As I noted in today’s Immunity Passports Bring Back Racial Segregation, there’s a special immunity for the Nation of Islam from deplatforming.
Beyond the left-right paradigm, there is a clear racial bias when it comes to the censorship of vaccine skeptics with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being banned from Instagram while Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are free to use the platform for attacks on vaccines.
The Under Fire account exposing racism and anti-semitism notes the sort of hate that YouTube is perfectly comfortable with.
You can’t upload a video to YouTube questioning Biden’s election, but this is fine.
Silis Muhammad addressed a cheering crowd at The Daughter of Zion in Philadelphia. The entire 16-Part Series, entitled, “Are the Jews Hiding the Truth?” can be viewed at Al-Mu’min Media on YouTube.
Nobody at YouTube is touching the Al-Mu’min account. Dr. Seuss is a much bigger priority.
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