“Two wrongs don’t make a right” is an entirely unfamiliar concept in today’s excitingly insane era.
The Democrat defense of Biden’s pledge to only consider black women for the Supreme Court (beyond racism) comes down to arguing, “but you guys did it too”.
We’ve heard incessantly how Reagan promised to put a woman on the Supreme Court. And did it.
This now means that Democrats get to select candidates based on their race and gender in perpetuity because Reagan did it.
Yes, Reagan did it. And he was wrong. Every Republican president has promised and done things that violated constitutional, conservative, and American principles because no human being is perfect.
That doesn’t mean that it’s now right. Thinking that way is one of the idiocies of a post-principles society where the only thing that counts is a Twitter comeback for the argument happening this second.
No president should promise to appoint anyone to a national position based on gender, race, or whatever.
A liaison to a particular group should be a member of that group. A national figure should represent the entire country and the principles of that profession.
That’s why most Americans, Democrats, and minorities oppose Biden’s pledge. They understand it’s wrong. Bringing up what Reagan did won’t change that.
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