(Author’s note: This is an extremely disgusting article, but I believe needs to be written. But let the reader beware that some of the concepts and illustrations expressed herein could be offensive—SHOULD be offensive—to any decent person. ML)
Unless you get around more than I do, you probably have never heard the word “zoophilia.” Recently, I first encountered this word. It is a nice way of saying “bestiality,” or sex with animals. Well, almost.
Let Wikipedia define it for us (probably a mistake): “Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on non-human animals. Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between humans and non-human animals.” The distinction appears to be that bestiality is actual sex with an animal; zoophilia means you only want to. You’re weird either way. But probably not abnormal in today’s America. Wikipedia continues: “In most countries, bestiality is illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with buggery or crimes against nature.” So, in most places it’s against the law to bugger a horse. I wonder why.
A couple of things jump out at me in this definition in Wikipedia, obviously written by a Darwinian materialist. Twice the author speaks of “non-human animals,” clearly implying humans are animals, too. Quite frankly, I resent that whole-heartedly. I am not an animal. I was created in the image of God, with an immortal soul, and as such, am totally distinct from any animal species. Now, I freely admit, there are a lot of humans who act like animals; but that doesn’t make them animals. I’ve occasionally seen animals demonstrate characteristics of humans: dogs show affection, they eat, defecate, run, jump, play, all which humans do as well. That doesn’t make a dog a human. But these materialistic philosophers like to claim that humans being an animal is “scientific,” and then they express horror when humans act like what their “science” says they are. We should be godly, righteous, and holy, like the God Who created us, not vicious, selfish, and bestial, as if we crawled out of some primeval slime pit. Humans have always been barbaric, but we know what barbarism is, and have always condemned it. Why are humans now starting to practice many never-heard-of before vulgarities, like mutilating children? And trying to justify it? Well, look at what we have been taught about ourselves–and not taught–for the last several generations. It is finally catching up with us.
But, let’s suppose I AM an animal. If I am an animal, why can’t I have sex with other animals? Is it morally wrong for a horse to have sex with a cow? Is it “sex abuse”? Are we going to pass laws against horses and cows, or condemn those two species if they want to get it on? Do they really know what they are doing? So, if I’m nothing but a glorified cow, how is it “animal abuse” if I have sex with a horse but not “animal abuse” if I have sex with the human female (or male) animal? Well, ok, I get the consent thing; I shouldn’t force myself on a woman (or whatever “they” is nowadays). But how do I know if I am forcing myself on a horse? He (or she or “they”–are horses non-binary, too?) can’t talk and tell me. So, if I crawl on, and the beast throws me off, I guess no consent is being given. But, if I crawl on and don’t meet resistance…why is that wrong? Or illegal? Or unacceptable (everywhere but in California probably)? I am an animal; Wikipedia and Darwinism say so. Why can’t I have sex with any (other) consenting animal I want to?
Now, that’s disgusting, of course, and there may even be a few Democrats who would say it is. But, you mark my words, and remember them. If we can practice “buggery” and sex “against nature” with “animals” of our own species and gender; if we can “groom” children in schools and with “drag queens” and mutilate them to be whatever gender we want them to be (they certainly don’t know what is going on); if we can now sanction “MAPs” (Minor Attracted People), in other words, pedophiles; if we have gone this far in our society, the next step will be zoophilia, or bestiality. It will happen. There is no reason why it shouldn’t. And the same liberals who defend mangling children and every other kind of hideous sexual barbarity will be in the forefront of defending those who want to have sex with any other “animal species” they are attracted to. AAPs–”Animal Attracted People,” and, yeah, “AAP” should be pronounced just like the kind of animal they act like. But I don’t think even apes mutilate their children for sexual pleasure.
So, zoophilia. Watch for it. I mean, horses are people, too. Or, people are horses. Or, women are men. Or, men are women. Or…where does this stop?
You know, that rose over there in the corner of my room sure is pretty….
internalexile says
Tolerance and acceptance of bestiality and coprophagy are “civil rights” issues that are just around the corner.
Ted Weiland says
JUST THINK: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600 predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, etc.) there would be no out-of-the-closet, in-your-face LGBT movement today because no sodomite, lesbian, or “transgender” would dare risk exposing themselves (pun intended) to petition government for their “rights” or to parade their wares in public.
That they are doing so is just another abominable consequence of the constitutional framer’s rejection of Yahweh as America’s Sovereign and His moral law as supreme:
“[B]ecause they have … trespassed against my law … they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind….” (Hosea 8:1, 7)
Today’s America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today’s hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today’s whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.
For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page and scroll down to Chapter 3.
Then Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.”
Then find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”
Steven Brizel says
Once you are a devotee of unbridled sex, then same sex attraction and bestiality are a mere hop skip and a jump away
Ugly Sid says
Well, I do love seafood. But not biblically.
TheMule says
Animals can’t consent to sex. Therefore zoophiles, beyond being totally disgusting, are violating animal abuse laws. There seems to be an ever increasing number of degenerates in this country who desperately need to be tossed from rooftops for the good of what’s left of our crumbling civilization.
Cat says
so true.
did they get bored abusing children already?
do we still have the death penalty?
SheepVSwolf says
I am pretty sure there is a law in Syria banning men from having sex with male donkeys. Death penalty as I recall.
But female donkeys – meh…
J A says
Believe it or not there has been a problem since the 60s of horses getting VD from their grooms and passing it on throughout the whole breeding industry! So mares and stallions have to b screened for VD before they breed/are bred.
Plus I’ve been around many dogs who are being used for sex by their owners. It’s more common than u think! It’s a very disturbing, shocking and disgusting thing to discover!!
Say no to teabaggers says
There’s nothing wrong with sex with animals, if you ban that what else can I do?
Intrepid says
I can only imagine the amount of disease you would contract if yo actually did that. But I am sure you have thought about it.
Noah Andeark says
As a MAP, don’t you have children or access to children? If they can determine their gender, they can certainly pleasure you, can’t they? Go Biden!!