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[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]
What do the stabbings in Israel, the assaults on Hindus in Bangladesh, the Muslim mobs roaming English cities and the massacres of Christians in Nigeria all have in common?
The politically correct answer is nothing.
And that’s why the politically correct answer condones, justifies or ignores the violence.
Islamic attacks on non-Muslim majorities in India, Europe, America or Israel are justified as resistance by the oppressed, but violence by Muslim majorities against non-Muslim minorities in Indonesia, Nigeria and Bangladesh were justified by claims that the Muslim majority was economically disenfranchised. Muslim violence is always excused by false claims of victimhood.
Within Islam, Jihads are billed as a campaign to unify the world under the Islamic ‘Ummah’, to impose Sharia law on all mankind, and eventually usher in a global caliphate. Externally however they are tethered to local and political causes of groups that happen to be Muslim.
Muslims see them as Islamic wars, non-Muslims are told that they’re everything else but.
Patterns define how we react to things. The question is what is the pattern?
Is the pattern that disparate groups of violent men shouting “Allahu Akbar” are killing people around the world for socioeconomic and political reasons having nothing to do with Islam?
Or is this a religious war?
Hamas launched Oct 7 on the final days of the Jewish High Holy Days after originally scheduling them for the first day of Passover. What the world knows as Oct 7, Hamas and its supporters called ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ after the mosque that the Muslim conquerors planted on the Jewish Temple Mount. Anti-Israel rallies use the ‘flood’ term such as ‘Flood Brooklyn for Gaza’.
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was recently assassinated, told the International Union of Muslim Scholars in Qatar and the “sons of our Islamic nation” that “this is the battle for Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and not the battle of the Palestinian people, or Gaza.”
This runs completely counter to the official narrative that the entire war is about Gaza.
The reams of media and expert commentary discuss Oct 7 in terms of everything except Islam.
To do that they had to ignore what Hamas was saying just as they had to previously ignore what Al Qaeda and ISIS were saying. To Hamas, Oct 7 was a religious war. The failure to recognize that is a catastrophic setback to Israel’s strategy and cause as it was to America’s after 9/11.
After Oct 7, Israel, like the Bush administration, called on a liberal consensus that no longer existed, and tried to rally public opinion against “barbarism” and “savagery”. But neither of those are motives. Rather than acknowledging what the enemy was and trying to build a coalition with other countries struggling against Islamic terrorism, Israel tried to appeal to liberals. And lost.
Israel had failed to define the enemy. Terrorist supporters stepped into that vacuum. Their narrative, easily familiar from even the briefest exposure to media and social media, is that Israel was oppressing a minority that had struck back as an act of resistance and liberation.
This is the same excuse used to justify religious violence by Islamic groups around the world against not only Jews, but Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and numerous cultures and religions.
The big lie that Islamic violence is socioeconomic and not religious, local not global, only works when no one talks about Islam or recognizes the larger pattern of Islamic violence for a thousand years that is being perpetrated on nearly every continent and against every culture.
Are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and Atheists all the problem? Or is Islam the issue?
When we fail to ask this fundamental question, we lose the argument.
The enemy had once again defined Israel following the familiar pattern of two centuries of class warfare rhetoric and a century of orientalist third world liberation theory. The Israelis were the English in Africa, the Spanish in South America and the French in Algiers. They were imperialists and colonialists being driven out by the heroic native resistance fighters.
Israel could have told another story. A tale of Islamic imperialist armies roaring out of the desert, exterminating entire civilizations, wiping out their cultures and religions, and selling their children as slaves. It could have connected the dots to the oil-rich Muslim states like Qatar that traffic in slaves and fund Jihadist conquests around the world. It should have told the story that the Jews were the last indigenous people in the Middle East standing in the way of a new Islamic empire.
But that story was too dangerous and controversial. It would risk alienating Israel’s last liberal supporters. The Biden administration and the EU would completely turn on it. The Abraham Accords would fall apart. Instead, Israel tried to once again tell a story of a multicultural liberal society, a place where gay men can hold hands even if one of them is Muslim, standing up to “barbarism”. It’s the same story that America, Europe and every liberal western society have been telling themselves and each other after every Islamic terrorist attack.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle,” Sun Tzu had said.
Western nations choose not to know themselves or the enemy and so we continue to lose.
How could Israel fail to predict Oct 7? How could we fail to predict 9/11? How can so many nations fail to predict each new Islamic terrorist attack? Because they do not know the enemy.
When civilized people meet with soft-spoken terrorist emissaries who wear fine suits, they assume that they can be dealt with because they’re not “barbaric” or “savage”. They negotiate peace accords and ceasefires with them. They assume that their word can be trusted.
For two years, Hamas kept the deal it had negotiated until it was ready to attack and carry out barbaric and savage atrocities mandated by its religion. No amount of economic benefits from the ceasefire dissuaded it from the attack. Predicting the attack was impossible for those who understood Hamas as a political and social movement rather than a religious movement.
Islamic terrorism is always unpredictable if you ignore the Islamic part of the equation. It’s also inexplicable, impossible to defeat and impossible to even win an argument against.
Calling Muslim forces “barbaric” or “savages” is unconvincing rhetoric that explains nothing.
A tiny minority of criminals might break with society to commit crimes, but millions of people, whether in Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, the USSR or the Muslim world will not engage in deviant behavior: they will commit atrocities only because they believe they are right.
Israel lost the argument long ago because it allowed the conflict to be defined as a local issue. And it’s not a local issue but as Hamas and many terrorist leaders have asserted, a global one.
Why is what happens in a tiny strip of land in a relative backwater a global issue?
Because it’s not about Gaza and it’s not about Israel; it’s about Islam.
No one would care about Gaza if it were really a local territorial conflict, but every conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims is a religious war that draws in Muslims worldwide.
That is why Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh could call on the religious support of the International Union of Muslim Scholars in Qatar. That’s why Muslim mobs rallying in support of Hamas vandalized Washington D.C. and are assaulting random British people in the UK.
It’s not a local conflict. It’s not a ‘Palestinian’ conflict. It’s an Islamic religious war.
The Islamic invasion, colonization and subjugation of non-Muslim nations and peoples is the foundational mission of Islam. It was the means by which Mohammed brought Islam into being. But for political palatability, the Muslim colonists are disguised as a ‘native’ population.
In Israel’s West Bank and Gaza, the Arab Muslim colonists who had invaded and ethnically cleansed the Jewish population were rebranded as Palestinians. The Muslims who had brutally purged the Hindu population of Kashmir became the ‘Kashmiris’. And the campaigns were reduced to somehow irresolvable territorial disputes between a majority and a Muslim minority.
But why are these territorial disputes irresolvable? Because they’re not about territory. Land can be negotiated, but a religious dispute in which one side’s religion tells it to kill the other cannot.
That’s why no matter how much territory Israel has given up, the fighting only gets worse.
Diplomats and the media blame Israel for not giving up enough territory, but where has a conflict between non-Muslims and Muslim terrorists ever been resolved except by force? Democratic elections, foreign aid, territorial concessions have been tried with no success.
The failures are never blamed on the Islamic terrorists only on those who resisted them. The terrorists were the oppressed and the onus was always on the oppressors to change that.
Locked into the same spiral of failure, civilized nations continue trying to appease their way out of a clash of civilizations. The pattern is right in front of them, but they refuse to see it.
After 9/11, those in the government and the defense community who knew it was a religious war told the rest of us that we had to keep quiet about it to avoid escalating the conflict. But lying about the War on Terror being a religious war did not fool them: it fooled us. Western nations committed to the lie until they could no longer see the pattern that was killing them.
There’s a good deal at stake in the question of pattern recognition for Israel.
Israel cannot win the argument by contending that it has been trying and failing to compromise with the so-called ‘Palestinian’ people who for some unaccountable reason won’t negotiate. A minimalist argument cannot defeat a maximalist position. Agreeing to peace negotiations did not give Israel the moral high ground: it was an admission of guilt that destroyed it. The Islamic refusal to compromise in the decades since validated their position and their terrorism.
The complete failure of the liberal establishment to see that has brought us to this point.
Appeasing and negotiating with Islamic terrorists does not discredit them when they in turn refuse to negotiate, make concessions or keep their word. It only discredits the appeasers and locks them into a disastrous cycle of concessions that empowers the terrorists, but never addresses the fundamental issue which is not territorial, national or socioeconomic.The core issue is religious. And a religious issue can’t be solved with land swaps.
To win the argument, Israel must reject the false claim that it is involved in a territorial and national dispute with a local ‘Palestinian’ minority and instead correctly define this as one of the flashpoints in a global religious war between Islam and the rest of the world. These flashpoints have already touched every single major power, America, Europe, Russia and China, and every continent, Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas, and every major and many minor religions.
Israel does not have to be alone in this fight. None of us do. We have to see the pattern.
Treating Islamic terrorism as a local problem doesn’t actually isolate it: it isolates us.
When we recognize that we are all in this together, that our problems are not local, but global, then we have some hope of standing together against the greatest conflict of this century.
The decision to tell the truth about the war we are in is both difficult and necessary. Israel is the canary in the coal mine in more ways than one. No major country has told the truth plainly and clearly. Decades of mumbling about “moderates”, “democracy”, “misunderstanding Islam”, “root causes” and “extremism” led us to one defeat after another in the War on Terror.
Time is running out. Telling the truth doesn’t guarantee victory, but living in a fantasy world ensures defeat.
There is no way to defend the cause of Israel (or any free nation) against Islamic terrorism without talking about Islam. Without seeing the larger pattern, every conflict will be local, Israel will be depicted as a bully beating up on a weaker Muslim minority, and no amount of photos of Israeli beaches and gay bars, Bedouin IDF soldiers and Hebrew U students in hijabs will change that. That brand of liberal ‘hasbara’ has been tried and failed because it is not the solution.
The liberal reading of the world is the problem. That is why liberal nations have fallen. No liberal nation has been willing to stand for its own people against the Islamic invasion. Why would it stand up for Israel? Tolerance, multiculturalism and integration, foundational to Israeli ‘hasbara’, are exactly why Western nations will not defend themselves and similarly reject Israel’s defense.
Israeli resistance to Islamic terrorism is not the subject of admiration in Europe, but humiliation. It serves as a bad example. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence on total victory turns back the clock to before Obama eliminated the entire idea of victory from our cultural vocabulary. The more Israel wins, the more it loses Western liberals who believe that victory is reactionary.
To win, Israel must reframe the conflict. Some half century ago, the Islamist-Marxist alliance reframed the conflict between Israel and its Arab Muslim neighbors from a struggle between one lone country standing up to a regional evil empire to a rogue state oppressing a minority group.
Israel must uncompromisingly reframe the conflict back to where it began. And there is more at stake than just its own existence. The future of civilization rests on whether we will all see the pattern, the great bloody wave rising above us, or whether we will go on pretending it’s a drop.
Oct 7 is not just in Israel, it’s in India, America, Russia, Africa and in Europe. Our governments have lied to us for too long and fooled us into not seeing the pattern that is killing us.
Unless we see the pattern, Islam will drown civilization in its own blood.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent analysis, thanks Daniel !!!
I was thinking back, how Lawrence of Arabia and others romanized Islam when Islam wasn’t a threat.
How the Kaiser got Germany into an alliance with Turkey. Disastrous.
Jeff Bargholz says
Those Arabs really hated the Turks. I almost liked them for that.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Jeff !!! That really stuck with me, how much the Arabs hated the Turks.
I should have written “romanticized” instead of “romanized” 🙂
Sueignat says
That’s why the Turks today vehemently say they are NOT Arab.
stuBdoc says
And the Iranians!
Jeff Bargholz says
Everybody hates the mullahs. I’ve known Iranian people in Orange County CA who were good people, though.
People can be who they are rather than where they’re from.
Daniel Greenfield says
the German alliance with the Muslim world continued into the Nazi era
Brian Ozzy says
That is a fantastic article and spot-on from all I’ve read and understand. Thank you Daniel for all your excellent and elucidating articles.
Allan Goldstein says
The Christian left, the Jewish left, the Hindu left, the Buddhist left, 30% of athiests and 98% of all muslims are the problem. That is an educated guess.
THX 1138 says
The actual figure for atheists is 99%.
99% of atheists believe in ALTRUISM. 99% of atheists have never even heard of Ayn Rand, Objectivism, or her moral code of rational selfishness.
Anyone, whether they believe in God or not, but believe in altruism and self-sacrifice as the highest virtue and duty of man, will be unable to fight for freedom and liberty. Will be unable to defend the American way of life which is Laissez-Faire Capitalism.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism is not simply a financial system of making profits but a moral and philosophical, political, system of freedom and liberty. It is a system based on reason and logic. It is a system not for escaping life on earth to some mystical after-life, but a system for embracing, celebrating, loving, and flourishing on earth as mortal and rational beings.
It is a system of rational selfishness, rational self-interest, and self-preservation — not of altruism and self-sacrifice.
“All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s selfish possessions—his title to his life, his liberty, his property, the pursuit of his own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant.” – Leonard Peikoff
Intrepid says
Perhaps there is a reason, if your figures are correct, that 99% of atheists, never heard of, or believe in ALTRUISM. 99% of atheists have never heard of Ayn Rand. But since you never list your sources on that why would any one believe you?
But an atheist is an atheist because they aren’t believers. You are an atheist because you aren’t a believer. Between you and the atheists, you guys never miss a chance to denigrate believers. Maybe your efforts would better spent at an atheist site hawking your belief in Objectivism.
Or, perhaps the reason you don’t, or can’t, is you would probably be banned from that site.
It’s just so much easier attacking conservatives on a conservative pro-God site. Some day you will face the horrible reality that Objectivism, one of the most intolerant faux religions, is simply not popular. And, in all likelihood, never will be popular. Especially with you as it’s chief representative on the planet.
“Daniel Greenfield says
September 29, 2023 at 9:14 pm
The idea that you and your particular belief system, for which you are an absolutely terrible representative, represent ‘reason’, is as much of a fallacy as the idea that Fauci represents science.
You are only as good as your arguments.”
Aengus Song says
Thank you, THX 1138, for calling attention to Objectivism in the context of Daniel Greenfield’s remarks on Islam. Only Objectivism offers philosophic solutions to the issues Greenfield raises. Unfortunately, Mr. Greenfield does not discuss the philosophic and theological principles that make Islam dangerous—perhaps because those principles are identical to Christian and Hebrew doctrines that many Front Page subscribers hold dear (you mentioned one of them: Altruism).
THX 1138 says
Thank you, Mr. Song.
jeremiah says
islam is nothing like Christianity. Not even a tiny bit similar. It is the opposite. At least the main constructs. Better to keep your mouth shut than always appear a punk pushing stupidity
Quasimata says
Thank you. Excellent article, needs to be shared.
Muslim have never hidden their goal, it’s there in their holy book.
The war we’re fighting is about what they can get us to believe about their intentions, until it’s too late.
In America, the camel is already inside the tent….
JG curmudgeon says
You are absolutely correct, muhammad himself said “war is deceit”.
rubiconcrest says
You must mean ‘absolutely incorrect’.
Islam has always hidden their intentions. Knowing what Quran teaches is obscured by the way it is organized. It requires interpretations. Rarely do Muslims admit the truth as Daniel so clearly lays out. Even Israelis seem confused.
As much as I disliked John McCain his idea of a league of democracies was a good one. The only way to take on Islam is with a united front.
jeremiah says
Everybody says that except child Trump
john blackman says
can you imagine the outcry if the west admitted to what most thinking people believe [ and the number is decreasing every day ] that islam in all its forms contrary to the accepted lie , is a terrorist cult entity . its modus operandi is to dismantle the west whether by overt or covert means . you would have a war of massive proportions on your own doorstep and israel is a prime example . the west will continue to placate the terrorists right up until they takeover each respective country that they have infiltrated thanks to the left . britain is a prime example of what is going to happen in all past democracies . the left as per usual will blame everyone else for the destruction of their own country ,that 2 tier starmer blames the right is so convenient and the gormless masses along with the MSM will believe and promote it .
Daniel Greenfield says
that’s why it’s more urgent than ever to tell the truth before it’s too late
the crackdown in the UK is a sign of how much the regime fears the people waking up
stuBdoc says
Excellent and comprehensive article. I have been saying for years, that the West continues to lose because we fail to understand Islam and the Muslim mindset. We think that they’re really like us, and as an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion, they must have the same moral values as Jews and Christians. It has always been, and will continue to be, a fatal mistake. Europe is one generation away being either majority Muslim or under Muslim political control. Who will be our allies then? Mark Steyn has been warning about this for 20 years. Thank you for your continued outstanding work.
Barbara Stockwell says
Muslims have been working on conquering the world for many hundreds of years! By warfare, they got to northern Spain at one point, but were pushed back. About then they began to “fight” quietly by infiltration and have been hugely successful. Sweden! Germany, England, and so forth. Now we have our American universities infiltrated by Islamic mini insurrections. I am sickened that we are not helping Israel eliminate Hamas, Hezbollah, and the other evil groups in the area. “Noneu are so blind as those who will not see!” I fear for the future!
Dave white says
Telling it like it is, Daniel.
Daniel Greenfield says
thank you Dave
Mo de Profit says
The problem is global Daniel, without a doubt.
It was one of your books that made me realise where the problem lay. The United Nations.
World@70 says
Unfortunately at this time they have only two solutions, convert or death, and that is unacceptable.
Daniel Greenfield says
the UN is certainly a means
originally meant to be the command and control system for the human race, it became an inept bureaucracy conquered by the Communists and then turned over to the third worlders which ended up benefiting the most organized group of them, no longer Marxists, but Islamists
John Eddy says
The organization of the United Nations has been part of the dream of the globalist elites; the same people who were behind the failed (thankfully) League of Nations. These elites backed the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) by Edward Mandel House, the Dulles brothers, and others who favor the elitists’ view. The United Nations was the CREATION of the CFR as part of its goal; a collectivist world government.
Kathy S says
Good article; I agree with your point that it is Islam. Do you have any practical solutions? I see none. I see a world war coming between people who are having their countries invaded, and are having their taxes stolen to support the invasion. I see neighborhoods everywhere, gated against hoards of foreigners, much like the BLM riots. Our “leaders” have completely failed us. I don’t hate anyone, but I also don’t feel GUILT for being a white, middle-class American (formerly, before the Democrat Party destroyed the economy).
I am a Christian who loves peace. I also fully support my family who served and serve, and recognize that killing is separate from murder. We live in perilous times, and the only way out is Truth. Thank you for your candor!
Mo de Profit says
The solution has to come from muslims, nobody else can do it.
Steven says
It won’t. The only solution is containment or the second coming.
THX 1138 says
To hell with the Muslims and Islam, let them rot in their irrationality. If the West were to just leave them alone in the countries they have conquered, leave them alone, and give them no ALTRUISTIC largesse, the Muslims would starve to death and kill each other.
Or decide to become more RATIONAL like the WEST used to be and learn to love life on earth more than they love death.
The core problem isn’t Islam, the core problem is that the West is DYING. The lights of the West are going out. The West is at the very beginning of a new Dark Age of unreason. A new Dark Age of irrationality.
Islam is invading the West by engraved invitation because the West has lost confidence, trust, and love of reason. Islam would never have been invited to invade the West a century ago, when the West was still more rational than irrational.
A century ago the West would never have sent an engraved invitation to Shinto Japan or Nazi Germany to invade and conquer it.
Although it must be said that the communists and communist sympathizers in the American government and the West’s governments made the Soviet Empire possible by sending them an altruist largesse of financial and material aid. If that American and Western aid had not been sent to the Soviets, the Russian dictatorship would never have grown to become the Soviet Empire, Communist Russia would have collapsed along with Nazi Germany.
Intrepid says
Your obsession with altruism is the reason nobody cares what you have to say.
Everything is in the abstract with you. None of it is grounded in in any kind of reality. And most people are too busy to live life in the abstract.
You are doomed to be irrelevant. And since you won’t lift a finger to effect change on the ground nothing will ever change for you.
Mo de Profit says
You do have a point, the west continues to throw money at islamic dictatorships in the form of grants and subsidies.
Rob A says
THX 1138:
The west is reaping the profits of stupidity, tolerance with no limits and a naivety about a certain religion and the hate filled murderous practitioners of that religion.
If only western civilization had found another source of abundant energy other that oil. The moon worshipers would still be mostly primitive desert nomads.
Intrepid says
But they didn’t find another source abundant cheap energy. God provided what we need. Too bad we have leftists selling us out to the Muslims.
THX 1138 says
To Rob A,
Regarding — “If only western civilization had found another source of abundant energy other than oil.”
What you are not understanding is that it is precisely because the West is collapsing into suicidal altruism that made the West surrender it’s oil fields to the Muslim savages.
“October 2, 2001—Fifty years of increasing American appeasement in the Mideast have led to fifty years of increasing contempt in the Muslim world for the U.S. The climax was September 11, 2001.
Fifty years ago, Truman and Eisenhower surrendered the West’s property rights in oil, although that oil rightfully belonged to those in the West whose science, technology, and capital made its discovery and use possible. The first country to nationalize Western oil, in 1951, was Iran. The rest, observing our frightened silence, hurried to grab their piece of the newly available loot.
The cause of the U.S. silence was not practical, but philosophical. The Mideast’s dictators were denouncing wealthy egotistical capitalism. They were crying that their poor needed our sacrifice; that oil, like all property, is owned collectively, by virtue of birth; and that they knew their viewpoint was true by means of otherworldly emotion. Our Presidents had no answer. Implicitly, they were ashamed of the Declaration of Independence. They did not dare to answer that Americans, properly, were motivated by the selfish desire to achieve personal happiness in a rich, secular, individualist society.
The Muslim countries embodied in an extreme form every idea—selfless duty, anti-materialism, faith or feeling above science, the supremacy of the group—which our universities, our churches, and our own political Establishment had long been upholding as virtue. When two groups, our leadership and theirs, accept the same basic ideas, the most consistent side wins.” – Leonard Peikoff, “End States Who Sponsor Terrorism”
Domenic Pepe says
America can do to depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent Islam what we did the Nazi Germany and the militarists in Japan in WW2.
Defeat crush and occupy them.
That worked with Germany and Japan.
That solution need only be applied to Islam.
Islam will never reform from within. Moo–Slums are incapable of reforming themselves.
The depraved psychopathic murderous Islamic cult ideology must be crushed and vanquished.
Enough of sick and berserk Islam after 1400 years of murder violence and devastation throughout the world.
THX 1138 says
The only moral and practical solution is to teach Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism at the universities and high schools. It’s our only chance.
This is not a quick fix. It took 200 years of teaching irrational, Kantian-Hegelian-Marxist, philosophy to American students to reach this state of collapse.
It took 500 years for Christianity to take over the West. The Christian Dark and Middle Ages lasted one-thousand years. From the beginning of the Renaissance to the birth of America took approximately another 500 years,
Fundamental, paradigm-shift, historical changes usually take centuries.
“The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
So what are you going to do to destroy the Teacher’s Unions peopled with communists.
My guess is nothing. No one alive today cares what is going to happen in 500 years. You sound like one of the climate change hucksters complaining about climate change and what is going to happen in 200 years that raises the temps by 1 degree. They can’t even predict what the weather will be next week. But they get gullible leftists to give them money.
The schools aren’t going to have a “come to Rand” moment, because you have no idea how to explain it. You never did.
Climate change is a money making grift. Objectivism is too flimsy to be a grift.
Rob A says
THX 1138:
Objectively speaking, objectivism cannot be taught to religious people. It conflicts with their religious dogma.
Intrepid says
Are you saying that our religious dogma makes us stupid? I could say the same about Objectivists.
This clown has been trying to get us to dump our beliefs for his version of reality. What about his objectivist dogma? It is as rigid as any religious dogma. The main problem with him is he has a Messiah complex and he feels he has a license to ridicule. Since he won’t leave us alone I feel I have the right to ridicule him back.
He is a thin skinned narcissist.
THX 1138 says
To Rob A,
The vast majority of American Christians and Jews are more secular than religious. They pay lip service to their religions on the Sabbath and Holy Days (maybe) and then they mostly forget all about it and go enjoy their secular lives.
They don’t take religion all that seriously, not like the Amish or the Hasidim.
Daniel Greenfield says
the practical solution is that we unfortunately have to deal with reality
we can secure our countries and win this war that’s been going on for over a thousand years or we can keep going the way we have, slowly being conquered and digested
the sooner we wake up, the better our position will be
Semaphore says
“Digested” is the perfect descriptor.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Shat out” works for me.
sumsrent says
We’re never going to “win this war”… It’s Biblical Prophecy…
And… what makes it worse… We have satanic islamic loving Luciferian Globalists aiding, funding, helping and covering up for satanic islam… even pushing it’s expansion across this planet… speedily…
satanic islam is the Antichrist Beast System.
Rob A says
By that, you’re suggesting that we do the cowardly thing which is nothing and just quietly and passively allow the Islamic barbarians to overrun our country and kill us all at will.
You’re free to believe what you want to believe and free to justify being a coward. I, on the other hand, see things differently. I’m a man. I once swore an oath to defend this country and it’s Constitution. My fidelity to that oath will never waver. Fighting for what I believe in is a natural instinct for me.
I’m also a strong believer in the notion of survival of the fittest. The strong survive, the weak (and cowardly) perish. That truth cannot be nuanced, mitigated or dismissed.
If America doesn’t muster the will to fight and defeat the Islamic savages invading our country then we the American people aren’t fit to survive. Religion has nothing to do with it. It’s no more complicated than that.
Proof? Imagine what the world would be like if no one stood up to the Nazis. Imagine what the world would be like had America not stood up and fought the spread of communism. Imagine what the world would be like if certain bad actors on the world stage did not fear America and what we could do to them.
sumsrent says
You’re not understanding the #1 most important thing in this world…
Additionally… Prayer can move mountains…
In fact… religion has EVERYTHING to do with it… especially satanic islam…
How can you stop a group of people that love death more than life? That believe they automatically are sent to paradise with perpetual virgins for being a martyr while killing other people… a belief that killing other humans for their god gives them rewards in a so called paradise…
Your fight isn’t with guns and ammo… it’s against a belief system. You sitting back, hunkered down in your ‘Bug Out” isn’t gonna stop their beliefs…
Besides… the nazi’s and communism isn’t the Antichrist Beast System… they are only participants of it…
Jan VI says
Pray and live your best life. God is still on the throne!
David Longfellow says
Islam is a cancer on the world.
Billy Bones says
Another problem is that we in the west fail to understand is that even though various jihadists groups battle each other from time to time, they will ALWAYS unite against the infidels.
Steven says
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was getting Muslims to believe he’s God.
Domenic Pepe says
This article by Daniel Greenfield finally, finally, finally throws down the gauntlet.
I must quote Daniel Greenfield for emphasis ….
” Oct 7 is not just in Israel, it’s in India, America, Russia, Africa and in Europe.
Our governments have lied to us for too long and fooled us into not seeing the pattern that is killing us.
Unless we see the pattern, Islam will drown civilization in its own blood. ”
Thank you Daniel Greenfield for clearly stating the obvious Truth that so many willfully and treacherously ignore.
Wake up America and US citizens and the world.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent freedom crushing deceptive lying hate filled Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Islam is the enemy of America, US citizens, and Israel, and Europe and the West, and humanity. itself.
Enough already.
America and patriotic US citizens are still waiting for its crushing vengeance response to the 9/11 Islamic atrocities that the Islamic ” Royal ” families are responsible for inciting funding promoting conducting and planning.
Where are America’s leaders who have sworn to ” Preserve Protect and defend ” ?
They are feathering their nests with Islamic intimidation and choke-point OPEC money intended to corrupt them. into stabbing in the back America and US citizens.
Just like Jared Kushner/Affinity Partners who takes three billion dollars from the Saudi, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates ” Royal” families for ” investment” management.
Kushner’s behavior is treachery and is a disgrace and a stain on President Donald Trump.
America and the West must recognize that Islam is their enemy and thus take effective action to crush it once and for all.
Islamic immigration into America and the West must be stopped cold, Islam must be designated an illegal cult, and Moo–Slums must be deported. out of America and the West.
That is how to deal with Islam.
World@70 says
I see almost every day, somewhere in the world there is some type of Muslim murder and destruction. I read nearly every day of Boko Haram attacking villages in Nigeria, mostly poor peaceful Christians, including others, I’m sure, are similarly attacked. I have yet to hear of any roving groups of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or even Atheists carrying machetes and guns attacking, killing, raping and hacking to pieces any poor innocent Muslims.
Why is this? I don’t know for sure but it seems the doctrine of each religion governs it’s actions. I can’t speak to Buddhism or Hindu, but I’ve been Christian all my life and can say I have never been taught to kill for my religion or spread it by the sword, or that killing others brings me closer to God.
commonsense says
Daniel, this is the best article you have written in a very long time. But it will not be read or acted upon by those who actually make policy or govern. And so global jihad, in all its forms, will continue to make inroads against civilization.
Daniel Greenfield says
the more we keep telling the truth, the more likely it is to make a difference
no, the D.C. crowd mostly won’t read this, but some do, and our failure to get out the message in recent years has made matters worse
Allen Peterson says
Yes, EVERY voice makes a difference.
patrick garabedian says
Even the Taylor Swift planned Islamic terrorist attack against young women in Vienna produces not awareness of continuing Mohammedan Koran-inspired terrorism but hand “heart signs” ! Somehow thought will have to be reframed, but the willing mass media control of the conversation in the West is worse than when Pravda and Izvestia ruled in the USSR!
Daniel Greenfield says
that’s by design
like the “Insert City Strong” here t-shirts after every terror attack
internalexile says
In one of Carl Bark’s famous Uncle Scrooge stories set in the middle east that I read as a kid, there was a berobed villain named “Hassan bin Jailed.” Didn’t get the joke until years later.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol, good one 🙂
Uncle Scrooge was my favorite of the Duck family 🙂
mike says
You cannot negotiate with people who want to kill you, are happy to die to kill you and celebrate when they die killing you.
The only thing you can do with such people is to kill them first, before they get to kill you.
Politically Incorrect but true nevertheless.
Mike says
Moslems stand on the streets of London holding signs that say:
And the Politically Correct World says the Jews are the Colonizers.
Jonathan Usher says
That is a great article. And it is the truth. Stoicism emphasizes that the primary goal for life is first to know the true facts. Your article sets the truth out very clearly. I hope Israel and India, every European country and Canada and the U.S. will immediately change their outlook on the fight for dominance, and realize that Islamophobia is simply a way for Islam to gain control by stopping any criticism. The free world needs strong leadership, the truth, and strong police and military forces before we are overwhelmed by the next Oct. 7th and its aftermath.
Epistemex says
Thanks. Very good article if not perfect!
sumsrent says
Where’s my comment from earlier?
Here… I received a text a few days ago requesting I donate some more money…
Understand… I stopped my donations because someone moderating comments won’t post my comments…
Maybe the moderator disagrees with what I say… who cares? I see comments I disagree with everyday… ongoing, repetitive garbage from others. But yet… my comments, speaking the Truth… won’t get posted? How come?
Algorithmic Analyst says
It isn’t a person moderating your comments, it is computer software looking for key words.
sumsrent says
Interesting… ty…
I can’t imagine what word could trigger such a thing…
Alkflaeda says
Very much agree. Part of the problem is the myth of the moderate Muslim. There are no moderate Muslims – the decent people of Muslim background that we have all met, like the estate agent who stopped me from being cheated out of £40k even when he did not stand to benefit from wising me up, are likely to be nominal Muslims. That isn’t an insult to them – it simply means that either they were born into Islam but have never fully identified with its tenets, or they are on the way out of Islam (which is not an easy journey, given the apostasy law).
Logically, it ought to be possible to engage these people – and it would certainly be wise to do before they can either be radicalised, or so pressurised that they have no option but to support the radicals.
We can hope and pray for more of them to convert to either Judaism or Christianity – Bible Society has a remarkable account of a church which has reached out to Iranian migrants using its Farsi bibles, with the result that a fellowship that was 30 strong two years ago now has a hundred members, with many of the Iranians reaching out to other Muslims.- the question is whether this is the only way, or whether there might be other ways of establishing genuine common ground.
If there were such an entity as a moderate Muslim, s/he would reject the Islamic principle of abrogation, by which the later, and more blood-curdling suras of the Qur’an take precedence of the earlier, tolerant ones.
Leonard Mansky says
How do the Abraham Accords fit into your thesis?
Allen Peterson says
As usual you are 100% correct.
The great Catholic historian Christopher Dawson pointed out that the word “culture” comes from the word “cult.” In every culture there is an underlying cult or assumption about reality that the culture is based on. Our culture combines three things 1) Judeo/Christian morality and theology 2) Greek philosophy 3) Roman law. Obviously, Islamic culture does not combine these things. Islam is a religion based on conquest and war.
“In the Muslim community, holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense… Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.”
-Ibn Khaldun in the “Muqudimmah” (15th century Muslim historian)
Unfortunately, our culture doesn’t see the danger of Muslim immigration into countries based on different assumptions than Islam.
At least you and Robert Spencer understand what is REALLY going on.
sumsrent says
The whole idea of “muslim immigration’ is to help satanic islam spread across this planet and become the Antichrist Beast System…
rubiconcrest says
The USA should boldly investigate Islam to demonstrate beyond a doubt that it is a political movement first and a religion second. Demonstrating this fact should be quite straightforward using the texts and expert comments on the faith as well as direct testimony.
Islam considers Muslims wherever they may live to be part of the ummah with allegiance to foreign powers. If Muslims take an oath of citizenship and violate it or if they have visas or are in the country illegally or if any commit crimes or are on public assistance we should consider them the financial responsibility of the ummah unless the countries from which they have come choose to take them back.
This could lead to bans on foreign funding of Islamic institutions, loss of religious tax exemptions, payments in support of immigrants as specified above, payments for costs of prosecution and incarceration as well as government provided economic assistance. Etc….
There are of course many many issues to tackle such as Muslims who renounce the faith and how they would be affected. Also, would be steps Islamic nations could take to reform the faith to align with the constitution. And naturally the retaliation that the country would face from the ummah. Etc..
Tariffs and other economic means could also be considered. In any case the evils of Islam need to be exposed for all to see. Not doing so, which is what we have done up to now, does not give cover to those Muslims who wish to abide by the constitution nor does it put the onus on Islam to adapt not the non-Muslims.
Honestly discussing the topic as a nation is the peaceful way for our republic to deal with this threat. It would probably be best to put in place a multiyear, multifaceted plan to decolonize the ummah in our republic.
Don Kosky says
Let’s pray that Islam gets eradicated from the world, it’s so pagan and satanic, it should be relatively easy to discredit.
Jan VI says
Very good article, Daniel!
Thank you for not using the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” It seems to me that terrorism is, by definition, radical.
One stumbling block is the USA’s misinterpretation of the First Amendment’s “establishment of religion,” as “religious freedom.” The Constitution was not intended to be a suicide pact.
Goro says
moslems shot up a hippie concert and a school for mentally disabled children. oh no their 7′ tall.
20 years ago if airport security could find their ass with both hands, you wouldn’t know about them. From the looks of it, half the country was in on it, sort of like how they were in in Trump being shot. Hanging chads made all the feds shrug. That’s how we got here.
Appeals to people’s virtue are worthless. moslems are worthless. Diseased drug addicted feral crybabies.
What would work? A robot that eats people. It just swoops down and burrows in and makes you rob dirty banks and drug dealers, cashing in on bitcoin to fuel the hive.
Rob A says
Everyone is worried about Islam but no one voices any concern about the religion that is currently being imposed on America with much fanfare and very little push back. That religion is the hedonistic religion of the LGBT cult. And make no mistake, the cult has achieved the status of an official recognized religion.
Surely I can’t be the only person in this forum or America who noticed and have a problem with it?
Kevin T Kilty says
“By the way, Israel attacked and shot up the America intelligence-gathering ship, U.S.S. Liberty, in 1967 killing twenty-seven or twenty-eight American Seamen. Look it up on the internet and draw your own conclusions….”
OK, but that has been explained to most people’s satisfaction for many decades now, as a fog-of-war accident. It is six-decades old and repeated mainly by conspiracy theorists at this point. Read “Six Days of War” by Michael Oren — great book by the way.
Old Fogey says
Islam has no place in the civilized world.
DokDream says
I disagree with Daniel on one point, only: Islam is a “cult,” not a religion. There are seven tests to answer the question “What is a religion?” Islam fails at least two and possibly four. Absent their so-called “prophet,” Mohammed, Islam would collapse because it was based on Judaism and Christianity. It was Mohammed making the claim that he was the “final” prophet that allowed Islam to grow. Oh, and the booty collected from people murdered by Mohammed’s rampaging hordes. Far from being the “immutable word of God,” the Quoran has technical errors that were not known in the 7th century. In particular, the Quoran makes the claim that the sun revolves about the earth. Had the Quoran been dictated to Mohammed by the all-knowing deity, that error would not have been made. That, in itself, should be enough to show that Islam is a made-up movement masquarading as a religion to gain credibility and acceptance. It deserves neither.
Some of the commentators write of “good muslims,” with whom dialog and negotiations are possible. Dream on. The ONLY muslims who are “good” are Apostate — those brave persons who left the choke-hold of Islam — and have a blood-price on their head as a result.
Another fable about Islam and its Quoran is its supposed “immutability.” In other words, it was the word of God dictated to Mohammed, an illiterate man who supposedly was taught to read and write by some divine intervention. The Atlantic magazine, January 1999, contains an in-depth article describing how the Quoran was secretly rewritten in the 9th century to make it even more restrictive than it had been. The article’s veracity has not been challenged; the evidence is there. So much for “immutable.”
Islam is the enemy of humanity. It needs to be eliminated. The most charitable way to do so is by converting its adherents to real religions, or demonstrating the futility of religion as a system of belief. Of course, the latter choice does not provide a “moral code,” which can be as disasterous as Islam is. Actually, perhaps the best choice is to return all those who will not renounce islam to their native country. There they can fight and kill each other to their joy and contentment. And leave others alone.
Joseph says
Excellent and insight article. Thank you for writing.
SVLawyer says
I agree with Daniel that we are in the midst of a clash of civilizations — the Islamic world and its “values” vs. the West and Judeo-Christian values. Where I part company is the suggestion that this is the sole explanation for the sorry state of affairs in which we find ourselves. Western humanism is also to blame because it has elevated hedonism and the promotion of self to a self-destructive extreme. Contrary to the Objectivists “in the room,” we actually _are_ all servants to the Creator and His will, which is absolute morality (call it the fight of Good over Evil); this is our prime directive as a species. And part of that servitude requires the servant to resist any other way of life that seeks to prevent servant from serving Creator. If humanism says anything goes except harm to others and we are all one global body of like beings, there is no discipline to stay on task (service) and there is no distinction between good people and bad — there is no such thing as “evil.” So the West is as much to blame for Islamic advances in the world as Islam is itself. There are hundreds of millions of decent Muslims who, but not for the more extreme political elements (who do advance the “conquer creed” that Daniel writes about), would live out peaceful leaves serving the same Creator. In the end, we are in conflict with ourselves – when we get our mission straight, only then can we win the clash of civilizations.
AL says
I agree with Daniel’s analysis. As such, the only “offense” or “oppression” committed by Israel is that Jews still exist in the Moslem lands (despite Jews having been ethnically cleansed from every other county in the Middle East).
As for the world reaction to Israel, the real issue is hatred of Jews. Jews are considered the ultimate evil people; hence even the Hamas atrocities of October 7 are being justified because most of the victims were the evil Jews. We see that the Christian West is not supporting Jewish Israel, even when the West’s own existence is under Islamic threat.