indians in the America plains area. Jews were barely the majority In Jerusalem in the 1890’s early 1900’s. Any claims by either side of a pure right of being the indigenous people is tainted.
The Jews conquered the land through immigration and war just like we did to the Indians. It’s good
they did. Otherwise the Jews would all be dead or oppressed beyond anything resembling human decency and they absolutely needed their own state to ensure survival. Islam is oppression and conquest and needs to be confronted at it’s imperialistic roots.