“Stop Chanting ‘Send Her Back.’ Citizenship Isn’t Conditional,” Jim Geraghty writes at the National Review.
Of course it is. If citizenship weren’t conditional, there would be no mechanism for removing it.
We’ve removed citizenship from Nazis and assorted people who committed assorted crimes before coming to this country.
Why shouldn’t that apply to people with obvious Islamist sympathies? A category that Geraghty rehashes Omar’s case for belonging to.
Instead of a smorgasbord of accusations and allegations, her critics would probably be wise to focus upon the worst and most consequential ones. Since entering Congress, Omar appeared at a closed-door fundraiser for Islamic Relief. The Middle East Forum contends Islamic Relief funds organizations that work closely with Hamas and hosted extremist clerics. Islamic Relief contends they are “a purely humanitarian organization, which categorically has no ties to any political group.”
In the Minnesota House of Representatives, she was one of only two lawmakers who voted against barring life insurance payments to beneficiaries of suspected terrorists.
She’s urged compassion and lenient sentencing for Minnesota men who tried to join ISIS. She has argued that the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database is “dangerous.”
In short, a typical product of the Islamist setup which sympathizes with Islamic terrorists and denounces America.
The chant of “send her back” contends that citizenship is conditional, and that someone who became a U.S. citizen in 2000 could have her citizenship repealed because of her viewpoints. This is not how this has ever worked under the law,
That’s not true.
Viewpoint is an ambiguous category. But aligning with the nation’s enemies, supporting the violent overthrow of the government, has always been on the list. Citizenship is conditional because it’s not a suicide pact. That doesn’t mean that it can or should be removed lightly. But a foreign immigrant who makes it clear that they hate this country and support its enemies has violated the conditions on which we grant citizenship.
And there are indeed conditions.
Citizenship is a commitment to belonging to a society with its own rules and values. It is not a blank check. It never has been.
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