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Imam Alhagie Jallow is a pillar of the community in Madison, Wisc. He has been a guest of Gov. Tony Evers and is happy to meet with non-Muslims who are interested in learning about Islam. After the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre in Israel, however, Jallow showed a different side, one that authorities in Wisconsin would do well to note carefully. Will they? Unlikely. That would be “Islamophobic.” But this is serious nevertheless.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Friday posted excerpts from a hair-raising Friday sermon Jallow preached at the Madinah Community Center in Madison six days after the massacres in Israel. This imam who, according to the Madinah Community Center website, “meets with non-Muslims to help grow an understanding of the Islamic religion,” offered a revealing glimpse of what all too many Muslims, including Jallow himself, think the Islamic religion is all about, and it likely differs markedly from the soothing version he presents to inquirers.
Jallow offered a vision of jihad as warfare that differed sharply from the “spiritual struggle” line that Islamic spokesmen and apologists in the West much more frequently provide. And while we have been told again and again that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the U.S. reject terrorism, this is what Jallow had to say less than a week after a terror group carried out an appalling series of mass killings: “We neglected the principle of support, which is jihad for the sake of Allah.” “Jihad for the sake of Allah” (jihad fi sabil Allah) in Islamic theology refers specifically to warfare to advance the hegemony of Islamic law over lands where it is not currently in force.
The learned imam, who was born in Gambia and earned a degree in Islamic law from the Islamic University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, went on to exhort his hearers to take up arms in the cause of Islam: “Allah said in the Quran: ‘Fight in the path of Allah those who fight against you.’” Those who believe in this as a command from the supreme being “will fight, they will defend their religion, they will defend their land, not with their tongues, but with their blood.” He added, “Each one of us should be a soldier today. So I… You know jihad… They will try everything, but it’s only jihad that can bring victory not contracts, not agreements, not alliances – not all of these things.”
Jihad, said Jallow, was essential: “The only thing that can bring glory to this Islamic nation is the jihad, which is mentioned in the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The only thing that can bring honor and glory to this nation is Jihad.” On Oct. 7, the Hamas jihadis had gained this glory. He continued, “Our brothers in Gaza are heroes! By Allah, they are warriors, heroes, they are men, just like the Companions,” that is, Muhammad’s circle of followers. “They do not fear death.”
Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield pointed out Sunday that all this is vastly different from what Jallow has said publicly before. In 2016, Greenfield noted, Jallow was reported as having said that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism: Jallow “said terrorist attacks carried out across the globe by those who identify as Muslim are not acts of Islam.”
The report depicted Jallow laying it on thick: “Islam condemns the killing of human beings, he said. Jallow quoted a verse from the Quran which is translated as: ‘If a person saves one soul, the reward is for saving the whole world. And if you kill one soul, the consequences and punishment for that is as if you killed the whole world.’”
But after Oct. 7, Jallow cried out: “Oh Jews, you unjust, criminal, corrupt oppressors – stop! You will all most definitely be killed. The Jews, the aggressors, the evil… You describe them, what they do. By Allah, all of them will be killed by Muslims. They all will be executed by Muslims. They will all be killed, this is a divine promise that will inevitably be fulfilled. This is a promise from Allah and it is going to happen. They will all be killed. They will all be killed, and on that day, the believers will rejoice in Allah’s victory.”
Is that a call for genocide? It sure looks like one. If a Christian preacher had said anything like this, you can bet it would have been taken for one. But what’s even more remarkable is that it has been four days now since MEMRI’s clips from Jallow’s sermon were published, and yet no reporter seems to have asked him about these bloodthirsty words. He has had to offer no explanation, much less a retraction. No one cares.
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D-What Did You Expect?), invited Jallow to the Executive Residence in May to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr. Will Evers be asked to apologize and repudiate Jallow? Come on, man! This isn’t a Republican governor we’re talking about. Evers is more likely to bring Jallow back to the mansion and give him an award.
We don’t want Anti-Semitic/Hatemongers in America Period lets pull out of the United Nations Period and move the whole lot to Moscow of Bejeing
If Iman Jallow follows the tenents of the gutter cult of islam, then yes……he would say those things about Jews. He understands that the pedophile mohammed (aka “the pig-faced dog”) hated Jews because Jews (rightfully) LOLed Out Loud at the pedophile inventor of the moon-god allahahaha.
Sounds like this guy feels all would be peaceful in the world if everyone would just embrace Islam. Meanwhile, Iran and Pakistan are bombing each other. How could that be?
That is the fundamental doctrine of Islam, after all. Under Islamic doctrine the world is divided into two “houses” – the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) ruled by sharia and the House of War (Dar al-Harb) all lands not ruled by sharia. The duty of Muslims is to bring the latter into the former by conquest or conversion until the entire world is in Dar al-Islam and ruled by sharia at which point there will be world peace. I doubt there is an imam in the world who would (truthfully) deny this yet Islam’s pursuit of world domination is uniformly ignored.
Hey Jallow. Where were you on October 7? Out on the front line or giving a rabble rousing speech about killing Jews. From the safety of their mosques Imams always want the rabble to do the fighting while they sit around eating falafel and bloviate about the Jews.
Hypocrites and cowards all, including Guv. Evers. What the hell is wrong with Wisconsinites?
Wisconsin is fairly evenly split between left and right, but Evers is good at pretending to be fair and moderate. He isn’t but too many fail to see through his phony personality and figure out his true agenda.
Evers uses radicals to express the messages that he wants expressed but won’t deliver himself. He agrees with people like Jallow but doesn’t want to expose his own malignancy so he provides the platform and lets them deliver the evil message. Nothing new for leftists.
At least the Packers are in the playoffs 🙂
Dare to criticize a Muslim, “ISLAMOPHOBIA!”
What it really is today, is JEWPHOBIA, MAGAPHOBIA, WHITEPHOBIA, CHRISTIANPHOBIA, and they get away with it.
His speeches are INCITEMENT.
I’ve been trying to expose AHMAD ASSED, a radical that I’ve known since the ’80s along with his friend, JOSEPH MASSAD, a Columbia prof, who is on David Horowitz’ list of Most Radical Professors. Massad supported HAMAS and up to 40,000 signatures, at last count, want him FIRED. He’s laughing because he’s at Columbia, has tenure, and he’s Muslim so he can use that to do anything and say anything he wants.
ASSED organized a protest in support of HAMAS in 2011 at UNM. I was there. Four Jews had signs, “Hamas uses Human Shields.” Assed’s protesters blocked those signs from the passersby. “Honk if you support HAMAS.” About 75 cars passed for one honk.
ASSED, Democrat DA, Michelle Lujan-Grisham/Governor, and Tim Keller/Mayor whose wife Elizabeth wears a Hamas neckerchief and has studied in Cuba and Nicaragua, were all blaming ISLAMOPHOBIA. THIS STORY WAS INTERNATIONAL and in a google search, BIDEN MENTIONED IT.
ASSED is now the President of the Islamic Center of New Mexico. No news outlet will question him about his past support for HAMAS, probable sending aid to a terrorist group, directly or indirectly, and surely his support for HAMAS today even though as an attorney, and as President, he’ll dance around it by supporting Palestinians and blame Israel. “Do you support Hamas as vigorously as you ahve in the past?” He’s also the Legal Expert an NBC affiliate uses for advice. EXPOSE THIS MAN! He is the one speaking and yet, no mention of his name. His sister, Samia, was on Democracy Now crying that she and her family were afraid to leave, “People are bringing us food.”
THE KILLER WAS A MUSLIM and when the Democrats and their media held that news conference, it was more like a funeral, so sad that the killer wasn’t a MAGA! Assed still blamed ISLAMOPHOBIA!
Another spokesman for the sadistic idiocy with which the progressive left had made common cause.
This is the islam which we are not allowed to talk about lest we be called Islamophobes. But this is a dangerous and violent Islam which can destroy the ethics and values of all peoples of all religions and replace them by violence and evil. This form of Islam will bring The Dark Ages back to conquer our civilization. and all other religions and replace them with a violent death cult. This side of Islam is dangerous.
All islam is the same, there is no need to differentiate even the different sects.
The fact that the Islamic world, its society, culture, and ruling class and religious leaders have not been able to, or willing to put an end to their own depravity, lunacy, psychopathology, and violent murderous behavior toward Israel and Jews, is proof positive that they have no intention to ever correct this sickness and insanity that, after 1400 years is still displayed in the Koran and sharia law and all contemporary Islamic writing and discourse and teaching..
I believe that if the Islamic ruling class ever comes to the conclusion that they can actually destroy Israel and Jews with “acceptable” losses, they will in fact attempt to do it.
That being the case, then it is absolutely necessary that the Islamic world be de-Islamified, just as the Germans were de-nazified and the Japanese were de-militarized after their defeat in WW2.
I cannot envisage that the Islamic world will, or even can, accomplish this task from within.
The fundamental mindset of the Islamic world, culture, society, law and religion is one of depravity and psychopathology at its root.
That so much of the world’s fossil fuel energy resources are in the hands of a truly mentally depraved Islamic worldview and culture and society is a serious danger to all of civilization.
Until it is stopped, Islam will be a curse and a scourge and a deadly threat to all of humanity, not the Jewish people alone.
I saw the photo and thought it was taken here in the United States. The zoom relieved me when I discovered it was actually in Islamabad.
Depraved psychopathic Islamic pigs prostrate themselves and bang their heads on the ground while
sticking their arseholes up in the air to Aaallaahhh and Mmmooo–Hhhammm–Mmmuddd.
Go ahead, bring more of them into Europe and the USA.
We need more depraved psychopaths to do the work that American and European psychopaths will not do.
France has already been long gone to Mmmooo– Ssslummm and Mmmooo–Hhhammm–Mmmuddd depraved psychopathy.
Macron continues to bring them in by the boatload.
I guess the French and American citizen taxpayers love it.
Islam has no place in the civilized world.
A world without any of the Abrahamic myth-based religions would be a far better place.
If that were true, it would be easy to check. Look at Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, or China, Korea, Japan, and the Eurasian Steppe. Or Mesoamerica. How did those go?
Not very well in comparison to those Abrahamic myths.
Evers is a cold-blooded snake. He has consistently succeeded in fooling the fools in Wisconsin with his fake amiability and posturing about equality. No leftist has ever really wanted equality. Power is derived from a severe disparity in equality.
Muslims are like narcissistic toddlers who want to play with others but become enraged when the other toddlers make it clear thar they have their own, different desires. Shallow Jallow exposed ruthless Islamic narcissism in a fit of stupidity…but it won’t hurt his relationship with Madison’s gumby leftists. They will contort themselves into agreement with anything that is extremely sociopathic, stupid, and destructive.
I watch Madison television stations nearly every night but I didn’t see this idiot.
Go Israel!!! Keep up the good and essential work!
Americans must realize that Islam itself is a depraved psychopathic murderous ideology that is specifically
designed ideologically to create berserk irrational followers.
Depraved, psychopathic, murderous, enslaving, and berserk best describe Islam and anti-Semitism.
The best and only way to deal with Islam and its psychopathic followers it is to literally crush it,
just as German Nazism and Japanese militarism were
crushed during and after WW2.
Ir you’re not of the Islamic faith, then you’re an infidel, and must be killed!
islamism is the new nazism.
Sniffing the rectum of the man in front of you five times a day may make the mind rather sick and warped.
At least we know who he is and what he wants, no more hiding in plain sight, this savage is up front and yer in face.
Strange that he doesn’t get busted for hate speech..
I would not be surprised to learn that he has been visited by ISIS or some other hard-line Muslim fundamentalists, and told to knock off the ‘peace and coexistence’ messages, or be killed..
An Imam in Turkey was asked to preach a sermon on tolerance for a family that has members who can’t walk.* The imam refused, saying that if he did, he would be visited by the Taliban.
Evers has no qualifications to be Wisconsin’s governor.
Ten years as “Superintendent of Public Instruction.” A do nothing elected position; a public school ☆ss-kissing official.
He is a, “I love everything liberal, pony soldier.” (“Pony Soldier.” Thanks Brandon!)
Would Evers welcome a Conservative Christian? An Orthodox Rabbi? Not likely.
His Lt. Governor, Mandela Barnes is worse.
Islam is clearly a pathetic hate-filled religion. The trash coming out of this religious leader’s mouth is neither inspiring nor worth the effort of a reply. Suffice it to say that Islam is not one of the world’s 3 great religions nor is it the word of God.